未验证 提交 88b569e6 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #10276 from taosdata/feature/privilege

serialize drop topic req
......@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ typedef struct {
void* pMsg;
} SSubmitMsgIter;
int tInitSubmitMsgIter(SSubmitMsg* pMsg, SSubmitMsgIter* pIter);
int tGetSubmitMsgNext(SSubmitMsgIter* pIter, SSubmitBlk** pPBlock);
int tInitSubmitBlkIter(SSubmitBlk* pBlock, SSubmitBlkIter* pIter);
int32_t tInitSubmitMsgIter(SSubmitMsg* pMsg, SSubmitMsgIter* pIter);
int32_t tGetSubmitMsgNext(SSubmitMsgIter* pIter, SSubmitBlk** pPBlock);
int32_t tInitSubmitBlkIter(SSubmitBlk* pBlock, SSubmitBlkIter* pIter);
STSRow* tGetSubmitBlkNext(SSubmitBlkIter* pIter);
typedef struct {
......@@ -295,69 +295,39 @@ int32_t tSerializeSMAlterStbReq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SMAltertbReq* pReq);
int32_t tDeserializeSMAlterStbReq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SMAltertbReq* pReq);
void tFreeSMAltertbReq(SMAltertbReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
int32_t pid;
char app[TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN];
char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
int64_t startTime;
} SConnectReq;
typedef struct SEpSet {
int8_t inUse;
int8_t numOfEps;
} SEpSet;
static FORCE_INLINE int taosEncodeSEpSet(void** buf, const SEpSet* pEp) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pEp->inUse);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pEp->numOfEps);
for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pEp->eps[i].port);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pEp->eps[i].fqdn);
return tlen;
int32_t tEncodeSEpSet(SCoder* pEncoder, const SEpSet* pEp);
int32_t tDecodeSEpSet(SCoder* pDecoder, SEpSet* pEp);
int32_t taosEncodeSEpSet(void** buf, const SEpSet* pEp);
void* taosDecodeSEpSet(void* buf, SEpSet* pEp);
static FORCE_INLINE void* taosDecodeSEpSet(void* buf, SEpSet* pEp) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pEp->inUse);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pEp->numOfEps);
for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &pEp->eps[i].port);
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pEp->eps[i].fqdn);
return buf;
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tEncodeSEpSet(SCoder* pEncoder, const SEpSet* pEp) {
if (tEncodeI8(pEncoder, pEp->inUse) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI8(pEncoder, pEp->numOfEps) < 0) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
if (tEncodeU16(pEncoder, pEp->eps[i].port) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(pEncoder, pEp->eps[i].fqdn) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
typedef struct {
int32_t pid;
char app[TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN];
char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
int64_t startTime;
} SConnectReq;
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tDecodeSEpSet(SCoder* pDecoder, SEpSet* pEp) {
if (tDecodeI8(pDecoder, &pEp->inUse) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI8(pDecoder, &pEp->numOfEps) < 0) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
if (tDecodeU16(pDecoder, &pEp->eps[i].port) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(pDecoder, pEp->eps[i].fqdn) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t tSerializeSConnectReq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectReq* pReq);
int32_t tDeserializeSConnectReq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
int32_t acctId;
int64_t clusterId;
int32_t connId;
int8_t superUser;
int8_t align[3];
SEpSet epSet;
char sVersion[128];
} SConnectRsp;
int32_t tSerializeSConnectRsp(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectRsp* pRsp);
int32_t tDeserializeSConnectRsp(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectRsp* pRsp);
typedef struct {
char user[TSDB_USER_LEN];
......@@ -1116,41 +1086,17 @@ typedef struct {
char* sql;
char* physicalPlan;
char* logicalPlan;
} SCMCreateTopicReq;
static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMCreateTopicReq(void** buf, const SCMCreateTopicReq* pReq) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pReq->igExists);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->name);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->sql);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->physicalPlan);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->logicalPlan);
return tlen;
} SMCreateTopicReq;
static FORCE_INLINE void* tDeserializeSCMCreateTopicReq(void* buf, SCMCreateTopicReq* pReq) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pReq->igExists));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->name));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->sql));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->physicalPlan));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->logicalPlan));
return buf;
int32_t tSerializeMCreateTopicReq(void** buf, const SMCreateTopicReq* pReq);
void* tDeserializeSMCreateTopicReq(void* buf, SMCreateTopicReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
int64_t topicId;
} SCMCreateTopicRsp;
static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMCreateTopicRsp(void** buf, const SCMCreateTopicRsp* pRsp) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pRsp->topicId);
return tlen;
} SMCreateTopicRsp;
static FORCE_INLINE void* tDeserializeSCMCreateTopicRsp(void* buf, SCMCreateTopicRsp* pRsp) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pRsp->topicId);
return buf;
int32_t tSerializeSMCreateTopicRsp(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, const SMCreateTopicRsp* pRsp);
int32_t tDeserializeSMCreateTopicRsp(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SMCreateTopicRsp* pRsp);
typedef struct {
int32_t topicNum;
......@@ -1313,19 +1259,13 @@ typedef struct {
int64_t status;
} SMVSubscribeRsp;
typedef struct {
int8_t igExists;
int32_t execLen;
void* executor;
int32_t sqlLen;
char* sql;
} SCreateTopicReq;
typedef struct {
int8_t igNotExists;
} SDropTopicReq;
} SMDropTopicReq;
int32_t tSerializeSMDropTopicReqq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SMDropTopicReq* pReq);
int32_t tDeserializeSMDropTopicReq(void* buf, int32_t bufLen, SMDropTopicReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ enum {
TD_DEF_MSG_TYPE(TDMT_MND_CREATE_TOPIC, "mnode-create-topic", SCMCreateTopicReq, SCMCreateTopicRsp)
TD_DEF_MSG_TYPE(TDMT_MND_CREATE_TOPIC, "mnode-create-topic", SMCreateTopicReq, SMCreateTopicRsp)
TD_DEF_MSG_TYPE(TDMT_MND_SUBSCRIBE, "mnode-subscribe", SCMSubscribeReq, SCMSubscribeRsp)
......@@ -357,40 +357,38 @@ STscObj* taosConnectImpl(const char *user, const char *auth, const char *db, __t
return pTscObj;
static SMsgSendInfo* buildConnectMsg(SRequestObj *pRequest) {
SMsgSendInfo *pMsgSendInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
static SMsgSendInfo* buildConnectMsg(SRequestObj* pRequest) {
SMsgSendInfo* pMsgSendInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
if (pMsgSendInfo == NULL) {
return NULL;
pMsgSendInfo->msgType = TDMT_MND_CONNECT;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = sizeof(SConnectReq);
pMsgSendInfo->msgType = TDMT_MND_CONNECT;
pMsgSendInfo->requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pRequest->requestId;
pMsgSendInfo->fp = handleRequestRspFp[TMSG_INDEX(pMsgSendInfo->msgType)];
pMsgSendInfo->param = pRequest;
pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pRequest->requestId;
pMsgSendInfo->fp = handleRequestRspFp[TMSG_INDEX(pMsgSendInfo->msgType)];
pMsgSendInfo->param = pRequest;
SConnectReq *pConnect = calloc(1, sizeof(SConnectReq));
if (pConnect == NULL) {
return NULL;
STscObj *pObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
SConnectReq connectReq = {0};
STscObj* pObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
char* db = getDbOfConnection(pObj);
if (db != NULL) {
tstrncpy(pConnect->db, db, sizeof(pConnect->db));
tstrncpy(connectReq.db, db, sizeof(connectReq.db));
pConnect->pid = htonl(appInfo.pid);
pConnect->startTime = htobe64(appInfo.startTime);
tstrncpy(pConnect->app, appInfo.appName, tListLen(pConnect->app));
connectReq.pid = htonl(appInfo.pid);
connectReq.startTime = htobe64(appInfo.startTime);
tstrncpy(connectReq.app, appInfo.appName, sizeof(connectReq.app));
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectReq(NULL, 0, &connectReq);
void* pReq = malloc(contLen);
tSerializeSConnectReq(pReq, contLen, &connectReq);
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.pData = pConnect;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = contLen;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.pData = pReq;
return pMsgSendInfo;
......@@ -45,41 +45,35 @@ int32_t processConnectRsp(void* param, const SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
return code;
STscObj *pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
SConnectRsp *pConnect = (SConnectRsp *)pMsg->pData;
pConnect->acctId = htonl(pConnect->acctId);
pConnect->connId = htonl(pConnect->connId);
pConnect->clusterId = htobe64(pConnect->clusterId);
SConnectRsp connectRsp = {0};
tDeserializeSConnectRsp(pMsg->pData, pMsg->len, &connectRsp);
assert(connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps > 0);
assert(pConnect->epSet.numOfEps > 0);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pConnect->epSet.numOfEps; ++i) {
pConnect->epSet.eps[i].port = htons(pConnect->epSet.eps[i].port);
if (!isEpsetEqual(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet, &connectRsp.epSet)) {
updateEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp, &connectRsp.epSet);
if (!isEpsetEqual(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp.epSet, &pConnect->epSet)) {
updateEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp, &pConnect->epSet);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pConnect->epSet.numOfEps; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps; ++i) {
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " epSet.fqdn[%d]:%s port:%d, connObj:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->requestId, i,
pConnect->epSet.eps[i].fqdn, pConnect->epSet.eps[i].port, pTscObj->id);
connectRsp.epSet.eps[i].fqdn, connectRsp.epSet.eps[i].port, pTscObj->id);
pTscObj->connId = pConnect->connId;
pTscObj->acctId = pConnect->acctId;
tstrncpy(pTscObj->ver, pConnect->sVersion, tListLen(pTscObj->ver));
pTscObj->connId = connectRsp.connId;
pTscObj->acctId = connectRsp.acctId;
tstrncpy(pTscObj->ver, connectRsp.sVersion, tListLen(pTscObj->ver));
// update the appInstInfo
pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId = pConnect->clusterId;
pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId = connectRsp.clusterId;
atomic_add_fetch_64(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->numOfConns, 1);
hbRegisterConn(pTscObj->pAppInfo->pAppHbMgr, pConnect->connId, pConnect->clusterId, HEARTBEAT_TYPE_QUERY);
hbRegisterConn(pTscObj->pAppInfo->pAppHbMgr, connectRsp.connId, connectRsp.clusterId, HEARTBEAT_TYPE_QUERY);
// pRequest->body.resInfo.pRspMsg = pMsg->pData;
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " clusterId:%" PRId64 ", totalConn:%" PRId64, pRequest->requestId, pConnect->clusterId,
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " clusterId:%" PRId64 ", totalConn:%" PRId64, pRequest->requestId, connectRsp.clusterId,
......@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ TAOS_RES* tmq_create_topic(TAOS* taos, const char* topicName, const char* sql, i
char topicFname[TSDB_TOPIC_FNAME_LEN] = {0};
tNameExtractFullName(&name, topicFname);
SCMCreateTopicReq req = {
SMCreateTopicReq req = {
.name = (char*)topicFname,
.igExists = 1,
.physicalPlan = (char*)pStr,
......@@ -368,14 +368,14 @@ TAOS_RES* tmq_create_topic(TAOS* taos, const char* topicName, const char* sql, i
.logicalPlan = (char*)"no logic plan",
int tlen = tSerializeSCMCreateTopicReq(NULL, &req);
int tlen = tSerializeMCreateTopicReq(NULL, &req);
void* buf = malloc(tlen);
if (buf == NULL) {
goto _return;
void* abuf = buf;
tSerializeSCMCreateTopicReq(&abuf, &req);
tSerializeMCreateTopicReq(&abuf, &req);
/*printf("formatted: %s\n", dagStr);*/
pRequest->body.requestMsg = (SDataBuf){.pData = buf, .len = tlen};
......@@ -85,6 +85,47 @@ STSRow *tGetSubmitBlkNext(SSubmitBlkIter *pIter) {
int32_t tEncodeSEpSet(SCoder *pEncoder, const SEpSet *pEp) {
if (tEncodeI8(pEncoder, pEp->inUse) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI8(pEncoder, pEp->numOfEps) < 0) return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
if (tEncodeU16(pEncoder, pEp->eps[i].port) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(pEncoder, pEp->eps[i].fqdn) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t tDecodeSEpSet(SCoder *pDecoder, SEpSet *pEp) {
if (tDecodeI8(pDecoder, &pEp->inUse) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI8(pDecoder, &pEp->numOfEps) < 0) return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
if (tDecodeU16(pDecoder, &pEp->eps[i].port) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(pDecoder, pEp->eps[i].fqdn) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t taosEncodeSEpSet(void **buf, const SEpSet *pEp) {
int32_t tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pEp->inUse);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pEp->numOfEps);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pEp->eps[i].port);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pEp->eps[i].fqdn);
return tlen;
void *taosDecodeSEpSet(void *buf, SEpSet *pEp) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pEp->inUse);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pEp->numOfEps);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; i++) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &pEp->eps[i].port);
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pEp->eps[i].fqdn);
return buf;
static int32_t tSerializeSClientHbReq(SCoder *pEncoder, const SClientHbReq *pReq) {
if (tEncodeSClientHbKey(pEncoder, &pReq->connKey) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -1788,3 +1829,140 @@ int32_t tDeserializeSTableInfoReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, STableInfoReq *pReq
return 0;
int32_t tSerializeSMDropTopicReqq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SMDropTopicReq *pReq) {
SCoder encoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&encoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_ENCODER);
if (tStartEncode(&encoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(&encoder, pReq->name) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI8(&encoder, pReq->igNotExists) < 0) return -1;
int32_t tlen = encoder.pos;
return tlen;
int32_t tDeserializeSMDropTopicReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SMDropTopicReq *pReq) {
SCoder decoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&decoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_DECODER);
if (tStartDecode(&decoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(&decoder, pReq->name) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI8(&decoder, &pReq->igNotExists) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t tSerializeMCreateTopicReq(void **buf, const SMCreateTopicReq *pReq) {
int32_t tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pReq->igExists);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->name);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->sql);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->physicalPlan);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->logicalPlan);
return tlen;
void *tDeserializeSMCreateTopicReq(void *buf, SMCreateTopicReq *pReq) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pReq->igExists));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->name));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->sql));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->physicalPlan));
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pReq->logicalPlan));
return buf;
int32_t tSerializeSMCreateTopicRsp(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SMCreateTopicRsp *pRsp) {
SCoder encoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&encoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_ENCODER);
if (tStartEncode(&encoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pRsp->topicId) < 0) return -1;
int32_t tlen = encoder.pos;
return tlen;
int32_t tDeserializeSMCreateTopicRsp(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SMCreateTopicRsp *pRsp) {
SCoder decoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&decoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_DECODER);
if (tStartDecode(&decoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &pRsp->topicId) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t tSerializeSConnectReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectReq *pReq) {
SCoder encoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&encoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_ENCODER);
if (tStartEncode(&encoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, pReq->pid) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(&encoder, pReq->app) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(&encoder, pReq->db) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pReq->startTime) < 0) return -1;
int32_t tlen = encoder.pos;
return tlen;
int32_t tDeserializeSConnectReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectReq *pReq) {
SCoder decoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&decoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_DECODER);
if (tStartDecode(&decoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &pReq->pid) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(&decoder, pReq->app) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(&decoder, pReq->db) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &pReq->startTime) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int32_t tSerializeSConnectRsp(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectRsp *pRsp) {
SCoder encoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&encoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_ENCODER);
if (tStartEncode(&encoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, pRsp->acctId) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pRsp->clusterId) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, pRsp->connId) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI8(&encoder, pRsp->superUser) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeSEpSet(&encoder, &pRsp->epSet) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeCStr(&encoder, pRsp->sVersion) < 0) return -1;
int32_t tlen = encoder.pos;
return tlen;
int32_t tDeserializeSConnectRsp(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SConnectRsp *pRsp) {
SCoder decoder = {0};
tCoderInit(&decoder, TD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, buf, bufLen, TD_DECODER);
if (tStartDecode(&decoder) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &pRsp->acctId) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &pRsp->clusterId) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &pRsp->connId) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI8(&decoder, &pRsp->superUser) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeSEpSet(&decoder, &pRsp->epSet) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeCStrTo(&decoder, pRsp->sVersion) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void mndGetMnodeEpSet(SMnode *pMnode, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
pEpSet->inUse = pEpSet->numOfEps;
addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, pObj->pDnode->fqdn, htons(pObj->pDnode->port));
addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, pObj->pDnode->fqdn, pObj->pDnode->port);
sdbRelease(pSdb, pObj);
......@@ -184,15 +184,17 @@ static void mndCancelGetNextConn(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter) {
static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SUserObj *pUser = NULL;
SDbObj *pDb = NULL;
SConnObj *pConn = NULL;
int32_t code = -1;
SConnectReq *pConnReq = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
pConnReq->pid = htonl(pConnReq->pid);
pConnReq->startTime = htobe64(pConnReq->startTime);
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SUserObj *pUser = NULL;
SDbObj *pDb = NULL;
SConnObj *pConn = NULL;
int32_t code = -1;
SConnectReq connReq = {0};
if (tDeserializeSConnectReq(pReq->rpcMsg.pCont, pReq->rpcMsg.contLen, &connReq) != 0) {
SRpcConnInfo info = {0};
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pReq->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
......@@ -209,41 +211,42 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
if (pConnReq->db[0]) {
snprintf(pReq->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d%s%s", pUser->acctId, TS_PATH_DELIMITER, pConnReq->db);
if (connReq.db[0]) {
snprintf(pReq->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d%s%s", pUser->acctId, TS_PATH_DELIMITER, connReq.db);
pDb = mndAcquireDb(pMnode, pReq->db);
if (pDb == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while use db:%s since %s", pReq->user, ip, pConnReq->db, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while use db:%s since %s", pReq->user, ip, connReq.db, terrstr());
pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, pConnReq->pid, pConnReq->app, pConnReq->startTime);
pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, connReq.pid, connReq.app, connReq.startTime);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create connection since %s", pReq->user, ip, terrstr());
SConnectRsp *pRsp = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SConnectRsp));
if (pRsp == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create rsp since %s", pReq->user, ip, terrstr());
SConnectRsp connectRsp = {0};
connectRsp.acctId = pUser->acctId;
connectRsp.superUser = pUser->superUser;
connectRsp.clusterId = pMnode->clusterId;
connectRsp.connId = pConn->id;
pRsp->acctId = htonl(pUser->acctId);
pRsp->superUser = pUser->superUser;
pRsp->clusterId = htobe64(pMnode->clusterId);
pRsp->connId = htonl(pConn->id);
snprintf(connectRsp.sVersion, sizeof(connectRsp.sVersion), "ver:%s\nbuild:%s\ngitinfo:%s", version, buildinfo,
mndGetMnodeEpSet(pMnode, &connectRsp.epSet);
snprintf(pRsp->sVersion, tListLen(pRsp->sVersion), "ver:%s\nbuild:%s\ngitinfo:%s", version, buildinfo, gitinfo);
mndGetMnodeEpSet(pMnode, &pRsp->epSet);
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectRsp(NULL, 0, &connectRsp);
if (contLen < 0) goto CONN_OVER;
void *pRsp = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
if (pRsp == NULL) goto CONN_OVER;
tSerializeSConnectRsp(pRsp, contLen, &connectRsp);
pReq->contLen = sizeof(SConnectRsp);
pReq->contLen = contLen;
pReq->pCont = pRsp;
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", info.user, ip, pConn->id, pConnReq->app);
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", info.user, ip, pConn->id, connReq.app);
code = 0;
......@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveStb(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int3
if (pShow->pIter == NULL) break;
if (pStb->dbUid != pDb->uid) {
if (strncmp(pStb->db, pDb->name, tListLen(pStb->db)) == 0) {
if (strncmp(pStb->db, pDb->name, prefixLen) == 0) {
mError("Inconsistent table data, name:%s, db:%s, dbUid:%" PRIu64, pStb->name, pDb->name, pDb->uid);
......@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
static int32_t mndTopicActionInsert(SSdb *pSdb, SMqTopicObj *pTopic);
static int32_t mndTopicActionDelete(SSdb *pSdb, SMqTopicObj *pTopic);
static int32_t mndTopicActionUpdate(SSdb *pSdb, SMqTopicObj *pTopic, SMqTopicObj *pNewTopic);
static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicInRsp(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessTopicMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicInRsp(SMnodeMsg *pRsp);
static int32_t mndProcessTopicMetaReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static void mndCancelGetNextTopic(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter);
int32_t mndInitTopic(SMnode *pMnode) {
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ int32_t mndInitTopic(SMnode *pMnode) {
.updateFp = (SdbUpdateFp)mndTopicActionUpdate,
.deleteFp = (SdbDeleteFp)mndTopicActionDelete};
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CREATE_TOPIC, mndProcessCreateTopicMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_DROP_TOPIC, mndProcessDropTopicMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CREATE_TOPIC, mndProcessCreateTopicReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_DROP_TOPIC, mndProcessDropTopicReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_VND_DROP_TOPIC_RSP, mndProcessDropTopicInRsp);
return sdbSetTable(pMnode->pSdb, table);
......@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@ static SDDropTopicReq *mndBuildDropTopicMsg(SMnode *pMnode, SVgObj *pVgroup, SMq
return pDrop;
static int32_t mndCheckCreateTopicMsg(SCMCreateTopicReq *creattopReq) {
static int32_t mndCheckCreateTopicMsg(SMCreateTopicReq *creattopReq) {
// deserialize and other stuff
return 0;
static int32_t mndCreateTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SCMCreateTopicReq *pCreate, SDbObj *pDb) {
static int32_t mndCreateTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pReq, SMCreateTopicReq *pCreate, SDbObj *pDb) {
mDebug("topic:%s to create", pCreate->name);
SMqTopicObj topicObj = {0};
tstrncpy(topicObj.name, pCreate->name, TSDB_TOPIC_FNAME_LEN);
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ static int32_t mndCreateTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SCMCreateTopicReq
SSdbRaw *pTopicRaw = mndTopicActionEncode(&topicObj);
if (pTopicRaw == NULL) return -1;
if (sdbSetRawStatus(pTopicRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY) != 0) return -1;
/*STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, &pMsg->rpcMsg);*/
/*STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, &pReq->rpcMsg);*/
/*mndTransAppendRedolog(pTrans, pTopicRaw);*/
/*if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {*/
/*mError("mq-createTopic-trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());*/
......@@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ static int32_t mndCreateTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SCMCreateTopicReq
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pTopicRaw);
static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
char *msgStr = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
char *msgStr = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
SCMCreateTopicReq createTopicReq = {0};
tDeserializeSCMCreateTopicReq(msgStr, &createTopicReq);
SMCreateTopicReq createTopicReq = {0};
tDeserializeSMCreateTopicReq(msgStr, &createTopicReq);
mDebug("topic:%s, start to create, sql:%s", createTopicReq.name, createTopicReq.sql);
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
int32_t code = mndCreateTopic(pMnode, pMsg, &createTopicReq, pDb);
int32_t code = mndCreateTopic(pMnode, pReq, &createTopicReq, pDb);
mndReleaseDb(pMnode, pDb);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -306,44 +306,49 @@ static int32_t mndProcessCreateTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
return 0;
static int32_t mndDropTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SMqTopicObj *pTopic) { return 0; }
static int32_t mndDropTopic(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeMsg *pReq, SMqTopicObj *pTopic) { return 0; }
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
SDropTopicReq *pDrop = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SMDropTopicReq dropReq = {0};
mDebug("topic:%s, start to drop", pDrop->name);
if (tDeserializeSMDropTopicReq(pReq->rpcMsg.pCont, pReq->rpcMsg.contLen, &dropReq) != 0) {
return -1;
SMqTopicObj *pTopic = mndAcquireTopic(pMnode, pDrop->name);
mDebug("topic:%s, start to drop", dropReq.name);
SMqTopicObj *pTopic = mndAcquireTopic(pMnode, dropReq.name);
if (pTopic == NULL) {
if (pDrop->igNotExists) {
mDebug("topic:%s, not exist, ignore not exist is set", pDrop->name);
if (dropReq.igNotExists) {
mDebug("topic:%s, not exist, ignore not exist is set", dropReq.name);
return 0;
} else {
mError("topic:%s, failed to drop since %s", pDrop->name, terrstr());
mError("topic:%s, failed to drop since %s", dropReq.name, terrstr());
return -1;
int32_t code = mndDropTopic(pMnode, pMsg, pTopic);
int32_t code = mndDropTopic(pMnode, pReq, pTopic);
mndReleaseTopic(pMnode, pTopic);
if (code != 0) {
terrno = code;
mError("topic:%s, failed to drop since %s", pDrop->name, terrstr());
mError("topic:%s, failed to drop since %s", dropReq.name, terrstr());
return -1;
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicInRsp(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
static int32_t mndProcessDropTopicInRsp(SMnodeMsg *pRsp) {
return 0;
static int32_t mndProcessTopicMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
static int32_t mndProcessTopicMetaReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
STableInfoReq infoReq = {0};
......@@ -405,8 +410,8 @@ static int32_t mndProcessTopicMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
mndReleaseDb(pMnode, pDb);
mndReleaseTopic(pMnode, pTopic);
pMsg->pCont = pMeta;
pMsg->contLen = contLen;
pReq->pCont = pMeta;
pReq->contLen = contLen;
mDebug("topic:%s, meta is retrieved, cols:%d tags:%d", pInfo->tableFname, pTopic->numOfColumns, pTopic->numOfTags);
......@@ -438,8 +443,8 @@ static int32_t mndGetNumOfTopics(SMnode *pMnode, char *dbName, int32_t *pNumOfTo
return 0;
static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
if (mndGetNumOfTopics(pMnode, pShow->db, &pShow->numOfRows) != 0) {
......@@ -461,18 +466,6 @@ static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *
pSchema[cols].bytes = pShow->bytes[cols];
pShow->bytes[cols] = 4;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "columns");
pSchema[cols].bytes = pShow->bytes[cols];
pShow->bytes[cols] = 4;
pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "tags");
pSchema[cols].bytes = pShow->bytes[cols];
pMeta->numOfColumns = cols;
pShow->numOfColumns = cols;
......@@ -488,29 +481,19 @@ static int32_t mndGetTopicMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaRsp *
return 0;
static void mndExtractTableName(char *tableId, char *name) {
int32_t pos = -1;
int32_t num = 0;
for (pos = 0; tableId[pos] != 0; ++pos) {
if (tableId[pos] == '.') num++;
if (num == 2) break;
if (num == 2) {
strcpy(name, tableId + pos + 1);
static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
int32_t numOfRows = 0;
SMqTopicObj *pTopic = NULL;
int32_t cols = 0;
char *pWrite;
char prefix[64] = {0};
char prefix[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN] = {0};
tstrncpy(prefix, pShow->db, 64);
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDb(pMnode, pShow->db);
if (pDb == NULL) return 0;
tstrncpy(prefix, pShow->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN);
strcat(prefix, TS_PATH_DELIMITER);
int32_t prefixLen = (int32_t)strlen(prefix);
......@@ -518,7 +501,11 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, in
pShow->pIter = sdbFetch(pSdb, SDB_TOPIC, pShow->pIter, (void **)&pTopic);
if (pShow->pIter == NULL) break;
if (strncmp(pTopic->name, prefix, prefixLen) != 0) {
if (pTopic->dbUid != pDb->uid) {
if (strncmp(pTopic->name, prefix, prefixLen) != 0) {
mError("Inconsistent table data, name:%s, db:%s, dbUid:%" PRIu64, pTopic->name, pDb->name, pDb->uid);
sdbRelease(pSdb, pTopic);
......@@ -535,18 +522,11 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveTopic(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, in
*(int64_t *)pWrite = pTopic->createTime;
/*pWrite = data + pShow->offset[cols] * rows + pShow->bytes[cols] * numOfRows;*/
/**(int32_t *)pWrite = pTopic->numOfColumns;*/
/*pWrite = data + pShow->offset[cols] * rows + pShow->bytes[cols] * numOfRows;*/
/**(int32_t *)pWrite = pTopic->numOfTags;*/
sdbRelease(pSdb, pTopic);
mndReleaseDb(pMnode, pDb);
pShow->numOfReads += numOfRows;
mndVacuumResult(data, pShow->numOfColumns, numOfRows, rows, pShow);
return numOfRows;
......@@ -28,44 +28,44 @@ Testbase MndTestProfile::test;
int32_t MndTestProfile::connId;
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 01_ConnectMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectReq connectReq = {0};
connectReq.pid = 1234;
strcpy(connectReq.app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(connectReq.db, "");
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectReq(NULL, 0, &connectReq);
void* pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
tSerializeSConnectReq(pReq, contLen, &connectReq);
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pMsg->code, 0);
SConnectRsp* pRsp = (SConnectRsp*)pMsg->pCont;
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
pRsp->acctId = htonl(pRsp->acctId);
pRsp->clusterId = htobe64(pRsp->clusterId);
pRsp->connId = htonl(pRsp->connId);
pRsp->epSet.eps[0].port = htons(pRsp->epSet.eps[0].port);
SConnectRsp connectRsp = {0};
tDeserializeSConnectRsp(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &connectRsp);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->acctId, 1);
EXPECT_GT(pRsp->clusterId, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->connId, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->superUser, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.acctId, 1);
EXPECT_GT(connectRsp.clusterId, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.connId, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.superUser, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.eps[0].port, 9031);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.eps[0].fqdn, "localhost");
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.eps[0].port, 9031);
EXPECT_STREQ(connectRsp.epSet.eps[0].fqdn, "localhost");
connId = pRsp->connId;
connId = connectRsp.connId;
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 02_ConnectMsg_InvalidDB) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectReq connectReq = {0};
connectReq.pid = 1234;
strcpy(connectReq.app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(connectReq.db, "invalid_db");
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "invalid_db");
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectReq(NULL, 0, &connectReq);
void* pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
tSerializeSConnectReq(pReq, contLen, &connectReq);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
......@@ -194,35 +194,33 @@ TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectReq connectReq = {0};
connectReq.pid = 1234;
strcpy(connectReq.app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(connectReq.db, "invalid_db");
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectReq(NULL, 0, &connectReq);
void* pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
tSerializeSConnectReq(pReq, contLen, &connectReq);
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pMsg->code, 0);
SConnectRsp* pRsp = (SConnectRsp*)pMsg->pCont;
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
pRsp->acctId = htonl(pRsp->acctId);
pRsp->clusterId = htobe64(pRsp->clusterId);
pRsp->connId = htonl(pRsp->connId);
pRsp->epSet.port[0] = htons(pRsp->epSet.port[0]);
SConnectRsp connectRsp = {0};
tDeserializeSConnectRsp(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &connectRsp);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->acctId, 1);
EXPECT_GT(pRsp->clusterId, 0);
EXPECT_GT(pRsp->connId, connId);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->superUser, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.acctId, 1);
EXPECT_GT(connectRsp.clusterId, 0);
EXPECT_GT(connectRsp.connId, connId);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.superUser, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9031);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(connectRsp.epSet.port[0], 9031);
EXPECT_STREQ(connectRsp.epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
connId = pRsp->connId;
connId = connectRsp.connId;
......@@ -54,12 +54,14 @@ TEST_F(MndTestShow, 02_ShowMsg_InvalidMsgStart) {
TEST_F(MndTestShow, 03_ShowMsg_Conn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectReq connectReq = {0};
connectReq.pid = 1234;
strcpy(connectReq.app, "mnode_test_show");
strcpy(connectReq.db, "");
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_show");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSConnectReq(NULL, 0, &connectReq);
void* pReq = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
tSerializeSConnectReq(pReq, contLen, &connectReq);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
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