提交 8a6b0734 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

Merge branch 'main' into fix/liaohj_main

......@@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ DLL_EXPORT int taos_get_tables_vgId(TAOS *taos, const char *db, const char *tabl
DLL_EXPORT int taos_load_table_info(TAOS *taos, const char *tableNameList);
// set heart beat thread quit mode , if quicByKill 1 then kill thread else quit from inner
DLL_EXPORT void taos_set_hb_quit(int8_t quitByKill);
/* --------------------------schemaless INTERFACE------------------------------- */
DLL_EXPORT TAOS_RES *taos_schemaless_insert(TAOS *taos, char *lines[], int numLines, int protocol, int precision);
......@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ if [ "$DISABLE_ADAPTER" = "0" ]; then
# if has mnode ep set or the host is first ep or not for cluster, just start.
if [ -f "$DATA_DIR/dnode/mnodeEpSet.json" ] ||
# if dnode has been created or has mnode ep set or the host is first ep or not for cluster, just start.
if [ -f "$DATA_DIR/dnode/dnode.json" ] ||
[ -f "$DATA_DIR/dnode/mnodeEpSet.json" ] ||
[ "$TAOS_FQDN" = "$FIRST_EP_HOST" ]; then
# others will first wait the first ep ready.
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ typedef struct {
int64_t appId;
// ctl
int8_t threadStop;
int8_t quitByKill;
TdThread thread;
TdThreadMutex lock; // used when app init and cleanup
SHashObj* appSummary;
......@@ -845,7 +845,12 @@ static void hbStopThread() {
taosThreadJoin(clientHbMgr.thread, NULL);
// thread quit mode kill or inner exit from self-thread
if (clientHbMgr.quitByKill) {
taosThreadKill(clientHbMgr.thread, 0);
} else {
taosThreadJoin(clientHbMgr.thread, NULL);
tscDebug("hb thread stopped");
......@@ -1037,3 +1042,8 @@ void hbDeregisterConn(SAppHbMgr *pAppHbMgr, SClientHbKey connKey) {
atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pAppHbMgr->connKeyCnt, 1);
// set heart beat thread quit mode , if quicByKill 1 then kill thread else quit from inner
void taos_set_hb_quit(int8_t quitByKill) {
clientHbMgr.quitByKill = quitByKill;
......@@ -2503,9 +2503,11 @@ _exit:
int32_t tColDataAddValueByBind(SColData *pColData, TAOS_MULTI_BIND *pBind) {
int32_t code = 0;
ASSERT(pColData->type == pBind->buffer_type);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pBind->buffer_type)) { // var-length data type
if (!(pBind->num == 1 && pBind->is_null && *pBind->is_null)) {
ASSERT(pColData->type == pBind->buffer_type);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColData->type)) { // var-length data type
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pBind->num; ++i) {
if (pBind->is_null && pBind->is_null[i]) {
code = tColDataAppendValueImpl[pColData->flag][CV_FLAG_NULL](pColData, NULL, 0);
......@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ int32_t mndValidateDbInfo(SMnode *pMnode, SDbVgVersion *pDbs, int32_t numOfDbs,
return 0;
static int32_t mndTrimDb(SMnode *pMnode, SDbObj *pDb, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
static int32_t mndTrimDb(SMnode *pMnode, SDbObj *pDb) {
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
SVgObj *pVgroup = NULL;
void *pIter = NULL;
......@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ static int32_t mndTrimDb(SMnode *pMnode, SDbObj *pDb, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
pHead->vgId = htonl(pVgroup->vgId);
tSerializeSVTrimDbReq((char *)pHead + sizeof(SMsgHead), contLen, &trimReq);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.msgType = TDMT_VND_TRIM, .pCont = pHead, .contLen = contLen, .info = pReq->info};
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.msgType = TDMT_VND_TRIM, .pCont = pHead, .contLen = contLen};
SEpSet epSet = mndGetVgroupEpset(pMnode, pVgroup);
int32_t code = tmsgSendReq(&epSet, &rpcMsg);
if (code != 0) {
......@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessTrimDbReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
goto _OVER;
code = mndTrimDb(pMnode, pDb, pReq);
code = mndTrimDb(pMnode, pDb);
if (code != 0) {
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ int32_t qBindStmtColsValue(void* pBlock, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind, char* msgBuf, in
goto _return;
if (bind[c].buffer_type != pColSchema->type) {
if ((!(rowNum == 1 && bind[c].is_null && *bind[c].is_null)) && bind[c].buffer_type != pColSchema->type) { // for rowNum ==1 , connector may not set buffer_type
code = buildInvalidOperationMsg(&pBuf, "column type mis-match with buffer type");
goto _return;
......@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ SToken tStrGetToken(const char* str, int32_t* i, bool isPrevOptr, bool* pIgnoreC
len = tGetToken(&str[*i + t0.n + 1], &type);
// only id and string are valid
if ((TK_NK_STRING != t0.type) && (TK_NK_ID != t0.type)) {
if (((TK_NK_STRING != t0.type) && (TK_NK_ID != t0.type)) || ((TK_NK_STRING != type) && (TK_NK_ID != type))) {
t0.type = TK_NK_ILLEGAL;
t0.n = 0;
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ docker run \
-v ${REP_REAL_PATH}/community/contrib/libuv/:${REP_DIR}/community/contrib/libuv \
-v ${REP_REAL_PATH}/community/contrib/lz4/:${REP_DIR}/community/contrib/lz4 \
-v ${REP_REAL_PATH}/community/contrib/zlib/:${REP_DIR}/community/contrib/zlib \
-v ${REP_REAL_PATH}/community/contrib/jemalloc/:${REP_DIR}/community/contrib/jemalloc \
--rm --ulimit core=-1 taos_test:v1.0 sh -c "pip uninstall taospy -y;pip3 install taospy==2.7.2;cd $REP_DIR;rm -rf debug;mkdir -p debug;cd debug;cmake .. -DBUILD_HTTP=false -DBUILD_TOOLS=true -DBUILD_TEST=true -DWEBSOCKET=true -DBUILD_TAOSX=true -DJEMALLOC_ENABLED=true;make -j || exit 1"
# -v ${REP_REAL_PATH}/community/contrib/jemalloc/:${REP_DIR}/community/contrib/jemalloc \
if [[ -d ${WORKDIR}/debugNoSan ]] ;then
echo "delete ${WORKDIR}/debugNoSan"
drop database if exists d0;
create database d0 replica 1 keep 365 minRows 100 maxRows 4096 comp 2 vgroups 2 precision 'ms';
use d0;
create table if not exists almlog (starttime timestamp,endtime timestamp,durationtime int, alarmno int, alarmtext nchar(256),isactive nchar(64)) tags (mcid nchar(16));
create table if not exists mplog (starttime timestamp,mpid int, paravalue nchar(256),mptype nchar(32)) tags (mcid nchar(16));
create table if not exists mdlog (starttime timestamp,endtime timestamp,durationtime int, statuscode int, npcgmname nchar(256),attr int) tags (mcid nchar(16));
create table if not exists nrglog (updatetime timestamp,energyvalue double,enerygyincrease double) tags (mcid nchar(16),enerygytype nchar(16));
create table almlog_m201 using almlog tags("m201");
create table almlog_m0103 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0103_20031 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0103_20032 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0103_3003 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0103_20033 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0103_30031 using almlog tags("m0103");
create table almlog_m0201 using almlog tags("m0201");
create table almlog_m0102 using almlog tags("m0102");
create table almlog_m0101 using almlog tags("m0101");
create table almlog_m1002 using almlog tags("m1002");
create table mplog_m0204_4 using mplog tags("m0204");
create table mplog_m0204_5 using mplog tags("m0204");
create table mplog_m0204_6 using mplog tags("m0204");
create table mplog_m0204_12 using mplog tags("m0204");
create table mplog_m0204 using mplog tags("m0204");
create table mplog_m201 using mplog tags("m201");
create table mplog_m0102 using mplog tags("m0102");
create table mplog_m1101 using mplog tags("m1101");
create table mdlog_m0102 using mplog tags("m0102");
create table mdlog_m0504 using mplog tags("m0504");
create table mdlog_m0505 using mplog tags("m0505");
create table mdlog_m0507 using mplog tags("m0507");
create table mdlog_m1002 using mplog tags("m1002");
create table mdlog_m3201 using mplog tags("m3201");
create table mdlog_m0201 using mplog tags("m0201");
create table mdlog_m1102 using mplog tags("m1102");
create table mdlog_m201 using mplog tags("m201");
create table nrglog_m201_electricvalue1 using nrglog tags("m201","electricValue1");
create table nrglog_m201_oilvalue1 using nrglog tags("m201","oilValue1");
create table nrglog_m201_gasvalue1 using nrglog tags("m201","gasValue1");
create table nrglog_m201_watervalue1 using nrglog tags("m201","waterValue1");
create table nrglog_m0101_oilvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0101","oilValue1");
create table nrglog_m0101_watervalue1 using nrglog tags("m0101","waterValue1");
create table nrglog_m0102_gasvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0102","gasValue1");
create table nrglog_m1903 using nrglog tags("m1903",NULL);
create table nrglog_m2802 using nrglog tags("m2802",NULL);
create table nrglog_m2101 using nrglog tags("m2101",NULL);
create table nrglog_m0102 using nrglog tags("m0102",NULL);
create table nrglog_m0101_electricvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0101","electricValue1");
create table nrglog_m0101_gasvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0101","gasValue1");
create table nrglog_m0102_electricvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0102","electricValue1");
create table nrglog_m0102_oilvalue1 using nrglog tags("m0102","oilValue1");
create table nrglog_m0102_watervalue1 using nrglog tags("m0102","waterValue1");
insert into almlog_m0103 values(now,now+1s,10,0,'','dismissed');
insert into almlog_m0103_20031 values(now,now+1s,10,20031,'','dismissed');
insert into almlog_m0103_20032 values(now,now+1s,10,20032,'','dismissed');
insert into almlog_m0103_3003 values(now,now+1s,10,3003,'','dismissed');
insert into almlog_m0103_20033 values(now,now+1s,10,20033,'','dismissed');
insert into almlog_m0103_30031 values(now,now+1s,10,30031,'','dismissed');
flush database d0;
show table tags from almlog;
select *,tbname from d0.almlog where mcid='m0103';
select table_name from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name='d0';
......@@ -53,18 +53,8 @@
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [
"type": "INT",
"count": 4094
"tags": [
"type": "TINYINT",
"count": 1
"columns": [{ "type": "INT","count": 4093}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count": 1},{"type": "NCHAR","count": 1}]
......@@ -98,9 +98,12 @@ class TDTestCase:
def buildTaosd(self,bPath):
# os.system(f"mv {bPath}/build_bak {bPath}/build ")
os.system(f" cd {bPath} ")
os.system(f" cd {bPath} ")
def is_list_same_as_ordered_list(self,unordered_list, ordered_list):
sorted_list = sorted(unordered_list)
return sorted_list == ordered_list
def run(self):
scriptsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
distro_id = distro.id()
......@@ -146,6 +149,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib taosBenchmark -f 0-others/compa4096.json -y ")
os.system("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib taosBenchmark -f 0-others/compa4096.json -y")
os.system("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib taos -s 'flush database db4096 '")
os.system("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib taos -f 0-others/TS-3131.tsql")
cmd = f" LD_LIBRARY_PATH={bPath}/build/lib {bPath}/build/bin/taos -h localhost ;"
if os.system(cmd) == 0:
raise Exception("failed to execute system command. cmd: %s" % cmd)
......@@ -220,6 +225,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed" % args)
tdsql.query("show streams;")
tdsql.query("select *,tbname from d0.almlog where mcid='m0103';")
expectList = [0,3003,20031,20032,20033,30031]
resultList = []
for i in range(6):
if self.is_list_same_as_ordered_list(resultList,expectList):
print("The unordered list is the same as the ordered list.")
tdlog.error("The unordered list is not the same as the ordered list.")
tdsql.execute("insert into test.d80 values (now+1s, 11, 103, 0.21);")
tdsql.execute("insert into test.d9 values (now+5s, 4.3, 104, 0.4);")
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.dbname = 'db_test'
self.ns_dbname = 'ns_test'
self.us_dbname = 'us_test'
self.ms_dbname = 'ms_test'
self.setsql = TDSetSql()
self.stbname = 'stb'
self.ntbname = 'ntb'
......@@ -220,11 +223,45 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query(f'select {func}(*) from {self.stbname}')
tdSql.execute(f'drop table {self.stbname}')
tdSql.execute(f'drop database {self.dbname}')
def precision_now_check(self):
for dbname in [self.ms_dbname, self.us_dbname, self.ns_dbname]:
self.ts = 1537146000000
if dbname == self.us_dbname:
self.ts = int(self.ts*1000)
precision = "us"
elif dbname == self.ns_dbname:
precision = "ns"
self.ts = int(self.ts*1000000)
precision = "ms"
self.ts = int(self.ts)
tdSql.execute(f'drop database if exists {dbname}')
tdSql.execute(f'create database if not exists {dbname} precision "{precision}"')
tdSql.execute(f'use {dbname}')
self.base_data = {
self.column_dict = {
'col1': 'tinyint'
for col_name,col_type in self.column_dict.items():
tdSql.execute(f'create table if not exists {self.stbname} (ts timestamp,{col_name} {col_type}) tags(t1 int)')
for i in range(self.tbnum):
tdSql.execute(f'create table if not exists {self.stbname}_{i} using {self.stbname} tags(1)')
tdSql.query(f'select * from {self.stbname}')
tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryRows, self.tbnum*self.rowNum)
tdSql.execute(f'delete from {self.stbname} where ts < now()')
tdSql.query(f'select * from {self.stbname}')
tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryRows, 0)
def run(self):
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
'showRow': 1}
topicNameList = ['topic1', 'topic2']
expectRowsList = []
queryRowsList = []
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=4,replica=1)
tdSql.execute("alter database %s wal_retention_period 3600" % (paraDict['dbName']))
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# create one stb2
paraDict["stbName"] = 'stb2'
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# tdSql.query(queryString)
# expectRowsList.append(tdSql.getRows())
# queryRowsList.append(tdSql.getRows())
# init consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
tdLog.info("insert consume info to consume processor")
......@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
pThread = tmqCom.asyncInsertData(paraDict)
tdLog.info("wait consumer commit notify")
# tmqCom.getStartCommitNotifyFromTmqsim(rows=4)
tdLog.info("pkill one consume processor")
......@@ -109,19 +110,21 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 2
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
actTotalRows = 0
actConsumTotalRows = 0
for i in range(len(resultList)):
actTotalRows += resultList[i]
actConsumTotalRows += resultList[i]
tdLog.info("act consumer1 rows: %d, consumer2 rows: %d"%(resultList[0], resultList[1]))
expectTotalRows = 0
for i in range(len(expectRowsList)):
expectTotalRows += expectRowsList[i]
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d"%(actTotalRows, expectTotalRows))
if expectTotalRows <= resultList[0]:
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d should >= expect consume rows: %d"%(actTotalRows, expectTotalRows))
queryTotalRows = 0
for i in range(len(queryRowsList)):
queryTotalRows += queryRowsList[i]
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, query consume rows: %d"%(actConsumTotalRows, queryTotalRows))
if actConsumTotalRows < queryTotalRows:
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d should >= query consume rows: %d"%(actConsumTotalRows, queryTotalRows))
tdLog.exit("0 tmq consume rows error!")
# time.sleep(10)
......@@ -130,9 +133,95 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
def tmqCase2(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'db1',
'dropFlag': 1,
'event': '',
'vgroups': 4,
'stbName': 'stb',
'colPrefix': 'c',
'tagPrefix': 't',
'colSchema': [{'type': 'INT', 'count':2}, {'type': 'binary', 'len':20, 'count':1},{'type': 'TIMESTAMP', 'count':1}],
'tagSchema': [{'type': 'INT', 'count':1}, {'type': 'binary', 'len':20, 'count':1}],
'ctbPrefix': 'ctb',
'ctbNum': 10,
'rowsPerTbl': 1000,
'batchNum': 10,
'startTs': 1640966400000, # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
'pollDelay': 20,
'showMsg': 1,
'showRow': 1}
topicNameList = ['topic3', 'topic4']
queryRowsList = []
tdLog.info("create topics from stb with filter")
# queryString = "select ts, log(c1), ceil(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s where c1 %% 7 == 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
queryString = "select ts, log(c1), ceil(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[0], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# create one stb2
paraDict["stbName"] = 'stb2'
# queryString = "select ts, sin(c1), abs(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s where c1 %% 7 == 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
queryString = "select ts, sin(c1), abs(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[1], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# init consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
tdLog.info("insert consume info to consume processor")
consumerId = 0
paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] = 5000
expectrowcnt = paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] * paraDict["ctbNum"] * 2
topicList = "%s,%s"%(topicNameList[0],topicNameList[1])
ifcheckdata = 1
ifManualCommit = 1
keyList = 'group.id:cgrp1, enable.auto.commit:true, auto.commit.interval.ms:3000, auto.offset.reset:earliest'
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerId, expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
tdLog.info("start consume processor 1")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("start consume processor 2")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'],'cdb',0,1)
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 2
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
actConsumTotalRows = 0
for i in range(len(resultList)):
actConsumTotalRows += resultList[i]
tdLog.info("act consumer1 rows: %d, consumer2 rows: %d"%(resultList[0], resultList[1]))
queryTotalRows = 0
for i in range(len(queryRowsList)):
queryTotalRows += queryRowsList[i]
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, query consume rows: %d"%(actConsumTotalRows, queryTotalRows))
if actConsumTotalRows < queryTotalRows:
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d should >= query consume rows: %d"%(actConsumTotalRows, queryTotalRows))
tdLog.exit("0 tmq consume rows error!")
# time.sleep(10)
# for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
# tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2 end ...... ")
def run(self):
def stop(self):
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ int32_t shellRunSingleCommand(char *command) {
if (shellRegexMatch(command, "^[ \t]*(quit|q|exit)[ \t;]*$", REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE)) {
return -1;
......@@ -887,7 +886,6 @@ void shellWriteHistory() {
......@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// kill heart-beat thread when quit
if (shell.args.is_dump_config) {
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