提交 84a7a9af 编写于 作者: C Cary Xu

Merge branch '3.0' into feature/TD-11463-3.0

......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ char getPrecisionUnit(int32_t precision);
int64_t convertTimePrecision(int64_t time, int32_t fromPrecision, int32_t toPrecision);
int64_t convertTimeFromPrecisionToUnit(int64_t time, int32_t fromPrecision, char toUnit);
int32_t convertStringToTimestamp(int16_t type, char *inputData, int64_t timePrec, int64_t *timeVal);
void taosFormatUtcTime(char *buf, int32_t bufLen, int64_t time, int32_t precision);
......@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ typedef enum EFunctionType {
// conversion function
// date and time function
......@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ int32_t castFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutp
/* Time related functions */
int32_t toISO8601Function(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput);
int32_t toUnixtimestampFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput);
int32_t timeTruncateFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput);
bool getTimePseudoFuncEnv(struct SFunctionNode* pFunc, SFuncExecEnv* pEnv);
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ function install_main_path() {
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/cfg
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/bin
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/connector
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/driver
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/lib
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/examples
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/include
${csudo} mkdir -p ${install_main_dir}/init.d
......@@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ function install_lib() {
# Remove links
${csudo} rm -f ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.* || :
${csudo} rm -f ${lib64_link_dir}/libtaos.* || :
${csudo} rm -f ${lib_link_dir}/libtdb.* || :
${csudo} rm -f ${lib64_link_dir}/libtdb.* || :
${csudo} cp -rf ${script_dir}/lib/* ${install_main_dir}/lib && ${csudo} chmod 777 ${install_main_dir}/lib/*
${csudo} ln -s ${install_main_dir}/lib/libtaos.* ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1
${csudo} ln -s ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so.1 ${lib_link_dir}/libtaos.so
......@@ -406,7 +406,31 @@ int64_t convertTimeFromPrecisionToUnit(int64_t time, int32_t fromPrecision, char
default: {
return -1;
int32_t convertStringToTimestamp(int16_t type, char *inputData, int64_t timePrec, int64_t *timeVal) {
int32_t charLen = varDataLen(inputData);
char *newColData;
if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
newColData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, charLen + 1);
memcpy(newColData, varDataVal(inputData), charLen);
taosParseTime(newColData, timeVal, charLen, (int32_t)timePrec, 0);
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
newColData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, charLen / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE + 1);
int len = taosUcs4ToMbs((TdUcs4 *)varDataVal(inputData), charLen, newColData);
if (len < 0){
newColData[len] = 0;
taosParseTime(newColData, timeVal, len + 1, (int32_t)timePrec, 0);
} else {
static int32_t getDuration(int64_t val, char unit, int64_t* result, int32_t timePrecision) {
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "functionMgt.h"
......@@ -403,6 +403,26 @@ const SBuiltinFuncDefinition funcMgtBuiltins[] = {
.sprocessFunc = toISO8601Function,
.finalizeFunc = NULL
.name = "to_unixtimestamp",
.classification = FUNC_MGT_SCALAR_FUNC,
.checkFunc = checkAndGetResultType,
.getEnvFunc = NULL,
.initFunc = NULL,
.sprocessFunc = toUnixtimestampFunction,
.finalizeFunc = NULL
.name = "timetruncate",
.classification = FUNC_MGT_SCALAR_FUNC,
.checkFunc = checkAndGetResultType,
.getEnvFunc = NULL,
.initFunc = NULL,
.sprocessFunc = timeTruncateFunction,
.finalizeFunc = NULL
.name = "_rowts",
......@@ -621,6 +641,15 @@ int32_t checkAndGetResultType(SFunctionNode* pFunc) {
pFunc->node.resType = (SDataType) { .bytes = 64, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY};
pFunc->node.resType = (SDataType) { .bytes = tDataTypes[TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT].bytes, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT};
pFunc->node.resType = (SDataType) { .bytes = tDataTypes[TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].bytes, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP};
......@@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ typedef struct SScalarCtx {
int32_t doConvertDataType(SValueNode* pValueNode, SScalarParam* out);
SColumnInfoData* createColumnInfoData(SDataType* pType, int32_t numOfRows);
#define GET_PARAM_TYPE(_c) ((_c)->columnData->info.type)
#define GET_PARAM_BYTES(_c) ((_c)->columnData->info.bytes)
#define GET_PARAM_TYPE(_c) ((_c)->columnData->info.type)
#define GET_PARAM_BYTES(_c) ((_c)->columnData->info.bytes)
#define GET_PARAM_PRECISON(_c) ((_c)->columnData->info.precision)
void sclFreeParam(SScalarParam *param);
#include "function.h"
#include "scalar.h"
#include "tdatablock.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "sclInt.h"
#include "sclvector.h"
......@@ -872,6 +873,237 @@ int32_t toISO8601Function(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *
int32_t toUnixtimestampFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput) {
int32_t type = GET_PARAM_TYPE(pInput);
int32_t timePrec = GET_PARAM_PRECISON(pInput);
if (inputNum != 1) {
char *input = pInput[0].columnData->pData + pInput[0].columnData->varmeta.offset[0];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInput[0].numOfRows; ++i) {
if (colDataIsNull_s(pInput[0].columnData, i)) {
colDataAppendNULL(pOutput->columnData, i);
int64_t timeVal = 0;
convertStringToTimestamp(type, input, timePrec, &timeVal);
colDataAppend(pOutput->columnData, i, (char *)&timeVal, false);
input += varDataTLen(input);
pOutput->numOfRows = pInput->numOfRows;
int32_t timeTruncateFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput) {
int32_t type = GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[0]);
int32_t timePrec = GET_PARAM_PRECISON(&pInput[0]);
if (inputNum != 2) {
if (GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[1]) != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) { //time_unit
int64_t timeUnit, timeVal = 0;
GET_TYPED_DATA(timeUnit, int64_t, GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[1]), pInput[1].columnData->pData);
int64_t factor = (timePrec == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI) ? 1000 :
(timePrec == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO ? 1000000 : 1000000000);
char *input = NULL;
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
input = pInput[0].columnData->pData + pInput[0].columnData->varmeta.offset[0];
} else {
input = pInput[0].columnData->pData;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInput[0].numOfRows; ++i) {
if (colDataIsNull_s(pInput[0].columnData, i)) {
colDataAppendNULL(pOutput->columnData, i);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { /* datetime format strings */
convertStringToTimestamp(type, input, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &timeVal);
//If converted value is less than 10digits in second, use value in second instead
int64_t timeValSec = timeVal / 1000000000;
if (timeValSec < 1000000000) {
timeVal = timeValSec;
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) { /* unix timestamp */
GET_TYPED_DATA(timeVal, int64_t, type, input);
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { /* timestamp column*/
GET_TYPED_DATA(timeVal, int64_t, type, input);
int64_t timeValSec = timeVal / factor;
if (timeValSec < 1000000000) {
timeVal = timeValSec;
char buf[20] = {0};
NUM_TO_STRING(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, &timeVal, sizeof(buf), buf);
int32_t tsDigits = (int32_t)strlen(buf);
timeUnit = timeUnit * 1000 / factor;
switch (timeUnit) {
case 0: { /* 1u */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 * 1000;
//} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
// //timeVal = timeVal / 1000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor;
} else {
timeVal = timeVal * 1;
case 1: { /* 1a */
timeVal = timeVal * 1;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS){
timeVal = timeVal * factor;
} else {
case 1000: { /* 1s */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor;
} else {
case 60000: { /* 1m */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 / 60 * 60 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 / 60 * 60 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 / 60 * 60 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor / factor / 60 * 60 * factor;
} else {
case 3600000: { /* 1h */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 / 3600 * 3600 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 / 3600 * 3600 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 / 3600 * 3600 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor / factor / 3600 * 3600 * factor;
} else {
case 86400000: { /* 1d */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor / factor / 86400* 86400 * factor;
} else {
case 604800000: { /* 1w */
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 / 604800 * 604800 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 / 604800 * 604800 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 / 604800 * 604800 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * factor / factor / 604800 * 604800* factor;
} else {
default: {
timeVal = timeVal * 1;
//truncate the timestamp to db precision
switch (timePrec) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000;
timeVal = timeVal / 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * 1000;
timeVal = timeVal * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI_DIGITS) {
timeVal = timeVal * 1000000;
colDataAppend(pOutput->columnData, i, (char *)&timeVal, false);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
input += varDataTLen(input);
} else {
input += tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pOutput->numOfRows = pInput->numOfRows;
int32_t atanFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput) {
return doScalarFunctionUnique(pInput, inputNum, pOutput, atan);
sql connect
$x = 1
sql insert into db.tb values(now, $x ) -x begin
$x = $x + 1
goto begin
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
sql create database db
sql create table db.tb (ts timestamp, i int)
sql insert into db.tb values(now, 1)
print ======== start back
run_back tmp/back.sim
sleep 2000
return -1
......@@ -97,167 +97,167 @@ print ================ query 1 group by filter
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c1
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c1
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c2
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c3
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c3
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c4
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c4
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c5
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c5
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c6
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c6
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c7
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c7
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c8
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c8
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c9
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c9
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c10
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c10
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
print ================ query 2 complex with group by
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -307,170 +307,170 @@ print ================ query 1 group by filter
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c1
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c1
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c2
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c3
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c3
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c4
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c4
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c5
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c5
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c6
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c6
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c7
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c7
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c8
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c8
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c9
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c9
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from ct3 group by c10
print ====> sql : select count(*) from ct3 group by c10
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 8 then
if $rows != 9 then
return -1
print ================ query 2 complex with group by
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
#system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ sql insert into ct4 values ( '2022-05-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
print ================ start query ======================
print ================ query 1 having condition
sql_error select c1 from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql_error select c1 from ct4 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql_error select count(c1) from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select c1 from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select c1 from ct4 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select count(c1) from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c7) from ct4 group by c7 having count(c7) > 1 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c7) from ct4 group by c7 having count(c7) > 1 ;
......@@ -98,22 +98,22 @@ endi
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 2 and sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 2 and sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 7 then
return -1
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 1 or sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 1 or sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 7 then
return -1
print ================ query 1 complex with having condition
sql select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) < 1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) < 1 limit 1 offset 1
sql select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) > 1 limit 1 offset 0
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) > 1 limit 1 offset 0
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ if $data00 != 20 then
print ================ query 1 having condition
sql_error select c1 from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql_error select c1 from ct4 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql_error select count(c1) from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select c1 from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select c1 from ct4 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select count(c1) from ct1 group by c1 having count(c1)
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c7) from ct4 group by c7 having count(c7) > 1 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c7) from ct4 group by c7 having count(c7) > 1 ;
......@@ -271,22 +271,22 @@ endi
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 2 and sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 2 and sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 7 then
return -1
sql select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 1 or sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> sql : select sum(c1) ,count(c1) from ct4 group by c1 having count(c7) < 1 or sum(c1) > 2 ;
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 7 then
return -1
print ================ query 1 complex with having condition
sql select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) < 1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) < 1 limit 1 offset 1
sql select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) > 1 limit 1 offset 0
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct4 where c1 > 2 group by c7 having count(c1) > 1 limit 1 offset 0
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select c1 from stb1 where stb1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
sql select c1 from stb1 where c1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
print ====> sql : select c1 from stb1 where c1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
print ====> rows: $rows
print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 4 then
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
if $data01 != 6 then
if $data00 != 6 then
return -1
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 32 then
return -1
if $data01 != 1 then
if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 17 then
return -1
if $data01 != 5 then
if $data00 != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ if $rows != 12 then
return -1
sql_error select c1 from stb1 where c7 between false and true
sql select c1 from stb1 where c7 between false and true
sql select c1 from stb1 where c1 in (1,2,3)
print ====> sql : select c1 from stb1 where c1 in (1,2,3)
......@@ -272,98 +272,98 @@ endi
print ================ query 2 complex with where
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
......@@ -510,14 +510,14 @@ if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select c1 from stb1 where stb1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
sql select c1 from stb1 where c1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
print ====> sql : select c1 from stb1 where c1 > 5 and c1 <= 6
print ====> rows: $rows
print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 4 then
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
if $data01 != 6 then
if $data00 != 6 then
return -1
......@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 32 then
return -1
if $data01 != 1 then
if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ print ====> rows0: $data00
if $rows != 17 then
return -1
if $data01 != 5 then
if $data00 != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ if $rows != 12 then
return -1
sql_error select c1 from stb1 where c7 between false and true
sql select c1 from stb1 where c7 between false and true
sql select c1 from stb1 where c1 in (1,2,3)
print ====> sql : select c1 from stb1 where c1 in (1,2,3)
......@@ -590,98 +590,98 @@ endi
print ================ query 2 complex with where
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select count(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select abs(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select acos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select asin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select atan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select ceil(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select cos(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select floor(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select log(c1,10) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select pow(c1,3) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select round(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sqrt(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select sin(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 1
sql select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c1 limit 1 offset 1
print ====> sql : select tan(c1) from ct3 where c1 > 2 group by c7 limit 1 offset 2
print ====> rows: $rows
if $rows != 1 then
#### test scenario, please refer to https://jira.taosdata.com:18090/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135120406
# scene1: vgroups=1, one topic for one consumer, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene2: vgroups=1, multi topics for one consumer, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene3: vgroups=4, one topic for one consumer, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# scene4: vgroups=4, multi topics for one consumer, include: columns from stb/ctb/ntb, * from stb/ctb/ntb, Scalar function from stb/ctb/ntb
# The above use cases are combined with where filter conditions, such as: where ts > "2017-08-12 18:25:58.128Z" and sin(a) > 0.5;
# notes2: not support aggregate functions(such as sum/count/min/max) and time-windows(interval).
######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
######## This test case include scene1 and scene3
######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
$loop_cnt = 0
$loop_cnt = $loop_cnt + 1
sleep 200
if $loop_cnt == 10 then
print ====> dnode not ready!
return -1
sql show dnodes
print ===> $rows $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
if $data04 != ready then
goto check_dnode_ready
sql connect
$loop_cnt = 0
$vgroups = 1
$dbNamme = d0
print =============== create database $dbNamme vgroups $vgroups
sql create database $dbNamme vgroups $vgroups
sql show databases
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 $data16 $data17 $data18 $data19
print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $data26 $data27 $data28 $data29
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then # vgroups
print vgroups: $data02
return -1
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
if $data00 == d1 then
if $data02 != 4 then # vgroups
print vgroups: $data02
return -1
if $data12 != 4 then # vgroups
print vgroups: $data12
return -1
sql use $dbNamme
print =============== create super table
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags (t1 int)
sql show stables
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== create child table
$tbPrefix = ct
$tbNum = 2
$i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using stb tags( $i )
$i = $i + 1
print =============== create normal table
sql create table ntb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10))
print =============== create multi topics. notes: now only support:
print =============== 1. columns from stb/ctb/ntb; 2. * from ctb/ntb; 3. function from stb/ctb/ntb
print =============== will support: * from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_column as select ts, c1, c3 from stb
#sql create topic topic_stb_all as select * from stb
sql create topic topic_stb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from stb
sql create topic topic_ctb_column as select ts, c1, c3 from ct0
sql create topic topic_ctb_all as select * from ct0
sql create topic topic_ctb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ct0
sql create topic topic_ntb_column as select ts, c1, c3 from ntb
sql create topic topic_ntb_all as select * from ntb
sql create topic topic_ntb_function as select ts, abs(c1), sin(c2) from ntb
sql show tables
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
print =============== run_back insert data
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
run_back tsim/tmq/insertDataV1.sim
run_back tsim/tmq/insertDataV4.sim
sleep 1000
#$rowNum = 1000
#$tstart = 1640966400000 # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
#$i = 0
#while $i < $tbNum
# $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
# $x = 0
# while $x < $rowNum
# $c = $x / 10
# $c = $c * 10
# $c = $x - $c
# $binary = ' . binary
# $binary = $binary . $c
# $binary = $binary . '
# sql insert into $tb values ($tstart , $c , $x , $binary )
# sql insert into ntb values ($tstart , $c , $x , $binary )
# $tstart = $tstart + 1
# $x = $x + 1
# endw
# $i = $i + 1
# $tstart = 1640966400000
#root@trd02 /home $ tmq_sim --help
# -c Configuration directory, default is
# -d The name of the database for cosumer, no default
# -t The topic string for cosumer, no default
# -k The key-value string for cosumer, no default
# -g showMsgFlag, default is 0
$consumeDelay = 5000
$expectConsumeMsgCnt = 1000
print expectConsumeMsgCnt: $expectConsumeMsgCnt, consumeDelay: $consumeDelay
# supported key:
# group.id:<xxx>
# enable.auto.commit:<true | false>
# auto.offset.reset:<earliest | latest | none>
# td.connect.ip:<fqdn | ipaddress>
# td.connect.user:root
# td.connect.pass:taosdata
# td.connect.port:6030
# td.connect.db:db
$expect_result = @{consume success: @
$expect_result = $expect_result . $expectConsumeMsgCnt
$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @
$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
print expect_result----> $expect_result
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
#print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
#system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
#print cmd result----> $system_content
##if $system_content != @{consume success: 10000, 0}@ then
#if $system_content != $expect_result then
# return -1
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_stb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
#if $system_content != @{consume success: 10000, 0}@ then
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
$expect_result = @{consume success: @
$expect_result = $expect_result . $rowNum
$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @
$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
print expect_result----> $expect_result
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ctb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
$expect_result = @{consume success: @
$expect_result = $expect_result . $totalMsgCnt
$expect_result = $expect_result . @, @
$expect_result = $expect_result . 0}
print expect_result----> $expect_result
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_column" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_all" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
print cmd===> system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
system_content ../../debug/tests/test/c/tmq_sim -c ../../sim/tsim/cfg -d $dbNamme -t "topic_ntb_function" -k "group.id:tg2" -y $consumeDelay -m $expectConsumeMsgCnt
print cmd result----> $system_content
if $system_content >= $expect_result then
return -1
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$loop_cnt = 1
$vgroups = 4
$dbNamme = d1
goto loop_vgroups
#system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
......@@ -80,24 +80,24 @@ SScript *simProcessCallOver(SScript *script) {
simExecSuccess = false;
simInfo("script:" FAILED_PREFIX "%s" FAILED_POSTFIX ", " FAILED_PREFIX "failed" FAILED_POSTFIX ", error:%s",
script->fileName, script->error);
return NULL;
} else {
simExecSuccess = true;
if (simScriptPos == -1) {
simInfo("Simulation Test Done, " SUCCESS_PREFIX "%d" SUCCESS_POSTFIX " Passed:\n", simScriptSucced);
return NULL;
return simScriptList[simScriptPos];
if (simScriptPos == -1 && simExecSuccess) {
simInfo("Simulation Test Done, " SUCCESS_PREFIX "%d" SUCCESS_POSTFIX " Passed:\n", simScriptSucced);
return NULL;
return simScriptList[simScriptPos];
} else {
simDebug("script:%s, is stopped", script->fileName);
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