提交 a1e281b7 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Implement index callback function

上级 fc267502
......@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
#include "tcoding.h"
#include "thash.h"
typedef struct {
tb_uid_t uid;
int32_t sver;
} SSchemaKey;
struct SMetaDB {
// DB
DB *pTbDB;
......@@ -47,6 +52,9 @@ static int metaNameIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT
static int metaStbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey);
static int metaNtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey);
static int metaCtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey);
static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg);
static void * metaDecodeTbInfo(void *buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg);
static void metaClearTbCfg(STbCfg *pTbCfg);
#define BDB_PERR(info, code) fprintf(stderr, info " reason: %s", db_strerror(code))
......@@ -118,6 +126,9 @@ void metaCloseDB(SMeta *pMeta) {
int metaSaveTableToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
tb_uid_t uid;
char buf[512];
void * pBuf;
DBT key, value;
STSchema *pSchema = NULL;
if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
......@@ -128,15 +139,14 @@ int metaSaveTableToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
// save table info
char buf[512];
void *pBuf = buf;
DBT key = {0};
DBT value = {0};
pBuf = buf;
memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
memset(&value, 0, sizeof(key));
key.data = &uid;
key.size = sizeof(uid);
// metaEncodeTbInfo(&pBuf, pTbCfg);
metaEncodeTbInfo(&pBuf, pTbCfg);
value.data = buf;
value.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf);
......@@ -152,14 +162,13 @@ int metaSaveTableToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
if (pSchema) {
char buf[512];
void *pBuf = buf;
DBT key = {0};
DBT value = {0};
pBuf = buf;
memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
memset(&value, 0, sizeof(key));
SSchemaKey schemaKey = {uid, schemaVersion(pSchema)};
key.data = NULL;
key.size = 0;
key.data = &schemaKey;
key.size = sizeof(schemaKey);
tdEncodeSchema(&pBuf, pSchema);
......@@ -274,129 +283,70 @@ static void metaCloseBDBIdx(DB *pIdx) {
static int metaNameIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
char *name;
static int metaStbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey));
taosDecodeString(pValue->data, &name);
static int metaNtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
pSKey->data = name;
pSKey->size = strlen(name);
pSKey->flags = DB_DBT_APPMALLOC;
static int metaCtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
#if 0
int metaSaveTableToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
char buf[512];
void * pBuf;
DBT key = {0};
DBT value = {0};
SSchemaKey schemaKey;
tb_uid_t uid;
if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
// Handle SUPER table
uid = pTbCfg->stbCfg.suid;
// Same table info
metaSaveTbInfo(pMeta->pDB->pStbDB, uid, pTbCfg);
// save schema
metaPutSchema(pMeta, uid, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema);
// Create a super table DB and corresponding index DB
DB *pStbDB;
DB *pStbIdxDB;
META_OPEN_DB(pStbDB, pMeta->pDB->pEvn, "meta.db");
META_OPEN_DB(pStbIdxDB, pMeta->pDB->pEvn, "index.db");
} else if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) {
// Handle CHILD table
uid = metaGenerateUid(pMeta);
DB *pCTbDB = taosHashGet(pMeta->pDB->pCtbMap, &(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid), sizeof(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid));
if (pCTbDB == NULL) {
static int metaStbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
STbCfg tbCfg = {0};
metaSaveTbInfo(pCTbDB, uid, pTbCfg);
metaDecodeTbInfo(pValue->data, &tbCfg);
if (tbCfg.type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey));
} else if (pTbCfg->type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) {
// Handle NORMAL table
uid = metaGenerateUid(pMeta);
pSKey->data = pKey->data;
pSKey->size = pKey->size;
metaSaveTbInfo(pMeta->pDB->pNtbDB, uid, pTbCfg);
metaPutSchema(pMeta, uid, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema);
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
int metaRemoveTableFromDb(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) {
/* ------------------------ STATIC METHODS ------------------------ */
static int metaEncodeSchemaKey(void **buf, SSchemaKey *pSchemaKey) {
int tsize = 0;
tsize += taosEncodeFixedU64(buf, pSchemaKey->uid);
tsize += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pSchemaKey->sver);
return tsize;
static int metaNtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
STbCfg tbCfg = {0};
static void *metaDecodeSchemaKey(void *buf, SSchemaKey *pSchemaKey) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &(pSchemaKey->uid));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &(pSchemaKey->sver));
metaDecodeTbInfo(pValue->data, &tbCfg);
if (tbCfg.type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) {
memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey));
return buf;
pSKey->data = pKey->data;
pSKey->size = pKey->size;
static int metaNameIdxCb(DB *sdbp, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
static int metaUidIdxCb(DB *sdbp, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
return 0;
return 0;
} else {
static void metaPutSchema(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, STSchema *pSchema) {
SSchemaKey skey;
char buf[256];
void * pBuf = buf;
DBT key = {0};
DBT value = {0};
static int metaCtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) {
STbCfg tbCfg = {0};
skey.uid = uid;
skey.sver = schemaVersion(pSchema);
metaDecodeTbInfo(pValue->data, &tbCfg);
if (tbCfg.type == META_CHILD_TABLE) {
memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey));
key.data = &skey;
key.size = sizeof(skey);
pSKey->data = pKey->data;
pSKey->size = pKey->size;
tdEncodeSchema(&pBuf, pSchema);
value.data = buf;
value.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf);
pMeta->pDB->pSchemaDB->put(pMeta->pDB->pSchemaDB, NULL, &key, &value, 0);
return 0;
} else {
static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
......@@ -405,6 +355,7 @@ static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
tsize += taosEncodeString(buf, pTbCfg->name);
tsize += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pTbCfg->ttl);
tsize += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pTbCfg->keep);
tsize += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, pTbCfg->type);
if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
tsize += tdEncodeSchema(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pTagSchema);
......@@ -420,10 +371,10 @@ static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
static void *metaDecodeTbInfo(void *buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pTbCfg->name));
buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pTbCfg->ttl));
buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pTbCfg->keep));
buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &(pTbCfg->type));
if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
buf = tdDecodeSchema(buf, &(pTbCfg->stbCfg.pTagSchema));
......@@ -437,22 +388,11 @@ static void *metaDecodeTbInfo(void *buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
return buf;
static int metaSaveTbInfo(DB *pDB, tb_uid_t uid, STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
DBT key = {0};
DBT value = {0};
char buf[512];
void *pBuf = buf;
key.data = &uid;
key.size = sizeof(uid);
metaEncodeTbInfo(&pBuf, pTbCfg);
value.data = buf;
value.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf);
pDB->put(pDB, NULL, &key, &value, 0);
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
static void metaClearTbCfg(STbCfg *pTbCfg) {
if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) {
} else if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) {
\ No newline at end of file
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