[11/06 18:32:29.554116] INFO: start creating 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
[11/06 18:32:29.649584] SUCC: Spent 0.0950 seconds to create 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s), already exist 0 table(s), actual 100 table(s) pre created, 0 table(s) will be auto created
[11/06 18:32:58.075364] INFO: start creating 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
[11/06 18:32:58.140297] SUCC: Spent 0.0650 seconds to create 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s), already exist 0 table(s), actual 100 table(s) pre created, 0 table(s) will be auto created
[11/06 18:41:03.922840] INFO: start creating 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
[11/06 18:41:03.987301] SUCC: Spent 0.0650 seconds to create 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s), already exist 0 table(s), actual 100 table(s) pre created, 0 table(s) will be auto created
[11/06 18:41:34.386476] INFO: start creating 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s)
[11/06 18:41:34.465414] SUCC: Spent 0.0790 seconds to create 100 table(s) with 8 thread(s), already exist 0 table(s), actual 100 table(s) pre created, 0 table(s) will be auto created