提交 93efefcb 编写于 作者: M Minghao Li

refactor(sync): add trace log

上级 862a51e6
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ typedef struct SSyncTimer {
uint64_t logicClock;
uint64_t counter;
int32_t timerMS;
int64_t timeStamp;
SRaftId destId;
int64_t hbDataRid;
} SSyncTimer;
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typedef struct SyncTimeout {
ESyncTimeoutType timeoutType;
uint64_t logicClock;
int32_t timerMS;
int64_t timeStamp;
void* data; // need optimized
} SyncTimeout;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extern "C" {
// /\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
int32_t syncNodeHeartbeatPeers(SSyncNode* pSyncNode);
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* pDestId, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* pDestId, SRpcMsg* pMsg, const char* debugStr);
int32_t syncNodeReplicate(SSyncNode* pSyncNode);
int32_t syncNodeReplicateOne(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SRaftId* pDestId, bool snapshot);
......@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ static int32_t syncHbTimerInit(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SSyncTimer* pSyncTimer, SRa
pSyncTimer->timerMS = pSyncNode->hbBaseLine;
pSyncTimer->timerCb = syncNodeEqPeerHeartbeatTimer;
pSyncTimer->destId = destId;
pSyncTimer->timeStamp = taosGetTimestampMs();
atomic_store_64(&pSyncTimer->logicClock, 0);
return 0;
......@@ -704,6 +705,7 @@ static int32_t syncHbTimerStart(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SSyncTimer* pSyncTimer) {
pData->rid = syncHbTimerDataAdd(pData);
pSyncTimer->hbDataRid = pData->rid;
pSyncTimer->timeStamp = taosGetTimestampMs();
pData->syncNodeRid = pSyncNode->rid;
pData->pTimer = pSyncTimer;
......@@ -1897,7 +1899,7 @@ static void syncNodeEqPingTimer(void* param, void* tmrId) {
sTrace("enqueue ping msg");
// sTrace("enqueue ping msg");
code = pNode->syncEqMsg(pNode->msgcb, &rpcMsg);
if (code != 0) {
sError("failed to sync enqueue ping msg since %s", terrstr());
......@@ -2041,8 +2043,15 @@ static void syncNodeEqPeerHeartbeatTimer(void* param, void* tmrId) {
pSyncMsg->privateTerm = 0;
pSyncMsg->timeStamp = taosGetTimestampMs();
// update reset time
int64_t tsNow = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t timerElapsed = tsNow - pSyncTimer->timeStamp;
pSyncTimer->timeStamp = tsNow;
char logBuf[64];
snprintf(logBuf, sizeof(logBuf), "timer-elapsed:%" PRId64, timerElapsed);
// send msg
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg);
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg, logBuf);
} else {
sTrace("vgId:%d, do not send hb, timerLogicClock:%" PRId64 ", msgLogicClock:%" PRId64 "", pSyncNode->vgId,
......@@ -2151,8 +2160,9 @@ int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeat(SSyncNode* ths, const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = pRpcMsg->pCont;
int64_t tsMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t timeDiff = tsMs - pMsg->timeStamp;
char buf[128];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "recv local time:%" PRId64, tsMs);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "net elapsed:%" PRId64, timeDiff);
syncLogRecvHeartbeat(ths, pMsg, buf);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0};
......@@ -2229,8 +2239,9 @@ int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeatReply(SSyncNode* ths, const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
SyncHeartbeatReply* pMsg = pRpcMsg->pCont;
int64_t tsMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t timeDiff = tsMs - pMsg->timeStamp;
char buf[128];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "recv local time:%" PRId64, tsMs);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "net elapsed:%" PRId64, timeDiff);
syncLogRecvHeartbeatReply(ths, pMsg, buf);
// update last reply time, make decision whether the other node is alive or not
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ int32_t syncBuildTimeout(SRpcMsg* pMsg, ESyncTimeoutType timeoutType, uint64_t l
pTimeout->timeoutType = timeoutType;
pTimeout->logicClock = logicClock;
pTimeout->timerMS = timerMS;
pTimeout->timeStamp = taosGetTimestampMs();
pTimeout->data = pNode;
return 0;
......@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ int32_t syncNodeMaybeSendAppendEntries(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* dest
return ret;
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* destId, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
syncLogSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pMsg->pCont, "");
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* destId, SRpcMsg* pMsg, const char* debugStr) {
syncLogSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pMsg->pCont, debugStr);
return syncNodeSendMsgById(destId, pSyncNode, pMsg);
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ int32_t syncNodeHeartbeatPeers(SSyncNode* pSyncNode) {
pSyncMsg->timeStamp = ts;
// send msg
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg);
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg, "x");
return 0;
......@@ -396,8 +396,11 @@ void syncPrintSnapshotReceiverLog(const char* flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t df
void syncLogRecvTimer(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncTimeout* pMsg, const char* s) {
sNTrace(pSyncNode, "recv sync-timer {type:%s, lc:%" PRId64 ", ms:%d, data:%p}, %s",
syncTimerTypeStr(pMsg->timeoutType), pMsg->logicClock, pMsg->timerMS, pMsg->data, s);
int64_t tsNow = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t timeDIff = tsNow - pMsg->timeStamp;
pSyncNode, "recv sync-timer {type:%s, lc:%" PRId64 ", ms:%d, ts:%" PRId64 ", elapsed:%" PRId64 ", data:%p}, %s",
syncTimerTypeStr(pMsg->timeoutType), pMsg->logicClock, pMsg->timerMS, pMsg->timeStamp, timeDIff, pMsg->data, s);
void syncLogRecvLocalCmd(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SyncLocalCmd* pMsg, const char* s) {
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