@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ User-defined functions can be scalar functions or aggregate functions. Scalar fu
TDengine supports user-defined functions written in C or Python. This document describes the usage of user-defined functions.
# Implement a UDF in C
## Implement a UDF in C
When you create a user-defined function, you must implement standard interface functions:
- For scalar functions, implement the `scalarfn` interface function.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ When you create a user-defined function, you must implement standard interface f
There are strict naming conventions for these interface functions. The names of the start, finish, init, and destroy interfaces must be <udf-name\>_start, <udf-name\>_finish, <udf-name\>_init, and <udf-name\>_destroy, respectively. Replace `scalarfn`, `aggfn`, and `udf` with the name of your user-defined function.
## Implementing a Scalar Function in C
### Implementing a Scalar Function in C
The implementation of a scalar function is described as follows:
#include "taos.h"
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int32_t aggfn_destroy() {
Replace `aggfn` with the name of your function.
## C UDF Interface Functions
### UDF Interface Definition in C
There are strict naming conventions for interface functions. The names of the start, finish, init, and destroy interfaces must be <udf-name\>_start, <udf-name\>_finish, <udf-name\>_init, and <udf-name\>_destroy, respectively. Replace `scalarfn`, `aggfn`, and `udf` with the name of your user-defined function.
@@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ Interface functions return a value that indicates whether the operation was succ
For information about the parameters for interface functions, see Data Model
Replace `scalarfn` with the name of your function. This function performs scalar calculations on data blocks. You can configure a value through the parameters in the `resultColumn` structure.
@@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ The parameters in the function are defined as follows:
- inputDataBlock: The data block to input.
- resultColumn: The column to output. The column to output.
### Interfaces for C UDF Aggregate Functions
#### Aggregate Interface
`int32_t aggfn_start(SUdfInterBuf *interBuf)`
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ The parameters in the function are defined as follows:
- result: The final result.
### C UDF Initializing and Terminating User-Defined Functions
#### Initialization and Cleanup Interface
`int32_t udf_init()`
`int32_t udf_destroy()`
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ The parameters in the function are defined as follows:
Replace `udf` with the name of your function. udf_init initializes the function. udf_destroy terminates the function. If it is not necessary to initialize your function, udf_init is not required. If it is not necessary to terminate your function, udf_destroy is not required.
## Data Structure of C User-Defined Functions
### Data Structures for UDF in C
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ The data structure is described as follows:
Additional functions are defined in `taosudf.h` to make it easier to work with these structures.
## Compile C UDF
### Compiling C UDF
To use your user-defined function in TDengine, first, compile it to a shared library.
The bit_and function implements bitwise addition for multiple columns. If there is only one column, the column is returned. The bit_and function ignores null values.
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ The bit_and function implements bitwise addition for multiple columns. If there
### C UDF Sample aggregate function 1: [l2norm](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/3.0/tests/script/sh/l2norm.c)
#### Aggregate function 1: [l2norm](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/3.0/tests/script/sh/l2norm.c)
The l2norm function finds the second-order norm for all data in the input column. This squares the values, takes a cumulative sum, and finds the square root.
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ The l2norm function finds the second-order norm for all data in the input column
### C UDF Sample aggregate function 2: [max_vol](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/max_vol.c)
#### Aggregate function 2: [max_vol](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/3.0/tests/script/sh/max_vol.c)
The max_vol function returns a string concatenating the deviceId column, the row number and column number of the maximum voltage and the maximum voltage given several voltage columns as input.
@@ -269,14 +268,14 @@ select max_vol(vol1,vol2,vol3,deviceid) from battery;
#Implement a UDF in Python
## Implement a UDF in Python
Implement the specified interface functions when implementing a UDF in Python.
- implement `process` function for the scalar UDF。
- implement `start`, `reduce`, `finish` for the aggregate UDF。
- implement `init` for initialization and `destroy` for termination。
## Implement a Scalar UDF in Python
### Implement a Scalar UDF in Python
The implementation of a scalar UDF is described as follows:
-`input` is a data block two-dimension matrix-like object, of which method `data(row, col)` returns the Python object located at location (`row`, `col`)
- return a Python tuple object, of which each item is a Python object of type `output_type`
- finally, the `finish` function is called on the intermediate result `buf` and outputs 0 or 1 data of type `output_type`
### Python UDF Initialization and Termination
#### Initialization and Cleanup Interface
def init()
def destroy()
Implement `init` for initialization and `destroy` for termination.
## TDengine SQL data type and Python UDF Data Type Mapping Table
### Data Mapping between TDengine SQL and Python UDF
The following table describes the mapping between TDengine SQL data type and Python UDF Data Type. The `NULL` value of all TDengine SQL types is mapped to the `None` value in Python.
@@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ The following table describes the mapping between TDengine SQL data type and Pyt
|TIMESTAMP | int |
|JSON and other types | Not Supported |
## Python UDF Installation
### Installing Python UDF
1. Install Python package `taospyudf` that executes Python UDF
sudo pip install taospyudf
@@ -362,8 +361,8 @@ ldconfig
2. If PYTHONPATH is needed to find Python packages when the Python UDF executes, include the PYTHONPATH contents into the udfdLdLibPath variable of the taos.cfg configuration file
## Python UDF Sample Code
### Python UDF Scalar Function Sample Code [pybitand](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/pybitand.py)
### Python UDF Sample Code
#### Scalar Function [pybitand](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/3.0/tests/script/sh/pybitand.py)
The `pybitand` function implements bitwise addition for multiple columns. If there is only one column, the column is returned. The `pybitand` function ignores null values.
@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ The `pybitand` function implements bitwise addition for multiple columns. If the
### Python UDF Aggregate Function Sample Code [pyl2norm](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/pyl2norm.py)
#### Aggregate Function [pyl2norm](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/3.0/tests/script/sh/pyl2norm.py)
The `pyl2norm` function finds the second-order norm for all data in the input column. This squares the values, takes a cumulative sum, and finds the square root.
@@ -389,4 +388,4 @@ The `pyl2norm` function finds the second-order norm for all data in the input co
## Manage and Use User-Defined Functions
You can add UDF to TDengine before using it in SQL queries. For more information, see [User-Defined Functions](../12-taos-sql/26-udf.md).
You need to add UDF to TDengine before using it in SQL queries. For more information about how to manage UDF and how to invoke UDF, please see [Manage and Use UDF](../12-taos-sql/26-udf.md).