提交 b058e4e8 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

add the union support in sql parser: refactor some codes. #1032. [TBASE-1140]

上级 3cc8eb09
......@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ void tscPrintSelectClause(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex);
bool hasMoreVnodesToTry(SSqlObj *pSql);
void tscTryQueryNextVnode(SSqlObj *pSql, __async_cb_func_t fp);
void tscAsyncQuerySingleRowForNextVnode(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows);
void tscTryQueryNextClause(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*queryFp)());
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ static void tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRo
* If sql queries upon a super table and two-stage merge procedure is not involved (when employ the projection
* query), it will sequentially query&retrieve data for all vnodes
static void tscProcessAsyncFetchRowsProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows);
static void tscProcessAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows);
static void tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows);
static void tscAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows);
// TODO return the correct error code to client in tscQueueAsyncError
void taos_query_a(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, int), void *param) {
......@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ void taos_query_a(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *,
pSql->sqlstr = malloc(sqlLen + 1);
if (pSql->sqlstr == NULL) {
tscError("%p failed to malloc sql string buffer", pSql);
......@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ void taos_query_a(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *,
static void tscProcessAsyncFetchRowsProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
static void tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
if (tres == NULL) {
......@@ -121,6 +120,15 @@ static void tscProcessAsyncFetchRowsProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOf
if (hasMoreVnodesToTry(pSql)) { // sequentially retrieve data from remain vnodes.
tscTryQueryNextVnode(pSql, tscAsyncQueryRowsForNextVnode);
} else {
* all available virtual node has been checked already, now we need to check
* for the next subclause queries
if (pCmd->clauseIndex < pCmd->numOfClause - 1) {
tscTryQueryNextClause(pSql, tscAsyncQueryRowsForNextVnode);
* 1. has reach the limitation
* 2. no remain virtual nodes to be retrieved anymore
......@@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ static void tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRo
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
if (pRes->qhandle == 0 || numOfRows != 0) {
if ((pRes->qhandle == 0 || numOfRows != 0) && pCmd->command < TSDB_SQL_LOCAL) {
if (pRes->qhandle == 0) {
tscError("qhandle is NULL");
} else {
......@@ -175,12 +183,12 @@ static void tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRo
static void tscAsyncQueryRowsForNextVnode(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
// query completed, continue to retrieve
tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(param, tres, numOfRows, tscProcessAsyncFetchRowsProxy);
tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(param, tres, numOfRows, tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy);
void tscAsyncQuerySingleRowForNextVnode(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
// query completed, continue to retrieve
tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(param, tres, numOfRows, tscProcessAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy);
tscProcessAsyncRetrieveImpl(param, tres, numOfRows, tscAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy);
void taos_fetch_rows_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, int), void *param) {
......@@ -203,7 +211,7 @@ void taos_fetch_rows_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, int), voi
// user-defined callback function is stored in fetchFp
pSql->fetchFp = fp;
pSql->fp = tscProcessAsyncFetchRowsProxy;
pSql->fp = tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy;
pSql->param = param;
......@@ -238,7 +246,7 @@ void taos_fetch_row_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, TAOS_ROW),
if (pRes->row >= pRes->numOfRows) {
pSql->fp = tscProcessAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy;
pSql->fp = tscAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy;
if (pCmd->command != TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_METRIC && pCmd->command < TSDB_SQL_LOCAL) {
pCmd->command = (pCmd->command > TSDB_SQL_MGMT) ? TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE : TSDB_SQL_FETCH;
......@@ -255,7 +263,7 @@ void taos_fetch_row_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, TAOS_ROW),
void tscProcessAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
void tscAsyncFetchSingleRowProxy(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int numOfRows) {
SSqlObj *pSql = (SSqlObj *)tres;
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
......@@ -352,7 +360,7 @@ void tscQueueAsyncRes(SSqlObj *pSql) {
tscTrace("%p SqlObj is freed, not add into queue async res", pSql);
} else {
tscTrace("%p add into queued async res, code:%d", pSql, pSql->res.code);
tscError("%p add into queued async res, code:%d", pSql, pSql->res.code);
SSchedMsg schedMsg;
......@@ -513,7 +521,8 @@ void tscMeterMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
if (code != 0) {
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pSql->res.code = code;
......@@ -447,7 +447,9 @@ void tscSetLocalQueryResult(SSqlObj *pSql, const char *val, const char *columnNa
pCmd->numOfCols = 1;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
pQueryInfo->order.order = TSQL_SO_ASC;
tscFieldInfoSetValue(&pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo, 0, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, columnName, valueLength);
tscInitResObjForLocalQuery(pSql, 1, valueLength);
......@@ -1483,11 +1483,10 @@ int tscBuildRetrieveMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
*((uint16_t *)pMsg) = htons(pQueryInfo->type);
pMsg += sizeof(pQueryInfo->type);
msgLen = pMsg - pStart;
pSql->cmd.payloadLen = msgLen;
pSql->cmd.payloadLen = pMsg - pStart;
pSql->cmd.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_RETRIEVE;
return msgLen;
void tscUpdateVnodeInSubmitMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, char *buf) {
......@@ -2159,7 +2158,7 @@ int32_t tscBuildDropAcctMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
pCmd->payloadLen = pMsg - pStart;
return msgLen;
int32_t tscBuildUseDbMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
......@@ -2535,8 +2534,6 @@ static int tscLocalResultCommonBuilder(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t numOfRes) {
pRes->rspType = 1;
tscSetResultPointer(pQueryInfo, pRes);
pRes->row = 0;
} else {
......@@ -2625,11 +2622,10 @@ int tscBuildConnectMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
pMsg += sizeof(SConnectMsg);
msgLen = pMsg - pStart;
pCmd->payloadLen = msgLen;
pCmd->payloadLen = pMsg - pStart;
return msgLen;
int tscBuildMeterMetaMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
......@@ -2678,7 +2674,7 @@ int tscBuildMeterMetaMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
assert(msgLen + minMsgSize() <= pCmd->allocSize);
return msgLen;
......@@ -2881,7 +2877,8 @@ int tscBuildMetricMetaMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
pCmd->payloadLen = msgLen;
assert(msgLen + minMsgSize() <= size);
return msgLen;
int tscEstimateHeartBeatMsgLength(SSqlObj *pSql) {
......@@ -543,11 +543,11 @@ static void **tscBuildResFromSubqueries(SSqlObj *pSql) {
} else {// continue retrieve data from vnode
} else { // continue retrieve data from vnode
if (!tscHashRemainDataInSubqueryResultSet(pSql)) {
tscTrace("%p at least one subquery exhausted, free all other %d subqueries", pSql, pSql->numOfSubs - 1);
SSubqueryState *pState = NULL;
// free all sub sqlobj
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSql->numOfSubs; ++i) {
SSqlObj *pChildObj = pSql->pSubs[i];
......@@ -611,6 +611,7 @@ TAOS_ROW taos_fetch_row_impl(TAOS_RES *res) {
tscProcessSql(pSql); // retrieve data from virtual node
//if failed to retrieve data from current virtual node, try next one if exists
if (hasMoreVnodesToTry(pSql)) {
tscTryQueryNextVnode(pSql, NULL);
......@@ -634,7 +635,6 @@ TAOS_ROW taos_fetch_row_impl(TAOS_RES *res) {
TAOS_ROW taos_fetch_row(TAOS_RES *res) {
SSqlObj *pSql = (SSqlObj *)res;
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
if (pSql == NULL || pSql->signature != pSql) {
......@@ -646,26 +646,14 @@ TAOS_ROW taos_fetch_row(TAOS_RES *res) {
* instead of two-stage merge
TAOS_ROW rows = taos_fetch_row_impl(res);
if (rows != NULL) {
return rows;
// current subclause is completed, try the next subclause
while (rows == NULL && pCmd->clauseIndex < pCmd->numOfClause - 1) {
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
pSql->cmd.command = pQueryInfo->command;
assert(pSql->fp == NULL);
pRes->numOfTotal += pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause;
pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause = 0;
pRes->rspType = 0;
pSql->numOfSubs = 0;
tscTrace("%p try data in the next subclause:%d, total subclause:%d", pSql, pCmd->clauseIndex, pCmd->numOfClause);
tscTryQueryNextClause(pSql, NULL);
// if the rows is not NULL, return immediately
rows = taos_fetch_row_impl(res);
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
* tagId2,...] + '.' + group_orderType
void tscGetMetricMetaCacheKey(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, char* str, uint64_t uid) {
int32_t index = -1;
int32_t index = -1;
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoByUid(pQueryInfo, uid, &index);
int32_t len = 0;
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ bool tscIsTwoStageMergeMetricQuery(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
if (pQueryInfo == NULL) {
return false;
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, tableIndex);
if (pMeterMetaInfo == NULL || pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta == NULL) {
return false;
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ bool tscIsTwoStageMergeMetricQuery(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
return false;
bool tscProjectionQueryOnSTable(SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
bool tscProjectionQueryOnSTable(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, tableIndex);
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ void tscFreeSqlObjPartial(SSqlObj* pSql) {
pRes->numOfRows = 0;
pRes->numOfTotal = 0;
pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause = 0;
pRes->numOfGroups = 0;
......@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ int32_t tscCopyDataBlockToPayload(SSqlObj* pSql, STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock) {
assert(pDataBlock->pMeterMeta != NULL);
pCmd->numOfTablesInSubmit = pDataBlock->numOfMeters;
assert(pCmd->numOfClause == 1);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfo(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, 0);
......@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ int16_t tscFieldInfoGetOffset(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t index) {
int32_t tscFieldInfoCompare(SFieldInfo* pFieldInfo1, SFieldInfo* pFieldInfo2) {
assert(pFieldInfo1 != NULL && pFieldInfo2 != NULL);
if (pFieldInfo1->numOfOutputCols != pFieldInfo2->numOfOutputCols) {
return pFieldInfo1->numOfOutputCols - pFieldInfo2->numOfOutputCols;
......@@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ SMeterMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfo(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t clauseIndex, int32_t
SMeterMetaInfo* tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
assert(pQueryInfo != NULL);
if (pQueryInfo->pMeterInfo == NULL) {
assert(pQueryInfo->numOfTables == 0);
return NULL;
......@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ void tscResetForNextRetrieve(SSqlRes* pRes) {
if (pRes == NULL) {
pRes->row = 0;
pRes->numOfRows = 0;
......@@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void
printf("the metricmeta key is:%s\n", key);
char* name = pMeterMetaInfo->name;
char* name = pMeterMetaInfo->name;
SMeterMetaInfo* pFinalInfo = NULL;
if (pPrevSql == NULL) {
......@@ -1911,11 +1911,12 @@ SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void
assert(pFinalInfo->pMetricMeta != NULL);
tscTrace("%p new subquery %p, tableIndex:%d, vnodeIdx:%d, type:%d, exprInfo:%d, colList:%d,"
"fieldInfo:%d, name:%s", pSql, pNew, tableIndex,
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, pNewQueryInfo->type, pNewQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs, pNewQueryInfo->colList.numOfCols,
pNewQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutputCols, pFinalInfo->name);
"%p new subquery %p, tableIndex:%d, vnodeIdx:%d, type:%d, exprInfo:%d, colList:%d,"
"fieldInfo:%d, name:%s",
pSql, pNew, tableIndex, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, pNewQueryInfo->type, pNewQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs,
pNewQueryInfo->colList.numOfCols, pNewQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutputCols, pFinalInfo->name);
return pNew;
......@@ -1997,34 +1998,41 @@ char* tscGetErrorMsgPayload(SSqlCmd* pCmd) { return pCmd->payload; }
* If current vnode query does not return results anymore (pRes->numOfRows == 0), try the next vnode if exists,
* in case of multi-vnode super table projection query and the result does not reach the limitation.
bool hasMoreVnodesToTry(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
bool hasMoreVnodesToTry(SSqlObj* pSql) {
SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes* pRes = &pSql->res;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
if (!UTIL_METER_IS_SUPERTABLE(pMeterMetaInfo)) {
return false;
return pRes->numOfRows == 0 && tscProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0) && !tscHasReachLimitation(pQueryInfo, pRes);
int32_t totalVnode = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes;
return pRes->numOfRows == 0 && tscProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0) &&
(!tscHasReachLimitation(pQueryInfo, pRes)) && (pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < totalVnode - 1);
void tscTryQueryNextVnode(SSqlObj *pSql, __async_cb_func_t fp) {
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
void tscTryQueryNextVnode(SSqlObj* pSql, __async_cb_func_t fp) {
SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes* pRes = &pSql->res;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
* no result returned from the current virtual node anymore, try the next vnode if exists
* if case of: multi-vnode super table projection query
assert(pRes->numOfRows == 0 && tscProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0) && !tscHasReachLimitation(pQueryInfo, pRes));
SMeterMetaInfo *pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
SMeterMetaInfo* pMeterMetaInfo = tscGetMeterMetaInfoFromQueryInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int32_t totalVnode = pMeterMetaInfo->pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes;
while (++pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex < totalVnode) {
tscTrace("%p current vnode:%d exhausted, try next:%d. total vnode:%d. current numOfRes:%d", pSql,
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex - 1, pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, totalVnode, pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause);
* update the limit and offset value for the query on the next vnode,
* according to current retrieval results
......@@ -2037,13 +2045,13 @@ void tscTryQueryNextVnode(SSqlObj *pSql, __async_cb_func_t fp) {
if (pQueryInfo->clauseLimit >= 0) {
pQueryInfo->limit.limit = pQueryInfo->clauseLimit - pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause;
pQueryInfo->limit.offset = pRes->offset;
assert((pRes->offset >= 0 && pRes->numOfRows == 0) || (pRes->offset == 0 && pRes->numOfRows >= 0));
tscTrace("%p new query to next vnode, vnode index:%d, limit:%" PRId64 ", offset:%" PRId64 ", glimit:%" PRId64, pSql,
pMeterMetaInfo->vnodeIndex, pQueryInfo->limit.limit, pQueryInfo->limit.offset, pQueryInfo->clauseLimit);
* For project query with super table join, the numOfSub is equalled to the number of all subqueries.
* Therefore, we need to reset the value of numOfSubs to be 0.
......@@ -2052,45 +2060,77 @@ void tscTryQueryNextVnode(SSqlObj *pSql, __async_cb_func_t fp) {
pSql->numOfSubs = 0;
pCmd->command = TSDB_SQL_SELECT;
// in case of async query, set the callback function
void* fp1 = pSql->fp;
pSql->fp = fp;
if (fp1 != NULL) {
assert(fp != NULL);
assert(fp != NULL);
int32_t ret = tscProcessSql(pSql); // todo check for failure
// in case of async query, return now
if (fp != NULL) {
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pSql->res.code = ret;
// retrieve data
assert(pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT);
pCmd->command = TSDB_SQL_FETCH;
if ((ret = tscProcessSql(pSql)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pSql->res.code = ret;
// if the result from current virtual node are empty, try next if exists. otherwise, return the results.
if (pRes->numOfRows > 0) {
if (pRes->numOfRows == 0) {
tscTrace("%p all vnodes exhausted, prj query completed. total res:%d", pSql, totalVnode, pRes->numOfTotal);
void tscTryQueryNextClause(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*queryFp)()) {
SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes* pRes = &pSql->res;
// current subclause is completed, try the next subclause
assert(pCmd->clauseIndex < pCmd->numOfClause - 1);
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
pSql->cmd.command = pQueryInfo->command;
pRes->numOfTotal += pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause;
pRes->numOfTotalInCurrentClause = 0;
pRes->rspType = 0;
pSql->numOfSubs = 0;
if (pSql->fp != NULL) {
pSql->fp = queryFp;
assert(queryFp != NULL);
tscTrace("%p try data in the next subclause:%d, total subclause:%d", pSql, pCmd->clauseIndex, pCmd->numOfClause);
if (pCmd->command > TSDB_SQL_LOCAL) {
} else {
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