未验证 提交 b4472552 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #3886 from taosdata/feature/os

......@@ -2445,8 +2445,8 @@ static bool percentile_function_setup(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// in the first round, get the min-max value of all involved data
SResultInfo *pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SPercentileInfo *pInfo = pResInfo->interResultBuf;
pInfo->minval = DBL_MAX;
pInfo->maxval = -DBL_MAX;
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval, DBL_MAX);
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval, -DBL_MAX);
pInfo->numOfElems = 0;
return true;
......@@ -2461,12 +2461,12 @@ static void percentile_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// the first stage, only acquire the min/max value
if (pInfo->stage == 0) {
if (pCtx->preAggVals.isSet) {
if (pInfo->minval > pCtx->preAggVals.statis.min) {
pInfo->minval = (double)pCtx->preAggVals.statis.min;
if (GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval) > pCtx->preAggVals.statis.min) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval, (double)pCtx->preAggVals.statis.min);
if (pInfo->maxval < pCtx->preAggVals.statis.max) {
pInfo->maxval = (double)pCtx->preAggVals.statis.max;
if (GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval) < pCtx->preAggVals.statis.max) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval, (double)pCtx->preAggVals.statis.max);
pInfo->numOfElems += (pCtx->size - pCtx->preAggVals.statis.numOfNull);
......@@ -2500,12 +2500,12 @@ static void percentile_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (v < pInfo->minval) {
pInfo->minval = v;
if (v < GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval, v);
if (v > pInfo->maxval) {
pInfo->maxval = v;
if (v > GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval, v);
pInfo->numOfElems += 1;
......@@ -2564,12 +2564,12 @@ static void percentile_function_f(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t index) {
if (v < pInfo->minval) {
pInfo->minval = v;
if (v < GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval, v);
if (v > pInfo->maxval) {
pInfo->maxval = v;
if (v > GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval, v);
pInfo->numOfElems += 1;
......@@ -2609,7 +2609,7 @@ static void percentile_next_step(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
pInfo->stage += 1;
pInfo->pMemBucket = tMemBucketCreate(pCtx->inputBytes, pCtx->inputType, pInfo->minval, pInfo->maxval);
pInfo->pMemBucket = tMemBucketCreate(pCtx->inputBytes, pCtx->inputType, GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->minval), GET_DOUBLE_VAL(&pInfo->maxval));
} else {
pResInfo->complete = true;
......@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE bool isNull(const char *val, int32_t type) {
return *(uint64_t *)val == TSDB_DATA_DOUBLE_NULL;
return *(uint32_t*) varDataVal(val) == TSDB_DATA_NCHAR_NULL;
return varDataLen(val) == sizeof(int32_t) && *(uint32_t*) varDataVal(val) == TSDB_DATA_NCHAR_NULL;
return *(uint8_t *) varDataVal(val) == TSDB_DATA_BINARY_NULL;
return varDataLen(val) == sizeof(int8_t) && *(uint8_t *) varDataVal(val) == TSDB_DATA_BINARY_NULL;
return false;
......@@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ void filterPrepare(void* expr, void* param) {
if (pInfo->optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
pInfo->q = (char*) pCond->arr;
} else {
pInfo->q = calloc(1, pSchema->bytes);
pInfo->q = calloc(1, pSchema->bytes + TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE); // to make sure tonchar does not cause invalid write, since the '\0' needs at least sizeof(wchar_t) space.
tVariantDump(pCond, pInfo->q, pSchema->type, true);
......@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ print =============== step 1
$x = $N
$y = $N / 2
while $x > $y
$ms = $x . m
$z = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 - $z
$xt = - . $x
sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , -$x )
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , -$x )
$x = $x - 1
......@@ -45,8 +47,10 @@ endi
$x = $N / 2
$y = $N
while $x < $y
$ms = $x . m
sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$z = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $z
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
......@@ -60,14 +64,14 @@ print =============== step 2
$N1 = $N + 1
$result1 = $N / 2
$result2 = $N
$step = $N1 . m
$start1 = now- . $step
$start2 = now
$start3 = now+ . $step
$end1 = now- . $step
$end2 = now
$end3 = now+ . $step
$step = $N1 * 60000
$start1 = 1601481600000 - $step
$start2 = 1601481600000
$start3 = 1601481600000 + $step
$end1 = 1601481600000 - $step
$end2 = 1601481600000
$end3 = 1601481600000 + $step
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1
if $rows != 0 then
......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ while $i < $tbNum
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$ms = $x . m
$y = $x * 60000
$ms = 1600099200000 + $y
$c = $x / 100
$c = $c * 100
$c = $x - $c
......@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ while $i < $tbNum
$binary = $binary . '
$nchar = 'nchar . $c
$nchar = $nchar . '
sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $binary , $nchar )
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $c , $binary , $nchar )
$x = $x + 1
......@@ -299,7 +300,8 @@ while $i < 1
$x = 0
while $x < 10000
$ms = $x . m
$y = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $y
$c = $x / 100
$c = $c * 100
$c = $x - $c
......@@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ while $i < 1
$binary = $binary . '
$nchar = 'nchar . $c
$nchar = $nchar . '
sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null )
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null )
$x = $x + 1
......@@ -289,3 +289,5 @@ endi
if $data09 != 20 then
return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode3 -s start
sleep 3000
$maxNum = 102
$maxNum = 12
$x = 0
$x = $x + 1
......@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ endi
print ============================== step3
$count = 2
while $count < 102
while $count < $maxNum
$db = d . $count
$tb = $db . .t
$tb2 = $db . .t2
......@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ endw
print ============================== step4
$count = 2
while $count < 102
while $count < $maxNum
$db = d . $count
$tb = $db . .t
sql select * from $tb
......@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ show8:
$count = 2
while $count < 102
while $count < $maxNum
$db = d . $count
$tb = $db . .t
sql select * from $tb
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