@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ If TDengine shell connects the server successfully, welcome messages and version
## Install TDengine by apt-get
If you use Debian or Ubuntu system, you can use 'apt-get' command to intall TDengine from official repository. Please use following commands to setup:
If you use Debian or Ubuntu system, you can use 'apt-get' command to install TDengine from official repository. Please use following commands to setup:
如果客户端和服务端运行在不同的电脑上,可以单独安装客户端。下载时请注意,所选择的客户端版本号应该和在上面下载的服务端版本号精确匹配。Linux 和 Windows 安装包如下(其中 lite 版本的安装包仅带有 C/C++ 语言的连接支持,而标准版本的安装包还包含 Java、Python、Go、Node.js 等编程语言的连接器支持和示例代码):
TDengine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alarm module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. From 2.4 and later version, TDengine use a stand-alone software, taosAdapteer to provide http service. The early version uses the http server embedded in the taosd. About CPU, TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
TDengine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alart module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. From 2.4 and later version, TDengine use a stand-alone software, taosAdapteer to provide http service. The early version uses the http server embedded in the taosd. About CPU, TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
### <a class="anchor" id="source-install"></a>Install from Source
@@ -184,23 +184,11 @@ taos> select avg(f1), max(f2), min(f3) from test.meters where areaid=10;
taos> select avg(f1), max(f2), min(f3) from test.t10 interval(10s);
## <a class="anchor" id="taosBenchmark"></a> Using taosBenchmark in detail
### <a class="anchor" id="taosBenchmark"></a> Using taosBenchmark in detail
you can run command `taosBenchmark` with many options, like number of tables, rows of records and so on. To know more about these options, you can execute `taosBenchmark --help` and then take a try using different options.
Please refer to [How to use taosBenchmark to test the performance of TDengine](https://tdengine.com/2021/10/09/3114.html) for detail.
## Client and Alarm Module
If your client and server running on different machines, please install the client separately. Linux and Windows packages are provided:
- TDengine-client-
- TDengine-client-
- TDengine-client-
Linux package of Alarm Module is as following (please refer [How to Use Alarm Module](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/master/alert/README_cn.md)):
- TDengine-alert- (8.1M)
## <a class="anchor" id="platforms"></a>List of Supported Platforms
letcreateDB=`create database if not exists ${db} keep 3650;`;
letdropDB=`drop database if exists ${db};`;
letuseDB=`use ${db}`;
letcreateTable=`create table if not exists ${table} `+
`(ts timestamp,`+
`bl bool,`+
`i8 tinyint,`+
`i16 smallint,`+
`i32 int,`+
`i64 bigint,`+
`f32 float,`+
`d64 double,`+
`bnr binary(20),`+
`blob nchar(20),`+
`u8 tinyint unsigned,`+
`u16 smallint unsigned,`+
`u32 int unsigned,`+
`u64 bigint unsigned`+
`jsonTag json`+
letcreateSubTable=`create table if not exists ${subTable} using ${table} tags('{\"key1\":\"taosdata\",\"key2\":null,\"key3\":\"TDengine涛思数据\",\"key4\":3.2}')`;
letquerySql=`select * from ${table} where i32>? and bnr = ? `;
letinsertSql=`insert into ? values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);`;