未验证 提交 b0f01a98 编写于 作者: H huolibo 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8330 from taosdata/fix/TS_478

[TS-478]<fix>: insert status can use , or whitespace as separator in …
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class Utils {
private static void findValuesClauseRangeSet(String preparedSql, RangeSet<Integer> clauseRangeSet) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(values|,)\\s*(\\([^)]*\\))").matcher(preparedSql);
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(values||,)\\s*(\\([^)]*\\))").matcher(preparedSql);
while (matcher.find()) {
int start = matcher.start(2);
int end = matcher.end(2);
......@@ -73,6 +73,48 @@ public class UtilsTest {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void multiValuesAndWhitespace() {
// given
String nativeSql = "INSERT INTO ? (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (?) VALUES (?,?,?,?) (?,?,?,?) (?,?,?,?)";
Object[] parameters = Stream.of("d1", 1, 100, 3.14, "abc", 4, 200, 3.1415, "xyz", 5, 300, 3.141592, "uvw", 6).toArray();
// when
String actual = Utils.getNativeSql(nativeSql, parameters);
// then
String expected = "INSERT INTO d1 (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (1) VALUES (100,3.14,'abc',4) (200,3.1415,'xyz',5) (300,3.141592,'uvw',6)";
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void multiValuesNoSeparator() {
// given
String nativeSql = "INSERT INTO ? (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (?) VALUES (?,?,?,?)(?,?,?,?)(?,?,?,?)";
Object[] parameters = Stream.of("d1", 1, 100, 3.14, "abc", 4, 200, 3.1415, "xyz", 5, 300, 3.141592, "uvw", 6).toArray();
// when
String actual = Utils.getNativeSql(nativeSql, parameters);
// then
String expected = "INSERT INTO d1 (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (1) VALUES (100,3.14,'abc',4)(200,3.1415,'xyz',5)(300,3.141592,'uvw',6)";
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void multiValuesMultiSeparator() {
// given
String nativeSql = "INSERT INTO ? (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (?) VALUES (?,?,?,?) (?,?,?,?), (?,?,?,?)";
Object[] parameters = Stream.of("d1", 1, 100, 3.14, "abc", 4, 200, 3.1415, "xyz", 5, 300, 3.141592, "uvw", 6).toArray();
// when
String actual = Utils.getNativeSql(nativeSql, parameters);
// then
String expected = "INSERT INTO d1 (TS,CURRENT,VOLTAGE,PHASE) USING METERS TAGS (1) VALUES (100,3.14,'abc',4) (200,3.1415,'xyz',5), (300,3.141592,'uvw',6)";
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void lineTerminator() {
// given
......@@ -100,6 +142,32 @@ public class UtilsTest {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void lineTerminatorAndMultiValuesAndNoneOrMoreWhitespace() {
String nativeSql = "INSERT Into ? TAGS(?) VALUES(?,?,\r\n?,?),(?,? ,\r\n?,?) t? tags (?) Values (?,?,?\r\n,?) (?,?,?,?) t? Tags(?) values (?,?,?,?) , (?,?,?,?)";
Object[] parameters = Stream.of("t1", "abc", 100, 1.1, "xxx", "xxx", 200, 2.2, "xxx", "xxx", 2, "bcd", 300, 3.3, "xxx", "xxx", 400, 4.4, "xxx", "xxx", 3, "cde", 500, 5.5, "xxx", "xxx", 600, 6.6, "xxx", "xxx").toArray();
// when
String actual = Utils.getNativeSql(nativeSql, parameters);
// then
String expected = "INSERT Into t1 TAGS('abc') VALUES(100,1.1,\r\n'xxx','xxx'),(200,2.2 ,\r\n'xxx','xxx') t2 tags ('bcd') Values (300,3.3,'xxx'\r\n,'xxx') (400,4.4,'xxx','xxx') t3 Tags('cde') values (500,5.5,'xxx','xxx') , (600,6.6,'xxx','xxx')";
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void multiValuesAndNoneOrMoreWhitespace() {
String nativeSql = "INSERT INTO ? USING traces TAGS (?, ?) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
Object[] parameters = Stream.of("t1", "t1", "t2", 1632968284000L, 111.111, 119.001, 0.4, 90, 99.1, "WGS84", 1632968285000L, 111.21109999999999, 120.001, 0.5, 91, 99.19999999999999, "WGS84").toArray();
// when
String actual = Utils.getNativeSql(nativeSql, parameters);
// then
String expected = "INSERT INTO t1 USING traces TAGS ('t1', 't2') VALUES (1632968284000, 111.111, 119.001, 0.4, 90, 99.1, 'WGS84') (1632968285000, 111.21109999999999, 120.001, 0.5, 91, 99.19999999999999, 'WGS84')";
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void replaceNothing() {
// given
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