未验证 提交 becd3251 编写于 作者: L Li Minghao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15348 from taosdata/feature/3.0_mhli

refactor(sync): add entry cache test
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "syncRaftStore.h"
#include "syncUtil.h"
#include "tskiplist.h"
#include "tref.h"
void logTest() {
sTrace("--- sync log test: trace");
......@@ -121,6 +122,37 @@ void test3() {
raftEntryCacheLog2((char*)"==test3 write 10 entries==", pCache);
static void freeObj(void* param) {
SSyncRaftEntry* pEntry = (SSyncRaftEntry*)param;
syncEntryLog2((char*)"freeObj: ", pEntry);
void test4() {
int32_t testRefId = taosOpenRef(200, freeObj);
SSyncRaftEntry* pEntry = createEntry(10);
ASSERT(pEntry != NULL);
int64_t rid = taosAddRef(testRefId, pEntry);
sTrace("rid: %ld", rid);
do {
SSyncRaftEntry* pAcquireEntry = (SSyncRaftEntry*)taosAcquireRef(testRefId, rid);
syncEntryLog2((char*)"acquire: ", pAcquireEntry);
taosAcquireRef(testRefId, rid);
taosAcquireRef(testRefId, rid);
taosReleaseRef(testRefId, rid);
//taosReleaseRef(testRefId, rid);
} while (0);
taosRemoveRef(testRefId, rid);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
gRaftDetailLog = true;
tsAsyncLog = 0;
......@@ -130,5 +162,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
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