未验证 提交 a651586a 编写于 作者: S shenglian-zhou 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #9919 from taosdata/fix/TD-13109-2.4

[TD-13109]<fix>(query): Disable usage of match/nmatch/like/in/is(not) NULL operators in select
......@@ -4656,7 +4656,7 @@ static int32_t validateSQLExprItemSQLFunc(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr,
static int32_t validateSQLExprItemArithmeticExpr(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SColumnList* pList,
static int32_t validateSQLExprItemOperatorExpr(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SColumnList* pList,
int32_t* type, uint64_t* uid, int32_t* height) {
uint64_t uidLeft = 0;
uint64_t uidRight = 0;
......@@ -4685,7 +4685,9 @@ static int32_t validateSQLExprItemArithmeticExpr(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr,
*height = (leftHeight > rightHeight) ? leftHeight + 1 : rightHeight+1;
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), "invalid operand expression");
// return invalid operation when one child aggregate and the other child scalar or column
if ((leftType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_AGG && rightType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_SCALAR) || (rightType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_AGG && leftType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_SCALAR)) {
......@@ -4713,6 +4715,11 @@ static int32_t validateSQLExprItemArithmeticExpr(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr,
rightType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_AGG || rightType == SQLEXPR_TYPE_SCALAR) {
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg4);
} else if (pExpr->tokenId == TK_ISNULL || pExpr->tokenId == TK_NOTNULL ||
pExpr->tokenId == TK_IS || pExpr->tokenId == TK_LIKE ||
pExpr->tokenId == TK_MATCH || pExpr->tokenId == TK_NMATCH ||
pExpr->tokenId == TK_CONTAINS || pExpr->tokenId == TK_IN) {
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), "unsupported filtering operations");
......@@ -4728,7 +4735,7 @@ static int32_t validateSQLExprItem(SSqlCmd* pCmd, tSqlExpr* pExpr,
if (pExpr->type == SQL_NODE_EXPR) {
int32_t ret = validateSQLExprItemArithmeticExpr(pCmd, pExpr, pQueryInfo, pList, type, uid, height);
int32_t ret = validateSQLExprItemOperatorExpr(pCmd, pExpr, pQueryInfo, pList, type, uid, height);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
......@@ -1129,6 +1129,56 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error('select 1 != 2 and 1 < 2 or \'abc123\' or 2 between \'abc123\' and 5 and false or "abc123" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'1234\' or 1 < 2 or \'aace\' and "cde" between 4 and "def" and "ckas" or 10.1 from tb;')
#operator: is NULL
tdSql.error('select 1 is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'a\' is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 is NULL and 1.0 is NULL or "abc" is NULL from tb;')
#operator: is not NULL
tdSql.error('select 1 is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'a\' is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 is not NULL and 1.0 is not NULL or "abc" is not NULL from tb;')
#operator: like
tdSql.error('select 1 like 1 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 like 1.0 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true like true from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'abc\' like \'a_\' from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" like "ab__%" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 like 1 and 1.0 like 1.0 or "abc" like "a%" from tb;')
#operator: match
tdSql.error('select 1 match 1 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 match 1.0 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true match true from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'abc\' match \'a_\' from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" match "ab__%" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 match 1 and 1.0 match 1.0 or "abc" match "a%" from tb;')
#operator: nmatch
tdSql.error('select 1 nmatch 1 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 nmatch 1.0 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true nmatch true from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'abc\' nmatch \'a_\' from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" nmatch "ab__%" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 nmatch 1 and 1.0 nmatch 1.0 or "abc" nmatch "a%" from tb;')
#operator: in
tdSql.error('select 1 in 1 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 in (1, 2, 3) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 in 1.0 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1.0 in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select true in (true, false, true) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select \'abc\' in (\'acd\', \'bce\') from tb;')
tdSql.error('select "abc" in ("acd", "bce") from tb;')
tdSql.error('select 1 in (1,2,3) and 1.0 in (1.0,2.0,3.0) or "abc" in ("abc","cde") from tb;')
tdSql.execute('drop database db')
def stop(self):
......@@ -297,6 +297,91 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) or diff(value) = ceil(value) and apercentile(value, 50) from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) or round(3.5) and ceil(3.5) > true and round(3.5) or 3 from tb')
#operator: is NULL
tdSql.error('select count(*) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select stddev(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select max(value) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select first(*) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select last(*) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) is NULL or bottom(value,3) is NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) is NULL or apercentile(value, 50) is NULL from tb')
tdSql.error('select diff(value) is NULL or ceil(value) is NULL from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) is NULL or round(3.5) is NULL or ceil(3.5) is NULL from tb')
#operator: is not NULL
tdSql.error('select count(*) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select stddev(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select max(value) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select first(*) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select last(*) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) is not NULL or bottom(value,3) is not NULL from tb;')
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) is not NULL or apercentile(value, 50) is not NULL from tb')
tdSql.error('select diff(value) is not NULL or ceil(value) is not NULL from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) is not NULL or round(3.5) is not NULL or ceil(3.5) is not NULL from tb')
#operator: like
tdSql.error('select count(*) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select stddev(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select max(value) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select first(*) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select last(*) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) like "abc" or bottom(value,3) like "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) like "abc" or apercentile(value, 50) like "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select diff(value) like "abc" or ceil(value) like "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) like "abc" or round(3.5) like "abc" or ceil(3.5) like "abc" from tb')
#operator: match
tdSql.error('select count(*) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select stddev(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select max(value) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select first(*) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select last(*) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) match "abc" or bottom(value,3) match "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) match "abc" or apercentile(value, 50) match "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select diff(value) match "abc" or ceil(value) match "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) match "abc" or round(3.5) match "abc" or ceil(3.5) match "abc" from tb')
#operator: nmatch
tdSql.error('select count(*) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select stddev(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select max(value) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select first(*) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select last(*) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) nmatch "abc" or bottom(value,3) nmatch "abc" from tb;')
tdSql.error('select percentile(value, 50) nmatch "abc" or apercentile(value, 50) nmatch "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select diff(value) nmatch "abc" or ceil(value) nmatch "abc" from tb')
tdSql.error('select floor(3.5) nmatch "abc" or round(3.5) nmatch "abc" or ceil(3.5) nmatch "abc" from tb')
#operator: in
tdSql.error('select count(*) in 1 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select avg(value) in (1, 2, 3) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select twa(value) in 1.0 from tb;')
tdSql.error('select sum(value) in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select min(value) in (true, false, true) from tb;')
tdSql.error('select tbname in (\'acd\', \'bce\') from tb;')
tdSql.error('select t in ("acd", "bce") from tb;')
tdSql.error('select top(value, 3) in (1,2,3) and ceil(value) in (1.0,2.0,3.0) or last(*) in ("abc","cde") from tb;')
tdSql.execute('drop database db')
def stop(self):
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