提交 860f7270 编写于 作者: S slzhou

ehance: table scan operator accepts many time ranges

上级 f4b37f90
......@@ -334,6 +334,8 @@ typedef struct STableScanInfo {
int32_t dataBlockLoadFlag;
double sampleRatio; // data block sample ratio, 1 by default
SInterval interval; // if the upstream is an interval operator, the interval info is also kept here to get the time window to check if current data block needs to be loaded.
int32_t curTWinIdx;
} STableScanInfo;
typedef struct STagScanInfo {
......@@ -362,34 +362,31 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScanImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
SSDataBlock* pBlock = pTableScanInfo->pResBlock;
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows; ++i)
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, i);
while (tsdbNextDataBlock(pTableScanInfo->dataReader)) {
if (isTaskKilled(pOperator->pTaskInfo)) {
longjmp(pOperator->pTaskInfo->env, TSDB_CODE_TSC_QUERY_CANCELLED);
tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pBlock->info);
uint32_t status = 0;
int32_t code = loadDataBlock(pOperator, pTableScanInfo, pBlock, &status);
// int32_t code = loadDataBlockOnDemand(pOperator->pRuntimeEnv, pTableScanInfo, pBlock, &status);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
longjmp(pOperator->pTaskInfo->env, code);
while (tsdbNextDataBlock(pTableScanInfo->dataReader)) {
if (isTaskKilled(pOperator->pTaskInfo)) {
longjmp(pOperator->pTaskInfo->env, TSDB_CODE_TSC_QUERY_CANCELLED);
// current block is filter out according to filter condition, continue load the next block
if (status == FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_FILTEROUT || pBlock->info.rows == 0) {
tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pBlock->info);
pOperator->resultInfo.totalRows = pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.totalRows;
pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime += (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
uint32_t status = 0;
int32_t code = loadDataBlock(pOperator, pTableScanInfo, pBlock, &status);
// int32_t code = loadDataBlockOnDemand(pOperator->pRuntimeEnv, pTableScanInfo, pBlock, &status);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
longjmp(pOperator->pTaskInfo->env, code);
pOperator->cost.totalCost = pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime;
return pBlock;
// current block is filter out according to filter condition, continue load the next block
if (status == FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_FILTEROUT || pBlock->info.rows == 0) {
pOperator->resultInfo.totalRows = pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.totalRows;
pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime += (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
pOperator->cost.totalCost = pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime;
return pBlock;
return NULL;
......@@ -405,9 +402,15 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// do the ascending order traverse in the first place.
while (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < pTableScanInfo->scanInfo.numOfAsc) {
SSDataBlock* p = doTableScanImpl(pOperator);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
while (pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows) {
SSDataBlock* p = doTableScanImpl(pOperator);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx += 1;
if (pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows) {
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx);
pTableScanInfo->scanTimes += 1;
......@@ -419,6 +422,9 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows; ++i) {
STimeWindow* pWin = &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows[i];
qDebug("%s\t qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pWin->skey, pWin->ekey);
// do prepare for the next round table scan operation
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, 0);
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx = 0;
......@@ -427,30 +433,40 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
if (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < total) {
if (pTableScanInfo->cond.order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
prepareForDescendingScan(pTableScanInfo, pTableScanInfo->pCtx, pTableScanInfo->numOfOutput);
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, 0);
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx = 0;
STimeWindow* pWin = &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows[0];
qDebug("%s start to descending order scan data blocks due to query func required, qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pWin->skey, pWin->ekey);
qDebug("%s start to descending order scan data blocks due to query func required", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows; ++i) {
STimeWindow* pWin = &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows[i];
qDebug("%s\t qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pWin->skey, pWin->ekey);
while (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < total) {
SSDataBlock* p = doTableScanImpl(pOperator);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
while (pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows) {
SSDataBlock* p = doTableScanImpl(pOperator);
if (p != NULL) {
return p;
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx += 1;
if (pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows) {
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx);
pTableScanInfo->scanTimes += 1;
if (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < pTableScanInfo->scanInfo.numOfAsc) {
if (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < total) {
setTaskStatus(pTaskInfo, TASK_NOT_COMPLETED);
pTableScanInfo->scanFlag = REPEAT_SCAN;
qDebug("%s start to repeat descending order scan data blocks due to query func required, qrange:%" PRId64
"-%" PRId64,
GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pTaskInfo->window.skey, pTaskInfo->window.ekey);
// do prepare for the next round table scan operation
qDebug("%s start to repeat descending order scan data blocks due to query func required", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableScanInfo->cond.numOfTWindows; ++i) {
STimeWindow* pWin = &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows[i];
qDebug("%s\t qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pWin->skey, pWin->ekey);
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, 0);
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx = 0;
......@@ -530,6 +546,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperatorInfo(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode,
pInfo->dataReader = pDataReader;
pInfo->scanFlag = MAIN_SCAN;
pInfo->pColMatchInfo = pColList;
pInfo->curTWinIdx = 0;
pOperator->name = "TableScanOperator"; // for debug purpose
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