提交 89b2a644 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

fix: fix error in json and add test cases for json

上级 5d042b67
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void convertNumberToNumber(const void *inData, void *outData, int8_t inType, int
void convertStringToDouble(const void *inData, void *outData, int8_t inType, int8_t outType){
void convertNcharToDouble(const void *inData, void *outData){
char *tmp = taosMemoryMalloc(varDataTLen(inData));
int len = taosUcs4ToMbs((TdUcs4 *)varDataVal(inData), varDataLen(inData), tmp);
if (len < 0) {
......@@ -97,13 +97,24 @@ void convertStringToDouble(const void *inData, void *outData, int8_t inType, int
tmp[len] = 0;
double value = taosStr2Double(tmp, NULL);
*((double *)outData) = value;
void convertBinaryToDouble(const void *inData, void *outData){
char *tmp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, varDataTLen(inData));
if(tmp == NULL){
*((double *)outData) = 0.;
memcpy(tmp, varDataVal(inData), varDataLen(inData));
double ret = taosStr2Double(tmp, NULL);
*((double *)outData) = ret;
typedef int64_t (*_getBigintValue_fn_t)(void *src, int32_t index);
int64_t getVectorBigintValue_TINYINT(void *src, int32_t index) {
......@@ -147,7 +158,7 @@ int64_t getVectorBigintValue_JSON(void *src, int32_t index){
if (*data == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL){
return 0;
} else if(*data == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { // json inner type can not be BINARY
convertStringToDouble(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out, *data, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
convertNcharToDouble(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out);
} else {
convertNumberToNumber(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out, *data, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
......@@ -445,14 +456,30 @@ double getVectorDoubleValue_JSON(void *src, int32_t index){
if (*data == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL){
return out;
} else if(*data == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { // json inner type can not be BINARY
convertStringToDouble(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out, *data, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
convertNcharToDouble(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out);
} else {
convertNumberToNumber(data+CHAR_BYTES, &out, *data, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
return out;
bool convertJsonValue(__compar_fn_t *fp, int32_t optr, int8_t typeLeft, int8_t typeRight, char **pLeftData, char **pRightData, void *pLeftOut, void *pRightOut, bool *isNull){
void* ncharTobinary(void *buf){ // todo need to remove , if tobinary is nchar
int32_t inputLen = varDataLen(buf);
void* t = taosMemoryCalloc(1, inputLen);
int32_t len = taosUcs4ToMbs((TdUcs4 *)varDataVal(buf), varDataLen(buf), varDataVal(t));
if (len < 0) {
sclError("charset:%s to %s. val:%s convert ncharTobinary failed.", DEFAULT_UNICODE_ENCODEC, tsCharset,
return NULL;
varDataSetLen(t, len);
return t;
bool convertJsonValue(__compar_fn_t *fp, int32_t optr, int8_t typeLeft, int8_t typeRight, char **pLeftData, char **pRightData,
void *pLeftOut, void *pRightOut, bool *isNull, bool *freeLeft, bool *freeRight){
return true;
......@@ -489,21 +516,41 @@ bool convertJsonValue(__compar_fn_t *fp, int32_t optr, int8_t typeLeft, int8_t t
*fp = filterGetCompFunc(type, optr);
if(typeLeft == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
convertStringToDouble(*pLeftData, pLeftOut, typeLeft, type);
*pLeftData = pLeftOut;
} else if(typeLeft != type) {
convertNumberToNumber(*pLeftData, pLeftOut, typeLeft, type);
*pLeftData = pLeftOut;
if(IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) || IS_FLOAT_TYPE(type)){
if(typeLeft == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
convertNcharToDouble(*pLeftData, pLeftOut);
*pLeftData = pLeftOut;
} else if(typeLeft == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
convertBinaryToDouble(*pLeftData, pLeftOut);
*pLeftData = pLeftOut;
} else if(typeLeft != type) {
convertNumberToNumber(*pLeftData, pLeftOut, typeLeft, type);
*pLeftData = pLeftOut;
if(typeRight == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
convertNcharToDouble(*pRightData, pRightOut);
*pRightData = pRightOut;
} else if(typeRight == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
convertBinaryToDouble(*pRightData, pRightOut);
*pRightData = pRightOut;
} else if(typeRight != type) {
convertNumberToNumber(*pRightData, pRightOut, typeRight, type);
*pRightData = pRightOut;
}else if(type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY){
if(typeLeft == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR){
*pLeftData = ncharTobinary(*pLeftData);
*freeLeft = true;
if(typeRight == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR){
*pRightData = ncharTobinary(*pRightData);
*freeRight = true;
if(typeRight == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
convertStringToDouble(*pRightData, pRightOut, typeRight, type);
*pRightData = pRightOut;
} else if(typeRight != type) {
convertNumberToNumber(*pRightData, pRightOut, typeRight, type);
*pRightData = pRightOut;
return true;
......@@ -1472,6 +1519,38 @@ void vectorBitOr(SScalarParam* pLeft, SScalarParam* pRight, SScalarParam *pOut,
doReleaseVec(pRightCol, rightConvert);
#define VEC_COM_INNER(pCol, index1, index2) \
for (; i < pCol->numOfRows && i >= 0; i += step) {\
if (IS_HELPER_NULL(pLeft->columnData, index1) || IS_HELPER_NULL(pRight->columnData, index2)) {\
bool res = false;\
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);\
char *pLeftData = colDataGetData(pLeft->columnData, index1);\
char *pRightData = colDataGetData(pRight->columnData, index2);\
int64_t leftOut = 0;\
int64_t rightOut = 0;\
bool freeLeft = false;\
bool freeRight = false;\
bool isJsonnull = false;\
bool result = convertJsonValue(&fp, optr, GET_PARAM_TYPE(pLeft), GET_PARAM_TYPE(pRight),\
&pLeftData, &pRightData, &leftOut, &rightOut, &isJsonnull, &freeLeft, &freeRight);\
if(!pLeftData || !pRightData){\
result = false;\
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&result);\
bool res = filterDoCompare(fp, optr, pLeftData, pRightData);\
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);\
if(freeLeft) taosMemoryFreeClear(pLeftData);\
if(freeRight) taosMemoryFreeClear(pRightData);\
void vectorCompareImpl(SScalarParam* pLeft, SScalarParam* pRight, SScalarParam *pOut, int32_t _ord, int32_t optr) {
int32_t i = ((_ord) == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? 0 : TMAX(pLeft->numOfRows, pRight->numOfRows) - 1;
int32_t step = ((_ord) == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? 1 : -1;
......@@ -1495,79 +1574,11 @@ void vectorCompareImpl(SScalarParam* pLeft, SScalarParam* pRight, SScalarParam *
if (pLeft->numOfRows == pRight->numOfRows) {
for (; i < pRight->numOfRows && i >= 0; i += step) {
if (IS_HELPER_NULL(pLeft->columnData, i) || IS_HELPER_NULL(pRight->columnData, i)) {
bool res = false;
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
continue; // TODO set null or ignore
char *pLeftData = colDataGetData(pLeft->columnData, i);
char *pRightData = colDataGetData(pRight->columnData, i);
int64_t leftOut = 0;
int64_t rightOut = 0;
bool isJsonnull = false;
bool result = convertJsonValue(&fp, optr, GET_PARAM_TYPE(pLeft), GET_PARAM_TYPE(pRight), &pLeftData, &pRightData, &leftOut, &rightOut, &isJsonnull);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&result);
bool res = filterDoCompare(fp, optr, pLeftData, pRightData);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
VEC_COM_INNER(pLeft, i, i)
} else if (pRight->numOfRows == 1) {
ASSERT(pLeft->pHashFilter == NULL);
for (; i >= 0 && i < pLeft->numOfRows; i += step) {
if (IS_HELPER_NULL(pLeft->columnData, i) || IS_HELPER_NULL(pRight->columnData, 0)) {
bool res = false;
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
char *pLeftData = colDataGetData(pLeft->columnData, i);
char *pRightData = colDataGetData(pRight->columnData, 0);
int64_t leftOut = 0;
int64_t rightOut = 0;
bool isJsonnull = false;
bool result = convertJsonValue(&fp, optr, GET_PARAM_TYPE(pLeft), GET_PARAM_TYPE(pRight), &pLeftData, &pRightData, &leftOut, &rightOut, &isJsonnull);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&result);
bool res = filterDoCompare(fp, optr, pLeftData, pRightData);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
VEC_COM_INNER(pLeft, i, 0)
} else if (pLeft->numOfRows == 1) {
for (; i >= 0 && i < pRight->numOfRows; i += step) {
if (IS_HELPER_NULL(pRight->columnData, i) || IS_HELPER_NULL(pLeft->columnData, 0)) {
bool res = false;
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
char *pLeftData = colDataGetData(pLeft->columnData, 0);
char *pRightData = colDataGetData(pLeft->columnData, i);
int64_t leftOut = 0;
int64_t rightOut = 0;
bool isJsonnull = false;
bool result = convertJsonValue(&fp, optr, GET_PARAM_TYPE(pLeft), GET_PARAM_TYPE(pRight), &pLeftData, &pRightData, &leftOut, &rightOut, &isJsonnull);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&result);
bool res = filterDoCompare(fp, optr, pLeftData, pRightData);
colDataAppendInt8(pOut->columnData, i, (int8_t*)&res);
VEC_COM_INNER(pRight, 0, i)
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select jtag->location from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select jtag contains location from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag contains location")
tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag contains''")
#tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag contains''")
tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag contains 'location'='beijing'")
# # test function error
......@@ -129,6 +129,41 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select ceil(jtag->'tag1') from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select ceil(jtag) from jsons1")
#test scalar operation
tdSql.query("select jtag contains 'tag1',jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, True)
tdSql.checkData(12, 0, True)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' like 'fe%',jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(10, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(11, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(12, 0, True)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' not like 'fe%',jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(10, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(11, 0, True)
tdSql.checkData(12, 0, False)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' match 'fe',jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(10, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(11, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(12, 0, True)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1' nmatch 'fe',jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(10, 0, False)
tdSql.checkData(11, 0, True)
tdSql.checkData(12, 0, False)
tdSql.query("select jtag->'tag1',jtag->'tag1'>='a' from jsons1 order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, False)
tdSql.checkData(7, 0, "false")
tdSql.checkData(7, 1, True)
tdSql.checkData(12, 1, True)
# # test select normal column
tdSql.query("select dataint from jsons1 order by dataint")
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