提交 94438de0 编写于 作者: M Minghao Li

enh(sync): syncStartStandBy

上级 f99b20aa
......@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ static void mmProcessSyncQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
dTrace("msg:%p, get from mnode-sync queue", pMsg);
pMsg->info.node = pMgmt->pMnode;
SMsgHead *pHead = pMsg->pCont;
pHead->contLen = ntohl(pHead->contLen);
pHead->vgId = ntohl(pHead->vgId);
int32_t code = mndProcessSyncMsg(pMsg);
dTrace("msg:%p, is freed, code:0x%x", pMsg, code);
......@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@
#include "mndSync.h"
#include "mndTrans.h"
int32_t mndSyncEqMsg(const SMsgCb *msgcb, SRpcMsg *pMsg) { return tmsgPutToQueue(msgcb, SYNC_QUEUE, pMsg); }
int32_t mndSyncEqMsg(const SMsgCb *msgcb, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
SMsgHead *pHead = pMsg->pCont;
pHead->contLen = htonl(pHead->contLen);
pHead->vgId = htonl(pHead->vgId);
return tmsgPutToQueue(msgcb, SYNC_QUEUE, pMsg);
int32_t mndSyncSendMsg(const SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg) { return tmsgSendReq(pEpSet, pMsg); }
......@@ -920,6 +920,17 @@ char* syncNode2SimpleStr(const SSyncNode* pSyncNode) {
void syncNodeUpdateConfig(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SSyncCfg* newConfig) {
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < newConfig->replicaNum; ++i) {
if (strcmp(pSyncNode->myNodeInfo.nodeFqdn, (newConfig->nodeInfo)[i].nodeFqdn) == 0 &&
pSyncNode->myNodeInfo.nodePort == (newConfig->nodeInfo)[i].nodePort) {
newConfig->myIndex = i;
hit = true;
ASSERT(hit == true);
pSyncNode->pRaftCfg->cfg = *newConfig;
int32_t ret = raftCfgPersist(pSyncNode->pRaftCfg);
ASSERT(ret == 0);
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