提交 c7b69f4b 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng


上级 0217f907
@startuml create_table
skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center
skinparam responseMessageBelowArrow true
participant APP as app
box "dnode1"
participant RPC as rpc
participant VNODE as vnode
participant SYNC as sync
end box
box "dnode2"
participant SYNC as sync2
participant VNODE as vnode2
end box
box "dnode3"
participant SYNC as sync3
participant VNODE as vnode3
end box
' APP send request to dnode and RPC in dnode recv the request
app ->rpc: create table req
' RPC call vnodeProcessReq() function to process the request
rpc -> vnode: vnodeProcessReq
note right
callback function
run in RPC module
threads. The function
only puts the request
to a vnode queue.
end note
' VNODE call vnodeProcessReqs() function to integrate requests and process as a whole
vnode -> vnode: vnodeProcessReqs()
note right
integrate reqs and
process as a whole
end note
' sync the request to other nodes
vnode -> sync: syncProcessReqs()
' make request persistent
' sync -->vnode: walWrite()\n(callback function)
' replicate requests to other DNODES
sync -> sync2: replication req
sync -> sync3: replication req
sync2 -> vnode2: walWrite()\n(callback function)
sync2 --> sync: replication rsp\n(confirm)
sync3 -> vnode3: walWrite()\n(callback function)
sync3 --> sync: replication rsp\n(confirm)
' send apply request
sync -> sync2: apply req
sync -> sync3: apply req
' vnode apply
sync2 -> vnode2: vnodeApplyReqs()
sync3 -> vnode3: vnodeApplyReqs()
' call apply request
sync --> vnode: vnodeApplyReqs()\n(callback function)
' send response
vnode --> rpc: rpcSendRsp()
' dnode send response to APP
rpc --> app: create table rsp
@startuml vnode_process_write
box "dnode1"
participant CRPC as crpc
participant VNODE as vnode
participant SYNC as sync
end box
-> crpc: create table/submit req
' In CRPC threads
group #pink "In CRPC threads"
crpc -> vnode:vnodeProcessReq()
note right
A callback function
run by CRPC thread
to put the request
to a vnode queue
end note
' In VNODE worker threads
group #lightblue "In VNODE worker threads"
vnode -> vnode: vnodeProcessReqs()
note right
VNODE process requests
accumulated in a
vnode write queue and
process the batch reqs
as a whole
end note
vnode -> sync: syncProcessReqs()
sync -> : replication req1
sync -> : replication req2
group #red "SYNC threads"
sync <- : replication rsp1
sync <- : replication rsp2
sync -> vnode: notify apply
group #lightblue "In VNODE worker threads"
vnode -> vnode: vnodeApplyReqs()
vnode -> crpc:
<- crpc: create table/submit rsp
@startuml replication_process
participant SYNC as sync
participant VNODE as vnode
group #pink "SYNC threads"
-> sync: replication req
sync -> sync: syncProcessReqs()
note right
In the replication
only data is
persisted and response
is sent back
end note
<- sync: replication rsp
@startuml comfirm_process
participant SYNC as sync
participant VNODE as vnode
group #pink "SYNC threads"
-> sync: replication rsp
sync -> vnode: notify VNODE \nthread to process\n the reqs
group #lightblue "VNODE worker threads"
vnode -> vnode: vnodeApplyReqs()
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