未验证 提交 9d4a6de4 编写于 作者: W wade zhang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #16454 from taosdata/test/td-18644-java-1

test: add java fast_write_example for 3.0
package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import java.sql.*;
* Prepare target database.
* Count total records in database periodically so that we can estimate the writing speed.
public class DataBaseMonitor {
private Connection conn;
private Statement stmt;
public DataBaseMonitor init() throws SQLException {
if (conn == null) {
String jdbcURL = System.getenv("TDENGINE_JDBC_URL");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL);
stmt = conn.createStatement();
return this;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void prepareDatabase() throws SQLException {
stmt.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test");
stmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE test");
stmt.execute("CREATE STABLE test.meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT)");
public Long count() throws SQLException {
if (!stmt.isClosed()) {
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) from test.meters");
return result.getLong(1);
return null;
* show test.stables;
* name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
* ============================================================================================
* meters | 2022-07-20 08:39:30.902 | 4 | 2 | 620000 |
public Long getTableCount() throws SQLException {
if (!stmt.isClosed()) {
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("show test.stables");
return result.getLong(5);
return null;
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package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
public class FastWriteExample {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FastWriteExample.class);
final static int taskQueueCapacity = 1000000;
final static List<BlockingQueue<String>> taskQueues = new ArrayList<>();
final static List<ReadTask> readTasks = new ArrayList<>();
final static List<WriteTask> writeTasks = new ArrayList<>();
final static DataBaseMonitor databaseMonitor = new DataBaseMonitor();
public static void stopAll() {
logger.info("shutting down");
readTasks.forEach(task -> task.stop());
writeTasks.forEach(task -> task.stop());
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, SQLException {
int readTaskCount = args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 1;
int writeTaskCount = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 3;
int tableCount = args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : 1000;
int maxBatchSize = args.length > 3 ? Integer.parseInt(args[3]) : 3000;
logger.info("readTaskCount={}, writeTaskCount={} tableCount={} maxBatchSize={}",
readTaskCount, writeTaskCount, tableCount, maxBatchSize);
// Create task queues, whiting tasks and start writing threads.
for (int i = 0; i < writeTaskCount; ++i) {
BlockingQueue<String> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(taskQueueCapacity);
WriteTask task = new WriteTask(queue, maxBatchSize);
Thread t = new Thread(task);
t.setName("WriteThread-" + i);
// create reading tasks and start reading threads
int tableCountPerTask = tableCount / readTaskCount;
for (int i = 0; i < readTaskCount; ++i) {
ReadTask task = new ReadTask(i, taskQueues, tableCountPerTask);
Thread t = new Thread(task);
t.setName("ReadThread-" + i);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(FastWriteExample::stopAll));
long lastCount = 0;
while (true) {
long numberOfTable = databaseMonitor.getTableCount();
long count = databaseMonitor.count();
logger.info("numberOfTable={} count={} speed={}", numberOfTable, count, (count - lastCount) / 10);
lastCount = count;
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package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Generate test data
class MockDataSource implements Iterator {
private String tbNamePrefix;
private int tableCount;
private long maxRowsPerTable = 1000000000L;
// 100 milliseconds between two neighbouring rows.
long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - maxRowsPerTable * 100;
private int currentRow = 0;
private int currentTbId = -1;
// mock values
String[] location = {"LosAngeles", "SanDiego", "Hollywood", "Compton", "San Francisco"};
float[] current = {8.8f, 10.7f, 9.9f, 8.9f, 9.4f};
int[] voltage = {119, 116, 111, 113, 118};
float[] phase = {0.32f, 0.34f, 0.33f, 0.329f, 0.141f};
public MockDataSource(String tbNamePrefix, int tableCount) {
this.tbNamePrefix = tbNamePrefix;
this.tableCount = tableCount;
public boolean hasNext() {
currentTbId += 1;
if (currentTbId == tableCount) {
currentTbId = 0;
currentRow += 1;
return currentRow < maxRowsPerTable;
public String next() {
long ts = startMs + 100 * currentRow;
int groupId = currentTbId % 5 == 0 ? currentTbId / 5 : currentTbId / 5 + 1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tbNamePrefix + "_" + currentTbId + ","); // tbName
sb.append(ts).append(','); // ts
sb.append(current[currentRow % 5]).append(','); // current
sb.append(voltage[currentRow % 5]).append(','); // voltage
sb.append(phase[currentRow % 5]).append(','); // phase
sb.append(location[currentRow % 5]).append(','); // location
sb.append(groupId); // groupID
return sb.toString();
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package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
class ReadTask implements Runnable {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReadTask.class);
private final int taskId;
private final List<BlockingQueue<String>> taskQueues;
private final int queueCount;
private final int tableCount;
private boolean active = true;
public ReadTask(int readTaskId, List<BlockingQueue<String>> queues, int tableCount) {
this.taskId = readTaskId;
this.taskQueues = queues;
this.queueCount = queues.size();
this.tableCount = tableCount;
* Assign data received to different queues.
* Here we use the suffix number in table name.
* You are expected to define your own rule in practice.
* @param line record received
* @return which queue to use
public int getQueueId(String line) {
String tbName = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(',')); // For example: tb1_101
String suffixNumber = tbName.split("_")[1];
return Integer.parseInt(suffixNumber) % this.queueCount;
public void run() {
Iterator<String> it = new MockDataSource("tb" + this.taskId, tableCount);
try {
while (it.hasNext() && active) {
String line = it.next();
int queueId = getQueueId(line);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Read Task Error", e);
public void stop() {
this.active = false;
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package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A helper class encapsulate the logic of writing using SQL.
* <p>
* The main interfaces are two methods:
* <ol>
* <li>{@link SQLWriter#processLine}, which receive raw lines from WriteTask and group them by table names.</li>
* <li>{@link SQLWriter#flush}, which assemble INSERT statement and execute it.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* There is a technical skill worth mentioning: we create table as needed when "table does not exist" error occur instead of creating table automatically using syntax "INSET INTO tb USING stb".
* This ensure that checking table existence is a one-time-only operation.
* </p>
* </p>
public class SQLWriter {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SQLWriter.class);
private Connection conn;
private Statement stmt;
* current number of buffered records
private int bufferedCount = 0;
* Maximum number of buffered records.
* Flush action will be triggered if bufferedCount reached this value,
private int maxBatchSize;
* Maximum SQL length.
private int maxSQLLength;
* Map from table name to column values. For example:
* "tb001" -> "(1648432611249,2.1,114,0.09) (1648432611250,2.2,135,0.2)"
private Map<String, String> tbValues = new HashMap<>();
* Map from table name to tag values in the same order as creating stable.
* Used for creating table.
private Map<String, String> tbTags = new HashMap<>();
public SQLWriter(int maxBatchSize) {
this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
* Get Database Connection
* @return Connection
* @throws SQLException
private static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
String jdbcURL = System.getenv("TDENGINE_JDBC_URL");
return DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL);
* Create Connection and Statement
* @throws SQLException
public void init() throws SQLException {
conn = getConnection();
stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("use test");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("show variables");
while (rs.next()) {
String configName = rs.getString(1);
if ("maxSQLLength".equals(configName)) {
maxSQLLength = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2));
logger.info("maxSQLLength={}", maxSQLLength);
* Convert raw data to SQL fragments, group them by table name and cache them in a HashMap.
* Trigger writing when number of buffered records reached maxBachSize.
* @param line raw data get from task queue in format: tbName,ts,current,voltage,phase,location,groupId
public void processLine(String line) throws SQLException {
bufferedCount += 1;
int firstComma = line.indexOf(',');
String tbName = line.substring(0, firstComma);
int lastComma = line.lastIndexOf(',');
int secondLastComma = line.lastIndexOf(',', lastComma - 1);
String value = "(" + line.substring(firstComma + 1, secondLastComma) + ") ";
if (tbValues.containsKey(tbName)) {
tbValues.put(tbName, tbValues.get(tbName) + value);
} else {
tbValues.put(tbName, value);
if (!tbTags.containsKey(tbName)) {
String location = line.substring(secondLastComma + 1, lastComma);
String groupId = line.substring(lastComma + 1);
String tagValues = "('" + location + "'," + groupId + ')';
tbTags.put(tbName, tagValues);
if (bufferedCount == maxBatchSize) {
* Assemble INSERT statement using buffered SQL fragments in Map {@link SQLWriter#tbValues} and execute it.
* In case of "Table does not exit" exception, create all tables in the sql and retry the sql.
public void flush() throws SQLException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO ");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tbValues.entrySet()) {
String tableName = entry.getKey();
String values = entry.getValue();
String q = tableName + " values " + values + " ";
if (sb.length() + q.length() > maxSQLLength) {
logger.warn("increase maxSQLLength or decrease maxBatchSize to gain better performance");
sb = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO ");
bufferedCount = 0;
private void executeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// convert to error code defined in taoserror.h
int errorCode = e.getErrorCode() & 0xffff;
if (errorCode == 0x362 || errorCode == 0x218) {
// Table does not exist
} else {
logger.error("Execute SQL: {}", sql);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Execute SQL: {}", sql);
throw throwable;
* Create tables in batch using syntax:
* <p>
* CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name1 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...) [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name2 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value2, ...) ...;
* </p>
private void createTables() throws SQLException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ");
for (String tbName : tbValues.keySet()) {
String tagValues = tbTags.get(tbName);
sb.append("IF NOT EXISTS ").append(tbName).append(" USING meters TAGS ").append(tagValues).append(" ");
String sql = sb.toString();
try {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Execute SQL: {}", sql);
throw throwable;
public boolean hasBufferedValues() {
return bufferedCount > 0;
public int getBufferedCount() {
return bufferedCount;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
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package com.taos.example.highvolume;
public class StmtWriter {
package com.taos.example.highvolume;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
class WriteTask implements Runnable {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WriteTask.class);
private final int maxBatchSize;
// the queue from which this writing task get raw data.
private final BlockingQueue<String> queue;
// A flag indicate whether to continue.
private boolean active = true;
public WriteTask(BlockingQueue<String> taskQueue, int maxBatchSize) {
this.queue = taskQueue;
this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
public void run() {
String line = null; // data getting from the queue just now.
SQLWriter writer = new SQLWriter(maxBatchSize);
try {
while (active) {
line = queue.poll();
if (line != null) {
// parse raw data and buffer the data.
} else if (writer.hasBufferedValues()) {
// write data immediately if no more data in the queue
} else {
// sleep a while to avoid high CPU usage if no more data in the queue and no buffered records, .
if (writer.hasBufferedValues()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = String.format("line=%s, bufferedCount=%s", line, writer.getBufferedCount());
logger.error(msg, e);
} finally {
public void stop() {
this.active = false;
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