提交 9d4aabfe 编写于 作者: P plum-lihui

test: modfiy test cases of tmq

上级 12285212
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-1vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 1
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . '
$cdb_index = 0
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_stb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_stb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb
print ================ test consume from ctb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ctb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ctb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb
print ================ test consume from ntb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ntb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ntb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-1vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 1
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$ifmanualcommit = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . ,
$keyList = $keyList . enable.auto.commit:false
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.commit.interval.ms:6000
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.offset.reset:earliest
$keyList = $keyList . '
print ========== key list: $keyList
$cdb_index = 0
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_stb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_stb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb
print ================ test consume from ctb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ctb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ctb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb
print ================ test consume from ntb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ntb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ntb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-1vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 1
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . '
$topicNum = 3
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
print == multi toipcs: topic_stb_column + topic_stb_all + topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfStb = $totalMsgOfStb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb1
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ctb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ctb_column + topic_ctb_all + topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb2
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ntb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ntb_column + topic_ntb_all + topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-1vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 1
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$ifmanualcommit = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . ,
$keyList = $keyList . enable.auto.commit:false
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.commit.interval.ms:6000
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.offset.reset:earliest
$keyList = $keyList . '
print ========== key list: $keyList
$topicNum = 3
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
print == multi toipcs: topic_stb_column + topic_stb_all + topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfStb = $totalMsgOfStb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb1
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ctb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ctb_column + topic_ctb_all + topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb2
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ntb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ntb_column + topic_ntb_all + topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ $tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
$pullDelay = 5
$ifcheckdata = 1
$ifmanualcommit = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
......@@ -53,8 +54,16 @@ sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . ,
$keyList = $keyList . enable.auto.commit:false
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.commit.interval.ms:6000
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.offset.reset:earliest
$keyList = $keyList . '
print ========== key list: $keyList
$topicNum = 2
......@@ -72,7 +81,7 @@ $consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfOneTopic = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfStb = $totalMsgOfOneTopic * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_all
......@@ -80,7 +89,7 @@ $topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 1
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
......@@ -158,7 +167,7 @@ sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table for ctb
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
......@@ -179,14 +188,14 @@ $consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfOneTopic = $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfCtb = $totalMsgOfOneTopic * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 1
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
......@@ -249,7 +258,7 @@ sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table for ntb
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
......@@ -270,7 +279,7 @@ $consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfOneTopic = $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfNtb = $totalMsgOfOneTopic * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_function
......@@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ $topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 1
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-4vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 4
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . '
$cdb_index = 0
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_stb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_stb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb
print ================ test consume from ctb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ctb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ctb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb
print ================ test consume from ntb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ntb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ntb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-4vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 4
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$ifmanualcommit = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . ,
$keyList = $keyList . enable.auto.commit:false
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.commit.interval.ms:6000
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.offset.reset:earliest
$keyList = $keyList . '
print ========== key list: $keyList
$cdb_index = 0
#=============================== start consume =============================#
print ================ test consume from stb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_stb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_stb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_stb
print ================ test consume from ctb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ctb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ctb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ctb
print ================ test consume from ntb
$loop_cnt = 0
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdb_index = $cdb_index + 1
$cdbName = cdb . $cdb_index
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
print == scenario 1: topic_ntb_column
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
print == scenario 2: topic_ntb_all
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . '
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
print == scenario 3: topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb_end
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
goto loop_consume_diff_topic_from_ntb
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-4vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 4
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . '
$topicNum = 3
print ================ test consume from stb
print == multi toipcs: topic_stb_column + topic_stb_all + topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfStb = $totalMsgOfStb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb1
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ctb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ctb_column + topic_ctb_all + topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb2
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ntb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ntb_column + topic_ntb_all + topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
#basic1.sim: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic2.sim: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic3.sim: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
#basic4.sim: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, firstly insert data, then start consume. Include six topics
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
run tsim/tmq/prepareBasicEnv-4vgrp.sim
#---- global parameters start ----#
$dbName = db
$vgroups = 4
$stbPrefix = stb
$ctbPrefix = ctb
$ntbPrefix = ntb
$stbNum = 1
$ctbNum = 10
$ntbNum = 10
$rowsPerCtb = 10
$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#---- global parameters end ----#
$pullDelay = 3
$ifcheckdata = 1
$ifmanualcommit = 1
$showMsg = 1
$showRow = 0
sql connect
sql use $dbName
print == create topics from super table
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_all as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
print == create topics from child table
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c3 from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ctb0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ctb0
print == create topics from normal table
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c3 from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb0
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb0
#sql show topics
#if $rows != 9 then
# return -1
$keyList = ' . group.id:cgrp1
$keyList = $keyList . ,
$keyList = $keyList . enable.auto.commit:false
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.commit.interval.ms:6000
#$keyList = $keyList . ,
#$keyList = $keyList . auto.offset.reset:earliest
$keyList = $keyList . '
print ========== key list: $keyList
$topicNum = 3
print ================ test consume from stb
print == multi toipcs: topic_stb_column + topic_stb_all + topic_stb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_stb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_stb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfStb = $ctbNum * $rowsPerCtb
$totalMsgOfStb = $totalMsgOfStb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfStb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from stb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $dbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_stb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $expectmsgcnt then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb1
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ctb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ctb_column + topic_ctb_all + topic_ctb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ctb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ctb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfCtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfCtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ctb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ctb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfCtb then
return -1
# clear consume info and consume result
#run tsim/tmq/clearConsume.sim
# because drop table function no stable, so by create new db for consume info and result. Modify it later
$cdbName = cdb2
sql create database $cdbName vgroups 1
sleep 500
sql use $cdbName
print == create consume info table and consume result table
sql create table consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)
sql create table consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print ================ test consume from ntb
print == multi toipcs: topic_ntb_column + topic_ntb_all + topic_ntb_function
$topicList = ' . topic_ntb_column
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_all
$topicList = $topicList . ,
$topicList = $topicList . topic_ntb_function
$topicList = $topicList . '
$consumerId = 0
$totalMsgOfNtb = $rowsPerCtb * $topicNum
$expectmsgcnt = $totalMsgOfNtb
sql insert into consumeinfo values (now , $consumerId , $topicList , $keyList , $expectmsgcnt , $ifcheckdata , $ifmanualcommit )
print == start consumer to pull msgs from ntb
print == tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -s start
system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -d $dbName -y $pullDelay -g $showMsg -r $showRow -w $cdbName -s start
print == check consume result from ntb
sql select * from consumeresult
print ==> rows: $rows
print ==> rows[0]: $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
sleep 1000
goto wait_consumer_end_from_ntb
if $data[0][1] != $consumerId then
return -1
if $data[0][2] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
if $data[0][3] != $totalMsgOfNtb then
return -1
#------ not need stop consumer, because it exit after pull msg overthan expect msg
#system tsim/tmq/consume.sh -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
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