@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import InstallOnLinux from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_windows_install.md
import VerifyLinux from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_verify_linux.mdx";
import VerifyWindows from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_verify_windows.mdx";
Any application programs running on any kind of platform can access TDengine through the REST API provided by TDengine. For details, please refer to [REST API](/reference/rest-api/). Additionally, application programs can use the connectors of multiple programming languages including C/C++, Java, Python, Go, Node.js, C#, and Rust to access TDengine. This chapter describes how to establish a connection to TDengine and briefly introduces how to install and use connectors. For details about the connectors, please refer to [Connectors](/reference/connector/)
Any application programs running on any kind of platform can access TDengine through the REST API provided by TDengine. For details, please refer to [REST API](/reference/rest-api/). Additionally, application programs can use the connectors of multiple programming languages including C/C++, Java, Python, Go, Node.js, C#, Rust to access TDengine. This chapter describes how to establish a connection to TDengine and briefly introduces how to install and use connectors. TDengine community also provides connectors in LUA and PHP languages. For details about the connectors, please refer to [Connectors](/reference/connector/).
## Establish Connection
@@ -200,6 +200,46 @@ install.packages("RJDBC")
If the client driver (taosc) is already installed, then the C connector is already available.
> Version number `v1.0.2` is only for example, it can be replaced to any newer version, please check available version from [TDengine PHP Connector Releases](https://github.com/Yurunsoft/php-tdengine/releases).
**Non-Swoole Environment:**
phpize && ./configure && make -j&& make install
**Specify TDengine Location:**
phpize && ./configure --with-tdengine-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/tdengine/ && make -j&& make install
> `--with-tdengine-dir=` is followed by the TDengine installation location.
> This way is useful in case TDengine location can't be found automatically or macOS.
**Swoole Environment:**
phpize && ./configure --enable-swoole&& make -j&& make install
**Enable The Extension:**
Option One: Add `extension=tdengine` in `php.ini`
Option Two: Specify the extension on CLI `php -d extension=tdengine test.php`
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Please refer to [list of supported platforms](/reference/connector#supported-pla
## Supported versions
The version number of the TDengine client driver and the version number of the TDengine server should be the same. A lower version of the client driver is compatible with a higher version of the server, if the first three version numbers are the same (i.e., only the fourth version number is different). For e.g. if the client version is x.y.z.1 and the server version is x.y.z.2 the client and server are compatible. But in general we do not recommend using a lower client version with a newer server version. It is also strongly discouraged to use a higher version of the client driver to access a lower version of the TDengine server.
The version number of the TDengine client driver and the version number of the TDengine server should be same. A lower version of the client driver is compatible with a higher version of the server, if the first three version numbers are the same (i.e., only the fourth version number is different). For e.g. if the client version is x.y.z.1 and the server version is x.y.z.2 the client and server are compatible. But in general we do not recommend using a lower client version with a newer server version. It is also strongly discouraged to use a higher version of the client driver to access a lower version of the TDengine server.
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ The configuration parameters in the URL are as follows.
- user: Login TDengine user name, default value 'root'.
- password: user login password, default value 'taosdata'.
- batchfetch: true: pull the result set in batch when executing the query; false: pull the result set row by row. The default value is false. batchfetch uses HTTP for data transfer. The JDBC REST connection supports bulk data pulling function in taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.38 and TDengine and later versions. taos-jdbcdriver and TDengine transfer data via WebSocket connection. Compared with HTTP, WebSocket enables JDBC REST connection to support large data volume querying and improve query performance.
- charset: specify the charset to parse the string, this parameter is valid only when set batchfetch to true.
- batchErrorIgnore: true: when executing executeBatch of Statement, if one SQL execution fails in the middle, continue to execute the following SQL. false: no longer execute any statement after the failed SQL. The default value is: false.
**Note**: Some configuration items (e.g., locale, timezone) do not work in the REST connection.
@@ -258,10 +259,10 @@ The configuration parameters in properties are as follows.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_LOAD: true: pull the result set in batch when executing query; false: pull the result set row by row. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_ERROR_IGNORE: true: when executing executeBatch of Statement, if there is a SQL execution failure in the middle, continue to execute the following sq. false: no longer execute any statement after the failed SQL. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: Only works when using JDBC native connection. Client configuration file directory path, default value `/etc/taos` on Linux OS, default value `C:/TDengine/cfg` on Windows OS.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET: takes effect only when using JDBC native connection. In the character set used by the client, the default value is the system character set.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET: In the character set used by the client, the default value is the system character set.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE: this only takes effect when using JDBC native connection. Client language environment, the default value is system current locale.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE: only takes effect when using JDBC native connection. In the time zone used by the client, the default value is the system's current time zone.
For JDBC native connections, you can specify other parameters, such as log level, SQL length, etc., by specifying URL and Properties. For more detailed configuration, please refer to [Client Configuration](/reference/config/#Client-Only).
For JDBC native connections, you can specify other parameters, such as log level, SQL length, etc., by specifying URL and Properties. For more detailed configuration, please refer to [Client Configuration](/reference/config/#Client-Only).
### Priority of configuration parameters
@@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ There are three types of error codes that the JDBC connector can report:
After TDengine client or server is installed, `taos.h` is located at:
- Linux:`/usr/local/taos/include`
- Windows:`C:\TDengine\include`
TDengine client driver is located at:
- Linux: `/usr/local/taos/driver/libtaos.so`
- Windows: `C:\TDengine\taos.dll`
## Supported Platforms
- Windows、Linux、MacOS
- PHP >= 7.4
- TDengine >= 2.0
- Swoole >= 4.8 (Optional)
## Supported Versions
Because the version of TDengine client driver is tightly associated with that of TDengine server, it's strongly suggested to use the client driver of same version as TDengine server, even though the client driver can work with TDengine server if the first 3 sections of the versions are same.
## Installation
### Install TDengine Client Driver
Regarding how to install TDengine client driver please refer to [Install Client Driver](/reference/connector#installation-steps)
&& tar -xzf php-tdengine.tar.gz -C php-tdengine --strip-components=1
> Version number `v1.0.2` is only for example, it can be replaced to any newer version, please find available versions in [TDengine PHP Connector Releases](https://github.com/Yurunsoft/php-tdengine/releases).
**Non-Swoole Environment:**
phpize && ./configure && make -j && make install
**Specify TDengine location:**
phpize && ./configure --with-tdengine-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/tdengine/ && make -j && make install
> `--with-tdengine-dir=` is followed by TDengine location.
> It's useful in case TDengine installatio location can't be found automatically or MacOS.
**Swoole Environment:**
phpize && ./configure --enable-swoole && make -j && make install
**Enable Extension:**
Option One: Add `extension=tdengine` in `php.ini`.
Option Two: Use CLI `php -dextension=tdengine test.php`.
## Sample Programs
In this section a few sample programs which use TDengine PHP connector to access TDengine cluster are demonstrated.
> Any error would throw exception: `TDengine\Exception\TDengineException`
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ When the client is unable to connect to the server, you can try the following wa
Check whether a TCP port on server side is open: `nc -l {port}`
Check whether a TCP port on client side is open: `nc {hostIP} {port}`
- On Windows system `Net-TestConnection -ComputerName {fqdn} -Port {port}` on PowerShell can be used to check whether the port on server side is open for access.
- On Windows system `Test-NetConnection -ComputerName {fqdn} -Port {port}` on PowerShell can be used to check whether the port on server side is open for access.
7. TDengine CLI `taos` can also be used to check network, please refer to [TDengine CLI](/reference/taos-shell).