TDengine provides a rich application development interface. To facilitate users to develop their own applications quickly, TDengine supports connectors for multiple programming languages, including official connectors for C/C++, Java, Python, Go, Node.js, C#, and Rust. These connectors support connecting to TDengine clusters using both native interfaces (taosc) and REST interfaces (not supported in some languages yet). Community developers have also contributed several unofficial connectors, such as the ADO.NET connector, the Lua connector, and the PHP connector.
Currently, TDengine's native interface connectors can support platforms such as X64/X86/ARM64/ARM32/MIPS/Alpha hardware platforms and Linux/Win64/Win32 development environments. The comparison matrix is as follows.
- Regardless of the programming language chosen for the connector, TDengine versions 2.0 and above recommend that each thread of a database application create a separate connection. Or create a connection pool based on threads to avoid interference between threads with the "USE statement" state within a connection (but the connection's query and write operations are thread-safe).
import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
import InstallOnWindows from "./_linux_install.mdx";
import InstallOnLinux from "./_windows_install.mdx";
import VerifyWindows from "./_verify_windows.mdx";
import VerifyLinux from "./_verify_linux.mdx";
import InstallOnWindows from "./_linux_install.mdx";
import InstallOnLinux from "./_windows_install.mdx";
import VerifyWindows from "./_verify_windows.mdx";
import VerifyLinux from "./_verify_linux.mdx";
## 安装客户端驱动
## Install client driver
只有在没有安装 TDengine 服务端软件的系统上使用原生接口连接器才需要安装客户端驱动。
The client driver needs to be installed if you use the native interface connector on a system that does not have the TDengine server software installed.
### 安装步骤
### Installation steps
<Tabs defaultValue="linux" groupId="os">
<TabItem value="linux" label="Linux">
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ import VerifyLinux from "./_verify_linux.mdx";
After completing the above installation and configuration and you have confirmed that the TDengine service is up and running, you can execute the TDengine CLI tool to log in.
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ import PkgList from "/components/PkgList";
1. If the computer does not run the TDengine service but installs the TDengine application driver, then you need to config `firstEP` in `taos.cfg` only, and there is no need to configure `FQDN`;
2. If you encounter the "Unable to resolve FQDN" error, please make sure the FQDN in the `/etc/hosts` file of the current computer is correctly configured or the DNS service is correctly configured.
2. If you encounter the "Unable to resolve FQDN" error, please make sure the FQDN in the `/etc/hosts` file of the current computer is correctly configured, or the DNS service is correctly configured.
- Client driver installed (mandatory for native connections, not required for REST connections)
由于 TDengine 的客户端驱动使用 C 语言编写,使用原生连接时需要加载系统对应安装在本地的客户端驱动共享库文件,通常包含在 TDengine 安装包。TDengine Linux 服务端安装包附带了 TDengine 客户端,也可以单独安装 [Linux 客户端](/get-started/) 。在 Windows 环境开发时需要安装 TDengine 对应的 [Windows 客户端]( 。
Since the TDengine client driver is written in C, using the native connection requires loading the client driver shared library file, which is usually included in the TDengine installer. You can install either standard TDengine server installation package or [TDengine client installtion package](/get-started/). For Windows development, you need to install the corresponding [Windows client]( for TDengine.
- 在 Linux 系统中成功安装 TDengine 后,依赖的 Linux 版客户端驱动 文件会被自动拷贝至 /usr/lib/,该目录包含在 Linux 自动扫描路径上,无需单独指定。
- taos.dll: 在 Windows 系统中安装完客户端之后,依赖的 Windows 版客户端驱动 taos.dll 文件会自动拷贝到系统默认搜索路径 C:/Windows/System32 下,同样无需要单独指定。
- After successful installation of TDengine on a Linux system, the dependent Linux version of the client driver file will be automatically copied to /usr/lib/, which is included in the Linux scanable path and does not need to be specified separately.
- taos.dll: After installing the client on Windows, the dependent Windows version of the client driver taos.dll file will be automatically copied to the system default search path C:/Windows/System32, again without the need to specify it separately.
Execute `taos` directly under the Linux shell to connect to the TDengine service and enter the TDengine CLI interface, as shown in the following example.
Go to the C:\TDengine directory under cmd and execute `taos.exe` directly to connect to the TDengine service and enter the TDengine CLI interface, for example, as follows:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
taos> show databases;
name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep1,keep2,keep(D) | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | precision | status |
编辑 taos.cfg 文件(默认路径 C:\TDengine\cfg\taos.cfg),将 firstEP 修改为 TDengine 服务器的 End Point,例如:``。
Edit the taos.cfg file (default path C:\TDengine\cfg\taos.cfg) and change the firstEP to the End Point of the TDengine server, for example: ``.
1. If you use FQDN to connect to the server, you must ensure the local network environment DNS is configured, or add FQDN addressing records in the `hosts` file, e.g., edit C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add a record like the following: ``. 2.
2. Uninstall: Run unins000.exe to uninstall the TDengine application driver.
TDengine.Connector` is a C# language connector provided by TDengine that allows C# developers to develop C# applications that access TDengine cluster data.
本文介绍如何在 Linux 或 Windows 环境中安装 `TDengine.Connector`,并通过 `TDengine.Connector` 连接 TDengine 集群,进行数据写入、查询等基本操作。
The `TDengine.Connector` connector supports connection to TDengine runtime instances via the TDengine client driver (taosc), providing data writing, querying, subscription, schemaless data writing, bind interface data writing, etc. The `TDengine.Connector` currently does not provide a REST connection. REST connection is not yet available. Users can write their RESTful APIs by referring to the [RESTful APIs]( documentation.
This article describes how to install `TDengine.Connector` in a Linux or Windows environment and connect to TDengine clusters via `TDengine.Connector` to perform basic operations such as data writing and querying.
## 支持的平台
The source code of `TDengine.Connector` is hosted on [GitHub](
支持的平台和 TDengine 客户端驱动支持的平台一致。
## Supported Platforms
## 版本支持
The supported platforms are the same as those supported by the TDengine client driver.
## Version support
## 支持的功能特性
Please refer to [version support list](/reference/connector#version support)
You can reference the `TDengine.Connector` published in Nuget to the current project via the `dotnet` command under the path of the existing .NET project.
``` bash
dotnet add package TDengine.Connector
<TabItem value="source" label="使用源码获取 C# 驱动">
<TabItem value="source" label="Use source code to get C# driver">
可以下载 TDengine 的源码,直接引用最新版本的 TDengine.Connector 库
You can download TDengine's source code and directly reference the latest version of the TDengine.Connector library
| [C#checker]( | Using TDengine.Connector, you can test C# Driver's synchronous writes and queries |
| [TDengineTest]( | A simple example of writing and querying using TDengine.
| [insertCn]( | Example of writing and querying Chinese characters using TDengine.
| [jsonTag]( | Example of writing and querying JSON tag type data using TDengine.
| [stmt]( | Example of parameter binding using TDengine.
| [schemaless]( | Example of writing with schemaless implemented using TDengine. |schemaless
| [benchmark]( | A simple benchmark implemented using TDengine.
| [async query]( | Example of an asynchronous query implemented using TDengine. Example of an asynchronous query
| [subscribe]( | Example of subscribing to data using TDengine. Data example
`Taos` is an ADO.NET connector for TDengine, supporting Linux and Windows platforms. Community contributor `Maikebing@@maikebing contributes the connector`. Please refer to:
Usually, because the FQDN configuration is incorrect, you can refer to [How to understand TDengine's FQDN thoroughly]( to solve it. 2.
2. Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'taos' or one of its dependencies: 找不到指定的模块。
Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'taos' or one of its dependencies: The specified module cannot be found.
This is usually because the program did not find the dependent client driver. The solution is to copy `C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll` to the `C:\Windows\System32\` directory on Windows, and create the following softlink on Linux `ln -s /usr/local/taos/driver/ .x.x /usr/lib/` will work.
`libtaos` is the official Rust language connector for TDengine, through which Rust developers can develop applications that access the TDengine database.
`libtaos` provides two ways to establish connections. One is the **Native Connection**, which connects to TDengine runtime instances via the TDengine client driver (taosc). The other is **REST connection**, which connects to TDengine runtime instances via taosAdapter's REST interface. The REST connection supports any platform, but the native connection supports all platforms on which the TDengine client can run.
The platforms supported by native connections are the same as those supported by the TDengine client driver.
REST connections are supported on all platforms that can run Rust.
原生连接支持的平台和 TDengine 客户端驱动支持的平台一致。
REST 连接支持所有能运行 Rust 的平台。
## Version support
## 版本支持
Please refer to [version support list](/reference/connector#version support)
The Rust Connector is still under rapid development and is not guaranteed to be backward compatible before 1.0. Recommend to use TDengine version 2.4 or higher to avoid known issues.
* If using the native connection, please install the TDengine client driver. Please refer to [install client driver](/reference/connector#install client driver)
The [Builder Pattern]( constructor pattern is Rust's solution for handling complex data types or optional configuration types. The [libtaos] implementation uses the connection constructor [TaosCfgBuilder] as the entry point for the TDengine Rust connector. The [TaosCfgBuilder] provides optional configuration of servers, ports, databases, usernames, passwords, etc.
Using the ``default()` method, you can construct a [TaosCfg] with default parameters for subsequent connections to the database or establishing connection pools.
let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default().build()?;
let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default().build()?;
Using the constructor pattern, the user can set on-demand.
let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default()
@@ -197,26 +195,26 @@ let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default()
使用 [TaosCfg] 对象创建 TDengine 连接:
Create TDengine connection using [TaosCfg] object.
let conn: Taos = cfg.connect();
### 连接池
### Connection pooling
在复杂应用中,建议启用连接池。[libtaos] 的连接池使用 [r2d2] 实现。
In complex applications, recommand to enable connection pooling. Connection pooling for [libtaos] is implemented using [r2d2].
As follows, a connection pool with default parameters can be generated.
let pool = r2d2::Pool::new(cfg)?;
let pool = r2d2::Pool::new(cfg)?;
You can set the same connection pool parameters using the connection pool's constructor.
use std::time::Duration;
@@ -228,40 +226,38 @@ let pool = r2d2::Pool::new(cfg)?;
在应用代码中,使用 `pool.get()?` 来获取一个连接对象 [Taos]。
In the application code, use ``pool.get()? ` to get a connection object [Taos].
let taos = pool.get()?;
let taos = pool.get()?;
### 连接
The [Taos] structure is the connection manager in [libtaos] and provides two main APIs.
- `.describe(table: &str)`: Executes `DESCRIBE` and returns a Rust data structure.
- `.create_database(database: &str)`: Executes the `CREATE DATABASE` statement.
- `.use_database(database: &str)`: Executes the `USE` statement.
除此之外,该结构也是 [参数绑定](#参数绑定接口) 和 [行协议接口](#行协议接口) 的入口,使用方法请参考具体的 API 说明。
In addition, this structure is also the entry point for [Parameter Binding](#Parameter Binding Interface) and [Row Protocol Interface](#Row Protocol Interface). Please refer to the specific API descriptions for usage.
### 参数绑定接口
### Parameter Binding Interface
与 C 接口类似,Rust 提供参数绑定接口。首先,通过 [Taos] 对象创建一个 SQL 语句的参数绑定对象 [Stmt]:
Similar to the C interface, Rust provides a parameter binding interface. First, create a parameter binding object [Stmt] for a SQL statement from the [Taos] object.
let mut stmt: Stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? values(?,?)")?;
let mut stmt: Stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? values(? ,?)") ? ;
The parameter binding object provides a set of interfaces for implementing parameter binding.
Bind sub-table table names and tag values when the SQL statement uses a super table.
let mut stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? using stb0 tags(?) values(?,?)")?;
let mut stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? using stb0 tags(?) values(? ,?)") ? ;
// tags can be created with any supported type, here is an example using JSON
let v = Field::Json(serde_json::from_str("{\"tag1\":\"一二三四五六七八九十\"}").unwrap());
stmt.set_tbname_tags("tb0", [&tag])?;
let v = Field::Json(serde_json::from_str("{\"tag1\":\"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten\"}").unwrap());
stmt.set_tbname_tags("tb0", [&tag])?;
##### `.bind(params: impl IntoParams)`
用于绑定值类型。使用 [Field] 结构体构建需要的类型并绑定:
Bind value types. Use the [Field] structure to construct the desired type and bind.
let ts = Field::Timestamp(Timestamp::now());
let value = Field::Float(0.0);
stmt.bind(vec![ts, value].iter())?;
stmt.bind(vec![ts, value].iter())?;
##### `.execute()`
执行 SQL。[Stmt] 对象可以复用,在执行后可以重新绑定并执行。
Execute SQL.[Stmt] objects can be reused, re-binded, and executed after execution.
// next bind cycle.
// stmt.set_tbname()? ;
### 行协议接口
### Row protocol interface
行协议接口支持多种模式和不同精度,需要引入 schemaless 模块中的常量以进行设置:
The line protocol interface supports multiple modes and different precision and requires the introduction of constants in the schemaless module to set.