提交 7cce7da5 编写于 作者: W wenzhouwww@live.cn

add test case stop follower and leader

上级 ce900e48
# author : wenzhouwww
import taos
import sys
import time
import os
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import TDDnodes
from util.dnodes import TDDnode
from util.cluster import *
import time
import socket
import subprocess
class TDTestCase:
def init(self,conn ,logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
self.host = socket.gethostname()
self.mnode_list = {}
self.dnode_list = {}
self.ts = 1483200000000
self.db_name ='testdb'
self.replica = 3
self.vgroups = 2
self.tb_nums = 10
self.row_nums = 100
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if ("community" in selfPath):
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")]
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath):
if ("taosd" in files):
rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root))
if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath):
buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")]
return buildPath
def check_setup_cluster_status(self):
tdSql.query("show mnodes")
for mnode in tdSql.queryResult:
name = mnode[1]
info = mnode
self.mnode_list[name] = info
tdSql.query("show dnodes")
for dnode in tdSql.queryResult:
name = dnode[1]
info = dnode
self.dnode_list[name] = info
count = 0
is_leader = False
mnode_name = ''
for k,v in self.mnode_list.items():
count +=1
# only for 1 mnode
mnode_name = k
if v[2] =='leader':
if count==1 and is_leader:
tdLog.info("===== depoly cluster success with 1 mnode as leader =====")
tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster fail with 1 mnode as leader =====")
for k ,v in self.dnode_list.items():
if k == mnode_name:
if v[3]==0:
tdLog.info("===== depoly cluster mnode only success at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3]))
tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster mnode only fail at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3]))
def create_db_check_vgroups(self):
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists test")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists test replica 1 duration 300")
tdSql.execute("use test")
'''create table stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t1 int)
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(5):
tdSql.execute("create table sub_tb_{} using stb1 tags({})".format(i,i))
tdSql.query("show stables")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.query("show test.vgroups;")
vgroups_infos = {} # key is id: value is info list
for vgroup_info in tdSql.queryResult:
vgroup_id = vgroup_info[0]
tmp_list = []
for role in vgroup_info[3:-4]:
if role in ['leader','follower']:
for k , v in vgroups_infos.items():
if len(v) ==1 and v[0]=="leader":
tdLog.info(" === create database replica only 1 role leader check success of vgroup_id {} ======".format(k))
tdLog.exit(" === create database replica only 1 role leader check fail of vgroup_id {} ======".format(k))
def create_db_replica_3_insertdatas(self, dbname, replica_num ,vgroup_nums ,tb_nums , row_nums ):
drop_db_sql = "drop database if exists {}".format(dbname)
create_db_sql = "create database {} replica {} vgroups {}".format(dbname,replica_num,vgroup_nums)
tdLog.info(" ==== create database {} and insert rows begin =====".format(dbname))
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
'''create table stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t1 int)
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(tb_nums):
sub_tbname = "sub_tb_{}".format(i)
tdSql.execute("create table {} using stb1 tags({})".format(sub_tbname,i))
# insert datas about new database
for row_num in range(row_nums):
ts = self.ts + 1000*row_num
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {sub_tbname} values ({ts}, {row_num} ,{row_num}, 10 ,1 ,{row_num} ,{row_num},true,'bin_{row_num}','nchar_{row_num}',now) ")
tdLog.info(" ==== create database {} and insert rows execute end =====".format(dbname))
def check_insert_status(self, dbname, tb_nums , row_nums):
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,'stb1'))
tdSql.checkData(0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums)
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,'stb1'))
def run(self):
self.create_db_replica_3_insertdatas(self.db_name , self.replica , self.vgroups , self.tb_nums , self.row_nums)
self.check_insert_status(self.db_name , self.tb_nums , self.row_nums)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ from util.dnodes import TDDnodes
from util.dnodes import TDDnode
from util.cluster import *
import datetime
import inspect
import time
import socket
import subprocess
......@@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.stop_dnode_id = None
self.loop_restart_times = 5
self.current_thread = None
self.max_restart_time = 20
self.max_restart_time = 10
self.try_check_times = 10
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
......@@ -173,10 +176,37 @@ class TDTestCase:
def check_insert_rows(self, dbname, stablename , tb_nums , row_nums, append_rows):
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
tdSql.checkData(0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums+append_rows)
status_OK = self.mycheckData("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums+append_rows)
count = 0
while not status_OK :
if count > self.try_check_times:
os.system("taos -s ' show {}.vgroups; '".format(dbname))
tdLog.exit(" ==== check insert rows failed after {} try check {} times of database {}".format(count , self.try_check_times ,dbname))
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckData("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums+append_rows)
tdLog.info(" ==== check insert rows first failed , this is {}_th retry check rows of database {}".format(count , dbname))
count += 1
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckRows("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,tb_nums)
count = 0
while not status_OK :
if count > self.try_check_times:
os.system("taos -s ' show {}.vgroups;'".format(dbname))
tdLog.exit(" ==== check insert rows failed after {} try check {} times of database {}".format(count , self.try_check_times ,dbname))
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckRows("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,tb_nums)
tdLog.info(" ==== check insert tbnames first failed , this is {}_th retry check tbnames of database {}".format(count , dbname))
count += 1
def _get_stop_dnode_id(self,dbname):
tdSql.query("show {}.vgroups".format(dbname))
......@@ -238,6 +268,92 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tdLog.info("==== stop dnode has not been stopped , endpoint is {}".format(self.stop_dnode))
tdLog.info("==== stop_dnode has restart , id is {}".format(self.stop_dnode_id))
def _parse_datetime(self,timestr):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
except ValueError:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
except ValueError:
def mycheckRowCol(self, sql, row, col):
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[2][0])
if row < 0:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, row:%d is smaller than zero" % args)
if col < 0:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, col:%d is smaller than zero" % args)
if row > tdSql.queryRows:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row, tdSql.queryRows)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" % args)
if col > tdSql.queryCols:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, col, tdSql.queryCols)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, col:%d is larger than queryCols:%d" % args)
def mycheckData(self, sql ,row, col, data):
check_status = True
self.mycheckRowCol(sql ,row, col)
if tdSql.queryResult[row][col] != data:
if tdSql.cursor.istype(col, "TIMESTAMP"):
# suppose user want to check nanosecond timestamp if a longer data passed
if (len(data) >= 28):
if pd.to_datetime(tdSql.queryResult[row][col]) == pd.to_datetime(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%d == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
if tdSql.queryResult[row][col] == self._parse_datetime(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
if str(tdSql.queryResult[row][col]) == str(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, float) and abs(tdSql.queryResult[row][col] - data) <= 0.000001:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%f == expect:%f" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data)
tdLog.info("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s row:%d col:%d data:%s != expect:%s" % args)
check_status = False
if data is None:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, str):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, datetime.date):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, float):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%d" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
return check_status
def mycheckRows(self, sql, expectRows):
check_status = True
if len(tdSql.queryResult) == expectRows:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, queryRows:%d == expect:%d" % (sql, len(tdSql.queryResult), expectRows))
return True
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, len(tdSql.queryResult), expectRows)
tdLog.info("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, queryRows:%d != expect:%d" % args)
check_status = False
return check_status
def sync_run_case(self):
# stop follower and insert datas , update tables and create new stables
......@@ -251,7 +367,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# check rows of datas
self.check_insert_rows(db_name ,stablename ,tb_nums=10 , row_nums= 10 ,append_rows=0)
# begin stop dnode
start = time.time()
......@@ -354,7 +470,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# basic insert and check of cluster
# self.sync_run_case()
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