未验证 提交 902381ce 编写于 作者: D dapan1121 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8595 from taosdata/docs/TD-5925

[td-5925]docs:modify filter document
......@@ -729,17 +729,17 @@ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
| **Operation** | **Note** | **Applicable Data Types** |
| ------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| > | larger than | **`timestamp`** and all numeric types |
| < | smaller than | **`timestamp`** and all numeric types |
| >= | larger than or equal to | **`timestamp`** and all numeric types |
| <= | smaller than or equal to | **`timestamp`** and all numeric types |
| > | larger than | all types except bool |
| < | smaller than | all types except bool |
| >= | larger than or equal to | all types except bool |
| <= | smaller than or equal to | all types except bool |
| = | equal to | all types |
| <> | not equal to | all types |
| is [not] null | is null or is not null | all types |
| between and | within a certain range | **`timestamp`** and all numeric types |
| between and | within a certain range | all types except bool |
| in | match any value in a set | all types except first column `timestamp` |
| like | match a wildcard string | **`binary`** **`nchar`** |
| match/nmatch | filter regex | **regex** |
| match/nmatch | filter regex | **`binary`** **`nchar`** |
1. <> 算子也可以写为 != ,请注意,这个算子不能用于数据表第一列的 timestamp 字段。
2. like 算子使用通配符字符串进行匹配检查。
......@@ -766,15 +766,10 @@ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
只能针对表名(即 tbname 筛选)和标签的名称和binary类型标签值 进行正则表达式过滤,不支持针对普通列使用正则表达式过滤。
只能在 WHERE 子句中作为过滤条件存在。
只能针对表名(即 tbname 筛选)、binary/nchar类型标签值进行正则表达式过滤,不支持普通列的过滤。
正则匹配字符串长度不能超过 128 字节。可以通过参数 *maxRegexStringLen* 设置和调整最大允许的正则匹配字符串,该参数是客户端配置参数,需要重启才能生效。
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