未验证 提交 86d182e1 编写于 作者: W wade zhang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #13299 from taosdata/docs/TD-15867

docs: refine data types for 3.0 in English
......@@ -58,10 +58,15 @@ TDengine支持多个类型的常量,细节如下表:
| # | **语法** | **类型** | **说明** |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
| 1 | [{+ \| -}]123 | BIGINT | 整型数值的字面量的类型均为BIGINT。如果用户输入超过了BIGINT的表示范围,TDengine 按BIGINT对数值进行截断。|
| 2 | 123.45 | DOUBLE | 浮点数值的字面量的类型均为DOUBLE。TDengine依据是否存在小数点,或使用科学计数法表示,来判断数值类型是否为整型或者浮点型,因此在使用时要注意相应类型越界的情况。例如,9999999999999999999会认为超过长整型的上边界而溢出,而9999999999999999999.0会被认为是有效的浮点数。|
| 2 | 123.45 | DOUBLE | 浮点数值的字面量的类型均为DOUBLE。TDengine依据是否存在小数点,或使用科学计数法表示,来判断数值类型是否为整型或者浮点型。|
| 3 | 1.2E3 | DOUBLE | 科学计数法的字面量的类型为DOUBLE。|
| 4 | 'abc' | BINARY | 单引号括住的内容为字符串字面值,其类型为BINARY,BINARY的size为实际的字符个数。对于字符串内的单引号,可以用转义字符反斜线加单引号来表示,即 \'。|
| 5 | "abc" | BINARY | 双引号括住的内容为字符串字面值,其类型为BINARY,BINARY的size为实际的字符个数。对于字符串内的双引号,可以用转义字符反斜线加单引号来表示,即 \"。 |
| 6 | TIMESTAMP {'literal' \| "literal"} | TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP关键字表示后面的字符串字面量需要被解释为TIMESTAMP类型。字符串需要满足YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS格式,其时间分辨率为当前数据库的时间分辨率。 |
| 7 | {TRUE \| FALSE} | BOOL | 布尔类型字面量。 |
| 8 | {'' \| "" \| '\t' \| "\t" \| ' ' \| " " \| NULL } | -- | 空值字面量。可以用于任意类型。|
- TDengine依据是否存在小数点,或使用科学计数法表示,来判断数值类型是否为整型或者浮点型,因此在使用时要注意相应类型越界的情况。例如,9999999999999999999会认为超过长整型的上边界而溢出,而9999999999999999999.0会被认为是有效的浮点数。
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ title: Data Types
description: "TDengine supports a variety of data types including timestamp, float, JSON and many others."
When using TDengine to store and query data, the most important part of the data is timestamp. Timestamp must be specified when creating and inserting data rows. Timestamp must follow the rules below:
- The format must be `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS`, the default time precision is millisecond (ms), for example `2017-08-12 18:25:58.128`
......@@ -17,33 +19,51 @@ Time precision in TDengine can be set by the `PRECISION` parameter when executin
## Data Types
In TDengine, the data types below can be used when specifying a column or tag.
| # | **type** | **Bytes** | **Description** |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | ------------------------- |
| 1 | TIMESTAMP | 8 | Default precision is millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond are also supported |
| 2 | INT | 4 | Integer, the value range is [-2^31+1, 2^31-1], while -2^31 is treated as NULL |
| 3 | BIGINT | 8 | Long integer, the value range is [-2^63+1, 2^63-1], while -2^63 is treated as NULL |
| 4 | FLOAT | 4 | Floating point number, the effective number of digits is 6-7, the value range is [-3.4E38, 3.4E38] |
| 5 | DOUBLE | 8 | Double precision floating point number, the effective number of digits is 15-16, the value range is [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
| 6 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. The string length can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'` |
| 7 | SMALLINT | 2 | Short integer, the value range is [-32767, 32767], while -32768 is treated as NULL |
| 8 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-127, 127], while -128 is treated as NULL |
| 9 | BOOL | 1 | Bool, the value range is {true, false} |
| 10 | NCHAR | User Defined| Multi-Byte string that can include multi byte characters like Chinese characters. Each character of NCHAR type consumes 4 bytes storage. The string value should be quoted with single quotes. Literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with backslash, like `\’`. The length must be specified when defining a column or tag of NCHAR type, for example nchar(10) means it can store at most 10 characters of nchar type and will consume fixed storage of 40 bytes. An error will be reported if the string value exceeds the length defined. |
| 11 | JSON | | JSON type can only be used on tags. A tag of json type is excluded with any other tags of any other type |
TDengine is case insensitive and treats any characters in the sql command as lower case by default, case sensitive strings must be quoted with single quotes.
| 2 | INT | 4 | Integer, the value range is [-2^31, 2^31-1] |
| 3 |INT UNSIGNED|4 | Unsigned integer, the value range is [0, 2^31-1] |
| 4 | BIGINT | 8 | Long integer, the value range is [-2^63, 2^63-1] |
| 5 | BIGINT UNSIGNED | 8 | Unsigned long integer, the value range is [0, 2^63-1] |
| 6 | FLOAT | 4 | Floating point number, the effective number of digits is 6-7, the value range is [-3.4E38, 3.4E38] |
| 7 | DOUBLE | 8 | Double precision floating point number, the effective number of digits is 15-16, the value range is [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
| 8 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. The string length can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'` |
| 9 | SMALLINT | 2 | Short integer, the value range is [-32768, 32767] |
| 10 | SMALLINT UNSIGNED | 2 | Unsigned short integer, the value range is [0, 32767] |
| 11 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-128, 127] |
| 12 | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 1 | Unsigned single-byte integer, the value range is [0, 127] |
| 13 | BOOL | 1 | Bool, the value range is {true, false} |
| 14 | NCHAR | User Defined| Multi-Byte string that can include multi byte characters like Chinese characters. Each character of NCHAR type consumes 4 bytes storage. The string value should be quoted with single quotes. Literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with backslash, like `\’`. The length must be specified when defining a column or tag of NCHAR type, for example nchar(10) means it can store at most 10 characters of nchar type and will consume fixed storage of 40 bytes. An error will be reported if the string value exceeds the length defined. |
| 15 | JSON | | JSON type can only be used on tags. A tag of json type is excluded with any other tags of any other type |
| 16 | VARCHAR | User Defined| Alias of BINARY type |
Only ASCII visible characters are suggested to be used in a column or tag of BINARY type. Multi-byte characters must be stored in NCHAR type.
- TDengine is case insensitive and treats any characters in the sql command as lower case by default, case sensitive strings must be quoted with single quotes.
- Only ASCII visible characters are suggested to be used in a column or tag of BINARY type. Multi-byte characters must be stored in NCHAR type.
- Numeric values in SQL statements will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used, so attention must be paid to avoid overflow. For example, 9999999999999999999 will be considered as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of long integer, but 9999999999999999999.0 will be considered as a legal float number.
## Constants
TDengine supports constants of multiple data type.
| # | **Syntax** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
| 1 | [{+ \| -}]123 | BIGINT | Numeric constants are treated as BIGINT type. The value will be truncated if it exceeds the range of BIGINT type. |
| 2 | 123.45 | DOUBLE | Floating number constants are treated as DOUBLE type. TDengine determines whether it's a floating number based on if decimal point or scientific notation is used. |
| 3 | 1.2E3 | DOUBLE | Constants in scientific notation are treated ad DOUBLE type. |
| 4 | 'abc' | BINARY | String constants enclosed by single quotes are treated as BINARY type. Its size is determined as the acutal length. Single quote itself can be included by preceding backslash, i.e. `\'`, in a string constant. |
| 5 | "abc" | BINARY | String constants enclosed by double quotes are treated as BINARY type. Its size is determined as the acutal length. Double quote itself can be included by preceding backslash, i.e. `\"`, in a string constant. |
| 6 | TIMESTAMP {'literal' \| "literal"} | TIMESTAMP | A string constant following `TIMESTAMP` keyword is treated as TIMESTAMP type. The string should be in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS". Its time precision is same as that of the current database being used. |
| 7 | {TRUE \| FALSE} | BOOL | BOOL type contant. |
| 8 | {'' \| "" \| '\t' \| "\t" \| ' ' \| " " \| NULL } | -- | NULL constant, it can be used for any type.|
Numeric values in SQL statements will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used, so attention must be paid to avoid overflow. For example, 9999999999999999999 will be considered as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of long integer, but 9999999999999999999.0 will be considered as a legal float number.
- TDengine determines whether it's a floating number based on if decimal point or scientific notation is used. So whether the value is determined as overflow depends on both the value and the determined type. For example, 9999999999999999999 is determined as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of BIGINT type, while 9999999999999999999.0 is considered as a valid floating number because it is within the range of DOUBLE type.
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