- oper : Can be one of "LT" (lower than), "GT" (greater than), "LE" (lower than or euqal to), "GE" (greater than or equal to), "NE" (not equal to), "EQ" (equal to).
- oper : Can be one of "LT" (lower than), "GT" (greater than), "LE" (lower than or euqal to), "GE" (greater than or equal to), "NE" (not equal to), "EQ" (equal to).
- val : Numeric types.
- val : Numeric types.
- unit: The unit of time interval, can be [1s, 1m, 1h], default is 1s.
- unit : The unit of time interval, can be: 1b(nanosecond), 1u(microsecond),1a(millisecond),1s(second),1m(minute),1h(hour),1d(day),1w(week). If not specified, default is same as the current database time precision in use.