TDengine's JDBC demo project is organized in a Maven way so that users can easily compile, package and run the project. If you don't have Maven on your server, you may install it using
TDengine's JDBC demo project is organized in a Maven way so that users can easily compile, package and run the project. If you don't have Maven on your server, you may install it using
<pre>sudo apt-get install maven</pre>
sudo apt-get install maven
## Install TDengine Client
## Install TDengine Client
Make sure you have already installed a tdengine client on your current develop environment.
Make sure you have already installed a tdengine client on your current develop environment.
Download the tdengine package on our website: ```` and install the client.
Download the tdengine package on our website: ```` and install the client.
return"select avg("+field+"),min("+field+"),max("+field+") from "+dbName+"."+stbName+" where location = '"+locations[random.nextInt(locations.length)]+"'";