提交 aa438e7a 编写于 作者: L lichuang

[TD-10645][raft]<feature>add restore process

上级 5833c9c0
......@@ -207,6 +207,12 @@ static FORCE_INLINE bool syncRaftProgressRecentActive(SSyncRaftProgress* progres
return progress->recentActive;
int syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(const SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
int syncRaftAddToProgressMap(SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
void syncRaftRemoveFromProgressMap(SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
* return true if progress's log is up-todate
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ typedef enum ESyncRaftConfChangeType {
SYNC_RAFT_Conf_AddNode = 0,
SYNC_RAFT_Conf_RemoveNode = 1,
SYNC_RAFT_Conf_UpdateNode = 2,
SYNC_RAFT_Conf_AddLearnerNode = 2,
SYNC_RAFT_Conf_AddLearnerNode = 3,
} ESyncRaftConfChangeType;
// ConfChangeSingle is an individual configuration change operation. Multiple
......@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ static FORCE_INLINE bool syncRaftJointConfigInIncoming(const SSyncRaftQuorumJoin
return syncRaftJointConfigInCluster(&config->incoming, id);
void syncRaftJointConfigAddToIncoming(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config, SyncNodeId id);
void syncRaftJointConfigRemoveFromIncoming(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config, SyncNodeId id);
static FORCE_INLINE const SSyncCluster* syncRaftJointConfigIncoming(const SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config) {
return &config->incoming;
......@@ -63,4 +67,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE const SSyncCluster* syncRaftJointConfigOutgoing(const SSyncR
return &config->outgoing;
static FORCE_INLINE void syncRaftJointConfigClearOutgoing(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config) {
memset(&config->outgoing, 0, sizeof(SSyncCluster));
......@@ -23,11 +23,24 @@ static int checkAndReturn(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config, SSyncRaftProgr
static int checkInvariants(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config, SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap);
static int checkInvariants(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config, SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap);
static bool hasJointConfig(const SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config);
static int applyConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
const SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, const SSyncConfChangeSingleArray* css);
static int applyConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, const SSyncConfChangeSingleArray* css);
static int symDiff(const SSyncCluster* l, const SSyncCluster* r);
// Simple carries out a series of configuration changes that (in aggregate)
static void initProgress(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id, bool isLearner);
static void nilAwareDelete(SSyncRaftNodeMap* nodeMap, SyncNodeId id);
static void nilAwareAdd(SSyncRaftNodeMap* nodeMap, SyncNodeId id);
static void makeVoter(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
static void makeLearner(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
static void remove(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id);
// syncRaftChangerSimpleConfig carries out a series of configuration changes that (in aggregate)
// mutates the incoming majority config Voters[0] by at most one. This method
// will return an error if that is not the case, if the resulting quorum is
// zero, or if the configuration is in a joint state (i.e. if there is an
......@@ -42,6 +55,7 @@ int syncRaftChangerSimpleConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncConfChange
if (hasJointConfig(config)) {
syncError("can't apply simple config change in joint config");
return -1;
......@@ -75,7 +89,28 @@ int syncRaftChangerSimpleConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncConfChange
// [1]: https://github.com/ongardie/dissertation/blob/master/online-trim.pdf
int syncRaftChangerEnterJoint(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncConfChangeSingleArray* css,
SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config, SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap) {
int ret;
ret = checkAndCopy(changer, config, progressMap);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
if (hasJointConfig(config)) {
syncError("config is already joint");
return -1;
if(config->voters.incoming.replica == 0) {
// We allow adding nodes to an empty config for convenience (testing and
// bootstrap), but you can't enter a joint state.
syncError("can't make a zero-voter config joint");
return -1;
// Clear the outgoing config.
// Copy incoming to outgoing.
// checkAndCopy copies the tracker's config and progress map (deeply enough for
......@@ -156,8 +191,8 @@ static bool hasJointConfig(const SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config) {
return config->voters.outgoing.replica > 0;
static int applyConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
const SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, const SSyncConfChangeSingleArray* css) {
static int applyConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, const SSyncConfChangeSingleArray* css) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < css->n; ++i) {
......@@ -168,11 +203,22 @@ static int applyConfig(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, const SSyncRaftProgressTracker
ESyncRaftConfChangeType type = cs->type;
switch (type) {
case SYNC_RAFT_Conf_AddNode:
makeVoter(changer, config, progressMap, cs->nodeId);
case SYNC_RAFT_Conf_AddLearnerNode:
makeLearner(changer, config, progressMap, cs->nodeId);
case SYNC_RAFT_Conf_RemoveNode:
remove(changer, config, progressMap, cs->nodeId);
case SYNC_RAFT_Conf_UpdateNode:
if (config->voters.incoming.replica == 0) {
syncError("removed all voters");
return -1;
......@@ -209,4 +255,124 @@ static int symDiff(const SSyncCluster* l, const SSyncCluster* r) {
return n;
static void initProgress(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id, bool isLearner) {
// nilAwareDelete deletes from a map, nil'ing the map itself if it is empty after.
static void nilAwareDelete(SSyncRaftNodeMap* nodeMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (nodeMap->nodeId[i] == id) {
nodeMap->replica -= 1;
nodeMap->nodeId[i] = SYNC_NON_NODE_ID;
assert(nodeMap->replica >= 0);
// nilAwareAdd populates a map entry, creating the map if necessary.
static void nilAwareAdd(SSyncRaftNodeMap* nodeMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (nodeMap->nodeId[i] == id) {
if (j == -1 && nodeMap->nodeId[i] == SYNC_NON_NODE_ID) {
j = i;
assert(j != -1);
nodeMap->nodeId[j] = id;
nodeMap->replica += 1;
// makeVoter adds or promotes the given ID to be a voter in the incoming
// majority config.
static void makeVoter(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i = syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(progressMap, id);
if (i == -1) {
initProgress(changer, config, progressMap, id, false);
i = syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(progressMap, id);
assert(i != -1);
SSyncRaftProgress* progress = &(progressMap->progress[i]);
progress->isLearner = false;
nilAwareDelete(&config->learners, id);
nilAwareDelete(&config->learnersNext, id);
syncRaftJointConfigAddToIncoming(config, id);
// makeLearner makes the given ID a learner or stages it to be a learner once
// an active joint configuration is exited.
// The former happens when the peer is not a part of the outgoing config, in
// which case we either add a new learner or demote a voter in the incoming
// config.
// The latter case occurs when the configuration is joint and the peer is a
// voter in the outgoing config. In that case, we do not want to add the peer
// as a learner because then we'd have to track a peer as a voter and learner
// simultaneously. Instead, we add the learner to LearnersNext, so that it will
// be added to Learners the moment the outgoing config is removed by
// LeaveJoint().
static void makeLearner(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i = syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(progressMap, id);
if (i == -1) {
initProgress(changer, config, progressMap, id, false);
i = syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(progressMap, id);
assert(i != -1);
SSyncRaftProgress* progress = &(progressMap->progress[i]);
if (progress->isLearner) {
// Remove any existing voter in the incoming config...
remove(changer, config, progressMap, id);
// ... but save the Progress.
syncRaftAddToProgressMap(progressMap, id);
// Use LearnersNext if we can't add the learner to Learners directly, i.e.
// if the peer is still tracked as a voter in the outgoing config. It will
// be turned into a learner in LeaveJoint().
// Otherwise, add a regular learner right away.
bool inOutgoing = syncRaftJointConfigInCluster(&config->voters.outgoing, id);
if (inOutgoing) {
nilAwareAdd(&config->learnersNext, id);
} else {
nilAwareAdd(&config->learners, id);
progress->isLearner = true;
// remove this peer as a voter or learner from the incoming config.
static void remove(SSyncRaftChanger* changer, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config,
SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i = syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(progressMap, id);
if (i == -1) {
syncRaftJointConfigRemoveFromIncoming(&config->voters, id);
nilAwareDelete(&config->learners, id);
nilAwareDelete(&config->learnersNext, id);
// If the peer is still a voter in the outgoing config, keep the Progress.
bool inOutgoing = syncRaftJointConfigInCluster(&config->voters.outgoing, id);
if (!inOutgoing) {
syncRaftRemoveFromProgressMap(progressMap, id);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -112,6 +112,44 @@ bool syncRaftProgressIsPaused(SSyncRaftProgress* progress) {
int syncRaftFindProgressIndexByNodeId(const SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (progressMap->progress[i].id == id) {
return i;
return -1;
int syncRaftAddToProgressMap(SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (progressMap->progress[i].id == id) {
return i;
if (j == -1 && progressMap->progress[i].id == SYNC_NON_NODE_ID) {
j = i;
assert(j != -1);
progressMap->progress[i].id = id;
void syncRaftRemoveFromProgressMap(SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap, SyncNodeId id) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (progressMap->progress[i].id == id) {
progressMap->progress[i].id = SYNC_NON_NODE_ID;
bool syncRaftProgressIsUptodate(SSyncRaft* pRaft, SSyncRaftProgress* progress) {
return syncRaftLogLastIndex(pRaft->log) + 1 == progress->nextIndex;
......@@ -39,3 +39,34 @@ ESyncRaftVoteType syncRaftVoteResult(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config, const E
// One side won, the other one is pending, so the whole outcome is.
void syncRaftJointConfigAddToIncoming(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config, SyncNodeId id) {
int i, min;
for (i = 0, min = -1; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (config->incoming.nodeInfo[i].nodeId == id) {
if (min == -1 && config->incoming.nodeInfo[i].nodeId == SYNC_NON_NODE_ID) {
min = i;
assert(min != -1);
config->incoming.nodeInfo[min].nodeId = id;
config->incoming.replica += 1;
void syncRaftJointConfigRemoveFromIncoming(SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig* config, SyncNodeId id) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; ++i) {
if (config->incoming.nodeInfo[i].nodeId == id) {
config->incoming.replica -= 1;
config->incoming.nodeInfo[i].nodeId = SYNC_NON_NODE_ID;
assert(config->incoming.replica >= 0);
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