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[TD-13315]<docs>: replace prometheus with taosadapter (#10074)

上级 a3c01d39
......@@ -5,15 +5,19 @@ TDengine支持多种接口写入数据,包括SQL,Prometheus,Telegraf,col
## <a class="anchor" id="sql"></a>SQL 写入
应用通过C/C++, Java, Go, C#, Python, Node.js 连接器执行SQL insert语句来插入数据,用户还可以通过TAOS Shell,手动输入SQL insert语句插入数据。比如下面这条insert 就将一条记录写入到表d1001中:
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31);
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548684000, 10.2, 220, 0.23) (1538548696650, 10.3, 218, 0.25);
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31) (1538548695000, 12.6, 218, 0.33) d1002 VALUES (1538548696800, 12.3, 221, 0.31);
......@@ -28,6 +32,7 @@ INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31) (1538548695000, 12.6,
- 写入的数据的时间戳必须大于当前时间减去配置参数keep的时间。如果keep配置为3650天,那么无法写入比3650天还早的数据。写入数据的时间戳也不能大于当前时间加配置参数days。如果days为2,那么无法写入比当前时间还晚2天的数据。
## <a class="anchor" id="schemaless"></a>无模式(Schemaless)写入
<br/>在物联网应用中,常会采集比较多的数据项,用于实现智能控制、业务分析、设备监控等。由于应用逻辑的版本升级,或者设备自身的硬件调整等原因,数据采集项就有可能比较频繁地出现变动。为了在这种情况下方便地完成数据记录工作,TDengine 从 版本开始,提供调用 Schemaless 写入方式,可以免于预先创建超级表/子表的步骤,随着数据写入接口能够自动创建与数据对应的存储结构。并且在必要时,Schemaless 将自动增加必要的数据列,保证用户写入的数据可以被正确存储。
<br/>目前,TDengine 的 C/C++ Connector 提供支持 Schemaless 的操作接口,详情请参见 [Schemaless 方式写入接口](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/connector#schemaless)章节。这里对 Schemaless 的数据表达格式进行了描述。
......@@ -39,11 +44,13 @@ INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31) (1538548695000, 12.6,
对于InfluxDB、OpenTSDB的标准写入协议请参考各自的文档。下面首先以 InfluxDB 的行协议为基础,介绍 TDengine 扩展的协议内容,允许用户采用更加精细的方式控制(超级表)模式。
Schemaless 采用一个字符串来表达一个数据行(可以向写入 API 中一次传入多行字符串来实现多个数据行的批量写入),其格式约定如下:
measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
* measurement 将作为数据表名。它与 tag_set 之间使用一个英文逗号来分隔。
* tag_set 将作为标签数据,其格式形如 `<tag_key>=<tag_value>,<tag_key>=<tag_value>`,也即可以使用英文逗号来分隔多个标签数据。它与 field_set 之间使用一个半角空格来分隔。
* field_set 将作为普通列数据,其格式形如 `<field_key>=<field_value>,<field_key>=<field_value>`,同样是使用英文逗号来分隔多个普通列的数据。它与 timestamp 之间使用一个半角空格来分隔。
......@@ -51,6 +58,7 @@ measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
tag_set 中的所有的数据自动转化为 nchar 数据类型,并不需要使用双引号(")。
<br/>在无模式写入数据行协议中,field_set 中的每个数据项都需要对自身的数据类型进行描述。具体来说:
* 如果两边有英文双引号,表示 BIANRY(32) 类型。例如 `"abc"`
* 如果两边有英文双引号而且带有 L 前缀,表示 NCHAR(32) 类型。例如 `L"报错信息"`
* 对空格、等号(=)、逗号(,)、双引号("),前面需要使用反斜杠(\)进行转义。(都指的是英文半角符号)
......@@ -64,20 +72,26 @@ tag_set 中的所有的数据自动转化为 nchar 数据类型,并不需要
| 4 | i16 | SmallInt | 2 |
| 5 | i32 | Int | 4 |
| 6 | i64或i | Bigint | 8 |
* t, T, true, True, TRUE, f, F, false, False 将直接作为 BOOL 型来处理。
<br/>例如如下数据行表示:向名为 st 的超级表下的 t1 标签为 "3"(NCHAR)、t2 标签为 "4"(NCHAR)、t3 标签为 "t3"(NCHAR)的数据子表,写入 c1 列为 3(BIGINT)、c2 列为 false(BOOL)、c3 列为 "passit"(BINARY)、c4 列为 4(DOUBLE)、主键时间戳为 1626006833639000000 的一行数据。
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
### 无模式写入的主要处理逻辑
<br/>1. 将使用如下规则来生成子表名:首先将measurement 的名称和标签的 key 和 value 组合成为如下的字符串
需要注意的是,这里的tag_key1, tag_key2并不是用户输入的标签的原始顺序,而是使用了标签名称按照字符串升序排列后的结果。所以,tag_key1 并不是在行协议中输入的第一个标签。
排列完成以后计算该字符串的 MD5 散列值 "md5_val"。然后将计算的结果与字符串组合生成表名:“t_md5_val”。其中的 “t_” 是固定的前缀,每个通过该映射关系自动生成的表都具有该前缀。
<br/>2. 如果解析行协议获得的超级表不存在,则会创建这个超级表。
......@@ -120,7 +134,9 @@ st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
该行数据映射生成一个超级表: st, 其包含了 3 个类型为 nchar 的标签,分别是:t1, t2, t3。五个数据列,分别是ts(timestamp),c1 (bigint),c3(binary),c2 (bool), c4 (bigint)。映射成为如下 SQL 语句:
create stable st (_ts timestamp, c1 bigint, c2 bool, c3 binary(6), c4 bigint) tags(t1 nchar(1), t2 nchar(1), t3 nchar(2))
......@@ -129,22 +145,28 @@ create stable st (_ts timestamp, c1 bigint, c2 bool, c3 binary(6), c4 bigint) ta
在使用行协议写入一个明确的标识的字段类型的时候,后续更改该字段的类型定义,会出现明确的数据模式错误,即会触发写入 API 报告错误。如下所示,
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4i 1626006833640000000
第一行的数据类型映射将 c4 列定义为 Double, 但是第二行的数据又通过数值后缀方式声明该列为 BigInt, 由此会触发无模式写入的解析错误。
如果列前面的行协议将数据列声明为了 binary, 后续的要求长度更长的binary长度,此时会触发超级表模式的变更。
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="pass" 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="passit" 1626006833640000000
第一行中行协议解析会声明 c5 列是一个 binary(4)的字段,第二次行数据写入会提取列 c5 仍然是 binary 列,但是其宽度为 6,此时需要将binary的宽度增加到能够容纳 新字符串的宽度。
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c6="passit" 1626006833640000000
第二行数据相对于第一行来说增加了一个列 c6,类型为binary(6)。那么此时会自动增加一个列 c6, 类型为 binary(6)。
......@@ -156,98 +178,35 @@ st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c6="passit" 1626006833640000000
<br/>当前版本只提供了 C 版本的 API,后续将提供 其他高级语言的 API,例如 Java/Go/Python/C# 等。此外,在TDengine v2.3及后续版本中,您还可以通过 taosAdapter 采用 REST 的方式直接写入无模式数据。
## <a class="anchor" id="prometheus"></a>Prometheus 直接写入(通过 taosAdapter)
## <a class="anchor" id="prometheus"></a>Prometheus 直接写入
remote_read 和 remote_write 是 Prometheus 数据读写分离的集群方案。
只需要将 remote_read 和 remote_write url 指向 taosAdapter 对应的 url 同时设置 Basic 验证即可使用。
[Prometheus](https://www.prometheus.io/)作为Cloud Native Computing Fundation毕业的项目,在性能监控以及K8S性能监控领域有着非常广泛的应用。TDengine提供一个小工具[Bailongma](https://github.com/taosdata/Bailongma),只需对Prometheus做简单配置,无需任何代码,就可将Prometheus采集的数据直接写入TDengine,并按规则在TDengine自动创建库和相关表项。博文[用Docker容器快速搭建一个Devops监控Demo](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/02/03/1189.html)即是采用Bailongma将Prometheus和Telegraf的数据写入TDengine中的示例,可以参考。
* remote_read url : `http://host_to_taosAdapter:port(default 6041)/prometheus/v1/remote_read/:db`
* remote_write url : `http://host_to_taosAdapter:port(default 6041)/prometheus/v1/remote_write/:db`
### 从源代码编译 blm_prometheus
- Linux操作系统的服务器
- 安装好Golang,1.14版本以上
- 对应的TDengine版本。因为用到了TDengine的客户端动态链接库,因此需要安装好和服务端相同版本的TDengine程序;比如服务端版本是TDengine 2.0.0, 则在Bailongma所在的Linux服务器(可以与TDengine在同一台服务器,或者不同服务器)
cd blm_prometheus
go build
* username: TDengine 连接用户名
* password: TDengine 连接密码
### 安装 Prometheus
### 配置 Prometheus
- url: "bailongma API服务提供的URL"(参考下面的blm_prometheus启动示例章节)
示例 prometheus.yml 如下:
### 启动 blm_prometheus 程序
如果TDengine安装在一台具备域名的服务器上,也可以通过配置TDengine的域名来访问TDengine。在K8S环境下,可以配置成TDengine所运行的service name。
### 启动示例
./blm_prometheus -port 8088
- url: ""
- url: "http://localhost:6041/prometheus/v1/remote_write/prometheus_data"
username: root
password: taosdata
### 查询 prometheus 写入数据
Timestamp: 1576466279341,
Value: 37.000000,
apiserver_request_latencies_bucket {
use prometheus;
select * from apiserver_request_latencies_bucket;
- url: "http://localhost:6041/prometheus/v1/remote_read/prometheus_data"
username: root
password: taosdata
remote_timeout: 10s
read_recent: true
## <a class="anchor" id="telegraf"></a> Telegraf 直接写入(通过 taosAdapter)
......@@ -257,6 +216,7 @@ select * from apiserver_request_latencies_bucket;
TDengine 新版本(包含一个 taosAdapter 独立程序,负责接收包括 Telegraf 的多种应用的数据写入。
配置方法,在 /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf 增加如下文字,其中 database name 请填写希望在 TDengine 保存 Telegraf 数据的数据库名,TDengine server/cluster host、username和 password 填写 TDengine 实际值:
url = "http://<TDengine server/cluster host>:6041/influxdb/v1/write?db=<database name>"
......@@ -269,9 +229,11 @@ TDengine 新版本(包含一个 taosAdapter 独立程序,负责
然后重启 telegraf:
sudo systemctl start telegraf
即可在 TDengine 中查询 metrics 数据库中 Telegraf 写入的数据。
taosAdapter 相关配置参数请参考 taosadapter --help 命令输出以及相关文档。
......@@ -283,16 +245,20 @@ taosAdapter 相关配置参数请参考 taosadapter --help 命令输出以及相
TDengine 新版本(包含一个 taosAdapter 独立程序,负责接收包括 collectd 的多种应用的数据写入。
在 /etc/collectd/collectd.conf 文件中增加如下内容,其中 host 和 port 请填写 TDengine 和 taosAdapter 配置的实际值:
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
Server "<TDengine cluster/server host>" "<port for collectd>"
重启 collectd
sudo systemctl start collectd
taosAdapter 相关配置参数请参考 taosadapter --help 命令输出以及相关文档。
## <a class="anchor" id="statsd"></a> StatsD 直接写入(通过 taosAdapter)
......@@ -303,12 +269,14 @@ taosAdapter 相关配置参数请参考 taosadapter --help 命令输出以及相
TDengine 新版本(包含一个 taosAdapter 独立程序,负责接收包括 StatsD 的多种应用的数据写入。
在 config.js 文件中增加如下内容后启动 StatsD,其中 host 和 port 请填写 TDengine 和 taosAdapter 配置的实际值:
backends 部分添加 "./backends/repeater"
repeater 部分添加 { host:'<TDengine server/cluster host>', port: <port for StatsD>}
port: 8125
......@@ -323,9 +291,10 @@ icinga2 可以收集监控和性能数据并写入 OpenTSDB,taosAdapter 可以
## <a class="anchor" id="icinga2"></a> icinga2 直接写入(通过 taosAdapter)
* 参考链接 https://icinga.com/docs/icinga-2/latest/doc/14-features/#opentsdb-writer 使能 opentsdb-writer
* 参考链接 `https://icinga.com/docs/icinga-2/latest/doc/14-features/#opentsdb-writer` 使能 opentsdb-writer
* 使能 taosAdapter 配置项 opentsdb_telnet.enable
* 修改配置文件 /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/opentsdb.conf
object OpenTsdbWriter "opentsdb" {
host = "host to taosAdapter"
......@@ -344,11 +313,15 @@ TCollector 是一个在客户侧收集本地收集器并发送数据到 OpenTSDB
taosAdapter 相关配置参数请参考 taosadapter --help 命令输出以及相关文档。
## <a class="anchor" id="taosadapter2-telegraf"></a> 使用 Bailongma 2.0 接入 Telegraf 数据写入
## <a class="anchor" id="bailongma2-prometheus"></a> 使用 Bailongma 2.0 接入 Prometheus 数据写入
TDengine 新版本(提供新版本 Bailongma ,命名为 taosAdapter ,提供更简便的 Telegraf 数据写入以及其他更强大的功能,Bailongma v2 及之前版本将逐步不再维护。
TDengine 新版本(包含 taosAdapter 组件,提供更简便的 Prometheus 数据写入以及其他更强大的功能,Bailongma v2 及之前版本将逐步不再维护。
## <a class="anchor" id="bailongma2-telegraf"></a> 使用 Bailongma 2.0 接入 Telegraf 数据写入
TDengine 新版本(包含 taosAdapter 组件,提供更简便的 Telegraf 数据写入以及其他更强大的功能,Bailongma v2 及之前版本将逐步不再维护。
## <a class="anchor" id="emq"></a>EMQ Broker 直接写入
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ For the SQL INSERT Grammar, please refer to [Taos SQL insert](https://www.taosd
- The timestamp of written data must be greater than the current time minus the time of configuration parameter keep. If keep is configured for 3650 days, data older than 3650 days cannot be written. The timestamp for writing data cannot be greater than the current time plus configuration parameter days. If days is configured to 2, data 2 days later than the current time cannot be written.
## <a class="anchor" id="schemaless"></a> Data Writing via Schemaless
<br/> In many IoT applications, data collection is often used in intelligent control, business analysis and device monitoring etc. As fast application upgrade and iteration, or hardware adjustment, data collection metrics can change rapidly over time. To provide solutions to such use cases, from version, TDengine supports writing data via Schemaless. When using Schemaless, action of pre-creating table before inserting data is no longer needed anymore. Tables, data columns and tags can be created automatically. Schemaless can also add additional data columns to tables if necessary, to make sure data can be properly stored into TDengine.
......@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ For the SQL INSERT Grammar, please refer to [Taos SQL insert](https://www.taosd
For InfluxDB, OpenTSDB data writing protocol format, users can refer to corresponding official documentation for details. Following will give examples of introducing protocol extension from TDengine based on InfluxDB's Line Protocol, allowing users to use Schemaless with more precision.
Schemaless use one line of string literals to represent one data record. (Users can also pass multiple lines to the Schemaless API for batch insertion), the format is as follows:
measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
......@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
All tag values in tag_set are automatically converted and stored as NCHAR data type in TDengine and no need to be surrounded by double quote(")
<br/> In Schemaless Line Protocol, data format in field_set need to be self-descriptive in order to convert data to corresponding TDengine data types. For example:
* Field value surrounded by double quote indicates data is BINARY(32) data types. For example, `"abc"`.
* Field value surrounded by double quote and L letter prefix indicates data is NCHAR(32) data type. For example `L"报错信息"`.
* Space, equal sign(=), comma(,), double quote(") need to use backslash(\) to escape.
......@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ All tag values in tag_set are automatically converted and stored as NCHAR data t
| 4 | i16 | SMALLINT | 2 |
| 5 | i32 | INT | 4 |
| 6 | i64 / i | BIGINT | 8 |
* t, T, true, True, TRUE, f, F, false, False represents BOOLEAN types。
### Schemaless processing logic
......@@ -75,9 +79,11 @@ All tag values in tag_set are automatically converted and stored as NCHAR data t
Following rules are followed by Schemaless protocol parsing:
<br/>1. For child table name generation, firstly create following string by concatenating measurement and tag key/values strings together.
tag_key1, tag_key2 are not following the original order of user input, but sorted according to tag names.
After MD5 value "md5_val" calculated using the above string, prefix "t_" is prepended to "md5_val" to form the child table name.
<br/>2. If super table does not exist, a new super table will be created.
......@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ After MD5 value "md5_val" calculated using the above string, prefix "t_" is prep
<br/>8. If any error occurs during processing, error code will be returned.
<br/>Schemaless will follow TDengine data structure limitations. For example, each table row cannot exceed 16KB. For detailed TDengine limitations please refer to (https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/taos-sql#limitation).
<br/>Schemaless will follow TDengine data structure limitations. For example, each table row cannot exceed 16KB. For detailed TDengine limitations please refer to `https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/taos-sql#limitation`.
**Timestamp precisions**
<br/>Following protocols are supported in Schemaless:
......@@ -120,10 +126,13 @@ When SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL or SML_JSON_PROTOCOL used,timestamp precision is dete
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4f64 1626006833639000000
Above line is mapped to a super table with name "st" with 3 NCHAR type tags ("t1", "t2", "t3") and 5 columns: ts(timestamp),c1 (bigint),c3(binary),c2 (bool), c4 (bigint). This is identical to create a super table with the following SQL clause:
create stable st (_ts timestamp, c1 bigint, c2 bool, c3 binary(6), c4 bigint) tags(t1 nchar(1), t2 nchar(1), t3 nchar(2))
**Schemaless data alternation rules**
<br/>This section describes several data alternation scenarios:
......@@ -133,19 +142,23 @@ When column with one line has certain type, and following lines attemp to change
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c3="passit",c2=false,c4=4i 1626006833640000000
For first line of data, c4 column type is declared as DOUBLE with no suffix. However, the second line declared the column type to be BIGINT with suffix "i". Schemaless parsing error will be occurred.
When column is declared as BINARY type, but follow-up line insertion requires longer BINARY length of this column, max length of this column will be extended:
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="pass" 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c5="passit" 1626006833640000000
In first line c5 column store string "pass" with 4 characters as BINARY(4), but in second line c5 requires 2 more characters for storing binary string "passit", c5 column max length will be extend from BINARY(4) to BINARY(6) to accommodate more characters.
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64 1626006833639000000
st,t1=3,t2=4,t3=t3 c1=3i64,c6="passit" 1626006833640000000
In above example second line has one more column c6 with value "passit" compared to the first line. A new column c6 will be added with type BINARY(6).
**Data integrity**
......@@ -157,123 +170,46 @@ In above example second line has one more column c6 with value "passit" compared
**Future enhancement**
<br/> Currently TDengine only provides clang API support for Schemaless. In future versions, APIs/connectors of more languages will be supported, e.g., Java/Go/Python/C# etc. From TDengine v2.3 and later versions, users can also use taosAdaptor to writing data via Schemaless through RESTful interface.
## <a class="anchor" id="prometheus"></a> Data Writing via Prometheus
As a graduate project of Cloud Native Computing Foundation, [Prometheus](https://www.prometheus.io/) is widely used in the field of performance monitoring and K8S performance monitoring. TDengine provides a simple tool [Bailongma](https://github.com/taosdata/Bailongma), which only needs to be simply configured in Prometheus without any code, and can directly write the data collected by Prometheus into TDengine, then automatically create databases and related table entries in TDengine according to rules. Blog post [Use Docker Container to Quickly Build a Devops Monitoring Demo](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/02/03/1189.html), which is an example of using bailongma to write Prometheus and Telegraf data into TDengine.
### Compile blm_prometheus From Source
Users need to download the source code of [Bailongma](https://github.com/taosdata/Bailongma) from github, then compile and generate an executable file using Golang language compiler. Before you start compiling, you need to prepare:
- A server running Linux OS
- Golang version 1.10 and higher installed
- Since the client dynamic link library of TDengine is used, it is necessary to install the same version of TDengine as the server-side. For example, if the server version is TDengine 2.0. 0, ensure install the same version on the linux server where bailongma is located (can be on the same server as TDengine, or on a different server)
Bailongma project has a folder, blm_prometheus, which holds the prometheus writing API. The compiling process is as follows:
cd blm_prometheus
go build
If everything goes well, an executable of blm_prometheus will be generated in the corresponding directory.
### Install Prometheus
Download and install as the instruction of Prometheus official website. [Download Address](https://prometheus.io/download/)
### Configure Prometheus
Read the Prometheus [configuration document](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/) and add following configurations in the section of Prometheus configuration file
- url: The URL provided by bailongma API service, refer to the blm_prometheus startup example section below
After Prometheus launched, you can check whether data is written successfully through query taos client.
### Launch blm_prometheus
blm_prometheus has following options that you can configure when you launch blm_prometheus.
If TDengine is installed on a server with a domain name, you can also access the TDengine by configuring the domain name of it. In K8S environment, it can be configured as the service name that TDengine runs
blm_prometheus assembles the received prometheus data into a TDengine writing request. This parameter controls the number of data pieces carried in a writing request sent to TDengine at a time.
Set a name for the database created in TDengine, blm_prometheus will automatically create a database named dbname in TDengine, and the default value is prometheus.
## <a class="anchor" id="prometheus"></a> Data Writing via Prometheus via taosAdapter
Remote_read and remote_write are cluster schemes for Prometheus data read-write separation.
Just use the REMOTE_READ and REMOTE_WRITE URL to point to the URL corresponding to Taosadapter to use Basic authentication.
Set the user name to access TDengine, the default value is'root '
* Remote_read url: `http://host_to_taosadapter:port (default 6041) /prometheus/v1/remote_read/:db`
* Remote_write url: `http://host_to_taosadapter:port (default 6041) /Prometheus/v1/remote_write/:db`
Basic verification:
Set the password to access TDengine, the default value is'taosdata '
* Username: TDengine connection username
* Password: TDengine connection password
The port number blm_prometheus used to serve prometheus.
### Example
Launch an API service for blm_prometheus with the following command:
./blm_prometheus -port 8088
Assuming that the IP address of the server where blm_prometheus located is "10.1.2. 3", the URL shall be added to the configuration file of Prometheus as:
Example Prometheus.yml is as follows:
- url: ""
### Query written data of prometheus
The format of generated data by Prometheus is as follows:
Timestamp: 1576466279341,
Value: 37.000000,
apiserver_request_latencies_bucket {
resource="persistentvolumes", s
Where apiserver_request_latencies_bucket is the name of the time-series data collected by prometheus, and the tag of the time-series data is in the following {}. blm_prometheus automatically creates a STable in TDengine with the name of the time series data, and converts the tag in {} into the tag value of TDengine, with Timestamp as the timestamp and value as the value of the time-series data. Therefore, in the client of TDengine, you can check whether this data was successfully written through the following instruction.
use prometheus;
select * from apiserver_request_latencies_bucket;
- url: "http://localhost:6041/prometheus/v1/remote_write/prometheus_data"
username: root
password: taosdata
- url: "http://localhost:6041/prometheus/v1/remote_read/prometheus_data"
username: root
password: taosdata
remote_timeout: 10s
read_recent: true
## <a class="anchor" id="telegraf"></a> Data Writing via Telegraf and taosAdapter
Please refer to [Official document](https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads/) for Telegraf installation.
TDengine version includes a stand-alone application taosAdapter in charge of receive data insertion from Telegraf.
Please add following words in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. Fill 'database name' with the database name you want to store in the TDengine for Telegraf data. Please fill the values in TDengine server/cluster host, username and password fields.
url = "http://<TDengine server/cluster host>:6041/influxdb/v1/write?db=<database name>"
......@@ -286,9 +222,11 @@ Please add following words in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. Fill 'database name'
Then restart telegraf:
sudo systemctl start telegraf
Now you can query the metrics data of Telegraf from TDengine.
Please find taosAdapter configuration and usage from `taosadapter --help` output.
......@@ -301,16 +239,20 @@ TDengine version includes a stand-alone application taosAdapter in char
Please add following words in /etc/collectd/collectd.conf. Please fill the value 'host' and 'port' with what the TDengine and taosAdapter using.
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
Server "<TDengine cluster/server host>" "<port for collectd>"
Then restart collectd
sudo systemctl start collectd
Please find taosAdapter configuration and usage from `taosadapter --help` output.
## <a class="anchor" id="statsd"></a> Data Writting via StatsD and taosAdapter
......@@ -320,12 +262,14 @@ Please refer to [official document](https://github.com/statsd/statsd) for StatsD
TDengine version includes a stand-alone application taosAdapter in charge of receive data insertion from StatsD.
Please add following words in the config.js file. Please fill the value to 'host' and 'port' with what the TDengine and taosAdapter using.
add "./backends/repeater" to backends section.
add { host:'<TDengine server/cluster host>', port: <port for StatsD>} to repeater section.
Example file:
port: 8125
......@@ -338,9 +282,10 @@ port: 8125
Use icinga2 to collect check result metrics and performance data
* Follow the doc to enable opentsdb-writer https://icinga.com/docs/icinga-2/latest/doc/14-features/#opentsdb-writer
* Follow the doc to enable opentsdb-writer `https://icinga.com/docs/icinga-2/latest/doc/14-features/#opentsdb-writer`
* Enable taosAdapter configuration opentsdb_telnet.enable
* Modify the configuration file /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/opentsdb.conf
object OpenTsdbWriter "opentsdb" {
host = "host to taosAdapter"
......@@ -359,11 +304,15 @@ TCollector is a client-side process that gathers data from local collectors and
Please find taosAdapter configuration and usage from `taosadapter --help` output.
## <a class="anchor" id="taosadapter2-telegraf"></a> Insert data via Bailongma 2.0 and Telegraf
## <a class="anchor" id="bailongma2-prometheus"></a> Insert Prometheus data via Bailongma 2.0
TDengine provides taosAdapter to support Telegraf data writing. Bailongma v2 will be abandoned and no more maintained.
TDengine provides taosAdapter to support Prometheus data writing. Bailongma v2 will be abandoned and no more maintained.
## <a class="anchor" id="bailongma2-telegraf"></a> Insert data via Bailongma 2.0 and Telegraf
TDengine provides taosAdapter to support Telegraf data writing. Bailongma v2 will be abandoned and no more maintained.
## <a class="anchor" id="emq"></a> Data Writing via EMQ Broker
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