提交 7e48fc3c 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch '3.0' of https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine into enh/tsdb_optimize

......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ ELSE ()
MESSAGE(STATUS "Compile with Address Sanitizer!")
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -g3 -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-format-y2k")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wno-literal-suffix -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -g3 -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-format-y2k")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wno-reserved-user-defined-literal -Wno-literal-suffix -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -g3 -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-format-y2k")
# disable all assert
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# taosadapter
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/taosdata/taosadapter.git
GIT_TAG d8059ff
GIT_TAG cb1e89c
SOURCE_DIR "${TD_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/taosadapter"
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# taos-tools
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/taosdata/taos-tools.git
GIT_TAG e82b9fc
GIT_TAG d194dc9
SOURCE_DIR "${TD_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/taos-tools"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description: '快速设置 TDengine 环境并体验其高效写入和查询'
import xiaot from './xiaot.webp'
import xiaot_new from './xiaot-new.webp'
import xiaot_new from './xiaot-03.webp'
import channel from './channel.webp'
import official_account from './official-account.webp'
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
- JDBC 原生连接:Java 应用在物理节点 1(pnode1)上使用 TSDBDriver 直接调用客户端驱动(libtaos.so 或 taos.dll)的 API 将写入和查询请求发送到位于物理节点 2(pnode2)上的 taosd 实例。
- JDBC REST 连接:Java 应用通过 RestfulDriver 将 SQL 封装成一个 REST 请求,发送给物理节点 2 的 REST 服务器(taosAdapter),通过 REST 服务器请求 taosd 并返回结果。
使用 REST 连接,不依赖 TDengine 客户端驱动,可以跨平台,更加方便灵活,但性能比原生连接器低约 30%
使用 REST 连接,不依赖 TDengine 客户端驱动,可以跨平台,更加方便灵活。
TDengine 的 JDBC 驱动实现尽可能与关系型数据库驱动保持一致,但 TDengine 与关系对象型数据库的使用场景和技术特征存在差异,所以`taos-jdbcdriver` 与传统的 JDBC driver 也存在一定差异。在使用时需要注意以下几点:
local _M = {}
local driver = require "luaconnector51"
local water_mark = 0
local occupied = 0
local connection_pool = {}
td_pool_watermark = 0
td_pool_occupied = 0
td_connection_pool = {}
function _M.new(o,config)
function _M.new(o, config)
o = o or {}
o.connection_pool = connection_pool
o.water_mark = water_mark
o.occupied = occupied
if #connection_pool == 0 then
o.connection_pool = td_connection_pool
o.watermark = td_pool_watermark
o.occupied = td_pool_occupied
if #td_connection_pool == 0 then
for i = 1, config.connection_pool_size do
local res = driver.connect(config)
if res.code ~= 0 then
......@@ -18,8 +17,8 @@ function _M.new(o,config)
return nil
local object = {obj = res.conn, state = 0}
table.insert(o.connection_pool,i, object)
ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "add connection, now pool size:"..#(o.connection_pool))
table.insert(td_connection_pool, i, object)
ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "add connection, now pool size:"..#(td_connection_pool))
......@@ -32,13 +31,13 @@ function _M:get_connection()
local connection_obj
for i = 1, #connection_pool do
connection_obj = connection_pool[i]
for i = 1, #td_connection_pool do
connection_obj = td_connection_pool[i]
if connection_obj.state == 0 then
connection_obj.state = 1
occupied = occupied +1
if occupied > water_mark then
water_mark = occupied
td_pool_occupied = td_pool_occupied + 1
if td_pool_occupied > td_pool_watermark then
td_pool_watermark = td_pool_occupied
return connection_obj["obj"]
......@@ -49,21 +48,27 @@ function _M:get_connection()
return nil
function _M:get_water_mark()
function _M:get_watermark()
return td_pool_watermark
function _M:get_current_load()
return water_mark
return td_pool_occupied
function _M:release_connection(conn)
local connection_obj
for i = 1, #connection_pool do
connection_obj = connection_pool[i]
for i = 1, #td_connection_pool do
connection_obj = td_connection_pool[i]
if connection_obj["obj"] == conn then
connection_obj["state"] = 0
occupied = occupied -1
td_pool_occupied = td_pool_occupied -1
......@@ -4,8 +4,21 @@ local Pool = require "tdpool"
local config = require "config"
ngx.say("start time:"..os.time())
local pool = Pool.new(Pool,config)
local conn = pool:get_connection()
local pool = Pool.new(Pool, config)
local another_pool = Pool.new(Pool, config)
local conn, conn1, conn2
conn = pool:get_connection()
conn1 = pool:get_connection()
conn2 = pool:get_connection()
local temp_conn = another_pool:get_connection()
ngx.say("pool size:"..config.connection_pool_size)
ngx.say("pool watermark:"..pool:get_watermark())
ngx.say("pool current load:"..pool:get_current_load())
ngx.say("pool watermark:"..pool:get_watermark())
ngx.say("pool current load:"..pool:get_current_load())
local res = driver.query(conn,"drop database if exists nginx")
if res.code ~=0 then
......@@ -31,7 +44,6 @@ end
res = driver.query(conn,"create table m1 (ts timestamp, speed int,owner binary(20))")
if res.code ~=0 then
ngx.say("create table---failed: "..res.error)
ngx.say("create table--- pass.")
......@@ -83,8 +95,5 @@ while not flag do
-- ngx.say("i am here once...")
ngx.sleep(0.001) -- time unit is second
ngx.say("pool water_mark:"..pool:get_water_mark())
ngx.say("end time:"..os.time())
......@@ -31,21 +31,49 @@
extern "C" {
#if defined(CUS_NAME) || defined(CUS_PROMPT) || defined(CUS_EMAIL)
#include "cus_name.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
#define TD_TMP_DIR_PATH "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\"
#ifdef CUS_NAME
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "C:\\"CUS_NAME"\\cfg\\"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "C:\\"CUS_NAME"\\data\\"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "C:\\"CUS_NAME"\\log\\"
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "C:\\TDengine\\cfg\\"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "C:\\TDengine\\data\\"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "C:\\TDengine\\log\\"
#endif // CUS_NAME
#elif defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
#define TD_TMP_DIR_PATH "/tmp/"CUS_PROMPT"d/"
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "/etc/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "/var/lib/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "/var/log/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_TMP_DIR_PATH "/tmp/taosd/"
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "/etc/taos/"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "/var/lib/taos/"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "/var/log/taos/"
#endif // CUS_PROMPT
#define TD_TMP_DIR_PATH "/tmp/"
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "/etc/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "/var/lib/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "/var/log/"CUS_PROMPT"/"
#define TD_CFG_DIR_PATH "/etc/taos/"
#define TD_DATA_DIR_PATH "/var/lib/taos/"
#define TD_LOG_DIR_PATH "/var/log/taos/"
#endif // CUS_PROMPT
typedef struct TdDir *TdDirPtr;
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _CUS_NAME_H_
#define _CUS_NAME_H_
#ifndef CUS_NAME
#define CUS_NAME "TDengine"
#ifndef CUS_PROMPT
#define CUS_PROMPT "taos"
#ifndef CUS_EMAIL
#define CUS_EMAIL "<support@taosdata.com>"
#endif // _CUS_NAME_H_
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define tjsonGetNumberValue(pJson, pName, val, code) \
do { \
int64_t _tmp = 0; \
uint64_t _tmp = 0; \
code = tjsonGetBigIntValue(pJson, pName, &_tmp); \
val = _tmp; \
} while (0)
......@@ -92,16 +92,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t taosGetTbHashVal(const char *tbname, int32_t tblen,
#define TSDB_CHECK(condition, CODE, LINO, LABEL, ERRNO) \
if (!(condition)) { \
(CODE) = (ERRNO); \
(LINO) = __LINE__; \
goto LABEL; \
if ((CODE)) { \
(LINO) = __LINE__; \
if (CODE) { \
LINO = __LINE__; \
goto LABEL; \
# #
# Configuration #
# Any questions, please email support@taosdata.com #
# #
......@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
############### 1. Cluster End point ############################
# The end point of the first dnode in the cluster to be connected to when this dnode or a CLI `taos` is started
# The end point of the first dnode in the cluster to be connected to when this dnode or the CLI utility is started
# firstEp hostname:6030
# The end point of the second dnode to be connected to if the firstEp is not available
......@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@
# The FQDN of the host on which this dnode will be started. It can be IP address
# fqdn hostname
# The port for external access after this dnode is started
# The port for external access after this dnode is started
# serverPort 6030
# The maximum number of connections a dnode can accept
......@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@
# if free disk space is less than this value, this dnode will fail to start
# minimalDataDirGB 2.0
# enable/disable system monitor
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
# The following parameter is used to limit the maximum number of lines in log files.
......@@ -114,8 +113,8 @@
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only by this dnode.
# debugFlag is a 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
# Available debug levels are:
# 131: output warning and error
# Available debug levels are:
# 131: output warning and error
# 135: output debug, warning and error
# 143: output trace, debug, warning and error to log
# 199: output debug, warning and error to both screen and file
......@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@
# debug flag for util
# uDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for rpc
# debug flag for rpc
# rpcDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for jni
......@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@
# debug flag for query
# qDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for taosc driver
# debug flag for client driver
# cDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for dnode messages
......@@ -234,7 +234,9 @@ if [ "$verMode" == "cluster" ]; then
sed -i "s/serverName2=\"taosd\"/serverName2=\"${serverName2}\"/g" remove_temp.sh
sed -i "s/clientName2=\"taos\"/clientName2=\"${clientName2}\"/g" remove_temp.sh
sed -i "s/productName2=\"TDengine\"/productName2=\"${productName2}\"/g" remove_temp.sh
sed -i "s/emailName2=\"taosdata.com\"/emailName2=\"${cusEmail2}\"/g" remove_temp.sh
cusDomain=`echo "${cusEmail2}" | sed 's/^[^@]*@//'`
echo "domain is ${cusDomain}"
sed -i "s/emailName2=\"taosdata.com\"/emailName2=\"${cusDomain}\"/g" remove_temp.sh
mv remove_temp.sh ${install_dir}/bin/remove.sh
if [ "$verMode" == "cloud" ]; then
......@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
#include "tsched.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#if defined(CUS_NAME) || defined(CUS_PROMPT) || defined(CUS_EMAIL)
#include "cus_name.h"
......@@ -541,9 +545,15 @@ void taos_init_imp(void) {
if (taosCreateLog("taoslog", 10, configDir, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 0) {
char logDirName[64] = {0};
snprintf(logDirName, 64, "%slog", CUS_PROMPT);
snprintf(logDirName, 64, "taoslog");
if (taosCreateLog(logDirName, 10, configDir, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 0) {
// ignore create log failed, only print
printf(" WARING: Create taoslog failed:%s. configDir=%s\n", strerror(errno), configDir);
printf(" WARING: Create %s failed:%s. configDir=%s\n", logDirName, strerror(errno), configDir);
if (taosInitCfg(configDir, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 0) {
......@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ static const SSysDbTableSchema userFuncSchema[] = {
{.name = "create_time", .bytes = 8, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, .sysInfo = false},
{.name = "code_len", .bytes = 4, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, .sysInfo = false},
{.name = "bufsize", .bytes = 4, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, .sysInfo = false},
{.name = "func_language", .bytes = TSDB_TYPE_STR_MAX_LEN - 1 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, .sysInfo = false},
{.name = "func_body", .bytes = TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, .sysInfo = false},
static const SSysDbTableSchema userIdxSchema[] = {
......@@ -228,7 +228,11 @@ static int32_t taosLoadCfg(SConfig *pCfg, const char **envCmd, const char *input
taosExpandDir(inputCfgDir, cfgDir, PATH_MAX);
if (taosIsDir(cfgDir)) {
snprintf(cfgFile, sizeof(cfgFile), "%s" TD_DIRSEP "%s.cfg", CUS_PROMPT, cfgDir);
snprintf(cfgFile, sizeof(cfgFile), "%s" TD_DIRSEP "taos.cfg", cfgDir);
} else {
tstrncpy(cfgFile, cfgDir, sizeof(cfgDir));
......@@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveFuncs(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pBl
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)b2, false);
} else {
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, NULL, true);
......@@ -545,6 +546,26 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveFuncs(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pBl
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pFunc->bufSize, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
char* language = "";
if (pFunc->scriptType == TSDB_FUNC_SCRIPT_BIN_LIB) {
language = "C";
} else if (pFunc->scriptType == TSDB_FUNC_SCRIPT_PYTHON) {
language = "Python";
char varLang[TSDB_TYPE_STR_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0};
varDataSetLen(varLang, strlen(language));
strcpy(varDataVal(varLang), language);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)varLang, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
int32_t varCodeLen = (pFunc->codeSize + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN ? TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN : pFunc->codeSize + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
char *b4 = taosMemoryMalloc(varCodeLen);
memcpy(varDataVal(b4), pFunc->pCode, varCodeLen - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
varDataSetLen(b4, varCodeLen - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char*)b4, false);
sdbRelease(pSdb, pFunc);
......@@ -88,98 +88,6 @@ _exit:
return code;
extern int32_t tsdbDelFileToJson(const SDelFile *pDelFile, cJSON *pJson);
extern int32_t tsdbJsonToDelFile(const cJSON *pJson, SDelFile *pDelFile);
extern int32_t tsdbDFileSetToJson(const SDFileSet *pSet, cJSON *pJson);
extern int32_t tsdbJsonToDFileSet(const cJSON *pJson, SDFileSet *pDelFile);
static int32_t tsdbFSToJsonStr(STsdbFS *pFS, char **ppStr) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
cJSON *pJson;
ppStr[0] = NULL;
pJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// format version
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "format", 1), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// SDelFile
if (pFS->pDelFile) {
code = tsdbDelFileToJson(pFS->pDelFile, cJSON_AddObjectToObject(pJson, "del"));
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// aDFileSet
cJSON *aSetJson = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(pJson, "file set");
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(aSetJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
for (int32_t iSet = 0; iSet < taosArrayGetSize(pFS->aDFileSet); iSet++) {
cJSON *pSetJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSetJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(aSetJson, pSetJson);
code = tsdbDFileSetToJson(taosArrayGet(pFS->aDFileSet, iSet), pSetJson);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// print
ppStr[0] = cJSON_Print(pJson);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(ppStr[0], code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
if (code) tsdbError("%s failed at line %d since %s", __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
return code;
static int32_t tsdbJsonStrToFS(const char *pStr, STsdbFS *pFS) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
cJSON *pJson = cJSON_Parse(pStr);
TSDB_CHECK(pJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
const cJSON *pItem;
// format version
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "format")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
// SDelFile
if (cJSON_IsObject(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "del"))) {
pFS->pDelFile = (SDelFile *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDelFile));
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pFS->pDelFile, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
code = tsdbJsonToDelFile(pItem, pFS->pDelFile);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
pFS->pDelFile->nRef = 1;
} else {
pFS->pDelFile = NULL;
// aDFileSet
const cJSON *pSetJson;
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsArray(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "file set")), code, lino, _exit,
cJSON_ArrayForEach(pSetJson, pItem) {
SDFileSet *pSet = (SDFileSet *)taosArrayReserve(pFS->aDFileSet, 1);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSet, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
code = tsdbJsonToDFileSet(pSetJson, pSet);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (code) tsdbError("%s failed at line %d since %s", __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
return code;
static int32_t tsdbSaveFSToFile(STsdbFS *pFS, const char *fname) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
......@@ -224,84 +132,6 @@ _exit:
return code;
static int32_t tsdbSaveFSToJsonFile(STsdbFS *pFS, const char *fname) {
int32_t code;
int32_t lino;
char *pData;
code = tsdbFSToJsonStr(pFS, &pData);
if (code) return code;
TdFilePtr pFD = taosOpenFile(fname, TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_TRUNC);
if (pFD == NULL) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
int64_t n = taosWriteFile(pFD, pData, strlen(pData) + 1);
if (n < 0) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (taosFsyncFile(pFD) < 0) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (code) {
tsdbError("%s failed at line %d since %s", __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
return code;
static int32_t tsdbLoadFSFromJsonFile(const char *fname, STsdbFS *pFS) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
char *pData = NULL;
TdFilePtr pFD = taosOpenFile(fname, TD_FILE_READ);
if (pFD == NULL) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
int64_t size;
if (taosFStatFile(pFD, &size, NULL) < 0) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if ((pData = taosMemoryMalloc(size)) == NULL) {
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (taosReadFile(pFD, pData, size) < 0) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code = tsdbJsonStrToFS(pData, pFS), lino, _exit);
if (pData) taosMemoryFree(pData);
if (code) tsdbError("%s failed at line %d since %s", __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
return code;
int32_t tsdbFSCreate(STsdbFS *pFS) {
int32_t code = 0;
......@@ -439,8 +269,7 @@ int32_t tDFileSetCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
return 0;
static void tsdbGetCurrentFName(STsdb *pTsdb, char *current, char *current_t, char *current_json,
char *current_json_t) {
static void tsdbGetCurrentFName(STsdb *pTsdb, char *current, char *current_t) {
SVnode *pVnode = pTsdb->pVnode;
if (pVnode->pTfs) {
if (current) {
......@@ -451,14 +280,6 @@ static void tsdbGetCurrentFName(STsdb *pTsdb, char *current, char *current_t, ch
snprintf(current_t, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%s%s%sCURRENT.t", tfsGetPrimaryPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs), TD_DIRSEP,
pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
if (current_json) {
snprintf(current_json, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%s%s%scurrent.json", tfsGetPrimaryPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs),
TD_DIRSEP, pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
if (current_json_t) {
snprintf(current_json_t, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%s%s%scurrent.json.t", tfsGetPrimaryPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs),
TD_DIRSEP, pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
} else {
if (current) {
snprintf(current, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%sCURRENT", pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
......@@ -466,12 +287,6 @@ static void tsdbGetCurrentFName(STsdb *pTsdb, char *current, char *current_t, ch
if (current_t) {
snprintf(current_t, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%sCURRENT.t", pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
if (current_json) {
snprintf(current_json, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%scurrent.json", pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
if (current_json_t) {
snprintf(current_json_t, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%scurrent.json.t", pTsdb->path, TD_DIRSEP);
......@@ -887,15 +702,20 @@ _exit:
return code;
static int32_t tsdbFSCommitImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, const char *fname, const char *tfname, bool isJson) {
// EXPOSED APIS ====================================================================================
int32_t tsdbFSCommit(STsdb *pTsdb) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
STsdbFS fs = {0};
if (!taosCheckExistFile(tfname)) goto _exit;
char current[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char current_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, current, current_t);
if (!taosCheckExistFile(current_t)) goto _exit;
// rename the file
if (taosRenameFile(tfname, fname) < 0) {
if (taosRenameFile(current_t, current) < 0) {
code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
......@@ -904,11 +724,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbFSCommitImpl(STsdb *pTsdb, const char *fname, const char *tfn
code = tsdbFSCreate(&fs);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (isJson) {
code = tsdbLoadFSFromJsonFile(fname, &fs);
} else {
code = tsdbLoadFSFromFile(fname, &fs);
code = tsdbLoadFSFromFile(current, &fs);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// apply file change
......@@ -923,19 +739,18 @@ _exit:
return code;
// EXPOSED APIS ====================================================================================
int32_t tsdbFSCommit(STsdb *pTsdb) {
char current_json[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char current_json_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, NULL, NULL, current_json, current_json_t);
return tsdbFSCommitImpl(pTsdb, current_json, current_json_t, true);
int32_t tsdbFSRollback(STsdb *pTsdb) {
int32_t code = 0;
char current_json_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, NULL, NULL, NULL, current_json_t);
int32_t lino = 0;
char current_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, NULL, current_t);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d, %s failed at line %d since %s", TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), __func__, lino, tstrerror(errno));
return code;
......@@ -951,33 +766,13 @@ int32_t tsdbFSOpen(STsdb *pTsdb, int8_t rollback) {
// open impl
char current[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char current_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char current_json[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char current_json_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, current, current_t, current_json, current_json_t);
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, current, current_t);
if (taosCheckExistFile(current)) {
// CURRENT file exists
code = tsdbLoadFSFromFile(current, &pTsdb->fs);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (taosCheckExistFile(current_t)) {
if (rollback) {
} else {
code = tsdbFSCommitImpl(pTsdb, current, current_t, false);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
code = tsdbSaveFSToJsonFile(&pTsdb->fs, current_json);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
} else if (taosCheckExistFile(current_json)) {
// current.json exists
code = tsdbLoadFSFromJsonFile(current_json, &pTsdb->fs);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (taosCheckExistFile(current_json_t)) {
if (rollback) {
code = tsdbFSRollback(pTsdb);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
......@@ -987,10 +782,11 @@ int32_t tsdbFSOpen(STsdb *pTsdb, int8_t rollback) {
} else {
// empty TSDB
code = tsdbSaveFSToJsonFile(&pTsdb->fs, current_json);
// empty one
code = tsdbSaveFSToFile(&pTsdb->fs, current);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// scan and fix FS
......@@ -1228,12 +1024,12 @@ _exit:
int32_t tsdbFSPrepareCommit(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbFS *pFSNew) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
char current_json_t[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN];
char tfname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN];
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, NULL, NULL, NULL, current_json_t);
tsdbGetCurrentFName(pTsdb, NULL, tfname);
// generate current.json
code = tsdbSaveFSToJsonFile(pFSNew, current_json_t);
// gnrt CURRENT.t
code = tsdbSaveFSToFile(pFSNew, tfname);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
......@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ static int32_t tGetSmaFile(uint8_t *p, SSmaFile *pSmaFile) {
// EXPOSED APIS ==================================================
static char *getFileNamePrefix(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, uint64_t commitId, char fname[]) {
const char *p1 = tfsGetDiskPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs, did);
int32_t len = strlen(p1);
static char* getFileNamePrefix(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, uint64_t commitId, char fname[]) {
const char* p1 = tfsGetDiskPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs, did);
int32_t len = strlen(p1);
char *p = memcpy(fname, p1, len);
char* p = memcpy(fname, p1, len);
p += len;
*(p++) = TD_DIRSEP[0];
......@@ -121,25 +121,25 @@ static char *getFileNamePrefix(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, uint64_t
void tsdbHeadFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SHeadFile *pHeadF, char fname[]) {
char *p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pHeadF->commitID, fname);
char* p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pHeadF->commitID, fname);
memcpy(p, ".head", 5);
p[5] = 0;
void tsdbDataFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SDataFile *pDataF, char fname[]) {
char *p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pDataF->commitID, fname);
char* p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pDataF->commitID, fname);
memcpy(p, ".data", 5);
p[5] = 0;
void tsdbSttFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SSttFile *pSttF, char fname[]) {
char *p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pSttF->commitID, fname);
char* p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pSttF->commitID, fname);
memcpy(p, ".stt", 4);
p[4] = 0;
void tsdbSmaFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SSmaFile *pSmaF, char fname[]) {
char *p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pSmaF->commitID, fname);
char* p = getFileNamePrefix(pTsdb, did, fid, pSmaF->commitID, fname);
memcpy(p, ".sma", 4);
p[4] = 0;
......@@ -280,272 +280,6 @@ int32_t tGetDFileSet(uint8_t *p, SDFileSet *pSet) {
return n;
static int32_t tDiskIdToJson(const SDiskID *pDiskId, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "level", pDiskId->level), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "id", pDiskId->id), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return code;
static int32_t tJsonToDiskId(const cJSON *pJson, SDiskID *pDiskId) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// level
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "level")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pDiskId->level = (int32_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "id")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pDiskId->id = (int32_t)pItem->valuedouble;
return code;
static int32_t tHeadFileToJson(const SHeadFile *pHeadF, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "commit id", pHeadF->commitID), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "size", pHeadF->size), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "offset", pHeadF->offset), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return code;
static int32_t tJsonToHeadFile(const cJSON *pJson, SHeadFile *pHeadF) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// commit id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "commit id")), code, lino, _exit,
pHeadF->commitID = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// size
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "size")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pHeadF->size = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// offset
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "offset")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pHeadF->offset = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
return code;
static int32_t tDataFileToJson(const SDataFile *pDataF, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "commit id", pDataF->commitID), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "size", pDataF->size), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return code;
static int32_t tJsonToDataFile(const cJSON *pJson, SDataFile *pDataF) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// commit id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "commit id")), code, lino, _exit,
pDataF->commitID = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// size
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "size")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pDataF->size = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
return code;
static int32_t tSmaFileToJson(const SSmaFile *pSmaF, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "commit id", pSmaF->commitID), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "size", pSmaF->size), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return code;
static int32_t tJsonToSmaFile(const cJSON *pJson, SSmaFile *pSmaF) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
// commit id
const cJSON *pItem;
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "commit id")), code, lino, _exit,
pSmaF->commitID = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// size
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "size")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pSmaF->size = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
return code;
static int32_t tSttFileToJson(const SSttFile *pSttF, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "commit id", pSttF->commitID), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "size", pSttF->size), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "offset", pSttF->offset), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return code;
static int32_t tJsonToSttFile(const cJSON *pJson, SSttFile *pSttF) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// commit id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "commit id")), code, lino, _exit,
pSttF->commitID = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// size
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "size")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pSttF->size = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// offset
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "offset")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pSttF->offset = (int64_t)pItem->valuedouble;
return code;
int32_t tsdbDFileSetToJson(const SDFileSet *pSet, cJSON *pJson) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
code = tDiskIdToJson(&pSet->diskId, cJSON_AddObjectToObject(pJson, "disk id"));
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "fid", pSet->fid), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// head
code = tHeadFileToJson(pSet->pHeadF, cJSON_AddObjectToObject(pJson, "head"));
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// data
code = tDataFileToJson(pSet->pDataF, cJSON_AddObjectToObject(pJson, "data"));
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// sma
code = tSmaFileToJson(pSet->pSmaF, cJSON_AddObjectToObject(pJson, "sma"));
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// stt array
cJSON *aSttJson = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(pJson, "stt");
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(aSttJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
for (int32_t iStt = 0; iStt < pSet->nSttF; iStt++) {
cJSON *pSttJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSttJson, code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(aSttJson, pSttJson);
code = tSttFileToJson(pSet->aSttF[iStt], pSttJson);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
return code;
int32_t tsdbJsonToDFileSet(const cJSON *pJson, SDFileSet *pSet) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// disk id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsObject(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "disk id")), code, lino, _exit,
code = tJsonToDiskId(pItem, &pSet->diskId);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// fid
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "fid")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pSet->fid = (int32_t)pItem->valuedouble;
// head
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsObject(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "head")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSet->pHeadF = (SHeadFile *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SHeadFile)), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code = tJsonToHeadFile(pItem, pSet->pHeadF), lino, _exit);
pSet->pHeadF->nRef = 1;
// data
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsObject(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "data")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSet->pDataF = (SDataFile *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SDataFile)), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code = tJsonToDataFile(pItem, pSet->pDataF), lino, _exit);
pSet->pDataF->nRef = 1;
// sma
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsObject(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "sma")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSet->pSmaF = (SSmaFile *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmaFile)), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code = tJsonToSmaFile(pItem, pSet->pSmaF), lino, _exit);
pSet->pSmaF->nRef = 1;
// stt array
const cJSON *element;
pSet->nSttF = 0;
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsArray(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "stt")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
cJSON_ArrayForEach(element, pItem) {
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsObject(element), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pSet->aSttF[pSet->nSttF] = (SSttFile *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSttFile));
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(pSet->aSttF[pSet->nSttF], code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code = tJsonToSttFile(element, pSet->aSttF[pSet->nSttF]), lino, _exit);
pSet->aSttF[pSet->nSttF]->nRef = 1;
if (code) tsdbError("%s failed at line %d since %s", __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
return code;
// SDelFile ===============================================
void tsdbDelFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDelFile *pFile, char fname[]) {
snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN - 1, "%s%s%s%sv%dver%" PRId64 "%s", tfsGetPrimaryPath(pTsdb->pVnode->pTfs),
......@@ -571,42 +305,3 @@ int32_t tGetDelFile(uint8_t *p, SDelFile *pDelFile) {
return n;
int32_t tsdbDelFileToJson(const SDelFile *pDelFile, cJSON *pJson) {
if (pJson == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "commit id", pDelFile->commitID), code, lino, _exit,
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "size", pDelFile->size), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
TSDB_CHECK_NULL(cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJson, "offset", pDelFile->offset), code, lino, _exit,
return code;
int32_t tsdbJsonToDelFile(const cJSON *pJson, SDelFile *pDelFile) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
const cJSON *pItem;
// commit id
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "commit id")), code, lino, _exit,
pDelFile->commitID = cJSON_GetNumberValue(pItem);
// size
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "size")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pDelFile->size = cJSON_GetNumberValue(pItem);
// offset
TSDB_CHECK(cJSON_IsNumber(pItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "offset")), code, lino, _exit, TSDB_CODE_FILE_CORRUPTED);
pDelFile->offset = cJSON_GetNumberValue(pItem);
return code;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1070,8 +1070,15 @@ int32_t callUdfScalarFunc(char *udfName, SScalarParam *input, int32_t numOfCols,
if (code != 0) {
return code;
SUdfcUvSession *session = handle;
code = doCallUdfScalarFunc(handle, input, numOfCols, output);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
fnError("udfc scalar function execution failure");
return code;
if (output->columnData == NULL) {
fnError("udfc scalar function calculate error. no column data");
......@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
#include "os.h"
#include "taoserror.h"
#if defined(CUS_NAME) || defined(CUS_PROMPT) || defined(CUS_EMAIL)
#include "cus_name.h"
#define PROCESS_ITEM 12
#define UUIDLEN37 37
......@@ -252,7 +256,11 @@ int32_t taosGetEmail(char *email, int32_t maxLen) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
// ASSERT(0);
#elif defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
const char *filepath = "/usr/local/"CUS_PROMPT"/email";
const char *filepath = "/usr/local/taos/email";
#endif // CUS_PROMPT
TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_READ);
if (pFile == NULL) return false;
......@@ -264,8 +272,12 @@ int32_t taosGetEmail(char *email, int32_t maxLen) {
return 0;
const char *filepath = "/usr/local/"CUS_PROMPT"/email";
const char *filepath = "/usr/local/taos/email";
#endif // CUS_PROMPT
TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_READ);
if (pFile == NULL) return false;
......@@ -42,6 +42,25 @@ sql show functions;
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
sql select func_language, func_body,name from information_schema.ins_functions order by name
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
if $data00 != @C@ then
return -1
if $data10 != @C@ then
return -1
if $data20 != @Python@ then
return -1
if $data30 != @Python@ then
return -1
sql select bit_and(f, f) from t;
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.perf_param = ['apps','connections','consumers','queries','transactions']
self.perf_param_list = ['apps','connections','consumers','queries','trans']
self.dbname = "db"
self.vgroups = 10
self.vgroups = 4
self.stbname = f'`{tdCom.getLongName(5)}`'
self.tbname = f'`{tdCom.getLongName(3)}`'
self.db_param = {
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
def run(self): # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, remove-redundant-fstring
# time.sleep(2)
vgroups = "30"
vgroups = "4"
sql = "create database db3 vgroups " + vgroups
sql = "create table db3.stb (ts timestamp, f int) tags (t int)"
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
def run(self): # sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, remove-redundant-fstring
# time.sleep(2)
vgroups = "30"
vgroups = "4"
sql = "create database db3 vgroups " + vgroups
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute("insert into db.ctb using db.stb tags(1) (ts, c1) values (now, 1)")
tdSql.query("select count(*) from information_schema.ins_columns")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 272)
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 274)
tdSql.query("select * from information_schema.ins_columns where table_name = 'ntb'")
......@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ ELSE ()
SET(LINK_ARGP "/usr/lib/libargp.a")
......@@ -19,18 +19,6 @@
#include "shellInt.h"
#ifndef CUS_NAME
char cusName[] = "TDengine";
#ifndef CUS_PROMPT
char cusPrompt[] = "taos";
#ifndef CUS_EMAIL
char cusEmail[] = "<support@taosdata.com>";
#if defined(CUS_NAME) || defined(CUS_PROMPT) || defined(CUS_EMAIL)
#include "cus_name.h"
......@@ -92,7 +80,11 @@ void shellPrintHelp() {
printf("%s%s%s%s\r\n", indent, "-w,", indent, SHELL_WIDTH);
printf("%s%s%s%s\r\n", indent, "-V,", indent, SHELL_VERSION);
printf("\r\n\r\nReport bugs to %s.\r\n", cusEmail);
#ifdef CUS_EMAIL
printf("\r\n\r\nReport bugs to %s.\r\n", CUS_EMAIL);
printf("\r\n\r\nReport bugs to %s.\r\n", "support@taosdata.com");
#ifdef LINUX
......@@ -104,7 +96,11 @@ void shellPrintHelp() {
const char *argp_program_version = version;
const char *argp_program_bug_address = cusEmail;
#ifdef CUS_EMAIL
const char *argp_program_bug_address = CUS_EMAIL;
const char *argp_program_bug_address = "support@taosdata.com";
static struct argp_option shellOptions[] = {
{"host", 'h', "HOST", 0, SHELL_HOST},
......@@ -414,10 +410,19 @@ int32_t shellParseArgs(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
shell.info.clientVersion =
"Welcome to the %s Command Line Interface, Client Version:%s\r\n"
"Copyright (c) 2022 by %s, all rights reserved.\r\n\r\n";
strcpy(shell.info.cusName, cusName);
sprintf(shell.info.promptHeader, "%s> ", cusPrompt);
#ifdef CUS_NAME
strcpy(shell.info.cusName, CUS_NAME);
strcpy(shell.info.cusName, "TDengine");
char promptContinueFormat[32] = {0};
sprintf(promptContinueFormat, "%%%zus> ", strlen(cusPrompt));
sprintf(shell.info.promptHeader, "%s> ", CUS_PROMPT);
sprintf(promptContinueFormat, "%%%zus> ", strlen(CUS_PROMPT));
sprintf(shell.info.promptHeader, "taos> ");
sprintf(promptContinueFormat, "%%%zus> ", strlen("taos"));
sprintf(shell.info.promptContinue, promptContinueFormat, " ");
shell.info.promptSize = strlen(shell.info.promptHeader);
snprintf(shell.info.programVersion, sizeof(shell.info.programVersion),
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