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docs: refine product description in README.md and README-CN.md

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# TDengine 简介
TDengine 是一款高性能、分布式、支持 SQL 的时序数据库(Time-Series Database)。而且除时序数据库功能外,它还提供缓存、数据订阅、流式计算等功能,最大程度减少研发和运维的复杂度,且核心代码,包括集群功能全部开源(开源协议,AGPL v3.0)。与其他时序数据数据库相比,TDengine 有以下特点
TDengine 是一款开源、高性能、云原生的时序数据库 (Time-Series Database, TSDB)。TDengine 能被广泛运用于物联网、工业互联网、车联网、IT 运维、金融等领域。除核心的时序数据库功能外,TDengine 还提供缓存、数据订阅、流式计算等功能,是一极简的时序数据处理平台,最大程度的减小系统设计的复杂度,降低研发和运营成本。TDengine 的主要优势如下
- **高性能**:通过创新的存储引擎设计,无论是数据写入还是查询,TDengine 的性能比通用数据库快 10 倍以上,也远超其他时序数据库,而且存储空间也大为节省
- 高性能:通过创新的存储引擎设计,无论是数据写入还是查询,TDengine 的性能比通用数据库快 10 倍以上,也远超其他时序数据库,存储空间不及通用数据库的1/10
- **分布式**:通过原生分布式的设计,TDengine 提供了水平扩展的能力,只需要增加节点就能获得更强的数据处理能力,同时通过多副本机制保证了系统的高可用
- 云原生:通过原生分布式的设计,充分利用云平台的优势,TDengine 提供了水平扩展能力,具备弹性、韧性和可观测性,支持k8s部署,可运行在公有云、私有云和混合云上
- **支持 SQL**:TDengine 采用 SQL 作为数据查询语言,减少学习和迁移成本,同时提供 SQL 扩展来处理时序数据特有的分析,而且支持方便灵活的 schemaless 数据写入
- 极简时序数据平台:TDengine 内建消息队列、缓存、流式计算等功能,应用无需再集成 Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark 等软件,大幅降低系统的复杂度,降低应用开发和运营成本
- **All in One**:将数据库、消息队列、缓存、流式计算等功能融合一起,应用无需再集成 Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark 等软件,大幅降低应用开发和维护成本
- 分析能力:支持 SQL,同时为时序数据特有的分析提供SQL扩展。通过超级表、存储计算分离、分区分片、预计算、自定义函数等技术,TDengine 具备强大的分析能力
- **零管理**:安装、集群几秒搞定,无任何依赖,不用分库分表,系统运行状态监测能与 Grafana 或其他运维工具无缝集成
- 简单易用:无任何依赖,安装、集群几秒搞定;提供REST以及各种语言连接器,与众多第三方工具无缝集成;提供命令行程序,便于管理和即席查询;提供各种运维工具
- **零学习成本**:采用 SQL 查询语言,支持 Python、Java、C/C++、Go、Rust、Node.js 等多种编程语言,与 MySQL 相似,零学习成本。
- **无缝集成**:不用一行代码,即可与 Telegraf、Grafana、EMQX、Prometheus、StatsD、collectd、Matlab、R 等第三方工具无缝集成。
- **互动 Console**: 通过命令行 console,不用编程,执行 SQL 语句就能做即席查询、各种数据库的操作、管理以及集群的维护.
TDengine 可以广泛应用于物联网、工业互联网、车联网、IT 运维、能源、金融等领域,让大量设备、数据采集器每天产生的高达 TB 甚至 PB 级的数据能得到高效实时的处理,对业务的运行状态进行实时的监测、预警,从大数据中挖掘出商业价值。
- 核心开源:TDengine 的核心代码包括集群功能全部开源,截止到2022年8月1日,全球超过 135.9k 个运行实例,GitHub Star 18.7k,Fork 4.4k,社区活跃。
# 文档
TDengine 采用传统的关系数据库模型,您可以像使用关系型数据库 MySQL 一样来使用它。但由于引入了超级表,一个采集点一张表的概念,建议您在使用前仔细阅读一遍下面的文档,特别是 [数据模型](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/architecture)[数据建模](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/model)。除本文档之外,欢迎 [下载产品白皮书](https://www.taosdata.com/downloads/TDengine%20White%20Paper.pdf)
关于完整的使用手册,系统架构和更多细节,请参考 [TDengine 文档](https://docs.taosdata.com) 或者 [English Version](https://docs.tdengine.com)
# 构建
TDengine 目前 2.0 版服务器仅能在 Linux 系统上安装和运行,后续会支持 Windows、macOS 等系统。客户端可以在 Windows 或 Linux 上安装和运行。任何 OS 的应用也可以选择 RESTful 接口连接服务器 taosd。CPU 支持 X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64,后续会支持 ARM32、RISC-V 等 CPU 架构。用户可根据需求选择通过[源码](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过源码安装)或者[安装包](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#通过安装包安装)来安装。本快速指南仅适用于通过源码安装。
TDengine 目前 2.0 版服务器仅能在 Linux 系统上安装和运行,后续会支持 Windows、macOS 等系统。客户端可以在 Windows 或 Linux 上安装和运行。任何 OS 的应用也可以选择 RESTful 接口连接服务器 taosd。CPU 支持 X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64,后续会支持 ARM32、RISC-V 等 CPU 架构。用户可根据需求选择通过源码或者[安装包](https://docs.taosdata.com/get-started/package/)来安装。本快速指南仅适用于通过源码安装。
## 安装工具
......@@ -20,30 +20,23 @@ English | [简体中文](README-CN.md) | We are hiring, check [here](https://tde
# What is TDengine?
TDengine is a high-performance, scalable time-series database with SQL support. Its code including cluster feature is open source under [GNU AGPL v3.0](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html). Besides the database, it provides caching, stream processing, data subscription and other functionalities to reduce the complexity and cost of development and operation. TDengine differentiates itself from other TSDBs with the following advantages.
TDengine is an open source, cloud native time-series database optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, and Industrial IoT. It enables efficient, real-time data ingestion, processing, and monitoring of TB and even PB scale data per day, generated by billions of sensors and data collectors. Below are the most outstanding advantages of TDengine:
- **High Performance**: TDengine outperforms other time series databases in data ingestion and querying while significantly reducing storage cost and compute costs, with an innovatively designed and purpose-built storage engine.
- High-Performance: TDengine is the only time-series database to solve the high cardinality issue to support billions of data collection points while out performing other time-series databases for data ingestion, querying and data compression.
- **Scalable**: TDengine provides out-of-box scalability and high-availability through its native distributed design. Nodes can be added through simple configuration to achieve greater data processing power. In addition, this feature is open source.
- Simplified Solution: Through built-in caching, stream processing and data subscription features, TDengine provides a simplified solution for time-series data processing. It reduces system design complexity and operation costs significantly.
- **SQL Support**: TDengine uses SQL as the query language, thereby reducing learning and migration costs, while adding SQL extensions to handle time-series data better, and supporting convenient and flexible schemaless data ingestion.
- Cloud Native: Through native distributed design, sharding and partitioning, separation of compute and storage, RAFT, support for kubernetes deployment and full observability, TDengine can be deployed on public, private or hybrid clouds.
- **All in One**: TDengine has built-in caching, stream processing and data subscription functions, it is no longer necessary to integrate Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark or other software in some scenarios. It makes the system architecture much simpler and easy to maintain.
- Open Source: TDengine’s core modules, including cluster feature, are all available under open source licenses. It has gathered 18.7k stars on GitHub, an active developer community, and over 137k running instances worldwide.
- **Seamless Integration**: Without a single line of code, TDengine provide seamless integration with third-party tools such as Telegraf, Grafana, EMQX, Prometheus, StatsD, collectd, etc. More will be integrated.
- Ease of Use: For administrators, TDengine significantly reduces the effort to deploy and maintain. For developers, it provides a simple interface, simplified solution and seamless integrations for third party tools. For data users, it gives easy data access.
- **Zero Management**: Installation and cluster setup can be done in seconds. Data partitioning and sharding are executed automatically. TDengine’s running status can be monitored via Grafana or other DevOps tools.
- **Zero Learning Cost**: With SQL as the query language, support for ubiquitous tools like Python, Java, C/C++, Go, Rust, Node.js connectors, there is zero learning cost.
- **Interactive Console**: TDengine provides convenient console access to the database to run ad hoc queries, maintain the database, or manage the cluster without any programming.
TDengine can be widely applied to Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Vehicles, Industrial IoT, DevOps, energy, finance and many other scenarios.
- Easy Data Analytics: Through super tables, storage and compute separation, data partitioning by time interval, pre-computation and other means, TDengine makes it easy to explore, format, and get access to data in a highly efficient way.
# Documentation
For user manual, system design and architecture, engineering blogs, refer to [TDengine Documentation](https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/)(中文版请点击[这里](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation20/))
for details. The documentation from our website can also be downloaded locally from _documentation/tdenginedocs-en_ or _documentation/tdenginedocs-cn_.
For user manual, system design and architecture, engineering blogs, refer to [TDengine Documentation](https://docs.tdengine.com)(中文版请点击[这里](https://docs.taosdata.com))
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