提交 b932b5bc 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

refact header file

上级 4473d236
......@@ -25,82 +25,83 @@
#include "tfs.h"
#include "wal.h"
#include "tcommon.h"
#include "tfs.h"
#include "tmallocator.h"
#include "tmsg.h"
#include "trow.h"
#include "tmallocator.h"
#include "tcommon.h"
#include "tfs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ------------------------ TYPES EXPOSED ------------------------ */
typedef struct SMgmtWrapper SMgmtWrapper;
typedef struct SVnode SVnode;
// Types exported
typedef struct SMeta SMeta;
typedef struct SMetaCfg {
/// LRU cache size
uint64_t lruSize;
} SMetaCfg;
typedef struct SMTbCursor SMTbCursor;
typedef struct SMCtbCursor SMCtbCursor;
typedef struct SMSmaCursor SMSmaCursor;
typedef SVCreateTbReq STbCfg;
typedef SVCreateTSmaReq SSmaCfg;
typedef struct SDataStatis {
int16_t colId;
int16_t maxIndex;
int16_t minIndex;
int16_t numOfNull;
int64_t sum;
int64_t max;
int64_t min;
} SDataStatis;
typedef struct STsdbQueryCond {
STimeWindow twindow;
int32_t order; // desc|asc order to iterate the data block
int32_t numOfCols;
SColumnInfo *colList;
bool loadExternalRows; // load external rows or not
int32_t type; // data block load type:
} STsdbQueryCond;
typedef struct {
TSKEY lastKey;
uint64_t uid;
} STableKeyInfo;
// types
typedef struct SVnode SVnode;
typedef struct SMetaCfg SMetaCfg; // todo: remove
typedef struct STsdbCfg STsdbCfg; // todo: remove
typedef struct STqCfg STqCfg; // todo: remove
typedef struct SVnodeCfg SVnodeCfg;
typedef struct STqReadHandle STqReadHandle;
typedef struct SMTbCursor SMTbCursor; // todo: remove
typedef struct SMCtbCursor SMCtbCursor; // todo: remove
typedef struct SMSmaCursor SMSmaCursor; // todo: remove
typedef void *tsdbReaderT;
typedef struct STsdbQueryCond STsdbQueryCond;
typedef struct SDataStatis SDataStatis;
// vnode
int vnodeInit();
void vnodeCleanup();
SVnode *vnodeOpen(const char *path, const SVnodeCfg *pVnodeCfg);
void vnodeClose(SVnode *pVnode);
void vnodeDestroy(const char *path);
void vnodeProcessWMsgs(SVnode *pVnode, SArray *pMsgs);
int vnodeApplyWMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
int vnodeProcessCMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
int vnodeProcessSyncReq(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
int vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
int vnodeProcessFetchMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SQueueInfo *pInfo);
int32_t vnodeAlter(SVnode *pVnode, const SVnodeCfg *pCfg);
int32_t vnodeCompact(SVnode *pVnode);
int32_t vnodeSync(SVnode *pVnode);
int32_t vnodeGetLoad(SVnode *pVnode, SVnodeLoad *pLoad);
typedef struct STable {
uint64_t tid;
uint64_t uid;
STSchema *pSchema;
} STable;
// meta
typedef struct SMeta SMeta; // todo: remove
// tsdb
typedef struct STsdb STsdb;
#define TABLE_TID(t) (t)->tid
#define TABLE_UID(t) (t)->uid
tsdbReaderT *tsdbQueryTables(STsdb *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *tableInfoGroup, uint64_t qId,
uint64_t taskId);
tsdbReaderT tsdbQueryCacheLast(STsdb *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupList, uint64_t qId,
void *pMemRef);
int32_t tsdbGetFileBlocksDistInfo(tsdbReaderT *pReader, STableBlockDistInfo *pTableBlockInfo);
bool isTsdbCacheLastRow(tsdbReaderT *pReader);
int32_t tsdbQuerySTableByTagCond(void *pMeta, uint64_t uid, TSKEY skey, const char *pTagCond, size_t len,
int16_t tagNameRelType, const char *tbnameCond, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo,
SColIndex *pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols, uint64_t reqId, uint64_t taskId);
int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(tsdbReaderT *pHandle);
bool tsdbNextDataBlock(tsdbReaderT pTsdbReadHandle);
void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SDataBlockInfo *pBlockInfo);
int32_t tsdbRetrieveDataBlockStatisInfo(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SDataStatis **pBlockStatis);
SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SArray *pColumnIdList);
void tsdbDestroyTableGroup(STableGroupInfo *pGroupList);
int32_t tsdbGetOneTableGroup(void *pMeta, uint64_t uid, TSKEY startKey, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo);
int32_t tsdbGetTableGroupFromIdList(STsdb *tsdb, SArray *pTableIdList, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo);
void tsdbCleanupReadHandle(tsdbReaderT queryHandle);
// tq
// need to remove
int32_t tdScanAndConvertSubmitMsg(SSubmitReq *pMsg);
typedef struct STsdb STsdb;
// structs
struct SMetaCfg {
uint64_t lruSize;
typedef struct STsdbCfg {
struct STsdbCfg {
int8_t precision;
int8_t update;
int8_t compression;
......@@ -112,15 +113,13 @@ typedef struct STsdbCfg {
int32_t keep2;
uint64_t lruCacheSize;
SArray *retentions;
} STsdbCfg;
typedef struct {
struct STqCfg {
int32_t reserved;
} STqCfg;
typedef struct {
struct SVnodeCfg {
int32_t vgId;
uint64_t dbId;
STfs *pTfs;
......@@ -140,9 +139,9 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t hashBegin;
uint32_t hashEnd;
int8_t hashMethod;
} SVnodeCfg;
typedef struct {
struct STqReadHandle {
int64_t ver;
int64_t tbUid;
SHashObj *tbIdHash;
......@@ -155,127 +154,62 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t sver;
SSchemaWrapper *pSchemaWrapper;
STSchema *pSchema;
} STqReadHandle;
/* ------------------------ SVnode ------------------------ */
* @brief Initialize the vnode module
* @return int 0 for success and -1 for failure
int vnodeInit();
* @brief Cleanup the vnode module
void vnodeCleanup();
* @brief Open a VNODE.
* @param path path of the vnode
* @param pVnodeCfg options of the vnode
* @return SVnode* The vnode object
SVnode *vnodeOpen(const char *path, const SVnodeCfg *pVnodeCfg);
* @brief Close a VNODE
* @param pVnode The vnode object to close
void vnodeClose(SVnode *pVnode);
// ---------------------------- OLD ----------------------------
typedef struct SMgmtWrapper SMgmtWrapper;
* @brief Destroy a VNODE.
* @param path Path of the VNODE.
void vnodeDestroy(const char *path);
* @brief Process an array of write messages.
* @param pVnode The vnode object.
* @param pMsgs The array of SRpcMsg
void vnodeProcessWMsgs(SVnode *pVnode, SArray *pMsgs);
// Types exported
* @brief Apply a write request message.
* @param pVnode The vnode object.
* @param pMsg The request message
* @param pRsp The response message
* @return int 0 for success, -1 for failure
int vnodeApplyWMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
typedef SVCreateTbReq STbCfg;
typedef SVCreateTSmaReq SSmaCfg;
* @brief Process a consume message.
* @param pVnode The vnode object.
* @param pMsg The request message
* @param pRsp The response message
* @return int 0 for success, -1 for failure
int vnodeProcessCMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
typedef struct SDataStatis {
int16_t colId;
int16_t maxIndex;
int16_t minIndex;
int16_t numOfNull;
int64_t sum;
int64_t max;
int64_t min;
} SDataStatis;
* @brief Process the sync request
* @param pVnode
* @param pMsg
* @param pRsp
* @return int
int vnodeProcessSyncReq(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg **pRsp);
struct STsdbQueryCond {
STimeWindow twindow;
int32_t order; // desc|asc order to iterate the data block
int32_t numOfCols;
SColumnInfo *colList;
bool loadExternalRows; // load external rows or not
int32_t type; // data block load type:
* @brief Process a query message.
* @param pVnode The vnode object.
* @param pMsg The request message
* @return int 0 for success, -1 for failure
int vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
typedef struct {
TSKEY lastKey;
uint64_t uid;
} STableKeyInfo;
* @brief Process a fetch message.
* @param pVnode The vnode object.
* @param pMsg The request message
* @return int 0 for success, -1 for failure
int vnodeProcessFetchMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SQueueInfo *pInfo);
typedef struct STable {
uint64_t tid;
uint64_t uid;
STSchema *pSchema;
} STable;
/* ------------------------ SVnodeCfg ------------------------ */
* @brief Initialize VNODE options.
* @param pOptions The options object to be initialized. It should not be NULL.
void vnodeOptionsInit(SVnodeCfg *pOptions);
* @brief Clear VNODE options.
* @param pOptions Options to clear.
void vnodeOptionsClear(SVnodeCfg *pOptions);
#define TABLE_TID(t) (t)->tid
#define TABLE_UID(t) (t)->uid
/* ------------------------ SVnode ------------------------ */
int vnodeValidateTableHash(SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions, char *tableFName);
/* ------------------------ FOR COMPILE ------------------------ */
int32_t vnodeAlter(SVnode *pVnode, const SVnodeCfg *pCfg);
int32_t vnodeCompact(SVnode *pVnode);
int32_t vnodeSync(SVnode *pVnode);
int32_t vnodeGetLoad(SVnode *pVnode, SVnodeLoad *pLoad);
/* ------------------------- TQ READ --------------------------- */
enum {
......@@ -378,14 +312,14 @@ void metaOptionsClear(SMetaCfg *pMetaCfg);
// query condition to build multi-table data block iterator
// STsdb
STsdb *tsdbOpen(const char *path, int32_t vgId, const STsdbCfg *pTsdbCfg, SMemAllocatorFactory *pMAF, SMeta *pMeta, STfs *pTfs);
STsdb *tsdbOpen(const char *path, int32_t vgId, const STsdbCfg *pTsdbCfg, SMemAllocatorFactory *pMAF, SMeta *pMeta,
STfs *pTfs);
void tsdbClose(STsdb *);
void tsdbRemove(const char *path);
int tsdbInsertData(STsdb *pTsdb, SSubmitReq *pMsg, SSubmitRsp *pRsp);
int tsdbPrepareCommit(STsdb *pTsdb);
int tsdbCommit(STsdb *pTsdb);
int32_t tsdbInitSma(STsdb *pTsdb);
int32_t tsdbCreateTSma(STsdb *pTsdb, char *pMsg);
int32_t tsdbDropTSma(STsdb *pTsdb, char *pMsg);
......@@ -411,10 +345,10 @@ int32_t tsdbInsertTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t indexUid, const char *msg);
* @brief Drop tSma data and local cache.
* @param pTsdb
* @param indexUid
* @return int32_t
* @param pTsdb
* @param indexUid
* @return int32_t
int32_t tsdbDropTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t indexUid);
......@@ -427,159 +361,6 @@ int32_t tsdbDropTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t indexUid);
int32_t tsdbInsertRSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *msg);
// TODO: This is the basic params, and should wrap the params to a queryHandle.
* @brief Get tSma(Time-range-wise SMA) data.
* @param pTsdb
* @param pData
* @param indexUid
* @param querySKey
* @param nMaxResult
* @return int32_t
int32_t tsdbGetTSmaData(STsdb *pTsdb, char *pData, int64_t indexUid, TSKEY querySKey, int32_t nMaxResult);
// STsdbCfg
int tsdbOptionsInit(STsdbCfg *);
void tsdbOptionsClear(STsdbCfg *);
typedef void* tsdbReaderT;
* Get the data block iterator, starting from position according to the query condition
* @param tsdb tsdb handle
* @param pCond query condition, including time window, result set order, and basic required columns for each block
* @param tableInfoGroup table object list in the form of set, grouped into different sets according to the
* group by condition
* @param qinfo query info handle from query processor
* @return
tsdbReaderT *tsdbQueryTables(STsdb *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *tableInfoGroup, uint64_t qId, uint64_t taskId);
* Get the last row of the given query time window for all the tables in STableGroupInfo object.
* Note that only one data block with only row will be returned while invoking retrieve data block function for
* all tables in this group.
* @param tsdb tsdb handle
* @param pCond query condition, including time window, result set order, and basic required columns for each block
* @param tableInfo table list.
* @return
//tsdbReaderT tsdbQueryLastRow(STsdbRepo *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *tableInfo, uint64_t qId,
// SMemRef *pRef);
tsdbReaderT tsdbQueryCacheLast(STsdb *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupList, uint64_t qId, void* pMemRef);
int32_t tsdbGetFileBlocksDistInfo(tsdbReaderT* pReader, STableBlockDistInfo* pTableBlockInfo);
bool isTsdbCacheLastRow(tsdbReaderT* pReader);
* @param tsdb
* @param uid
* @param skey
* @param pTagCond
* @param len
* @param tagNameRelType
* @param tbnameCond
* @param pGroupInfo
* @param pColIndex
* @param numOfCols
* @param reqId
* @return
int32_t tsdbQuerySTableByTagCond(void* pMeta, uint64_t uid, TSKEY skey, const char* pTagCond, size_t len,
int16_t tagNameRelType, const char* tbnameCond, STableGroupInfo* pGroupInfo,
SColIndex* pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols, uint64_t reqId, uint64_t taskId);
* get num of rows in mem table
* @param pHandle
* @return row size
int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(tsdbReaderT* pHandle);
* move to next block if exists
* @param pTsdbReadHandle
* @return
bool tsdbNextDataBlock(tsdbReaderT pTsdbReadHandle);
* Get current data block information
* @param pTsdbReadHandle
* @param pBlockInfo
* @return
void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SDataBlockInfo *pBlockInfo);
* Get the pre-calculated information w.r.t. current data block.
* In case of data block in cache, the pBlockStatis will always be NULL.
* If a block is not completed loaded from disk, the pBlockStatis will be NULL.
* @pBlockStatis the pre-calculated value for current data blocks. if the block is a cache block, always return 0
* @return
int32_t tsdbRetrieveDataBlockStatisInfo(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SDataStatis **pBlockStatis);
* The query condition with primary timestamp is passed to iterator during its constructor function,
* the returned data block must be satisfied with the time window condition in any cases,
* which means the SData data block is not actually the completed disk data blocks.
* @param pTsdbReadHandle query handle
* @param pColumnIdList required data columns id list
* @return
SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(tsdbReaderT *pTsdbReadHandle, SArray *pColumnIdList);
* destroy the created table group list, which is generated by tag query
* @param pGroupList
void tsdbDestroyTableGroup(STableGroupInfo *pGroupList);
* create the table group result including only one table, used to handle the normal table query
* @param tsdb tsdbHandle
* @param uid table uid
* @param pGroupInfo the generated result
* @return
int32_t tsdbGetOneTableGroup(void *pMeta, uint64_t uid, TSKEY startKey, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo);
* @param tsdb
* @param pTableIdList
* @param pGroupInfo
* @return
int32_t tsdbGetTableGroupFromIdList(STsdb *tsdb, SArray *pTableIdList, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo);
* clean up the query handle
* @param queryHandle
void tsdbCleanupReadHandle(tsdbReaderT queryHandle);
int32_t tdScanAndConvertSubmitMsg(SSubmitReq *pMsg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -26,15 +26,6 @@ const STsdbCfg defautlTsdbOptions = {.precision = 0,
.update = 0,
.compression = TWO_STAGE_COMP};
int tsdbOptionsInit(STsdbCfg *pTsdbOptions) {
return 0;
void tsdbOptionsClear(STsdbCfg *pTsdbOptions) {
int tsdbValidateOptions(const STsdbCfg *pTsdbOptions) {
return 0;
......@@ -18,13 +18,6 @@
const SVnodeCfg defaultVnodeOptions = {
.wsize = 96 * 1024 * 1024, .ssize = 1 * 1024 * 1024, .lsize = 1024, .walCfg = {.level = TAOS_WAL_WRITE}}; /* TODO */
void vnodeOptionsInit(SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions) { /* TODO */
vnodeOptionsCopy(pVnodeOptions, &defaultVnodeOptions);
void vnodeOptionsClear(SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions) { /* TODO */
int vnodeValidateOptions(const SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions) {
return 0;
......@@ -36,14 +29,14 @@ void vnodeOptionsCopy(SVnodeCfg *pDest, const SVnodeCfg *pSrc) {
int vnodeValidateTableHash(SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions, char *tableFName) {
uint32_t hashValue = 0;
switch (pVnodeOptions->hashMethod) {
hashValue = MurmurHash3_32(tableFName, strlen(tableFName));
// TODO OPEN THIS !!!!!!!
// TODO OPEN THIS !!!!!!!
#if 0
if (hashValue < pVnodeOptions->hashBegin || hashValue > pVnodeOptions->hashEnd) {
......@@ -53,5 +46,3 @@ int vnodeValidateTableHash(SVnodeCfg *pVnodeOptions, char *tableFName) {
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