提交 c3304c48 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

more code

上级 beab5f1f
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ typedef struct {
} SLDataIter;
typedef struct {
SRBTree tMerge;
SRBTreeNode *pNode;
SRBTree rbt;
} SDataMerger;
static int32_t tRowInfoCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
......@@ -52,13 +53,59 @@ static int32_t tRowInfoCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
return tsdbRowCmprFn(&pInfo1->row, &pInfo2->row);
static SRowInfo *tDataMergeNext(SDataMerger *pMerger) {
SRowInfo *pRowInfo = NULL;
static int32_t tDataMergeNext(SDataMerger *pMerger, SRowInfo **ppInfo) {
int32_t code = 0;
if (pMerger->pNode) {
// next current iter
SLDataIter *pIter = (SLDataIter *)pMerger->pNode->payload;
if (pIter->iRow < pIter->bData.nRow) {
pIter->rowInfo.uid = pIter->bData.uid ? pIter->bData.uid : pIter->bData.aUid[pIter->iRow];
pIter->rowInfo.row = tsdbRowFromBlockData(&pIter->bData, pIter->iRow);
} else {
if (pIter->iBlockL < taosArrayGetSize(pIter->aBlockL)) {
code = tsdbReadLastBlock(NULL, (SBlockL *)taosArrayGet(pIter->aBlockL, pIter->iBlockL), &pIter->bData);
if (code) goto _exit;
pIter->iRow = 0;
pIter->rowInfo.suid = pIter->bData.suid;
pIter->rowInfo.uid = pIter->bData.uid ? pIter->bData.uid : pIter->bData.aUid[0];
pIter->rowInfo.row = tsdbRowFromBlockData(&pIter->bData, 0);
} else {
pMerger->pNode = NULL;
if (pMerger->pNode && pMerger->rbt.minNode) {
int32_t c = tRowInfoCmprFn(pMerger->pNode->payload, pMerger->rbt.minNode->payload);
if (c > 0) {
pMerger->pNode = tRBTreePut(&pMerger->rbt, pMerger->pNode);
pMerger->pNode = NULL;
} else {
SRBTreeNode *pNode = pMerger->tMerge.minNode;
if (pNode == NULL) return NULL;
if (pMerger->pNode == NULL) {
pMerger->pNode = pMerger->rbt.minNode;
if (pMerger->pNode) {
tRBTreeDrop(&pMerger->rbt, pMerger->pNode);
if (pMerger->pNode) {
*ppInfo = &((SLDataIter *)pMerger->pNode->payload)[0].rowInfo;
} else {
*ppInfo = NULL;
return pRowInfo;
return code;
// ================================================================================
......@@ -210,6 +210,36 @@ void tRBTreeDrop(SRBTree *pTree, SRBTreeNode *pNode) {
// drop impl
if (pNode->left == NULL) {
// transplant right
if (pNode->parent == NULL) {
pTree->rootNode = pNode->right;
} else if (pNode == pNode->parent->left) {
pNode->parent->left = pNode->right;
} else {
pNode->parent->right = pNode->right;
if (pNode->right) {
pNode->right->parent = pNode->parent;
} else if (pNode->right == NULL) {
// transplant left
if (pNode->parent == NULL) {
pTree->rootNode = pNode->left;
} else if (pNode == pNode->parent->left) {
pNode->parent->left = pNode->left;
} else {
pNode->parent->right = pNode->left;
if (pNode->left) {
pNode->left->parent = pNode->parent;
} else {
SRBTreeNode *y = tRBTreeSuccessor(pNode);
pNode->color = RBTREE_NODE_COLOR(y);
// fix
if (pNode->color == BLACK) {
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