提交 99291224 编写于 作者: D dapan1121

fix: fix get db name issue

上级 16ba0c65
......@@ -1621,16 +1621,12 @@ int32_t ctgLaunchGetTbHashsTask(SCtgTask *pTask) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCtx->fetchNum; ++i) {
SCtgFetch* pFetch = taosArrayGet(pCtx->pFetchs, i);
SName* pName = ctgGetFetchName(pCtx->pNames, pFetch);
STablesReq* pReq = taosArrayGet(pCtx->pNames, pFetch->dbIdx);
pTask->msgIdx = pFetch->fetchIdx;
SBuildUseDBInput input = {0};
if (IS_SYS_DBNAME(pName->dbname)) {
strcpy(input.db, pName->dbname);
} else {
tNameGetFullDbName(pName, input.db);
strcpy(input.db, pReq->dbFName);
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