提交 aef96dff 编写于 作者: S shenglian zhou

(query):Merge branch 'szhou/feature/diff-ignore-negative' of...

(query):Merge branch 'szhou/feature/diff-ignore-negative' of github.com:taosdata/TDengine into szhou/feature/diff-ignore-negative
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ SET(TD_MEM_CHECK FALSE)
......@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ def pre_test(){
git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
git clean -dfx
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd src/kit/taos-tools/deps/avro
git clean -dfx
cd ${WK}
git reset --hard HEAD~10
......@@ -154,6 +156,8 @@ def pre_test_noinstall(){
git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
git clean -dfx
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd src/kit/taos-tools/deps/avro
git clean -dfx
cd ${WK}
git reset --hard HEAD~10
......@@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ def pre_test_noinstall(){
git clean -dfx
mkdir debug
cd debug
cmake .. -DBUILD_HTTP=false -DBUILD_TOOLS=false > /dev/null
cmake .. -DBUILD_HTTP=false -DBUILD_TOOLS=true > /dev/null
return 1
......@@ -227,6 +231,8 @@ def pre_test_mac(){
git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
git clean -dfx
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd src/kit/taos-tools/deps/avro
git clean -dfx
cd ${WK}
git reset --hard HEAD~10
......@@ -355,7 +361,7 @@ pipeline {
stages {
agent{label 'catalina'}
agent{label 'master'}
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
when {
......@@ -364,36 +370,11 @@ pipeline {
println env.CHANGE_BRANCH
scope = ['connector','query','insert','other','tools','taosAdapter']
cd ${WKC}
git reset --hard HEAD~10
git fetch
git checkout ${CHANGE_BRANCH}
git pull
gitlog = sh(script: "git log -1 --pretty=%B ", returnStdout:true)
println gitlog
if (!(gitlog =~ /\((.*?)\)/)){
autoCancelled = true
error('Please fill in the scope information correctly.\neg. [TD-xxxx]<fix>(query,insert):xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ')
temp = (gitlog =~ /\((.*?)\)/)
temp = temp[0].remove(1)
scope = temp.split(",")
scope = ['connector','query','insert','other','tools','taosAdapter']
Collections.shuffle mod
Collections.shuffle sim_mod
scope = ['connector','query','insert','other','tools','taosAdapter']
Collections.shuffle mod
Collections.shuffle sim_mod
stage('Parallel test stage') {
//only build pr
......@@ -41,26 +41,6 @@ IF (TD_GODLL)
......@@ -130,10 +110,10 @@ IF (TD_MIPS_32)
SET(COMMON_FLAGS "${COMMON_FLAGS} -Wl,-z,stack-size=2097152")
MESSAGE(STATUS "aplhine is defined")
MESSAGE(STATUS "alpine is defined")
......@@ -43,23 +43,6 @@ IF (${SOMODE} MATCHES "static")
MESSAGE(STATUS "Link so using static mode")
IF (${DBNAME} MATCHES "power")
MESSAGE(STATUS "power is true")
MESSAGE(STATUS "tq is true")
MESSAGE(STATUS "pro is true")
MESSAGE(STATUS "kh is true")
MESSAGE(STATUS "jh is true")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input dll type: " ${DLLTYPE})
......@@ -3,50 +3,23 @@ IF (TD_LINUX)
INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(\"make install script: ${TD_MAKE_INSTALL_SH}\")")
INSTALL(FILES ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/inc/taoserror.h DESTINATION include)
INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.36-dist.jar DESTINATION connector/jdbc)
INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.37-dist.jar DESTINATION connector/jdbc)
SET(TD_MAKE_INSTALL_SH "${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh")
......@@ -96,10 +96,12 @@ IF ("${CPUTYPE}" STREQUAL "")
MESSAGE(STATUS "The current platform is amd64")
MESSAGE(STATUS "The current platform is x86")
SET(CPUTYPE "aarch32")
......@@ -107,12 +109,14 @@ IF ("${CPUTYPE}" STREQUAL "")
SET(CPUTYPE "aarch64")
SET(CPUTYPE "mips64")
......@@ -124,7 +128,6 @@ IF ("${CPUTYPE}" STREQUAL "")
MESSAGE(STATUS "Set CPUTYPE to apple silicon m1")
# if generate ARM version:
# cmake -DCPUTYPE=aarch32 .. or cmake -DCPUTYPE=aarch64
......@@ -132,27 +135,33 @@ ELSE ()
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType: aarch32")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType: aarch64")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType: mips64")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType: x64")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType: x86")
MESSAGE(STATUS "input cpuType unknown " ${CPUTYPE})
# cmake -DOSTYPE=Ningsi
IF (${OSTYPE} MATCHES "Ningsi60")
......@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ TDengine是一个高效的存储、查询、分析时序大数据的平台,专
* [连续查询(Continuous Query)](/advanced-features#continuous-query):基于滑动窗口,定时自动的对数据流进行查询计算
* [数据订阅(Publisher/Subscriber)](/advanced-features#subscribe):类似典型的消息队列,应用可订阅接收到的最新数据
* [缓存(Cache)](/advanced-features#cache):每个设备最新的数据都会缓存在内存中,可快速获取
* [报警监测](/advanced-features#alert):根据配置规则,自动监测超限行为数据,并主动推送
## [连接器](/connector)
......@@ -87,7 +86,9 @@ TDengine是一个高效的存储、查询、分析时序大数据的平台,专
* [taosAdapter 用户手册](/tools/adapter)
* [TDinsight 用户手册](/tools/insight)
* [taoTools 用户手册](/tools/taos-tools)
* [taosTools 安装手册](/tools/taos-tools)
* [taosdump 用户手册](/tools/taosdump)
* [taosbenchmark 用户手册](/tools/taosbenchmark)
## [与其他工具的连接](/connections)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ c452519b0f9b tdengine/tdengine "taosd" 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes ·
$ docker exec -it tdengine /bin/bash
- **docker exec**:通过 docker exec 命令进入容器,如果退出,容器不会停止。
......@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server-
进入容器后,执行 taos shell 客户端程序。
root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server- taos
root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server- taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
TDengine 终端成功连接服务端,打印出了欢迎消息和版本信息。如果失败,会有错误信息打印出来。
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ TDengine 终端成功连接服务端,打印出了欢迎消息和版本信息
$ taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
......@@ -113,16 +113,29 @@ TDengine RESTful 接口详情请参考[官方文档](https://www.taosdata.com/cn
### 使用 Docker 容器运行 TDengine server 和 taosAdapter
在 TDegnine 之后版本的 Docker 容器,开始一个组件 taosAdapter,taosAdapter 支持通过 RESTful 接口对 TDengine server 的数据写入和查询能力,并提供和 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 兼容的数据摄取接口,允许 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 应用程序无缝移植到 TDengine
在 TDegnine 之后版本的 Docker 容器,开始提供一个独立运行的组件 taosAdapter,代替之前版本 TDengine 中 taosd 进程中内置的 http server。taosAdapter 支持通过 RESTful 接口对 TDengine server 的数据写入和查询能力,并提供和 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 兼容的数据摄取接口,允许 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 应用程序无缝移植到 TDengine。在新版本 Docker 镜像中,默认运行 taosd,而 taosAdapter 没有运行;也可以使用 docker run 命令中指定 taosadapter 的方式来运行 taosadapter,而 taosd 不会运行;或者在 docker run 命令中指定运行 run_taosd_and_taosadapter.sh 来同时运行 taosd 和 taosAdapter
注意:如果容器中运行 taosAdapter,需要根据需要增加映射其他端口,具体端口默认配置和修改方法请参考[taosAdapter文档](https://github.com/taosdata/taosadapter/blob/develop/README-CN.md)
使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像:
使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(仅 taosd):
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine:
使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(仅 taosAdapter):
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6041-6049:6041-6049 -p 6041-6049:6041-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine: taosadapter
使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(同时运行 taosd 和 taosAdapter):
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine:
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine: run_taosd_and_taosadapter.sh
使用 curl 命令验证 RESTful 接口可以正常工作:
$ curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'show databases;'
......@@ -165,19 +178,139 @@ taos>
可以看到模拟数据已经被写入到 TDengine 中。
### 应用示例:在宿主机使用 taosdemo 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
### 应用示例:在宿主机使用 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
1,在宿主机命令行界面执行 taosdemo 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
1,在宿主机命令行界面执行 taosBenchmark (曾命名为 taosdemo)写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
$ taosdemo
$ taosBenchmark
taosdemo is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
user: root
password: taosdata
resultFile: ./output.txt
thread num of insert data: 10
thread num of create table: 10
top insert interval: 0
使用 curl 命令验证 RESTful 接口可以正常工作:
$ curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'show databases;'
{"status":"succ","head":["name","created_time","ntables","vgroups","replica","quorum","days","keep","cache(MB)","blocks","minrows","maxrows","wallevel","fsync","comp","cachelast","precision","update","status"],"column_meta":[["name",8,32],["created_time",9,8],["ntables",4,4],["vgroups",4,4],["replica",3,2],["quorum",3,2],["days",3,2],["keep",8,24],["cache(MB)",4,4],["blocks",4,4],["minrows",4,4],["maxrows",4,4],["wallevel",2,1],["fsync",4,4],["comp",2,1],["cachelast",2,1],["precision",8,3],["update",2,1],["status",8,10]],"data":[["log","2021-12-28 09:18:55.765",10,1,1,1,10,"30",1,3,100,4096,1,3000,2,0,"us",0,"ready"]],"rows":1}
taosAdapter 支持多个数据收集代理软件(如 Telegraf、StatsD、collectd 等),这里仅模拟 StasD 写入数据,在宿主机执行命令如下:
$ echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 6044
然后可以使用 taos shell 查询 taosAdapter 自动创建的数据库 statsd 和 超级表 foo 中的内容:
taos> show databases;
name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | cachelast | precision | update | status |
log | 2021-12-28 09:18:55.765 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 30 | 1 | 3 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | us | 0 | ready |
statsd | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.841 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 3650 | 16 | 6 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | ns | 2 | ready |
Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002112s)
taos> use statsd;
Database changed.
taos> show stables;
name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
foo | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.894 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001160s)
taos> select * from foo;
ts | value | metric_type |
2021-12-28 09:21:48.840820836 | 1 | counter |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001639s)
可以看到模拟数据已经被写入到 TDengine 中。
### 应用示例:在宿主机使用 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
1,在宿主机命令行界面执行 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
$ taosBenchmark
taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
user: root
password: taosdata
resultFile: ./output.txt
thread num of insert data: 10
thread num of create table: 10
top insert interval: 0
使用 curl 命令验证 RESTful 接口可以正常工作:
$ curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'show databases;'
{"status":"succ","head":["name","created_time","ntables","vgroups","replica","quorum","days","keep","cache(MB)","blocks","minrows","maxrows","wallevel","fsync","comp","cachelast","precision","update","status"],"column_meta":[["name",8,32],["created_time",9,8],["ntables",4,4],["vgroups",4,4],["replica",3,2],["quorum",3,2],["days",3,2],["keep",8,24],["cache(MB)",4,4],["blocks",4,4],["minrows",4,4],["maxrows",4,4],["wallevel",2,1],["fsync",4,4],["comp",2,1],["cachelast",2,1],["precision",8,3],["update",2,1],["status",8,10]],"data":[["log","2021-12-28 09:18:55.765",10,1,1,1,10,"30",1,3,100,4096,1,3000,2,0,"us",0,"ready"]],"rows":1}
taosAdapter 支持多个数据收集代理软件(如 Telegraf、StatsD、collectd 等),这里仅模拟 StasD 写入数据,在宿主机执行命令如下:
$ echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 6044
然后可以使用 taos shell 查询 taosAdapter 自动创建的数据库 statsd 和 超级表 foo 中的内容:
taos> show databases;
name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | cachelast | precision | update | status |
log | 2021-12-28 09:18:55.765 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 30 | 1 | 3 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | us | 0 | ready |
statsd | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.841 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 3650 | 16 | 6 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | ns | 2 | ready |
Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002112s)
taos> use statsd;
Database changed.
taos> show stables;
name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
foo | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.894 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001160s)
taos> select * from foo;
ts | value | metric_type |
2021-12-28 09:21:48.840820836 | 1 | counter |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001639s)
可以看到模拟数据已经被写入到 TDengine 中。
### 应用示例:在宿主机使用 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
1,在宿主机命令行界面执行 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
$ taosBenchmark
taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
user: root
password: taosdata
resultFile: ./output.txt
thread num of insert data: 10
thread num of create table: 10
......@@ -206,13 +339,13 @@ database[0]:
maxSqlLen: 1048576
timeStampStep: 1
startTimestamp: 2017-07-14 10:40:00.000
columnCount: 3
column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT
column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT
tagCount: 2
tag[0]:INT tag[1]:BINARY(16)
tag[0]:INT tag[1]:BINARY(16)
Press enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop
......@@ -221,17 +354,17 @@ column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT
最后共插入 1 亿条记录。
2,进入 TDengine 终端,查看 taosdemo 生成的数据。
2,进入 TDengine 终端,查看 taosBenchmark 生成的数据。
- **进入命令行。**
$ root@c452519b0f9b:~/TDengine-server- taos
$ root@c452519b0f9b:~/TDengine-server- taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
- **查看数据库。**
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## <a class="anchor" id="install"></a>快捷安装
TDengine 软件分为服务器、客户端和报警模块三部分,目前 2.0 版服务器仅能在 Linux 系统上安装和运行,后续会支持 Windows、Mac OS 等系统。客户端可以在 Windows 或 Linux 上安装和运行。任何 OS 的应用也可以选择 RESTful 接口连接服务器 taosd。CPU 支持 X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64,后续会支持 ARM32、RISC-V 等 CPU 架构。用户可根据需求选择通过 [源码](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过源码安装) 或者 [安装包](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过安装包安装) 来安装。
TDengine 软件分为服务器、客户端和报警模块三部分,目前 2.0 版服务器仅能在 Linux 系统上安装和运行,后续会支持 Windows、Mac OS 等系统。客户端可以在 Windows 或 Linux 上安装和运行。任何 OS 的应用也可以选择 RESTful 接口连接服务器 taosd,其中 2.4 之后版本默认使用单独运行的独立组件 taosAdapter 提供 http 服务,之前版本使用内置 http 服务。CPU 支持 X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64,后续会支持 ARM32、RISC-V 等 CPU 架构。用户可根据需求选择通过 [源码](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过源码安装) 或者 [安装包](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过安装包安装) 来安装。
### <a class="anchor" id="source-install"></a>通过源码安装
......@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ taos> source <filename>;
## <a class="anchor" id="demo"></a>TDengine 极速体验
启动 TDengine 的服务,在 Linux 终端执行 taosdemo
启动 TDengine 的服务,在 Linux 终端执行 taosBenchmark (曾命名为 taosdemo):
$ taosdemo
$ taosBenchmark
该命令将在数据库 test 下面自动创建一张超级表 meters,该超级表下有 1 万张表,表名为 "d0" 到 "d9999",每张表有 1 万条记录,每条记录有 (ts, current, voltage, phase) 四个字段,时间戳从 "2017-07-14 10:40:00 000" 到 "2017-07-14 10:40:09 999",每张表带有标签 location 和 groupId,groupId 被设置为 1 到 10, location 被设置为 "beijing" 或者 "shanghai"。
......@@ -175,17 +175,15 @@ taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.meters where group
taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.d10 interval(10s);
## <a class="anchor" id="taosdemo"></a> taosdemo 详细功能列表
## <a class="anchor" id="taosBenchmark"></a> taosBenchmark 详细功能列表
taosdemo 命令本身带有很多选项,配置表的数目、记录条数等等,请执行 `taosdemo --help` 详细列出。您可以设置不同参数进行体验。
taosdemo 详细使用方法请参照 [如何使用taosdemo对TDengine进行性能测试](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/getting-started/taosdemo )
taosBenchmark 命令本身带有很多选项,配置表的数目、记录条数等等,请执行 `taosBenchmark --help` 详细列出。您可以设置不同参数进行体验。
taosBenchmark 详细使用方法请参照 [如何使用taosBenchmark对TDengine进行性能测试](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/getting-started/taosBenchmark )
## 客户端和报警模块
## 客户端
如果客户端和服务端运行在不同的电脑上,可以单独安装客户端。Linux 和 Windows 安装包可以在 [这里](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#客户端) 下载。
报警模块的 Linux 和 Windows 安装包请在 [所有下载链接](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/) 页面搜索“TDengine Alert Linux”章节或“TDengine Alert Windows”章节进行下载。使用方法请参考 [报警模块的使用方法](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/master/alert/README_cn.md)
## <a class="anchor" id="platforms"></a>支持平台列表
### TDengine 服务器支持的平台列表
......@@ -356,10 +356,3 @@ select last_row(voltage) from meters where location='Beijing.Chaoyang';
## <a class="anchor" id="alert"></a>报警监测(Alert)
在 TDengine 的应用场景中,报警监测是一个常见需求,从概念上说,它要求程序从最近一段时间的数据中筛选出符合一定条件的数据,并基于这些数据根据定义好的公式计算出一个结果,当这个结果符合某个条件且持续一定时间后,以某种形式通知用户。
为了满足用户对报警监测的需求,TDengine 以独立模块的形式提供了这一功能,有关它的安装使用方法,请参考博客 [使用 TDengine 进行报警监测](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/04/14/1438.html)
......@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ k1 = conn.query("select info->'k1' as k1 from s1").fetch_all_into_dict()
为支持各种不同类型平台的开发,TDengine 提供符合 REST 设计标准的 API,即 RESTful API。为最大程度降低学习成本,不同于其他数据库 RESTful API 的设计方法,TDengine 直接通过 HTTP POST 请求 BODY 中包含的 SQL 语句来操作数据库,仅需要一个 URL。RESTful 连接器的使用参见[视频教程](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html)
注意:与标准连接器的一个区别是,RESTful 接口是无状态的,因此 `USE db_name` 指令没有效果,所有对表名、超级表名的引用都需要指定数据库名前缀。(从 版本开始,支持在 RESTful url 中指定 db_name,这时如果 SQL 语句中没有指定数据库名前缀的话,会使用 url 中指定的这个 db_name。)
注意:与原生连接器的一个区别是,RESTful 接口是无状态的,因此 `USE db_name` 指令没有效果,所有对表名、超级表名的引用都需要指定数据库名前缀。(从 版本开始,支持在 RESTful url 中指定 db_name,这时如果 SQL 语句中没有指定数据库名前缀的话,会使用 url 中指定的这个 db_name。从 版本开始,RESTful 默认有 taosAdapter 提供,要求必须在 url 中指定 db_name。)
### 安装
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=tdengine-datasource
* Host: TDengine 集群的中任意一台服务器的 IP 地址与 TDengine RESTful 接口的端口号(6041),默认 http://localhost:6041
* Host: TDengine 集群的中任意一台服务器的 IP 地址与 TDengine RESTful 接口的端口号(6041),默认 http://localhost:6041。注意:从 2.4 版本开始 RESTful 服务默认使用独立组件 taosAdapter 提供,请参考相关文档配置部署
* User:TDengine 用户名。
* Password:TDengine 用户密码。
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ SHOW MNODES;
**【提示】负载均衡由参数balance控制,它决定是否启动自动负载均衡, 0 表示禁用, 1 表示启用自动负载均衡。**
## <a class="anchor" id="offline"></a>数据节点离线处理
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ taosd -C
| 1 | firstEP | | **SC** | | taosd启动时,主动连接的集群中首个dnode的end point | | localhost:6030 | |
| 2 | secondEP | YES | **SC** | | taosd启动时,如果firstEp连接不上,尝试连接集群中第二个dnode的end point | | 无 | |
| 3 | fqdn | | **SC** | | 数据节点的FQDN。如果习惯IP地址访问,可设置为该节点的IP地址。 | | 缺省为操作系统配置的第一个hostname。 | 这个参数值的长度需要控制在 96 个字符以内。 |
| 4 | serverPort | | **SC** | | taosd启动后,对外服务的端口号 | | 6030 | RESTful服务使用的端口号是在此基础上+11,即默认值为6041。 |
| 4 | serverPort | | **SC** | | taosd启动后,对外服务的端口号 | | 6030 | RESTful服务使用的端口号是在此基础上+11,即默认值为6041(注意2.4及后续版本使用 taosAdapter 提供 RESTful 接口)。 |
| 5 | logDir | | **SC** | | 日志文件目录,客户端和服务器的运行日志将写入该目录 | | /var/log/taos | |
| 6 | scriptDir | YES | **S** | | | | | |
| 7 | dataDir | | **S** | | 数据文件目录,所有的数据文件都将写入该目录 | | /var/lib/taos | |
......@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ taosd -C
| 62 | http | | **S** | | 服务器内部的http服务开关。 | 0:关闭http服务, 1:激活http服务。 | 1 | |
| 63 | mqtt | YES | **S** | | 服务器内部的mqtt服务开关。 | 0:关闭mqtt服务, 1:激活mqtt服务。 | 0 | |
| 64 | monitor | | **S** | | 服务器内部的系统监控开关。监控主要负责收集物理节点的负载状况,包括CPU、内存、硬盘、网络带宽、HTTP请求量的监控记录,记录信息存储在`LOG`库中。 | 0:关闭监控服务, 1:激活监控服务。 | 0 | |
| 65 | httpEnableRecordSql | | **S** | | 内部使用,记录通过RESTFul接口,产生的SQL调用 | | 0 | 生成的文件(httpnote.0/httpnote.1),与服务端日志所在目录相同。 |
| 66 | httpMaxThreads | | **S** | | RESTFul接口的线程数 | | 2 | |
| 65 | httpEnableRecordSql | | **S** | | 内部使用,记录通过RESTFul接口,产生的SQL调用。taosAdapter 配置或有不同,请参考相应[文档](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/tools/adapter) | | 0 | 生成的文件(httpnote.0/httpnote.1),与服务端日志所在目录相同。 |
| 66 | httpMaxThreads | | **S** | | RESTFul接口的线程数。taosAdapter 配置或有不同,请参考相应[文档](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/tools/adapter) | | 2 | |
| 67 | telegrafUseFieldNum | YES | | | | | | |
| 68 | restfulRowLimit | | **S** | | RESTFul接口单次返回的记录条数 | | 10240 | 最大10,000,000 |
| 68 | restfulRowLimit | | **S** | | RESTFul接口单次返回的记录条数。taosAdapter 配置或有不同,请参考相应[文档](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/tools/adapter) | | 10240 | 最大10,000,000 |
| 69 | numOfLogLines | | **SC** | | 单个日志文件允许的最大行数。 | | 10,000,000 | |
| 70 | asyncLog | | **SC** | | 日志写入模式 | 0:同步、1:异步 | 1 | |
| 71 | logKeepDays | | **SC** | 天 | 日志文件的最长保存时间 | | 0 | 大于0时,日志文件会被重命名为taosdlog.xxx,其中xxx为日志文件最后修改的时间戳。 |
......@@ -641,9 +641,11 @@ TDengine的所有可执行文件默认存放在 _/usr/local/taos/bin_ 目录下
- *taosd*:TDengine服务端可执行文件
- *taos*:TDengine Shell可执行文件
- *taosdump*:数据导入导出工具
- *taosdemo*:TDengine测试工具
- *taosBenchmark*:TDengine测试工具
- remove.sh:卸载TDengine的脚本,请谨慎执行,链接到/usr/bin目录下的**rmtaos**命令。会删除TDengine的安装目录/usr/local/taos,但会保留/etc/taos、/var/lib/taos、/var/log/taos。
注意: 版本之后的 taosBenchmark 和 taosdump 需要安装独立安装包 taosTools。
## TDengine 的启动、停止、卸载
......@@ -692,6 +694,13 @@ rmtaos
1. 合法字符:英文字符、数字和下划线
2. 允许英文字符或下划线开头,不允许以数字开头
3. 不区分大小写
4. 转义后表(列)名规则:
为了兼容支持更多形式的表(列)名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 "`"。可用让表名与关键词不冲突,同时不受限于上述表名称合法性约束检查。
例如:\`aBc\` 和 \`abc\` 是不同的表(列)名,但是 abc 和 aBc 是相同的表(列)名。
支持转义符的功能从 版本开始。
......@@ -761,6 +770,27 @@ rmtaos
## 转义字符说明
- 转义字符表(转义符的功能从 版本开始)
| 字符序列 | **代表的字符** |
| :--------: | ------- |
| `\'` | 单引号' |
| `\"` | 双引号" |
| \n | 换行符 |
| \r | 回车符 |
| \t | tab符 |
| `\\` | 斜杠\ |
| `\%` | % 规则见下 |
| `\_` | _ 规则见下 |
- 转义字符使用规则
1. 标识符里有转义字符(数据库名、表名、列名)
1. 普通标识符: 直接提示错误的标识符,因为标识符规定必须是数字、字母和下划线,并且不能以数字开头。
2. 反引号``标识符: 保持原样,不转义
2. 数据里有转义字符
1. 遇到上面定义的转义字符会转义(%和_见下面说明),如果没有匹配的转义字符会忽略掉转义符\。
2. 对于%和_,因为在like里这两个字符是通配符,所以在模式匹配like里用`\%`%和`\_`表示字符里本身的%和_,如果在like模式匹配上下文之外使用`\%`或`\_`,则它们的计算结果为字符串`\%`和`\_`,而不是%和_。
## 诊断及其他
#### 网络连接诊断
......@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
## 用 C/C++ 语言来定义 UDF
TDengine 提供 3 个 UDF 的源代码示例,分别为:
* [add_one.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/add_one.c)
* [abs_max.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/abs_max.c)
* [demo.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/demo.c)
* [add_one.c](#add_one.c)
* [abs_max.c](#abs_max.c)
* [demo.c](#demo.c)
### 标量函数
......@@ -142,3 +143,266 @@ SELECT X(c) FROM table/stable;
4. UDF 只要创建成功,就会被持久化存储到 MNode 节点中;
5. 无法通过 RESTful 接口来创建 UDF;
6. UDF 在 SQL 中定义的函数名,必须与 .so 库文件实现中的接口函数名前缀保持一致,也即必须是 udfNormalFunc 的名称,而且不可与 TDengine 中已有的内建 SQL 函数重名。
## 代码附件
### [add_one.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/add_one.c)
<span id="add_one.c">
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct SUdfInit{
int maybe_null; /* 1 if function can return NULL */
int decimals; /* for real functions */
long long length; /* For string functions */
char *ptr; /* free pointer for function data */
int const_item; /* 0 if result is independent of arguments */
} SUdfInit;
void add_one(char* data, short itype, short ibytes, int numOfRows, long long* ts, char* dataOutput, char* interBUf, char* tsOutput,
int* numOfOutput, short otype, short obytes, SUdfInit* buf) {
int i;
int r = 0;
// printf("add_one input data:%p, type:%d, rows:%d, ts:%p,%lld, dataoutput:%p, tsOutput:%p, numOfOutput:%p, buf:%p\n", data, itype, numOfRows, ts, *ts, dataOutput, tsOutput, numOfOutput, buf);
if (itype == 4) {
for(i=0;i<numOfRows;++i) {
// printf("input %d - %d", i, *((int *)data + i));
*((int *)dataOutput+i)=*((int *)data + i) + 1;
// printf(", output %d\n", *((int *)dataOutput+i));
if (tsOutput) {
*(long long*)tsOutput=1000000;
// printf("add_one out, numOfOutput:%d\n", *numOfOutput);
### [abs_max.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/abs_max.c)
<span id="abs_max.c">
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef struct SUdfInit{
int maybe_null; /* 1 if function can return NULL */
int decimals; /* for real functions */
int64_t length; /* For string functions */
char *ptr; /* free pointer for function data */
int const_item; /* 0 if result is independent of arguments */
} SUdfInit;
#define TSDB_DATA_INT_NULL 0x80000000L
#define TSDB_DATA_BIGINT_NULL 0x8000000000000000L
void abs_max(char* data, short itype, short ibytes, int numOfRows, int64_t* ts, char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, char* tsOutput,
int* numOfOutput, short otype, short obytes, SUdfInit* buf) {
int i;
int64_t r = 0;
// printf("abs_max input data:%p, type:%d, rows:%d, ts:%p, %" PRId64 ", dataoutput:%p, tsOutput:%p, numOfOutput:%p, buf:%p\n", data, itype, numOfRows, ts, *ts, dataOutput, tsOutput, numOfOutput, buf);
if (itype == 5) {
r=*(int64_t *)dataOutput;
for(i=0;i<numOfRows;++i) {
if (*((int64_t *)data + i) == TSDB_DATA_BIGINT_NULL) {
//int64_t v = abs(*((int64_t *)data + i));
int64_t v = *((int64_t *)data + i);
if (v < 0) {
v = 0 - v;
if (v > r) {
r = v;
*(int64_t *)dataOutput=r;
// printf("abs_max out, dataoutput:%" PRId64", numOfOutput:%d\n", *(int64_t *)dataOutput, *numOfOutput);
}else {
void abs_max_finalize(char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, int* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf) {
int i;
//int64_t r = 0;
// printf("abs_max_finalize dataoutput:%p:%d, numOfOutput:%d, buf:%p\n", dataOutput, *dataOutput, *numOfOutput, buf);
// *numOfOutput=1;
// printf("abs_max finalize, dataoutput:%" PRId64", numOfOutput:%d\n", *(int64_t *)dataOutput, *numOfOutput);
void abs_max_merge(char* data, int32_t numOfRows, char* dataOutput, int32_t* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf) {
int64_t r = 0;
if (numOfRows > 0) {
r = *((int64_t *)data);
// printf("abs_max_merge numOfRows:%d, dataoutput:%p, buf:%p\n", numOfRows, dataOutput, buf);
for (int i = 1; i < numOfRows; ++i) {
// printf("abs_max_merge %d - %" PRId64"\n", i, *((int64_t *)data + i));
if (*((int64_t*)data + i) > r) {
r= *((int64_t*)data + i);
if (numOfRows > 0) {
} else {
// printf("abs_max_merge, dataoutput:%" PRId64", numOfOutput:%d\n", *(int64_t *)dataOutput, *numOfOutput);
int abs_max_init(SUdfInit* buf) {
// printf("abs_max init\n");
return 0;
void abs_max_destroy(SUdfInit* buf) {
// printf("abs_max destroy\n");
### [demo.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/demo.c)
<span id="demo.c">
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct SUdfInit{
int maybe_null; /* 1 if function can return NULL */
int decimals; /* for real functions */
long long length; /* For string functions */
char *ptr; /* free pointer for function data */
int const_item; /* 0 if result is independent of arguments */
} SUdfInit;
typedef struct SDemo{
double sum;
int num;
short otype;
#define FLOAT_NULL 0x7FF00000 // it is an NAN
#define DOUBLE_NULL 0x7FFFFF0000000000L // it is an NAN
void demo(char* data, short itype, short ibytes, int numOfRows, long long* ts, char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, char* tsOutput,
int* numOfOutput, short otype, short obytes, SUdfInit* buf) {
int i;
double r = 0;
SDemo *p = (SDemo *)interBuf;
SDemo *q = (SDemo *)dataOutput;
printf("demo input data:%p, type:%d, rows:%d, ts:%p,%lld, dataoutput:%p, interBUf:%p, tsOutput:%p, numOfOutput:%p, buf:%p\n", data, itype, numOfRows, ts, *ts, dataOutput, interBuf, tsOutput, numOfOutput, buf);
for(i=0;i<numOfRows;++i) {
if (itype == 4) {
r=*((int *)data+i);
} else if (itype == 6) {
r=*((float *)data+i);
} else if (itype == 7) {
r=*((double *)data+i);
p->sum += r*r;
p->otype = otype;
p->num += numOfRows;
q->sum = p->sum;
q->num = p->num;
q->otype = p->otype;
printf("demo out, sum:%f, num:%d, numOfOutput:%d\n", p->sum, p->num, *numOfOutput);
void demo_merge(char* data, int32_t numOfRows, char* dataOutput, int32_t* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf) {
int i;
SDemo *p = (SDemo *)data;
SDemo res = {0};
printf("demo_merge input data:%p, rows:%d, dataoutput:%p, numOfOutput:%p, buf:%p\n", data, numOfRows, dataOutput, numOfOutput, buf);
for(i=0;i<numOfRows;++i) {
res.sum += p->sum * p->sum;
res.num += p->num;
p->sum = res.sum;
p->num = res.num;
printf("demo out, sum:%f, num:%d, numOfOutput:%d\n", p->sum, p->num, *numOfOutput);
void demo_finalize(char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, int* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf) {
SDemo *p = (SDemo *)interBuf;
printf("demo_finalize interbuf:%p, numOfOutput:%p, buf:%p, sum:%f, num:%d\n", interBuf, numOfOutput, buf, p->sum, p->num);
if (p->otype == 6) {
if (p->num != 30000) {
*(unsigned int *)dataOutput = FLOAT_NULL;
} else {
*(float *)dataOutput = (float)(p->sum / p->num);
printf("finalize values:%f\n", *(float *)dataOutput);
} else if (p->otype == 7) {
if (p->num != 30000) {
*(unsigned long long *)dataOutput = DOUBLE_NULL;
} else {
*(double *)dataOutput = (double)(p->sum / p->num);
printf("finalize values:%f\n", *(double *)dataOutput);
printf("demo finalize, numOfOutput:%d\n", *numOfOutput);
int demo_init(SUdfInit* buf) {
printf("demo init\n");
return 0;
void demo_destroy(SUdfInit* buf) {
printf("demo destroy\n");
......@@ -37,7 +37,11 @@ taos> DESCRIBE meters;
- Epoch Time:时间戳也可以是一个长整数,表示从格林威治时间 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 (UTC/GMT) 开始的毫秒数(相应地,如果所在 Database 的时间精度设置为“微秒”,则长整型格式的时间戳含义也就对应于从格林威治时间 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 (UTC/GMT) 开始的微秒数;纳秒精度的逻辑也是类似的。)
- 时间可以加减,比如 now-2h,表明查询时刻向前推 2 个小时(最近 2 小时)。数字后面的时间单位可以是 b(纳秒)、u(微秒)、a(毫秒)、s(秒)、m(分)、h(小时)、d(天)、w(周)。 比如 `select * from t1 where ts > now-2w and ts <= now-1w`,表示查询两周前整整一周的数据。在指定降采样操作(down sampling)的时间窗口(interval)时,时间单位还可以使用 n(自然月) 和 y(自然年)。
TDengine 缺省的时间戳是毫秒精度,但通过在 CREATE DATABASE 时传递的 PRECISION 参数就可以支持微秒和纳秒。(从 版本开始支持纳秒精度)
TDengine 缺省的时间戳是毫秒精度,但通过在 CREATE DATABASE 时传递的 PRECISION 参数就可以支持微秒和纳秒。(从 版本开始支持纳秒精度)
在TDengine中,普通表的数据模型中可使用以下 10 种数据类型。
......@@ -601,7 +605,6 @@ SELECT DISTINCT tag_name [, tag_name ...] FROM stb_name;
SELECT DISTINCT col_name [, col_name ...] FROM tb_name;
需要注意的是,DISTINCT 目前不支持对超级表中的普通列进行处理。如果需要进行此类操作,那么需要把超级表放在子查询中,再对子查询的计算结果执行 DISTINCT。
1. cfg 文件中的配置参数 maxNumOfDistinctRes 将对 DISTINCT 能够输出的数据行数进行限制。其最小值是 100000,最大值是 100000000,默认值是 10000000。如果实际计算结果超出了这个限制,那么会仅输出这个数量范围内的部分。
......@@ -1669,7 +1672,7 @@ SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts), status FROM temp_tb_1 STATE_WINDOW(status)
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts) FROM temp_tb_1 SESSION_WINDOW(ts, tol_val)
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts) FROM temp_tb_1 SESSION(ts, tol_val)
......@@ -1689,7 +1692,10 @@ SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
[GROUP BY tags]
- 在聚合查询中,function_list 位置允许使用聚合和选择函数,并要求每个函数仅输出单个结果(例如:COUNT、AVG、SUM、STDDEV、LEASTSQUARES、PERCENTILE、MIN、MAX、FIRST、LAST),而不能使用具有多行输出结果的函数(例如:TOP、BOTTOM、DIFF 以及四则运算)。
- 在聚合查询中,function_list 位置允许使用聚合和选择函数,并要求每个函数仅输出单个结果(例如:COUNT、AVG、SUM、STDDEV、LEASTSQUARES、PERCENTILE、MIN、MAX、FIRST、LAST),而不能使用具有多行输出结果的函数(例如:DIFF 以及四则运算)。
- 此外也 LAST_ROW 查询也不能与窗口聚合同时出现。
- 标量函数(如:CEIL/FLOOR 等)也不能使用在窗口聚合查询中。
- WHERE 语句可以指定查询的起止时间和其他过滤条件。
......@@ -1754,10 +1760,10 @@ IS NOT NULL 支持所有类型的列。不为空的表达式为 <>"",仅对非
## 表(列)名合法性说明
TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
为了兼容支持更多形式的表(列)名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 "`"。可用让表名与关键词不冲突,同时不受限于上述表名称合法性约束检查。
为了兼容支持更多形式的表(列)名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 "`"。可用让表名与关键词不冲突,同时不受限于上述表名称合法性约束检查,转义符不计入表名称的长度
......@@ -1852,7 +1858,7 @@ TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0
## 转义字符说明
- 转义字符表
- 转义字符表 (转义符的功能从 版本开始)
| 字符序列 | **代表的字符** |
| :--------: | ------- |
......@@ -1863,7 +1869,7 @@ TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
| \t | tab符 |
| `\\` | 斜杠\ |
| `\%` | % 规则见下 |
| `\%` | _ 规则见下 |
| `\_` | _ 规则见下 |
- 转义字符使用规则
1. 标识符里有转义字符(数据库名、表名、列名)
......@@ -1871,4 +1877,4 @@ TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
2. 反引号``标识符: 保持原样,不转义
2. 数据里有转义字符
1. 遇到上面定义的转义字符会转义(%和_见下面说明),如果没有匹配的转义字符会忽略掉转义符\。
2. 对于%和_,因为在like里这两个字符是通配符,所以在模式匹配like里用`\%`%和`\_`表示字符里本身的%和_,如果在like模式匹配上下文之外使用`\%`或`\_`,则它们的计算结果为字符串`\%`和`\_`,而不是%和_。
\ No newline at end of file
2. 对于%和_,因为在like里这两个字符是通配符,所以在模式匹配like里用`\%`%和`\_`表示字符里本身的%和_,如果在like模式匹配上下文之外使用`\%`或`\_`,则它们的计算结果为字符串`\%`和`\_`,而不是%和_。
......@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
2. 如果网络配置有DNS server,请检查是否正常工作
3. 如果网络没有配置DNS server,请检查客户端所在机器的hosts文件,查看该FQDN是否配置,并是否有正确的IP地址
4. 如果网络配置OK,从客户端所在机器,你需要能Ping该连接的FQDN,否则客户端是无法连接服务器的
5. 如果服务器曾经使用过TDengine,且更改过hostname,建议检查data目录的dnodeEps.json是否符合当前配置的EP,路径默认为/var/lib/taos/dnode。正常情况下,建议更换新的数据目录或者备份后删除以前的数据目录,这样可以避免该问题。
6. 检查/etc/hosts 和/etc/hostname是否是预配置的FQDN
**7. 虽然语法正确,为什么我还是得到 "Invalid SQL" 错误**
......@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ TDengine 中时间戳的时区总是由客户端进行处理,而与服务端
| TCP | 6030 | 客户端与服务端之间通讯。 | 由配置文件设置 serverPort 决定。 |
| TCP | 6035 | 多节点集群的节点间通讯。 | 随 serverPort 端口变化。 |
| TCP | 6040 | 多节点集群的节点间数据同步。 | 随 serverPort 端口变化。 |
| TCP | 6041 | 客户端与服务端之间的 RESTful 通讯。 | 随 serverPort 端口变化。 |
| TCP | 6041 | 客户端与服务端之间的 RESTful 通讯。 | 随 serverPort 端口变化。注意 taosAdapter 配置或有不同,请参考相应[文档](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/tools/adapter) |
| TCP | 6042 | Arbitrator 的服务端口。 | 随 Arbitrator 启动参数设置变化。 |
| TCP | 6043 | TaosKeeper 监控服务端口。 | 随 TaosKeeper 启动参数设置变化。 |
| TCP | 6044 | 支持 StatsD 的数据接入端口。 | 随 taosAdapter 启动参数设置变化(以上版本)。 |
......@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ TDengine 中时间戳的时区总是由客户端进行处理,而与服务端
**20. go 语言编写组件编译失败怎样解决?**
新版本 TDengine 包含一个使用 go 语言开发的 taosAdapter 组件,取代之前内置的 httpd ,提供包含原 httpd 功能以及支持多种其他软件(Prometheus、Telegraf、collectd、StatsD等)的数据接入功能。
新版本 TDengine 包含一个使用 go 语言开发的 taosAdapter 独立组件,需要单独运行,取代之前 taosd 内置的 httpd ,提供包含原 httpd 功能以及支持多种其他软件(Prometheus、Telegraf、collectd、StatsD等)的数据接入功能。
使用最新 develop 分支代码编译需要先 `git submodule update --init --recursive` 下载 taosAdapter 仓库代码后再编译。
目前编译方式默认自动编译 taosAdapter。go 语言版本要求 1.14 以上,如果发生 go 编译错误,往往是国内访问 go mod 问题,可以通过设置 go 环境变量来解决:
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ TDengine is a highly efficient platform to store, query, and analyze time-series
## [Efficient Data Ingestion](/insert)
- [Data Writing via SQL](/insert#sql): write one or multiple records into one or multiple tables via SQL insert command
- [Data Writing via Schemaless](/insert#schemaless): write one or multiple records with automatic table creation and adaptive table structure maintenance
- [Data Writing via Prometheus](/insert#prometheus): Configure Prometheus to write data directly without any code
- [Data Writing via Telegraf](/insert#telegraf): Configure Telegraf to write collected data directly without any code
- [Data Writing via EMQ X](/insert#emq): Configure EMQ X to write MQTT data directly without any code
......@@ -83,7 +84,9 @@ TDengine is a highly efficient platform to store, query, and analyze time-series
* [taosAdapter User Manual](/tools/adapter)
* [TDinsight User Manual](/tools/insight)
* [taos-tools User Manual](/tools/taos-tools)
* [taosTools Install Manual](/tools/taos-tools)
* [taosdump User Manual](/tools/taosdump)
* [taosbenchmark User Manual](/tools/taosbenchmark)
## [Connections with Other Tools](/connections)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ c452519b0f9b tdengine/tdengine "taosd" 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes ·
$ docker exec -it tdengine /bin/bash
- **docker exec**: Enter the container by `docker exec` command, if exited, the container will not stop.
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server-
After entering the container, execute the taos shell client program.
root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server- taos
root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server- taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ After starting the TDengine Docker container with the correct port mapped with t
$ taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
......@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ Docker containers of TDegnine version and later include a component name
Note: If taosAdapter is running inside the container, you need to add mapping to other additional ports as needed, please refer to [taosAdapter documentation](https://github.com/taosdata/taosadapter/blob/develop/README.md) for the default port number and modification methods for the specific purpose.
Running TDengine version image with docker.
Running TDengine version image with docker.
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine:
$ docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine:
Verify that the RESTful interface taosAdapter provides working using the `curl` command.
......@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ taos>
You can see that the simulation data has been written to TDengine.
### Application example: write data to TDengine server in Docker container using taosdemo on the host
### Application example: write data to TDengine server in Docker container using taosBenchmark on the host
1, execute taosdemo in the host command line interface to write data to the TDengine server in the Docker container
1, execute `taosBenchmark` (was named taosdemo) in the host command line interface to write data to the TDengine server in the Docker container
$ taosdemo
$ taosBenchmark
taosdemo is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
user: root
......@@ -219,14 +219,14 @@ After enter, this command will automatically create a super table `meters` under
It takes about a few minutes to execute this command and ends up inserting a total of 100 million records.
3, Go to the TDengine terminal and view the data generated by taosdemo.
3, Go to the TDengine terminal and view the data generated by taosBenchmark.
- **Go to the terminal interface.**
$ root@c452519b0f9b:~/TDengine-server- taos
$ root@c452519b0f9b:~/TDengine-server- taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
Since TDengine was open sourced in July 2019, it has gained a lot of popularity among time-series database developers with its innovative data modeling design, simple installation method, easy programming interface, and powerful data insertion and query performance. The insertion and querying performance is often astonishing to users who are new to TDengine. In order to help users to experience the high performance and functions of TDengine in the shortest time, we developed an application called taosdemo for insertion and querying performance testing of TDengine. Then user can easily simulate the scenario of a large number of devices generating a very large amount of data. User can easily manipulate the number of columns, data types, disorder ratio, and number of concurrent threads with taosdemo customized parameters.
Since TDengine was open sourced in July 2019, it has gained a lot of popularity among time-series database developers with its innovative data modeling design, simple installation method, easy programming interface, and powerful data insertion and query performance. The insertion and querying performance is often astonishing to users who are new to TDengine. In order to help users to experience the high performance and functions of TDengine in the shortest time, we developed an application called `taosBenchmark` (was named `taosdemo`) for insertion and querying performance testing of TDengine. Then user can easily simulate the scenario of a large number of devices generating a very large amount of data. User can easily manipulate the number of columns, data types, disorder ratio, and number of concurrent threads with taosBenchmark customized parameters.
Running taosdemo is very simple. Just download the TDengine installation package (https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/) or compiling the TDengine code yourself (https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine). It can be found and run in the installation directory or in the compiled results directory.
Running taosBenchmark is very simple. Just download the TDengine installation package (https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/) or compiling the TDengine code yourself (https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine). It can be found and run in the installation directory or in the compiled results directory.
To run an insertion test with taosdemo
To run an insertion test with taosBenchmark
Executing taosdemo without any parameters results in the following output.
Executing taosBenchmark without any parameters results in the following output.
$ taosdemo
$ taosBenchmark
taosdemo is simulating data generated by power equipment monitoring...
taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipment monitoring...
user: root
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT
Press enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop
The parameters here shows for what taosdemo will use for data insertion. By default, taosdemo without entering any command line arguments will simulate a city power grid system's meter data collection scenario as a typical application in the power industry. That is, a database named test will be created, and a super table named meters will be created, where the super table schema is following:
The parameters here shows for what taosBenchmark will use for data insertion. By default, taosBenchmark without entering any command line arguments will simulate a city power grid system's meter data collection scenario as a typical application in the power industry. That is, a database named test will be created, and a super table named meters will be created, where the super table schema is following:
taos> describe test.meters;
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ taos> describe test.meters;
Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.002972s)
After pressing any key taosdemo will create the database test and super table meters and generate 10,000 sub-tables representing 10,000 individule meter devices that report data. That means they independently using the super table meters as a template according to TDengine data modeling best practices.
After pressing any key taosBenchmark will create the database test and super table meters and generate 10,000 sub-tables representing 10,000 individule meter devices that report data. That means they independently using the super table meters as a template according to TDengine data modeling best practices.
taos> use test;
Database changed.
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ taos> show stables;
meters | 2021-08-27 11:21:01.209 | 4 | 2 | 10000 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001740s)
Then taosdemo generates 10,000 records for each meter device.
Then taosBenchmark generates 10,000 records for each meter device.
====thread[3] completed total inserted rows: 6250000, total affected rows: 6250000. 347626.22 records/second====
......@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ Spent 18.0863 seconds to insert rows: 100000000, affected rows: 100000000 with 1
insert delay, avg: 28.64ms, max: 112.92ms, min: 9.35ms
The above information is the result of a real test on a normal PC server with 8 CPUs and 64G RAM. It shows that taosdemo inserted 100,000,000 (no need to count, 100 million) records in 18 seconds, or an average of 552,909,049 records per second.
The above information is the result of a real test on a normal PC server with 8 CPUs and 64G RAM. It shows that taosBenchmark inserted 100,000,000 (no need to count, 100 million) records in 18 seconds, or an average of 552,909,049 records per second.
TDengine also offers a parameter-bind interface for better performance, and using the parameter-bind interface (taosdemo -I stmt) on the same hardware for the same amount of data writes, the results are as follows.
TDengine also offers a parameter-bind interface for better performance, and using the parameter-bind interface (taosBenchmark -I stmt) on the same hardware for the same amount of data writes, the results are as follows.
......@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ Spent 6.0257 seconds to insert rows: 100000000, affected rows: 100000000 with 16
insert delay, avg: 8.31ms, max: 860.12ms, min: 2.00ms
It shows that taosdemo inserted 100 million records in 6 seconds, with a much more higher insertion performance, 1,659,590 records wer inserted per second.
It shows that taosBenchmark inserted 100 million records in 6 seconds, with a much more higher insertion performance, 1,659,590 records wer inserted per second.
Because taosdemo is so easy to use, so we have extended it with more features to support more complex parameter settings for sample data preparation and validation for rapid prototyping.
Because taosBenchmark is so easy to use, so we have extended it with more features to support more complex parameter settings for sample data preparation and validation for rapid prototyping.
The complete list of taosdemo command-line arguments can be displayed via taosdemo --help as follows.
The complete list of taosBenchmark command-line arguments can be displayed via taosBenchmark --help as follows.
$ taosdemo --help
$ taosBenchmark --help
-f, --file=FILE The meta file to the execution procedure. Currently, we support standard UTF-8 (without BOM) encoded files only.
-u, --user=USER The user name to use when connecting to the server.
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ $ taosdemo --help
-c, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR Configuration directory.
-h, --host=HOST TDengine server FQDN to connect. The default host is localhost.
-P, --port=PORT The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection.
-I, --interface=INTERFACE The interface (taosc, rest, and stmt) taosdemo uses. By default use 'taosc'.
-I, --interface=INTERFACE The interface (taosc, rest, and stmt) taosBenchmark uses. By default use 'taosc'.
-d, --database=DATABASE Destination database. By default is 'test'.
-a, --replica=REPLICA Set the replica parameters of the database, By default use 1, min: 1, max: 3.
-m, --table-prefix=TABLEPREFIX Table prefix name. By default use 'd'.
......@@ -196,16 +196,16 @@ for any corresponding short options.
Report bugs to <support@taosdata.com>.
taosdemo's parameters are designed to meet the needs of data simulation. A few commonly used parameters are described below.
taosBenchmark's parameters are designed to meet the needs of data simulation. A few commonly used parameters are described below.
-I, --interface=INTERFACE The interface (taosc, rest, and stmt) taosdemo uses. Default is 'taosc'.
-I, --interface=INTERFACE The interface (taosc, rest, and stmt) taosBenchmark uses. Default is 'taosc'.
The performance difference between different interfaces of taosdemo has been mentioned earlier, the -I parameter is used to select different interfaces, currently taosc, stmt and rest are supported. The -I parameter is used to select different interfaces, currently taosc, stmt and rest are supported. taosc uses SQL statements to write data, stmt uses parameter binding interface to write data, and rest uses RESTful protocol to write data.
The performance difference between different interfaces of taosBenchmark has been mentioned earlier, the -I parameter is used to select different interfaces, currently taosc, stmt and rest are supported. The -I parameter is used to select different interfaces, currently taosc, stmt and rest are supported. taosc uses SQL statements to write data, stmt uses parameter binding interface to write data, and rest uses RESTful protocol to write data.
-T, --threads=NUMBER The number of threads. Default is 8.
The -T parameter sets how many threads taosdemo uses to synchronize data writes, so that multiple threads can squeeze as much processing power out of the hardware as possible.
The -T parameter sets how many threads taosBenchmark uses to synchronize data writes, so that multiple threads can squeeze as much processing power out of the hardware as possible.
-b, --data-type=DATATYPE The data_type of columns, default: FLOAT, INT, FLOAT.
......@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ To reach TDengine performance limits, data insertion can be executed by using mu
-n, --records=NUMBER The number of records per table. Default is 10000.
-M, --random The value of records generated are totally random. The default is to simulate power equipment scenario.
As mentioned earlier, taosdemo creates 10,000 tables by default, and each table writes 10,000 records. taosdemo can set the number of tables and the number of records in each table by -t and -n. The data generated by default without parameters are simulated real scenarios, and the simulated data are current and voltage phase values with certain jitter, which can more realistically show TDengine's efficient data compression ability. If you need to simulate the generation of completely random data, you can pass the -M parameter.
As mentioned earlier, taosBenchmark creates 10,000 tables by default, and each table writes 10,000 records. taosBenchmark can set the number of tables and the number of records in each table by -t and -n. The data generated by default without parameters are simulated real scenarios, and the simulated data are current and voltage phase values with certain jitter, which can more realistically show TDengine's efficient data compression ability. If you need to simulate the generation of completely random data, you can pass the -M parameter.
-y, --answer-yes Default input yes for prompt.
As we can see above, taosdemo outputs a list of parameters for the upcoming operation by default before creating a database or inserting data, so that the user can know what data is about to be written before inserting. To facilitate automatic testing, the -y parameter allows taosdemo to write data immediately after outputting the parameters.
As we can see above, taosBenchmark outputs a list of parameters for the upcoming operation by default before creating a database or inserting data, so that the user can know what data is about to be written before inserting. To facilitate automatic testing, the -y parameter allows taosBenchmark to write data immediately after outputting the parameters.
-O, --disorder=NUMBER Insert order mode--0: In order, 1 ~ 50: disorder ratio. Default is in order.
-R, --disorder-range=NUMBER Out of order data's range, ms, default is 1000.
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ In some scenarios, the received data does not arrive in exact order, but contain
-g, --debug Print debug info.
If you are interested in the taosdemo insertion process or if the data insertion result is not as expected, you can use the -g parameter to make taosdemo print the debugging information in the process of the execution to the screen or import it to another file with the Linux redirect command to easily find the cause of the problem. In addition, taosdemo will also output the corresponding executed statements and debugging reasons to the screen after the execution fails. You can search the word "reason" to find the error reason information returned by the TDengine server.
If you are interested in the taosBenchmark insertion process or if the data insertion result is not as expected, you can use the -g parameter to make taosBenchmark print the debugging information in the process of the execution to the screen or import it to another file with the Linux redirect command to easily find the cause of the problem. In addition, taosBenchmark will also output the corresponding executed statements and debugging reasons to the screen after the execution fails. You can search the word "reason" to find the error reason information returned by the TDengine server.
-x, --aggr-func Test aggregation funtions after insertion.
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ TDengine is not only very powerful in insertion performance, but also in query p
You can see that the select * fetch 100 million rows (not output to the screen) operation consumes only 1.26 seconds. The most of normal aggregation function for 100 million records usually takes only about 20 milliseconds, and even the longest count function takes less than 40 milliseconds.
taosdemo -I stmt -T 48 -y -x
taosBenchmark -I stmt -T 48 -y -x
select * took 1.266835 second(s)
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ select min(current) took 0.025812 second(s)
select first(current) took 0.024105 second(s)
In addition to the command line approach, taosdemo also supports take a JSON file as an incoming parameter to provide a richer set of settings. A typical JSON file would look like this.
In addition to the command line approach, taosBenchmark also supports take a JSON file as an incoming parameter to provide a richer set of settings. A typical JSON file would look like this.
"filetype": "insert",
......@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ In addition to the command line approach, taosdemo also supports take a JSON fil
For example, we can specify different number of threads for table creation and data insertion with "thread_count" and "thread_count_create_tbl". You can use a combination of "child_table_exists", "childtable_limit" and "childtable_offset" to use multiple taosdemo processes (even on different computers) to write to different ranges of child tables of the same super table at the same time. You can also import existing data by specifying the data source as a csv file with "data_source" and "sample_file".
For example, we can specify different number of threads for table creation and data insertion with "thread_count" and "thread_count_create_tbl". You can use a combination of "child_table_exists", "childtable_limit" and "childtable_offset" to use multiple taosBenchmark processes (even on different computers) to write to different ranges of child tables of the same super table at the same time. You can also import existing data by specifying the data source as a csv file with "data_source" and "sample_file".
Use taosdemo for query and subscription testing
Use taosBenchmark for query and subscription testing
taosdemo can not only write data, but also perform query and subscription functions. However, a taosdemo instance can only support one of these functions, not all three, and the configuration file is used to specify which function to test.
taosBenchmark can not only write data, but also perform query and subscription functions. However, a taosBenchmark instance can only support one of these functions, not all three, and the configuration file is used to specify which function to test.
The following is the content of a typical query JSON example file.
......@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ Conclusion
TDengine is a big data platform designed and optimized for IoT, Telematics, Industrial Internet, DevOps, etc. TDengine shows a high performance that far exceeds similar products due to the innovative data storage and query engine design in the database kernel. And withSQL syntax support and connectors for multiple programming languages (currently Java, Python, Go, C#, NodeJS, Rust, etc. are supported), it is extremely easy to use and has zero learning cost. To facilitate the operation and maintenance needs, we also provide data migration and monitoring functions and other related ecological tools and software.
For users who are new to TDengine, we have developed rich features for taosdemo to facilitate technical evaluation and stress testing. This article is a brief introduction to taosdemo, which will continue to evolve and improve as new features are added to TDengine.
For users who are new to TDengine, we have developed rich features for taosBenchmark to facilitate technical evaluation and stress testing. This article is a brief introduction to taosBenchmark, which will continue to evolve and improve as new features are added to TDengine.
As part of TDengine, taosdemo's source code is fully open on the GitHub. Suggestions or advices about the use or implementation of taosdemo or TDengine are welcomed on GitHub or in the Taos Data user group.
As part of TDengine, taosBenchmark's source code is fully open on the GitHub. Suggestions or advices about the use or implementation of taosBenchmark or TDengine are welcomed on GitHub or in the Taos Data user group.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## <a class="anchor" id="install"></a>Quick Install
TDengine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alarm module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. About CPU, TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
TDengine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alarm module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. From 2.4 and later version, TDengine use a stand-alone software, taosAdapteer to provide http service. The early version uses the http server embedded in the taosd. About CPU, TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
### <a class="anchor" id="source-install"></a>Install from Source
......@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ taos> source <filename>;
## <a class="anchor" id="demo"></a>Experience TDengine’s Lightning Speed
After starting the TDengine server, you can execute the command `taosdemo` in the Linux terminal.
After starting the TDengine server, you can execute the command `taosBenchmark` (was named `taosdemo`) in the Linux terminal.
$ taosdemo
$ taosBenchmark
Using this command, a STable named `meters` will be created in the database `test`. There are 10k tables under this STable, named from `t0` to `t9999`. In each table there are 100k rows of records, each row with columns (`f1`, `f2` and `f3`. The timestamp is from "2017-07-14 10:40:00 000" to "2017-07-14 10:41:39 999". Each table also has tags `areaid` and `loc`: `areaid` is set from 1 to 10, `loc` is set to "beijing" or "shanghai".
......@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ taos> select avg(f1), max(f2), min(f3) from test.meters where areaid=10;
taos> select avg(f1), max(f2), min(f3) from test.t10 interval(10s);
## <a class="anchor" id="taosdemo"></a> Using taosdemo in detail
## <a class="anchor" id="taosBenchmark"></a> Using taosBenchmark in detail
you can run command `taosdemo` with many options, like number of tables, rows of records and so on. To know more about these options, you can execute `taosdemo --help` and then take a try using different options.
Please refer to [How to use taosdemo to test the performance of TDengine](https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/getting-started/taosdemo) for detail.
you can run command `taosBenchmark` with many options, like number of tables, rows of records and so on. To know more about these options, you can execute `taosBenchmark --help` and then take a try using different options.
Please refer to [How to use taosBenchmark to test the performance of TDengine](https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/getting-started/taosBenchmark) for detail.
## Client and Alarm Module
......@@ -31,6 +31,132 @@ For the SQL INSERT Grammar, please refer to [Taos SQL insert](https://www.taosd
- For the same table, if the timestamp of a newly inserted record already exists, the new record will be discarded as default (database option update = 0), that is, the timestamp must be unique in a table. If an application automatically generates records, it is very likely that the generated timestamps will be the same, so the number of records successfully inserted will be smaller than the number of records the application try to insert. If you use UPDATE 1 option when creating a database, inserting a new record with the same timestamp will overwrite the original record.
- The timestamp of written data must be greater than the current time minus the time of configuration parameter keep. If keep is configured for 3650 days, data older than 3650 days cannot be written. The timestamp for writing data cannot be greater than the current time plus configuration parameter days. If days is configured to 2, data 2 days later than the current time cannot be written.
## <a class="anchor" id="schemaless"></a> Data Writing via Schemaless
<br/> In many IoT applications, data collection is often used in intelligent control, business analysis and device monitoring etc. As fast application upgrade and iteration, or hardware adjustment, data collection metrics can change rapidly over time. To provide solutions to such use cases, from version, TDengine supports writing data via Schemaless. When using Schemaless, action of pre-creating table before inserting data is no longer needed anymore. Tables, data columns and tags can be created automatically. Schemaless can also add additional data columns to tables if necessary, to make sure data can be properly stored into TDengine.
<br/> TDengine C/C++ Connector provides Schemaless API. Please see [Schemaless data writting API](https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/connector#schemaless) for detailed data writing format.
<br/> Super table and corresponding child tables created via Schemaless are identical to the ones created via SQL, so inserting data into these tables via SQL is also supported. Note that child table names are generated via Schemaless are following special rules through tags mapping. Therefore, child table names are usually not meaningful in terms of readability.
**Schemaless writing protocols**
<br/>TDengine Schemaless writing protocol is compatible with InfluxDB's Line Protocol, OpenTSDB's telnet and JSON format protocols. Users need to specify which protocol to use as parameter when writing data using Schemaless API.
For InfluxDB, OpenTSDB data writing protocol format, users can refer to corresponding official documentation for details. Following will give examples of introducing protocol extension from TDengine based on InfluxDB's Line Protocol, allowing users to use Schemaless with more precision.
Schemaless use one line of string literals to represent one data record. (Users can also pass multiple lines to the Schemaless API for batch insertion), the format is as follows:
measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
* measurement is used as the table name. Comma delimiter is used to separate measurement and tag_set.
* tag_set represent tag data in key-value pairs. The format is: `<tag_key>=<tag_value>,<tag_key>=<tag_value>`. Comma delimiter is used to separate multiple tag key-value pairs. Space delimiter is used to separate tag_set and field_set.
* field_set represent column data in key-value pairs. The format is similar to tag_set: `<field_key>=<field_value>,<field_key>=<field_value>`. Comma delimiter is used to separate multiple tag key-value pairs. Space delimiter is used to separate field_set and timestamp.
* Timestamp is the primary key of one data row.
All tag values in tag_set are automatically converted and stored as NCHAR data type in TDengine and no need to be surrounded by double quote(")
<br/> In Schemaless Line Protocol, data format in field_set need to be self-descriptive in order to convert data to corresponding TDengine data types. For example:
* Field value surrounded by double quote indicates data is BINARY(32) data types. For example, `"abc"`.
* Field value surrounded by double quote and L letter prefix indicates data is NCHAR(32) data type. For example `L"报错信息"`.
* Space, equal sign(=), comma(,), double quote(") need to use backslash(\) to escape.
* Numerical values will be converted to corresponding data types according to the suffix:
| **ID** | **Suffix** | **Data Type** | **Size(Bytes)** |
| ------ | ---------- | ------------- | ------ |
| 1 | NA / f64 | DOUBLE | 8 |
| 2 | f32 | FLOAT | 4 |
| 3 | i8 | TINYINT | 1 |
| 4 | i16 | SMALLINT | 2 |
| 5 | i32 | INT | 4 |
| 6 | i64 / i | BIGINT | 8 |
* t, T, true, True, TRUE, f, F, false, False represents BOOLEAN types。
### Schemaless processing logic
Following rules are followed by Schemaless protocol parsing:
<br/>1. For child table name generation, firstly create following string by concatenating measurement and tag key/values strings together.
tag_key1, tag_key2 are not following the original order of user input, but sorted according to tag names.
After MD5 value "md5_val" calculated using the above string, prefix "t_" is prepended to "md5_val" to form the child table name.
<br/>2. If super table does not exist, a new super table will be created.
<br/>3. If child table does not exist, a new child table will be created with its name generated in 1 and 2.
<br/>4. If columns/tags do not exist, new columns/tags will be created. (Columns/tags can only be added, existing columns/tags cannot be deleted)
<br/>5. If columns/tags are not specified in a line, values of such columns/tags will be set to NULL.
<br/>6. For BINARY/NCHAR type columns, if value length exceeds max length of the column, max length will be automatically extended to ensure data integrity.
<br/>7. If child table is already created and tag value is different than previous stored value,old value will be overwritten by new value.
<br/>8. If any error occurs during processing, error code will be returned.
<br/>Schemaless will follow TDengine data structure limitations. For example, each table row cannot exceed 16KB. For detailed TDengine limitations please refer to (https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/taos-sql#limitation).
**Timestamp precisions**
<br/>Following protocols are supported in Schemaless:
| **ID** | **Value** | **Description** |
| ---- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| 1 | SML_LINE_PROTOCOL | InfluxDB Line Protocol |
| 2 | SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL | OpenTSDB telnet Protocol |
| 3 | SML_JSON_PROTOCOL | OpenTSDB JSON format Protocol |
<br/>When SML_LINE_PROTOCOL used,users need to indicate timestamp precision through API。Available timestamp precisions are:<br/>
| **ID** | **Precision Definition ** | **Meaning** |
| ------ | ------------------------------------- | -------------- |
When SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL or SML_JSON_PROTOCOL used,timestamp precision is determined by how many digits used in timestamp(following OpenTSDB convention),precision from user input will be ignored。
**Schemaless data mapping rules**
<br/>This section describes how Schemaless data are mapped to TDengine's structured data. Measurement is mapped to super table name. Keys in tag_set/field_set are mapped to tag/column names. For example:
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
Above line is mapped to a super table with name "st" with 3 NCHAR type tags ("t1", "t2", "t3") and 5 columns: ts(timestamp),c1 (bigint),c3(binary),c2 (bool), c4 (bigint). This is identical to create a super table with the following SQL clause:
create stable st (_ts timestamp, c1 bigint, c2 bool, c3 binary(6), c4 bigint) tags(t1 nchar(1), t2 nchar(1), t3 nchar(2))
**Schemaless data alternation rules**
<br/>This section describes several data alternation scenarios:
When column with one line has certain type, and following lines attemp to change the data type of this column, an error will be reported by the API:
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4i 1626006833640000000
For first line of data, c4 column type is declared as DOUBLE with no suffix. However, the second line declared the column type to be BIGINT with suffix "i". Schemaless parsing error will be occurred.
When column is declared as BINARY type, but follow-up line insertion requires longer BINARY length of this column, max length of this column will be extended:
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="pass" 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="passit" 1626006833640000000
In first line c5 column store string "pass" with 4 characters as BINARY(4), but in second line c5 requires 2 more characters for storing binary string "passit", c5 column max length will be extend from BINARY(4) to BINARY(6) to accommodate more characters.
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c6="passit" 1626006833640000000
In above example second line has one more column c6 with value "passit" compared to the first line. A new column c6 will be added with type BINARY(6).
**Data integrity**
<br/>TDengine ensure data writing through Schemaless is idempotent, which means users can call the API multiple times for writing data with errors. However. atomicity is not guaranteed. When writing multiple lines of data as a batch, data might be partially inserted due to errors.
**Error code**
<br/>If users do not write data following corresponding protocol syntax, application will get TSDB_CODE_TSC_LINE_SYNTAX_ERROR error code, which indicates error is happened in input text. Other generic error codes returned by TDengine can also be obtained through taos_errstr API to get detailed error messages.
**Future enhancement**
<br/> Currently TDengine only provides clang API support for Schemaless. In future versions, APIs/connectors of more languages will be supported, e.g., Java/Go/Python/C# etc. From TDengine v2.3 and later versions, users can also use taosAdaptor to writing data via Schemaless through RESTful interface.
## <a class="anchor" id="prometheus"></a> Data Writing via Prometheus
As a graduate project of Cloud Native Computing Foundation, [Prometheus](https://www.prometheus.io/) is widely used in the field of performance monitoring and K8S performance monitoring. TDengine provides a simple tool [Bailongma](https://github.com/taosdata/Bailongma), which only needs to be simply configured in Prometheus without any code, and can directly write the data collected by Prometheus into TDengine, then automatically create databases and related table entries in TDengine according to rules. Blog post [Use Docker Container to Quickly Build a Devops Monitoring Demo](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/02/03/1189.html), which is an example of using bailongma to write Prometheus and Telegraf data into TDengine.
......@@ -168,6 +294,7 @@ Now you can query the metrics data of Telegraf from TDengine.
Please find taosAdapter configuration and usage from `taosadapter --help` output.
## <a class="anchor" id="collectd"></a> Data Writing via collectd and taosAdapter
Please refer to [official document](https://collectd.org/download.shtml) for collectd installation.
TDengine version includes a stand-alone application taosAdapter in charge of receive data insertion from collectd.
......@@ -187,6 +314,7 @@ sudo systemctl start collectd
Please find taosAdapter configuration and usage from `taosadapter --help` output.
## <a class="anchor" id="statsd"></a> Data Writting via StatsD and taosAdapter
Please refer to [official document](https://github.com/statsd/statsd) for StatsD installation.
TDengine version includes a stand-alone application taosAdapter in charge of receive data insertion from StatsD.
......@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ TDengine provides many connectors for development, including C/C++, JAVA, Python
At present, TDengine connectors support a wide range of platforms, including hardware platforms such as X64/X86/ARM64/ARM32/MIPS/Alpha, and development environments such as Linux/Win64/Win32. The comparison matrix is as follows:
| **CPU** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X86 32bit** | **ARM64** | **ARM32** | **MIPS Godson** | **Alpha Sunway** | **X64 TimecomTech** |
| ----------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | --------- | --------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- |
| **OS** | **Linux** | **Win64** | **Win32** | **Win32** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** |
| **C/C++** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
| **JDBC** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
| **Python** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | ○ |
| **Go** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | -- |
| **NodeJs** | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | -- |
| **C#** | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | -- | -- |
| **RESTful** | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
| ----------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | --------- | --------------- | ---------------- | ------------------- |
| **OS** | **Linux** | **Win64** | **Win32** | **Win32** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** |
| **C/C++** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
| **JDBC** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
| **Python** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | ○ |
| **Go** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | -- |
| **NodeJs** | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | -- | -- |
| **C#** | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | -- | -- |
| **RESTful** | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Note: ● stands for that has been verified by official tests; ○ stands for that has been verified by unofficial tests.
......@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ Under cmd, enter the c:\TDengine directory and directly execute taos.exe, and yo
**Systems supported by C/C++ connectors as follows:**
| **CPU Type** | **x64****(****64bit****)** | | | **ARM64** | **ARM32** |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------- | --------- | ------------------ |
| **OS Type** | Linux | Win64 | Win32 | Linux | Linux |
| **Supported or Not** | Yes | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** |
| **CPU Type** | **x64****(****64bit****)** | | | **ARM64** | **ARM32** |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------- | --------- | --------- |
| **OS Type** | Linux | Win64 | Win32 | Linux | Linux |
| **Supported or Not** | Yes | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** |
The C/C++ API is similar to MySQL's C API. When application use it, it needs to include the TDengine header file taos.h (after installed, it is located in/usr/local/taos/include):
......@@ -661,6 +661,8 @@ In tests/examples/python, we provide a sample Python program read_example. py to
To support the development of various types of platforms, TDengine provides an API that conforms to REST design standards, that is, RESTful API. In order to minimize the learning cost, different from other designs of database RESTful APIs, TDengine directly requests SQL statements contained in BODY through HTTP POST to operate the database, and only needs a URL. See the [video tutorial](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html) for the use of RESTful connectors.
Note: One difference from the native connector is that the RESTful interface is stateless, so the `USE db_name` command has no effect and all references to table names and super table names require the database name to be specified. (Starting from version, we support specifying db_name in the RESTful url, in which case if the database name prefix is not specified in the SQL statement. Since version, RESTful service is provided by taosAdapter by default, which requires that db_name must be specified in the url.)
### HTTP request format
......@@ -672,7 +674,7 @@ Parameter description:
- IP: Any host in the cluster
- PORT: httpPort configuration item in the configuration file, defaulting to 6041
For example: []( 6041/rest/sql is a URL that points to an IP address of 192.168. 0.1.
For example: is a URL that points to an IP address of
The header of HTTP request needs to carry identity authentication information. TDengine supports Basic authentication and custom authentication. Subsequent versions will provide standard and secure digital signature mechanism for identity authentication.
......@@ -1003,10 +1005,10 @@ This API is used to open DB and return an object of type \* DB. Generally, DRIVE
The Node.js connector supports the following systems:
| **CPU Type** | x64(64bit) | | | aarch64 | aarch32 |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| **OS Type** | Linux | Win64 | Win32 | Linux | Linux |
| **Supported or Not** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** |
| **CPU Type** | x64(64bit) | | | aarch64 | aarch32 |
| -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- |
| **OS Type** | Linux | Win64 | Win32 | Linux | Linux |
| **Supported or Not** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** |
See the [video tutorial](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1957.html) for use of the Node.js connector.
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Enter the data source configuration page and modify the corresponding configurat
- Host: IP address of any server in TDengine cluster and port number of TDengine RESTful interface (6041), default [http://localhost:6041](http://localhost:6041/)
- Host: IP address of any server in TDengine cluster and port number of TDengine RESTful interface (6041), use [http://localhost:6041](http://localhost:6041/) to access the interface by default. Note the 2.4 and later version of TDengine use a stand-alone software, taosAdapter to provide RESTful interface. Please refer to its document for configuration and deployment.
- User: TDengine username.
- Password: TDengine user password.
......@@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ Please replace the IP address in the command above to the correct one. If no err
The functions below are not supported currently:
- `dbExistsTable(conn, "test")`: if table test exists
- `dbListTables(conn)`: list all tables in the connection
\ No newline at end of file
- `dbListTables(conn)`: list all tables in the connection
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Only some important configuration parameters are listed below. For more paramete
- firstEp: end point of the first dnode which will be connected in the cluster when taosd starts, the default value is localhost: 6030.
- fqdn: FQDN of the data node, which defaults to the first hostname configured by the operating system. If you want to access via IP address directly, you can set it to the IP address of the node.
- serverPort: the port number of the external service after taosd started, the default value is 6030.
- httpPort: the port number used by the RESTful service to which all HTTP requests (TCP) require a query/write request. The default value is 6041.
- httpPort: the port number used by the RESTful service to which all HTTP requests (TCP) require a query/write request. The default value is 6041. Note 2.4 and later version use a stand-alone software, taosAdapter to provide RESTFul interface.
- dataDir: the data file directory to which all data files will be written. [Default:/var/lib/taos](http://default/var/lib/taos).
- logDir: the log file directory to which the running log files of the client and server will be written. [Default:/var/log/taos](http://default/var/log/taos).
- arbitrator: the end point of the arbitrator in the system; the default value is null.
......@@ -538,4 +538,4 @@ At the moment, TDengine has nearly 200 internal reserved keywords, which cannot
| CONNECTION | | | | |
\ No newline at end of file
| CONNECTION | | | | |
......@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ Is not null supports all types of columns. Non-null expression is < > "" and onl
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0
## Escape character description
- Special Character Escape Sequences
- Special Character Escape Sequences (since version
| Escape Sequence | **Character Represented by Sequence** |
| :--------: | ------------------- |
# #
# jh_iot Configuration #
# Any questions, please email jhkj@njsteel.com.cn #
# #
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for jh_iot system
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/jh_taos
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/jh_taos
# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for jh_iot system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4
# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0
# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10
# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1
# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6
# number of days per DB file
# days 10
# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650
# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1
# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1
# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480
# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100
# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000
# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8
# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8
# default system charset
# charset UTF-8
# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000
# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000
# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1
# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1
# if disk free space is less than this value, server service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0
# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2
# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0
# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for jh_iot client
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in client
# enableRecordSql 0
# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1
# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30
# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1
# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0
# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1
Description=jh_iot server service
Description=KingHistorian server service
# #
# KingHistorian Configuration #
# Any questions, please email support@wellintech.com #
# #
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for KingHistorian system
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/kinghistorian
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/kinghistorian
# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for KingHistorian system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4
# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0
# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10
# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1
# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6
# number of days per DB file
# days 10
# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650
# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1
# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1
# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480
# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100
# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000
# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8
# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8
# default system charset
# charset UTF-8
# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000
# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000
# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1
# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1
# if disk free space is less than this value, khserver service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0
# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2
# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0
# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for KingHistorian client
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in kinghistorian client
# enableRecordSql 0
# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1
# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30
# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1
# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0
# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1
# #
# PowerDB Configuration #
# Any questions, please email support@taosdata.com #
# #
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for PowerDB system
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/power
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/power
# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for PowerDB system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4
# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0
# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10
# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1
# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6
# number of days per DB file
# days 10
# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650
# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1
# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1
# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480
# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100
# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000
# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8
# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8
# default system charset
# charset UTF-8
# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000
# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000
# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1
# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1
# if disk free space is less than this value, powerd service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0
# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2
# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0
# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TAOS TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TDengine client
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in power client
# enableRecordSql 0
# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1
# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30
# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1
# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0
# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1
Description=Power server service
# #
# ProDB Configuration #
# Any questions, please email support@hanatech.com.cn #
# #
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for ProDB system
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/ProDB
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/ProDB
# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for ProDB system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4
# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0
# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10
# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1
# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6
# number of days per DB file
# days 10
# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650
# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1
# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1
# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480
# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100
# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000
# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8
# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8
# default system charset
# charset UTF-8
# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000
# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000
# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1
# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1
# if disk free space is less than this value, prodbs service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0
# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2
# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0
# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TAOS TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for ProDB client
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in prodb client
# enableRecordSql 0
# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1
# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30
# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1
# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0
# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1
Description=ProDB server service
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# numOfMnodes 1
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
Description=TDengine server service
After=network-online.target taosadapter.service
Wants=network-online.target taosadapter.service
# #
# TQueue Configuration #
# Any questions, please email support@taosdata.com #
# #
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TQueue system
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/tq
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/tq
# temporary file's directory
# tempDir /tmp/
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TQueue system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# number of threads to commit cache data
# numOfCommitThreads 4
# the proportion of total CPU cores available for query processing
# 2.0: the query threads will be set to double of the CPU cores.
# 1.0: all CPU cores are available for query processing [default].
# 0.5: only half of the CPU cores are available for query.
# 0.0: only one core available.
# ratioOfQueryCores 1.0
# the last_row/first/last aggregator will not change the original column name in the result fields
keepColumnName 1
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing vnode
# vnodeBak 1
# enable/disable installation / usage report
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 864000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
# retry delay when a stream computation fails, milli-second
# retryStreamCompDelay 10
# the delayed time for launching a stream computation, from 0.1(default, 10% of whole computing time window) to 0.9
# streamCompDelayRatio 0.1
# max number of vgroups per db, 0 means configured automatically
# maxVgroupsPerDb 0
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
# number of cache blocks per vnode
# blocks 6
# number of days per DB file
# days 10
# number of days to keep DB file
# keep 3650
# minimum rows of records in file block
# minRows 100
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
# write ahead log (WAL) level, 0: no wal; 1: write wal, but no fysnc; 2: write wal, and call fsync
# walLevel 1
# if walLevel is set to 2, the cycle of fsync being executed, if set to 0, fsync is called right away
# fsync 3000
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
# > 0 (rpc message body which larger than this value will be compressed)
# compressMsgSize -1
# max length of an SQL
# maxSQLLength 65480
# max length of WildCards
# maxWildCardsLength 100
# the maximum number of records allowed for super table time sorting
# maxNumOfOrderedRes 100000
# system time zone
# timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
# system time zone (for windows 10)
# timezone UTC-8
# system locale
# locale en_US.UTF-8
# default system charset
# charset UTF-8
# max number of connections allowed in dnode
# maxShellConns 5000
# max number of connections allowed in client
# maxConnections 5000
# stop writing logs when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalLogDirGB 0.1
# stop writing temporary files when the disk size of the tmp folder is less than this value
# minimalTmpDirGB 0.1
# if disk free space is less than this value, tqd service exit directly within startup process
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# enable/disable recording the SQL statements via restful interface
# httpEnableRecordSql 0
# number of threads used to process http requests
# httpMaxThreads 2
# maximum number of rows returned by the restful interface
# restfulRowLimit 10240
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
# max number of lines per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# 207: output trace, debug, warning and error to both screen and file
# debug flag for all log type, take effect when non-zero value
# debugFlag 0
# debug flag for meta management messages
# mDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for dnode messages
# dDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for sync module
# sDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for WAL
# wDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for SDB
# sdbDebugFlag 135
# debug flag for RPC
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TAOS TIMER
# tmrDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TQueue client
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for vnode
# vDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for TSDB
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in tq client
# enableRecordSql 0
# generate core file when service crash
# enableCoreFile 1
# maximum display width of binary and nchar fields in the shell. The parts exceeding this limit will be hidden
# maxBinaryDisplayWidth 30
# enable/disable stream (continuous query)
# stream 1
# in retrieve blocking model, only in 50% query threads will be used in query processing in dnode
# retrieveBlockingModel 0
# the maximum allowed query buffer size in MB during query processing for each data node
# -1 no limit (default)
# 0 no query allowed, queries are disabled
# queryBufferSize -1
Description=TQ server service
# Modified from original source: Elastic Search
# https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch
# Thank you to the Elastic Search authors
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# Provides: PowerDB
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Starts PowerDB powerd
# Description: Starts PowerDB powerd, a time-series database engine
set -e
# Maximum number of open files
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
case "$1" in
log_action_begin_msg "Starting PowerDB..."
if start-stop-daemon --test --start --chuid "$USER:$GROUP" --background --make-pidfile --pidfile "$PID_FILE" --exec "$DAEMON" -- $APPARGS &> /dev/null; then
touch "$PID_FILE" && chown "$USER":"$GROUP" "$PID_FILE"
if [ -n "$MAX_OPEN_FILES" ]; then
ulimit -n $MAX_OPEN_FILES
start-stop-daemon --start --chuid "$USER:$GROUP" --background --make-pidfile --pidfile "$PID_FILE" --exec "$DAEMON" -- $APPARGS
log_end_msg $?
log_action_begin_msg "Stopping PowerDB..."
set +e
if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile "$PID_FILE" --user "$USER" --retry=TERM/120/KILL/5 > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
log_action_cont_msg "TSD is not running but pid file exists, cleaning up"
elif [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
PID="`cat $PID_FILE`"
log_failure_msg "Failed to stop PowerDB (pid $PID)"
exit 1
rm -f "$PID_FILE"
log_action_cont_msg "PowerDB was not running"
log_action_end_msg 0
set -e
if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
$0 stop
sleep 1
$0 start
status_of_proc -p "$PID_FILE" "$DAEMON" "$NAME"
exit 1
exit 0
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib" \
EXPOSE 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042
CMD ["run_taosd.sh"]
CMD ["taosd"]
VOLUME [ "/var/lib/taos", "/var/log/taos","/etc/taos/" ]
......@@ -44,30 +44,26 @@ echo "version=${version}"
#docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine
#docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine:${version}
if [ "$verType" == "beta" ]; then
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine-beta:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine-beta:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-amd64-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch64-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch32-beta:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-amd64-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch64-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch32-beta:latest
sleep 30
docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine-beta:${version}
docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine-beta:latest
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-amd64-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch64-beta:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch32-beta:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-amd64-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch64-beta:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch32-beta:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker login -u tdengine -p ${passWord} #replace the docker registry username and password
docker manifest push tdengine/tdengine-beta:${version}
docker manifest push tdengine/tdengine-beta:latest
elif [ "$verType" == "stable" ]; then
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine:${version} tdengine/tdengine-amd64:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch64:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch32:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine:latest tdengine/tdengine-amd64:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch64:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch32:latest
sleep 30
docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine:latest
docker manifest rm tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine:${version} tdengine/tdengine-amd64:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch64:${version} tdengine/tdengine-aarch32:${version}
docker manifest create -a tdengine/tdengine:latest tdengine/tdengine-amd64:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch64:latest tdengine/tdengine-aarch32:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:latest
docker manifest inspect tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker login -u tdengine -p ${passWord} #replace the docker registry username and password
docker manifest push tdengine/tdengine:${version}
docker manifest push tdengine/tdengine:latest
@echo off
set internal_dir=%~dp0\..\..\
set community_dir=%~dp0\..
cd %community_dir%
git checkout -- .
cd %community_dir%\packaging
:: %1 name %2 version
if !%1==! GOTO USAGE
if !%2==! GOTO USAGE
if %1 == taos GOTO TAOS
if %1 == power GOTO POWER
if %1 == tq GOTO TQ
if %1 == pro GOTO PRO
if %1 == kh GOTO KH
if %1 == jh GOTO JH
call sed_power.bat %community_dir%
call sed_tq.bat %community_dir%
call sed_pro.bat %community_dir%
call sed_kh.bat %community_dir%
call sed_jh.bat %community_dir%
echo release windows-client-64 for %1, version: %2
if not exist %internal_dir%\debug\ver-%2-64bit-%1 (
md %internal_dir%\debug\ver-%2-64bit-%1
) else (
rd /S /Q %internal_dir%\debug\ver-%2-64bit-%1
md %internal_dir%\debug\ver-%2-64bit-%1
cd %internal_dir%\debug\ver-%2-64bit-%1
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
cmake ../../ -G "NMake Makefiles" -DVERNUMBER=%2 -DCPUTYPE=x64
set CL=/MP4
nmake install
goto EXIT0
echo Usage: release.bat $productName $version
goto EXIT0
\ No newline at end of file
# power This shell script takes care of starting and stopping PowerDB.
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: PowerDB is a districuted, scalable, high-performance Time Series Database
# (TSDB). More than just a pure database, PowerDB also provides the ability
# to do stream computing, aggregation etc.
# Provides: powerd
# Required-Start: $network $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $network $local_fs $remote_fs
# Short-Description: start and stop powerd
# Description: PowerDB is a districuted, scalable, high-performance Time Series Database
# (TSDB). More than just a pure database, PowerDB also provides the ability
# to do stream computing, aggregation etc.
# Source init functions
. /etc/init.d/functions
# Maximum number of open files
# Default program options
# Default directories
# Set file names
[ -e $PID_DIR ] || mkdir -p $PID_DIR
start() {
echo -n "Starting ${NAME}: "
# check identity
curid="`id -u -n`"
if [ "$curid" != root ] && [ "$curid" != "$USER" ] ; then
echo "Must be run as root or $USER, but was run as $curid"
return 1
# Sets the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed.
ulimit -n $MAX_OPEN_FILES
curulimit="`ulimit -n`"
if [ "$curulimit" -lt $MAX_OPEN_FILES ] ; then
echo "'ulimit -n' must be greater than or equal to $MAX_OPEN_FILES, is $curulimit"
return 1
if [ "`id -u -n`" == root ] ; then
# Changes the owner of the lock, and the pid files to allow
# non-root OpenTSDB daemons to run /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/opentsdb_restart.py.
touch $PID_FILE && chown $USER:$GROUP $PID_FILE
daemon --user $USER --pidfile $PID_FILE "$PROG $PROG_OPTS &> /dev/null &"
# Don't have to change user.
daemon --pidfile $PID_FILE "$PROG $PROG_OPTS &> /dev/null &"
sleep 2
[ $retval -eq 0 ] && (findproc > $PID_FILE && touch $LOCK_FILE)
return $retval
stop() {
echo -n "Stopping ${NAME}: "
killproc -p $PID_FILE $NAME
# Non-root users don't have enough permission to remove pid and lock files.
# So, the opentsdb_restart.py cannot get rid of the files, and the command
# "service opentsdb status" will complain about the existing pid file.
# Makes the pid file empty.
echo > $PID_FILE
[ $retval -eq 0 ] && (rm -f $PID_FILE && rm -f $LOCK_FILE)
return $retval
restart() {
reload() {
force_reload() {
rh_status() {
# run checks to determine if the service is running or use generic status
status -p $PID_FILE -l $LOCK_FILE $NAME
rh_status_q() {
rh_status >/dev/null 2>&1
case "$1" in
rh_status_q && exit 0
rh_status_q || exit 0
rh_status_q || exit 7
rh_status_q || exit 0
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload}"
exit 2
exit $?
set sed="C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sed.exe"
set community_dir=%1
%sed% -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/jh_iot/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taos\.exe/jh_taos\.exe/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo\.exe/jhdemo\.exe/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "/src\/connector/d" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "/tests\/examples/d" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/OUTPUT_NAME taos/OUTPUT_NAME jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/taos_history/jh_taos_history/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\inc\shell.h
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"jhdata\"/g" %community_dir%\src\inc\taosdef.h
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tconfig.c
%sed% -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tconfig.c
%sed% -i "s/ADD_EXECUTABLE(taosdemo/ADD_EXECUTABLE(jhdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(taosdemo/TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(jhdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo --help/jhdemo --help/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo --usage/jhdemo --usage/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/Usage: taosdemo/Usage: jhdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo is simulating/jhdemo is simulating/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo version/jhdemo version/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"jhdata\"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/jhkj@njsteel\.com\.cn/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosc, rest, and stmt/jh_taos, rest, and stmt/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo uses/jhdemo uses/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/use 'taosc'/use 'jh_taos'/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/log\/taos/log\/jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tlog.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeSystem.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdlog/jh_taosdlog/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taoslog/jh_taoslog/g" %community_dir%\src\client\src\tscSystem.c
%sed% -i "s/taosinfo/jh_taosinfo/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tnote.c
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/jhkj@njsteel\.com\.cn/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/Default is taosdata/Default is jhdata/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"jhdata\"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/taos\/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\/jh_taos\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/lib\/taos/lib\/jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/log\/taos/log\/jh_taos/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellDarwin.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Jinheng Technology/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellDarwin.c
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/jhkj@njsteel\.com\.cn/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Jinheng Technology/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\windows\wEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data, Inc/2021 by Jinheng Technology, Inc/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/taos connect failed/jh_taos connect failed/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taos^> \"/\"jh_taos^> \"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/\" -^> \"/\" -^> \"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/prompt_size = 6/prompt_size = 9/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/taos connections/jh_taos connections/g" %community_dir%\src\rpc\src\rpcMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taosd is quiting/jh_taosd is quiting/g" %community_dir%\src\plugins\monitor\src\monMain.c
function replace_community_jh() {
# cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/taos\.exe/jh_taos\.exe/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
# src/kit/shell/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s/OUTPUT_NAME taos/OUTPUT_NAME jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/CMakeLists.txt
# src/kit/shell/inc/shell.h
sed -i "s/taos_history/jh_taos_history/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/inc/shell.h
# src/inc/taosdef.h
sed -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"jhdata\"/g" ${top_dir}/src/inc/taosdef.h
# src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/taos config/jh_taos config/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
# src/util/src/tlog.c
sed -i "s/log\/taos/log\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tlog.c
# src/dnode/src/dnodeSystem.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeSystem.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeMain.c
sed -i "s/taosdlog/jh_taosdlog/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeMain.c
# src/client/src/tscSystem.c
sed -i "s/taoslog/jh_taoslog/g" ${top_dir}/src/client/src/tscSystem.c
# src/util/src/tnote.c
sed -i "s/taosinfo/jh_taosinfo/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tnote.c
# src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
echo "SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(taosd PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME jh_taosd)" >>${top_dir}/src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
# src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/lib\/taos/lib\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/log\/taos/log\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Jinheng Technology/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/jhkj@njsteel\.com\.cn/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Jinheng Technology/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
# src/os/src/windows/wEnv.c
sed -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/windows/wEnv.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/jh_iot shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data, Inc/2021 by Jinheng Technology, Inc/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/taos connect failed/jh_taos connect failed/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/\"taos> \"/\"jh_taos> \"/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/\" -> \"/\" -> \"/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/prompt_size = 6/prompt_size = 9/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
# src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c
sed -i "s/taos connections/jh_taos connections/g" ${top_dir}/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c
# src/plugins/monitor/src/monMain.c
sed -i "s/taosd is quiting/jh_taosd is quiting/g" ${top_dir}/src/plugins/monitor/src/monMain.c
# packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"jh_taos\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"jh_taos\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
# packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmjh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
# packaging/tools/startPre.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/startPre.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/startPre.sh
# packaging/tools/run_taosd.sh
sed -i "s/taosd/jh_taosd/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/run_taosd.sh
# packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"jh_taos\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/emailName=\"taosdata\.com\"/emailName=\"\jhict\.com\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmjh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/historyFile=\"taos_history\"/historyFile=\"jh_taos_history\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"jh_taos\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
# packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"jh_taos\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"jh_taos\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
# packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmjh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
# packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmjh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"jh_taos\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"jh_taos\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
# packaging/tools/makearbi.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makearbi.sh
# packaging/tools/remove_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_arbi.sh
# packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/taosdata\.com/jhict\.com/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
# packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"jh_taosd\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"jh_taos\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/jh_taos\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"jh_iot\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/emailName=\"taosdata\.com\"/emailName=\"jhict\.com\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmjh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
# packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/usr\/local\/taos/usr\/local\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/taosd/jh_taosd/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
# packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/usr\/local\/taos/usr\/local\/jh_taos/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/taosd/jh_taosd/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
function replace_enterprise_jh() {
# enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
sed -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"jhdata\"/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/admin/src/httpAdminHandle.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/admin/src/httpAdminHandle.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/grant/src/grantMain.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/grant/src/grantMain.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/module/src/moduleMain.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/jh_taos\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/module/src/moduleMain.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/web
sed -i -e "s/www\.taosdata\.com/www\.jhict\.com\.cn/g" $(grep -r "www.taosdata.com" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web | sed -r "s/(.*\.html):\s*(.*)/\1/g")
sed -i -e "s/2017, TAOS Data/2021, Jinheng Technology/g" $(grep -r "TAOS Data" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web | sed -r "s/(.*\.html):\s*(.*)/\1/g")
sed -i -e "s/taosd/jh_taosd/g" $(grep -r "taosd" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web | grep -E "*\.js\s*.*" | sed -r -e "s/(.*\.js):\s*(.*)/\1/g" | sort | uniq)
# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
sed -i -e "s/<th style=\"font-weight: normal\">taosd<\/th>/<th style=\"font-weight: normal\">jh_taosd<\/th>/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
sed -i -e "s/data:\['taosd', 'system'\],/data:\['jh_taosd', 'system'\],/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
sed -i -e "s/name: 'taosd',/name: 'jh_taosd',/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/*.html
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/*.html
# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/js/*.js
sed -i "s/TDengine/jh_iot/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/js/*.js
set sed="C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sed.exe"
set community_dir=%1
%sed% -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/KingHistorian/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taos\.exe/khclient\.exe/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo\.exe/khdemo\.exe/g" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "/src\/connector/d" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "/tests\/examples/d" %community_dir%\cmake\install.inc
%sed% -i "s/OUTPUT_NAME taos/OUTPUT_NAME khclient/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/taos_history/kh_history/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\inc\shell.h
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"khroot\"/g" %community_dir%\src\inc\taosdef.h
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tconfig.c
%sed% -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/kinghistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tconfig.c
%sed% -i "s/ADD_EXECUTABLE(taosdemo/ADD_EXECUTABLE(khdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(taosdemo/TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(khdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo --help/khdemo --help/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo --usage/khdemo --usage/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/Usage: taosdemo/Usage: khdemo/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo is simulating/khdemo is simulating/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo version/khdemo version/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"khroot\"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/support@wellintech\.com/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosc, rest, and stmt/khclient, rest, and stmt/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdemo uses/khdemo uses/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/use 'taosc'/use 'khclient'/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdemo\taosdemo.c
%sed% -i "s/log\/taos/log\/kinghistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tlog.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeSystem.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taosdlog/khserverlog/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taoslog/khclientlog/g" %community_dir%\src\client\src\tscSystem.c
%sed% -i "s/taosinfo/khinfo/g" %community_dir%\src\util\src\tnote.c
%sed% -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\CMakeLists.txt
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/support@wellintech\.com/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/Default is taosdata/Default is khroot/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"khroot\"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/taos\/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\taosdump\taosdump.c
%sed% -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/kinghistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/lib\/taos/lib\/kinghistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/log\/taos/log\/kinghistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\linux\linuxEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellDarwin.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Wellintech/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellDarwin.c
%sed% -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/support@wellintech\.com/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Wellintech/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" %community_dir%\src\os\src\windows\wEnv.c
%sed% -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data, Inc/2021 by Wellintech, Inc/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/taos connect failed/kh connect failed/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/\"taos^> \"/\"khclient^> \"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/\" -^> \"/\" -^> \"/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/prompt_size = 6/prompt_size = 10/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/taos connections/kh connections/g" %community_dir%\src\rpc\src\rpcMain.c
%sed% -i "s/taosd is quiting/khserver is quiting/g" %community_dir%\src\plugins\monitor\src\monMain.c
\ No newline at end of file
function replace_community_kh() {
# cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
sed -i "s/taos\.exe/khclient\.exe/g" ${top_dir}/cmake/install.inc
# src/kit/shell/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s/OUTPUT_NAME taos/OUTPUT_NAME khclient/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/CMakeLists.txt
# src/kit/shell/inc/shell.h
sed -i "s/taos_history/kh_history/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/inc/shell.h
# src/inc/taosdef.h
sed -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"khroot\"/g" ${top_dir}/src/inc/taosdef.h
# src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
sed -i "s/taos config/kinghistorian config/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tconfig.c
# src/util/src/tlog.c
sed -i "s/log\/taos/log\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tlog.c
# src/dnode/src/dnodeSystem.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeSystem.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeMain.c
sed -i "s/taosdlog/khserverlog/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/src/dnodeMain.c
# src/client/src/tscSystem.c
sed -i "s/taoslog/khclientlog/g" ${top_dir}/src/client/src/tscSystem.c
# src/util/src/tnote.c
sed -i "s/taosinfo/khinfo/g" ${top_dir}/src/util/src/tnote.c
# src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
echo "SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(taosd PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME khserver)" >>${top_dir}/src/dnode/CMakeLists.txt
# src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/etc\/taos/etc\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/lib\/taos/lib\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
sed -i "s/log\/taos/log\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/linux/linuxEnv.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Wellintech/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellDarwin.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/support@taosdata\.com/support@wellintech\.com/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by Wellintech/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellLinux.c
# src/os/src/windows/wEnv.c
sed -i "s/C:\/TDengine/C:\/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/src/os/src/windows/wEnv.c
# src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/TDengine shell/KingHistorian shell/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data, Inc/2021 by Wellintech, Inc/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/taos connect failed/khclient connect failed/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/\"taos> \"/\"khclient> \"/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/\" -> \"/\" -> \"/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
sed -i "s/prompt_size = 6/prompt_size = 10/g" ${top_dir}/src/kit/shell/src/shellEngine.c
# src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c
sed -i "s/taos connections/kh connections/g" ${top_dir}/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c
# src/plugins/monitor/src/monMain.c
sed -i "s/taosd is quiting/khserver is quiting/g" ${top_dir}/src/plugins/monitor/src/monMain.c
# packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"kinghistorian\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"kinghistorian\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh
# packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmkh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove.sh
# packaging/tools/startPre.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/startPre.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/startPre.sh
# packaging/tools/run_taosd.sh
sed -i "s/taosd/khserver/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/run_taosd.sh
# packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"kinghistorian\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/emailName=\"taosdata\.com\"/emailName=\"\wellintech\.com\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmkh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/historyFile=\"taos_history\"/historyFile=\"kh_history\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"kinghistorian\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install.sh
# packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"kinghistorian\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"kinghistorian\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh
# packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmkh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_client.sh
# packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmkh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"kinghistorian\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
sed -i "s/tarName=\"taos\.tar\.gz\"/tarName=\"kinghistorian\.tar\.gz\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_client.sh
# packaging/tools/makearbi.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/makearbi.sh
# packaging/tools/remove_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/remove_arbi.sh
# packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
sed -i "s/taosdata\.com/wellintech\.com/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/install_arbi.sh
# packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/clientName=\"taos\"/clientName=\"khclient\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/serverName=\"taosd\"/serverName=\"khserver\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/taos\"/logDir=\"\/var\/log\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/taos\"/dataDir=\"\/var\/lib\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/configDir=\"\/etc\/taos\"/configDir=\"\/etc\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/configFile=\"taos\.cfg\"/configFile=\"kinghistorian\.cfg\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/taos\"/installDir=\"\/usr\/local\/kinghistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/productName=\"TDengine\"/productName=\"KingHistorian\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/emailName=\"taosdata\.com\"/emailName=\"wellintech\.com\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
sed -i "s/uninstallScript=\"rmtaos\"/uninstallScript=\"rmkh\"/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh
# packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/usr\/local\/taos/usr\/local\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
sed -i "s/taosd/khserver/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/rpm/taosd
# packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/usr\/local\/taos/usr\/local\/kinghistorian/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
sed -i "s/taosd/khserver/g" ${top_dir}/packaging/deb/taosd
function replace_enterprise_kh() {
# enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
sed -i "s/\"taosdata\"/\"khroot\"/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
sed -i "s/TDengine/KingHistorian/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/kit/perfMonitor/perfMonitor.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/admin/src/httpAdminHandle.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/admin/src/httpAdminHandle.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/grant/src/grantMain.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/grant/src/grantMain.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/module/src/moduleMain.c
sed -i "s/taos\.cfg/kinghistorian\.cfg/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/module/src/moduleMain.c
# enterprise/src/plugins/web
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sed -i -e "s/2017, TAOS Data/2021, Wellintech/g" $(grep -r "TAOS Data" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web | sed -r "s/(.*\.html):\s*(.*)/\1/g")
sed -i -e "s/taosd/khserver/g" $(grep -r "taosd" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web | grep -E "*\.js\s*.*" | sed -r -e "s/(.*\.js):\s*(.*)/\1/g" | sort | uniq)
# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
sed -i -e "s/<th style=\"font-weight: normal\">taosd<\/th>/<th style=\"font-weight: normal\">khserver<\/th>/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
sed -i -e "s/data:\['taosd', 'system'\],/data:\['khserver', 'system'\],/g" ${top_dir}/../enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/monitor.html
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# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/*.html
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# enterprise/src/plugins/web/admin/js/*.js
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%sed% -i "s/TDengine/Power/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
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%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data, Inc/2020 by PowerDB, Inc/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
%sed% -i "s/taos connect failed/power connect failed/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellEngine.c
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%sed% -i "s/2020 by TAOS Data/2021 by HanaTech/g" %community_dir%\src\kit\shell\src\shellLinux.c
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set community_dir=%1
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%sed% -i "s/TDengine/TQ/g" %community_dir%\src\dnode\src\dnodeMain.c
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