未验证 提交 960e4fc8 编写于 作者: X xiangyang guo 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15753 from taosdata/cpwu/3.0

Test:  fix user control case
from tabnanny import check
import taos
import time
import inspect
import traceback
import socket
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.common import *
......@@ -21,17 +22,40 @@ WEIGHT_WRITE = 3
INT_COL = "c1"
BINT_COL = "c2"
SINT_COL = "c3"
TINT_COL = "c4"
FLOAT_COL = "c5"
BOOL_COL = "c7"
NCHAR_COL = "c9"
TS_COL = "c10"
INT_COL = "c_int"
BINT_COL = "c_bint"
SINT_COL = "c_sint"
TINT_COL = "c_tint"
FLOAT_COL = "c_float"
DOUBLE_COL = "c_double"
BOOL_COL = "c_bool"
TINT_UN_COL = "c_utint"
SINT_UN_COL = "c_usint"
BINT_UN_COL = "c_ubint"
INT_UN_COL = "c_uint"
BINARY_COL = "c_binary"
NCHAR_COL = "c_nchar"
TS_COL = "c_ts"
INT_TAG = "t_int"
# insert data args:
TIME_STEP = 10000
NOW = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()) * 1000)
# init db/table
DBNAME = "db"
STBNAME = "stb1"
CTBNAME = "ct1"
NTBNAME = "nt1"
class TDconnect:
def __init__(self,
......@@ -247,25 +271,26 @@ class TDTestCase:
with taos_connect(user=user.name, passwd=user.passwd) as use:
if check_priv == PRIVILEGES_ALL:
use.query("use db")
use.query("show tables")
use.query("select * from ct1")
use.query("insert into t1 (ts) values (now())")
use.query(f"use {DBNAME}")
use.query(f"show {DBNAME}.tables")
use.query(f"select * from {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME}")
use.query(f"insert into {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME} (ts) values (now())")
elif check_priv == PRIVILEGES_READ:
use.query("use db")
use.query("show tables")
use.query("select * from ct1")
use.error("insert into t1 (ts) values (now())")
use.query(f"use {DBNAME}")
use.query(f"show {DBNAME}.tables")
use.query(f"select * from {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME}")
use.error(f"insert into {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME} (ts) values (now())")
elif check_priv == PRIVILEGES_WRITE:
use.query("use db")
use.query("show tables")
use.error("select * from ct1")
use.query("insert into t1 (ts) values (now())")
use.query(f"use {DBNAME}")
use.query(f"show {DBNAME}.tables")
use.error(f"select * from {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME}")
use.query(f"insert into {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME} (ts) values (now())")
elif check_priv is None:
use.error("use db")
use.error("show tables")
use.error("select * from db.ct1")
use.error("insert into db.t1 (ts) values (now())")
use.error(f"use {DBNAME}")
# use.error(f"show {DBNAME}.tables")
use.error(f"show tables")
use.error(f"select * from {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME}")
use.error(f"insert into {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME} (ts) values (now())")
def __change_user_priv(self, user: User, pre_priv, invoke=False):
if user.priv == pre_priv and invoke :
......@@ -418,7 +443,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.__grant_user_privileges(privilege="", dbname="db", user_name=self.__user_list[0]) ,
self.__grant_user_privileges(privilege=" ".join(self.__privilege), user_name=self.__user_list[0]) ,
f"GRANT {self.__privilege[0]} ON * TO {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
f"GRANT {self.__privilege[0]} ON db.t1 TO {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
f"GRANT {self.__privilege[0]} ON {DBNAME}.{NTBNAME} TO {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
def __revoke_err(self):
......@@ -430,7 +455,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.__revoke_user_privileges(privilege="", dbname="db", user_name=self.__user_list[0]) ,
self.__revoke_user_privileges(privilege=" ".join(self.__privilege), user_name=self.__user_list[0]) ,
f"REVOKE {self.__privilege[0]} ON * FROM {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
f"REVOKE {self.__privilege[0]} ON db.t1 FROM {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
f"REVOKE {self.__privilege[0]} ON {DBNAME}.{NTBNAME} FROM {self.__user_list[0]}" ,
def test_grant_err(self):
......@@ -505,101 +530,48 @@ class TDTestCase:
def __create_tb(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table stb1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
) tags (t1 int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table t1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
def __create_tb(self, stb=STBNAME, ctb_num=20, ntbnum=1, dbname=DBNAME):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.{stb}(
{PRIMARY_COL} timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
) tags ({INT_TAG} int)
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
{ i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2}
def __insert_data(self, rows):
now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
for i in range(rows):
f"insert into ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f'''insert into ct1 values
( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar_测试_0', { now_time + 8 } )
( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar_测试_9', { now_time + 9 } )
f'''insert into ct4 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
{ now_time + 5184000000}, {pow(2,31)-pow(2,15)}, {pow(2,63)-pow(2,30)}, 32767, 127,
{ 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 }, "binary_limit-1", "nchar_测试_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000}
for i in range(ntbnum):
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.nt{i+1}(
{PRIMARY_COL} timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
{ now_time + 2592000000 }, {pow(2,31)-pow(2,16)}, {pow(2,63)-pow(2,31)}, 32766, 126,
{ 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 }, "binary_limit-2", "nchar_测试_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000}
f'''insert into ct2 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
{ now_time + 5184000000 }, { -1 * pow(2,31) + pow(2,15) }, { -1 * pow(2,63) + pow(2,30) }, -32766, -126,
{ -1 * 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { -1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 }, "binary_limit-1", "nchar_测试_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000 }
{ now_time + 2592000000 }, { -1 * pow(2,31) + pow(2,16) }, { -1 * pow(2,63) + pow(2,31) }, -32767, -127,
{ - 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { -1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 }, "binary_limit-2", "nchar_测试_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000 }
for i in range(ctb_num):
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.{stb} tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows, ctb_num=20, dbname=DBNAME, star_time=NOW):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: start inser data into tables now.....")
# from ...pytest.util.common import DataSet
data = DataSet()
for i in range(rows):
insert_data = f'''insert into t1 values
( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2},
"binary_{i}", "nchar_测试_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } )
f'''insert into t1 values
( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7200000 }, { pow(2,31) - pow(2,15) }, { pow(2,63) - pow(2,30) }, 32767, 127,
{ 3.3 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.3 * pow(10,308) }, { rows % 2 },
"binary_limit-1", "nchar_测试_limit-1", { now_time - 86400000 }
{ now_time + 3600000 } , { pow(2,31) - pow(2,16) }, { pow(2,63) - pow(2,31) }, 32766, 126,
{ 3.2 * pow(10,38) }, { 1.2 * pow(10,308) }, { (rows-1) % 2 },
"binary_limit-2", "nchar_测试_limit-2", { now_time - 172800000 }
row_data = f'''
{data.int_data[i]}, {data.bint_data[i]}, {data.sint_data[i]}, {data.tint_data[i]}, {data.float_data[i]}, {data.double_data[i]},
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.vchar_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {data.utint_data[i]},
{data.usint_data[i]}, {data.uint_data[i]}, {data.ubint_data[i]}
tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.{NTBNAME} values ( {star_time - i * int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {row_data} )" )
for j in range(ctb_num):
tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.ct{j+1} values ( {star_time - j * i * TIME_STEP}, {row_data} )" )
def run(self):
......@@ -656,27 +628,81 @@ class TDTestCase:
with taos_connect(user=self.__user_list[0], passwd=f"new{self.__passwd_list[0]}") as user:
# user = conn
# 不能创建用户
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step5: normal user can not create user")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4.1: normal user can not create user")
user.error("create use utest1 pass 'utest1pass'")
# 可以查看用户
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step6: normal user can show user")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4.2: normal user can show user")
user.query("show users")
assert user.queryRows == self.users_count + 1
# 不可以修改其他用户的密码
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step7: normal user can not alter other user pass")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4.3: normal user can not alter other user pass")
user.error(self.__alter_pass_sql(self.__user_list[1], self.__passwd_list[1] ))
user.error(self.__alter_pass_sql("root", "taosdata_root" ))
# 可以修改自己的密码
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step8: normal user can alter owner pass")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4.4: normal user can alter owner pass")
user.query(self.__alter_pass_sql(self.__user_list[0], self.__passwd_list[0]))
# 不可以删除用户,包括自己
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step9: normal user can not drop any user ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4.5: normal user can not drop any user ")
user.error(f"drop user {self.__user_list[0]}")
user.error(f"drop user {self.__user_list[1]}")
user.error("drop user root")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step5: enable info")
taos1_conn = taos.connect(user=self.__user_list[1], password=f"new{self.__passwd_list[1]}")
taos1_conn.query(f"show databases")
tdSql.execute(f"alter user {self.__user_list[1]} enable 0")
tdSql.execute(f"alter user {self.__user_list[2]} enable 0")
taos1_except = True
taos1_conn.query("show databases")
except BaseException:
taos1_except = False
if taos1_except:
tdLog.exit("taos 1 connect except error not occured, when enable == 0, should not r/w ")
tdLog.info("taos 1 connect except error occured, enable == 0")
taos2_except = True
taos.connect(user=self.__user_list[2], password=f"new{self.__passwd_list[2]}")
except BaseException:
taos2_except = False
if taos2_except:
tdLog.exit("taos 2 connect except error not occured, when enable == 0, should not connect")
tdLog.info("taos 2 connect except error occured, enable == 0, can not login")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step6: sysinfo info")
taos3_conn = taos.connect(user=self.__user_list[3], password=f"new{self.__passwd_list[3]}")
taos3_conn.query(f"show dnodes")
taos3_conn.query(f"show {DBNAME}.vgroups")
tdSql.execute(f"alter user {self.__user_list[3]} sysinfo 0")
tdSql.execute(f"alter user {self.__user_list[4]} sysinfo 0")
taos3_except = True
taos3_conn.query(f"show dnodes")
taos3_conn.query(f"show {DBNAME}.vgroups")
except BaseException:
taos3_except = False
if taos3_except:
tdLog.exit("taos 3 query except error not occured, when sysinfo == 0, should not show info:dnode/monde/qnode ")
tdLog.info("taos 3 query except error occured, sysinfo == 0, can not show dnode/vgroups")
taos4_conn = taos.connect(user=self.__user_list[4], password=f"new{self.__passwd_list[4]}")
taos4_except = True
taos4_conn.query(f"show mnodes")
taos4_conn.query(f"show {DBNAME}.vgroups")
except BaseException:
taos4_except = False
if taos4_except:
tdLog.exit("taos 4 query except error not occured, when sysinfo == 0, when enable == 0, should not show info:dnode/monde/qnode")
tdLog.info("taos 4 query except error occured, sysinfo == 0, can not show dnode/vgroups")
# root删除用户测试
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step10: super user drop normal user")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step7: super user drop normal user")
tdSql.query("show users")
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.constant import *
from util.common import *
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ TAG_COL = [INT_TAG]
# insert data args:
TIME_STEP = 10000
NOW = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
NOW = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()) * 1000)
# init db/table
DBNAME = "db"
......@@ -47,40 +48,6 @@ CTBNAME = "ct1"
NTBNAME = "nt1"
class DataSet:
ts_data : List[int] = None
int_data : List[int] = None
bint_data : List[int] = None
sint_data : List[int] = None
tint_data : List[int] = None
int_un_data : List[int] = None
bint_un_data: List[int] = None
sint_un_data: List[int] = None
tint_un_data: List[int] = None
float_data : List[float] = None
double_data : List[float] = None
bool_data : List[int] = None
binary_data : List[str] = None
nchar_data : List[str] = None
def __post_init__(self):
self.ts_data = []
self.int_data = []
self.bint_data = []
self.sint_data = []
self.tint_data = []
self.int_un_data = []
self.bint_un_data = []
self.sint_un_data = []
self.tint_un_data = []
self.float_data = []
self.double_data = []
self.bool_data = []
self.binary_data = []
self.nchar_data = []
class SMAschema:
creation : str = "CREATE"
......@@ -164,10 +131,6 @@ class SMAschema:
del self.other[k]
# from ...pytest.util.sql import *
# from ...pytest.util.constant import *
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {"querySmaOptimize": 1}
......@@ -469,14 +432,12 @@ class TDTestCase:
err_sqls.append( SMAschema(index_flag="SMA INDEX ,", tbname=STBNAME, func=(f"min({INT_COL})",f"max({INT_COL})") ) )
err_sqls.append( SMAschema(index_name="tbname", tbname=STBNAME, func=(f"min({INT_COL})",f"max({INT_COL})") ) )
# current_set
cur_sqls.append( SMAschema(max_delay="",tbname=STBNAME, func=(f"min({INT_COL})",f"max({INT_COL})") ) )
cur_sqls.append( SMAschema(watermark="",index_name="sma_index_2",tbname=STBNAME, func=(f"min({INT_COL})",f"max({INT_COL})") ) )
cur_sqls.append( SMAschema(sliding="",index_name='sma_index_3',tbname=STBNAME, func=(f"min({INT_COL})",f"max({INT_COL})") ) )
return err_sqls, cur_sqls
def test_create_sma(self):
......@@ -512,102 +473,48 @@ class TDTestCase:
def __create_tb(self):
def __create_tb(self, stb=STBNAME, ctb_num=20, ntbnum=1, dbname=DBNAME):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {STBNAME}(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.{stb}(
{PRIMARY_COL} timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
) tags ({INT_TAG} int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {NTBNAME}(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
def __data_set(self, rows):
data_set = DataSet()
for i in range(rows):
data_set.ts_data.append(NOW + 1 * (rows - i))
data_set.int_data.append(rows - i)
data_set.bint_data.append(11111 * (rows - i))
data_set.sint_data.append(111 * (rows - i) % 32767)
data_set.tint_data.append(11 * (rows - i) % 127)
data_set.int_un_data.append(rows - i)
data_set.bint_un_data.append(11111 * (rows - i))
data_set.sint_un_data.append(111 * (rows - i) % 32767)
data_set.tint_un_data.append(11 * (rows - i) % 127)
data_set.float_data.append(1.11 * (rows - i))
data_set.double_data.append(1100.0011 * (rows - i))
data_set.bool_data.append((rows - i) % 2)
data_set.binary_data.append(f'binary{(rows - i)}')
data_set.nchar_data.append(f'nchar_测试_{(rows - i)}')
return data_set
def __insert_data(self):
for i in range(ntbnum):
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.nt{i+1}(
{PRIMARY_COL} timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
for i in range(ctb_num):
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.{stb} tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows, ctb_num=20, dbname=DBNAME, star_time=NOW):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: start inser data into tables now.....")
data = self.__data_set(rows=self.rows)
# from ...pytest.util.common import DataSet
data = DataSet()
data.get_order_set(rows, bint_step=2)
# now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
null_data = '''null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null'''
zero_data = "0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary_0', 'nchar_0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0"
for i in range(self.rows):
for i in range(rows):
row_data = f'''
{data.int_data[i]}, {data.bint_data[i]}, {data.sint_data[i]}, {data.tint_data[i]}, {data.float_data[i]}, {data.double_data[i]},
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.binary_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {data.tint_un_data[i]},
{data.sint_un_data[i]}, {data.int_un_data[i]}, {data.bint_un_data[i]}
neg_row_data = f'''
{-1 * data.int_data[i]}, {-1 * data.bint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.sint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.tint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.float_data[i]}, {-1 * data.double_data[i]},
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.binary_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {1 * data.tint_un_data[i]},
{1 * data.sint_un_data[i]}, {1 * data.int_un_data[i]}, {1 * data.bint_un_data[i]}
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.vchar_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {data.utint_data[i]},
{data.usint_data[i]}, {data.uint_data[i]}, {data.ubint_data[i]}
tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.{NTBNAME} values ( {star_time - i * int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {row_data} )" )
f"insert into ct1 values ( {NOW - i * TIME_STEP}, {row_data} )")
f"insert into ct2 values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 0.6)}, {neg_row_data} )")
f"insert into ct4 values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 0.8) }, {row_data} )")
f"insert into {NTBNAME} values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {row_data} )")
f"insert into ct2 values ( {NOW + int(TIME_STEP * 0.6)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into ct2 values ( {NOW - (self.rows + 1) * int(TIME_STEP * 0.6)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into ct2 values ( {NOW - self.rows * int(TIME_STEP * 0.29) }, {null_data} )")
f"insert into ct4 values ( {NOW + int(TIME_STEP * 0.8)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into ct4 values ( {NOW - (self.rows + 1) * int(TIME_STEP * 0.8)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into ct4 values ( {NOW - self.rows * int(TIME_STEP * 0.39)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into {NTBNAME} values ( {NOW + int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into {NTBNAME} values ( {NOW - (self.rows + 1) * int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {null_data} )")
f"insert into {NTBNAME} values ( {NOW - self.rows * int(TIME_STEP * 0.59)}, {null_data} )")
for j in range(ctb_num):
tdSql.execute( f"insert into {dbname}.ct{j+1} values ( {star_time - j * i * TIME_STEP}, {row_data} )" )
def run(self):
self.rows = 10
......@@ -616,14 +523,60 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table in normal database")
# # from ...pytest.util.sql import *
# drop databases, create same name db、stb and sma index
self.__insert_data(rows=self.rows,star_time=NOW + self.rows * 2 * TIME_STEP)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.1 : create a tsma index and checkdata")
tdSql.execute(f"create sma index {DBNAME}.sma_index_name1 on {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} function(max({INT_COL}),max({BINT_COL}),min({INT_COL})) interval(6m,10s) sliding(6m)")
tdSql.query(f"select max({INT_COL}), max({BINT_COL}), min({INT_COL}) from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} interval(6m,10s) sliding(6m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rows - 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, (self.rows - 1) * 2 )
tdSql.checkData(tdSql.queryRows - 1, 2, 0)
# tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 0)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.2 : alter table schema, drop col without index")
tdSql.execute(f"alter stable {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} drop column {BINARY_COL}")
tdSql.query(f"select max({INT_COL}), max({BINT_COL}), min({INT_COL}) from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} interval(6m,10s) sliding(6m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rows - 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, (self.rows - 1) * 2 )
tdSql.checkData(tdSql.queryRows - 1, 2, 0)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.3 : alter table schema, drop col with index")
# TODO: TD-18047, can not drop col, when col in tsma-index and tsma-index is not dropped.
tdSql.error(f"alter stable {DBNAME}.stb1 drop column {BINT_COL}")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.4 : alter table schema, add col")
tdSql.execute(f"alter stable {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} add column {BINT_COL}_1 bigint")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {DBNAME}.{CTBNAME} ({PRIMARY_COL}, {BINT_COL}_1) values(now(), 111)")
tdSql.query(f"select max({INT_COL}), max({BINT_COL}), min({INT_COL}) from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} interval(6m,10s) sliding(6m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rows - 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, (self.rows - 1) * 2 )
tdSql.checkData(tdSql.queryRows - 1, 2, 0)
# tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 0)
tdSql.query(f"select max({BINT_COL}_1) from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} ")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0 , 111)
tdSql.execute(f"flush database {DBNAME}")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.5 : drop child table")
tdSql.execute(f"drop table {CTBNAME}")
tdSql.query(f"select max({INT_COL}), max({BINT_COL}), min({INT_COL}) from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME} interval(6m,10s) sliding(6m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, self.rows - 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, (self.rows - 1) * 2 )
tdSql.checkData(tdSql.queryRows - 1, 2, 0)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1.6 : drop stable")
tdSql.execute(f"drop table {STBNAME}")
tdSql.error(f"select * from {DBNAME}.{STBNAME}")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:create table in rollup database")
......@@ -640,7 +593,6 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute("flush database db ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ")
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