提交 bae49baa 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

fix: fix error in json and add test cases for json

上级 2dc7df4c
......@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ static int32_t parseTagsClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SSchema* pSchema, uint
SSchema* pTagSchema = &pSchema[pCxt->tags.boundColumns[i]];
char* tmpTokenBuf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sToken.n); // this can be optimize with parse column
char* tmpTokenBuf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sToken.n); //todo this can be optimize with parse column
code = checkAndTrimValue(&sToken, tmpTokenBuf, &pCxt->msg);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1018,7 +1018,11 @@ static int32_t parseTagsClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SSchema* pSchema, uint
goto end;
code = parseJsontoTagData(sToken.z, pTagVals, &pTag, &pCxt->msg);
if(isNullStr(&sToken)) {
code = tTagNew(pTagVals, 1, true, &pTag);
} else {
code = parseJsontoTagData(sToken.z, pTagVals, &pTag, &pCxt->msg);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto end;
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
# test invalidate json
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags('\"efwewf\"')")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags('3333')")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags(76)")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags(hell)")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags('33.33')")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags('false')")
tdSql.error("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_14 using jsons1 tags('[1,true]')")
......@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select ceil(jtag) from jsons1")
# # test select normal column
tdSql.query("select dataint from jsons1")
tdSql.query("select dataint from jsons1 order by dataint")
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 1)
......@@ -137,9 +139,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1")
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag is null")
# tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag is null")
# tdSql.checkRows(5)
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag is not null")
# tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag is not null")
# tdSql.checkRows(8)
# test jtag is NULL
......@@ -259,12 +261,6 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'=null") # only json suport =null. This synatx will change later.
# tdSql.checkRows(1)
# # where json is null
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag is null")
# tdSql.checkRows(1)
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag is not null")
# tdSql.checkRows(8)
# # where json key is null
# tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag_no_exist'=3")
# tdSql.checkRows(0)
......@@ -358,25 +354,28 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tdSql.checkRows(0)
# # test join
# tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons2(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50), dataStrBin binary(150)) tags(jtag json)")
# tdSql.execute("insert into jsons2_1 using jsons2 tags('{\"tag1\":\"fff\",\"tag2\":5, \"tag3\":true}') values(1591060618000, 2, false, 'json2', '你是2')")
# tdSql.execute("insert into jsons2_2 using jsons2 tags('{\"tag1\":5,\"tag2\":null}') values (1591060628000, 2, true, 'json2', 'sss')")
# tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons3(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50), dataStrBin binary(150)) tags(jtag json)")
# tdSql.execute("insert into jsons3_1 using jsons3 tags('{\"tag1\":\"fff\",\"tag2\":5, \"tag3\":true}') values(1591060618000, 3, false, 'json3', '你是3')")
# tdSql.execute("insert into jsons3_2 using jsons3 tags('{\"tag1\":5,\"tag2\":\"beijing\"}') values (1591060638000, 2, true, 'json3', 'sss')")
# tdSql.query("select 'sss',33,a.jtag->'tag3' from jsons2 a,jsons3 b where a.ts=b.ts and a.jtag->'tag1'=b.jtag->'tag1'")
# tdSql.checkData(0, 0, "sss")
# tdSql.checkData(0, 2, "true")
# res = tdSql.getColNameList("select 'sss',33,a.jtag->'tag3' from jsons2 a,jsons3 b where a.ts=b.ts and a.jtag->'tag1'=b.jtag->'tag1'")
# cname_list = []
# cname_list.append("sss")
# cname_list.append("33")
# cname_list.append("a.jtag->'tag3'")
# tdSql.checkColNameList(res, cname_list)
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons2(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50), dataStrBin binary(150)) tags(jtag json)")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons2_1 using jsons2 tags('{\"tag1\":\"fff\",\"tag2\":5, \"tag3\":true}') values(1591060618000, 2, false, 'json2', '你是2')")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons2_2 using jsons2 tags('{\"tag1\":5,\"tag2\":null}') values (1591060628000, 2, true, 'json2', 'sss')")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons3(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50), dataStrBin binary(150)) tags(jtag json)")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons3_1 using jsons3 tags('{\"tag1\":\"fff\",\"tag2\":5, \"tag3\":true}') values(1591060618000, 3, false, 'json3', '你是3')")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons3_2 using jsons3 tags('{\"tag1\":5,\"tag2\":\"beijing\"}') values (1591060638000, 2, true, 'json3', 'sss')")
tdSql.query("select 'sss',33,a.jtag->'tag3' from jsons2 a,jsons3 b where a.ts=b.ts and a.jtag->'tag1'=b.jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, "sss")
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, "true")
res = tdSql.getColNameList("select 'sss',33,a.jtag->'tag3' from jsons2 a,jsons3 b where a.ts=b.ts and a.jtag->'tag1'=b.jtag->'tag1'")
cname_list = []
tdSql.checkColNameList(res, cname_list)
# test group by & order by json tag
# tdSql.error("select count(*) from jsons1 group by jtag")
# tdSql.error("select count(*) from jsons1 partition by jtag")
# tdSql.error("select count(*) from jsons1 group by jtag order by jtag")
tdSql.error("select count(*) from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' order by jtag->'tag2'")
tdSql.error("select count(*) from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' order by jtag")
tdSql.query("select count(*),jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' order by jtag->'tag1' desc")
......@@ -432,14 +431,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.checkData(10, 1, '"femail"')
# test having
# tdSql.query("select stddev(dataint) from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' having stddev(dataint) > 0")
# tdSql.checkRows(2)
tdSql.query("select count(*),jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' having count(*) > 1")
# subquery with json tag
tdSql.query("select * from (select jtag, dataint from jsons1) order by dataint")
tdSql.checkData(1, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, '{"tag1":5,"tag2":"beijing"}')
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, '{"tag1":false,"tag2":"beijing"}')
# tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' from (select jtag->'tag1', dataint from jsons1)")
# tdSql.checkRows(11)
......@@ -457,16 +456,18 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tdSql.checkData(1, 2, '"femail"')
# # union all
# tdSql.error("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 union all select jtag->'tag2' from jsons2")
# tdSql.error("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1_1 union all select jtag->'tag2' from jsons2_1")
# tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1_1 union all select jtag->'tag1' from jsons2_1")
# tdSql.checkRows(2)
# tdSql.query("select dataint,jtag->'tag1',tbname from jsons1 union all select dataint,jtag->'tag1',tbname from jsons2")
# tdSql.checkRows(13)
# tdSql.query("select dataint,jtag,tbname from jsons1 union all select dataint,jtag,tbname from jsons2")
# tdSql.checkRows(13)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 union all select jtag->'tag2' from jsons2")
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1_1 union all select jtag->'tag2' from jsons2_1")
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' from jsons1_1 union all select jtag->'tag1' from jsons2_1")
tdSql.query("select dataint,jtag->'tag1',tbname from jsons1 union all select dataint,jtag->'tag1',tbname from jsons2")
tdSql.query("select dataint,jtag,tbname from jsons1 union all select dataint,jtag,tbname from jsons2")
# #show create table
# tdSql.query("show create table jsons1")
# tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 'CREATE TABLE `jsons1` (`ts` TIMESTAMP,`dataint` INT,`databool` BOOL,`datastr` NCHAR(50),`datastrbin` BINARY(150)) TAGS (`jtag` JSON)')
......@@ -528,9 +529,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_20 using jsons1 tags(NULL)")
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1_20")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
# tdSql.execute("insert into jsons1_21 using jsons1 tags(NULL) values(1591061628000, 11, false, '你就会','')")
# tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1_21")
# tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons1_21 using jsons1 tags(NULL) values(1591061628000, 11, false, '你就会','')")
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1_21")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
# #test TD-12389
tdSql.query("describe jsons1")
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/To_unixtimestamp.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/timetruncate.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/Timediff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/json_tag.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/top.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/bottom.py
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