提交 79936567 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan


上级 ae182cd7
......@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct {
int32_t id;
int64_t size;
int32_t size;
void* ptr;
} SShm;
int32_t taosCreateShm(SShm *pShm, int64_t shmsize) ;
int32_t taosCreateShm(SShm *pShm, int32_t shmsize) ;
void taosDropShm(SShm *pShm);
int32_t taosAttachShm(SShm *pShm);
void taosDetachShm(SShm *pShm);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -38,21 +38,19 @@ typedef struct {
ProcMallocFp childMallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp childFreeBodyFp;
ProcConsumeFp parentConsumeFp;
ProcMallocFp parentdMallocHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp parentMallocHeadFp;
ProcFreeFp parentFreeHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp parentMallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp parentFreeBodyFp;
SShm shm;
void *pParent;
const char *name;
bool isChild;
} SProcCfg;
SProcObj *taosProcInit(const SProcCfg *pCfg);
void taosProcCleanup(SProcObj *pProc);
int32_t taosProcRun(SProcObj *pProc);
void taosProcStop(SProcObj *pProc);
bool taosProcIsChild(SProcObj *pProc);
int32_t taosProcChildId(SProcObj *pProc);
int32_t taosProcPutToChildQ(SProcObj *pProc, const void *pHead, int16_t headLen, const void *pBody, int32_t bodyLen,
ProcFuncType ftype);
int32_t taosProcPutToParentQ(SProcObj *pProc, const void *pHead, int16_t headLen, const void *pBody, int32_t bodyLen,
......@@ -83,6 +83,10 @@ static int32_t dndParseArgs(int32_t argc, char const *argv[]) {
global.generateGrant = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) {
global.ntype = atoi(argv[++i]);
if (global.ntype <= DNODE || global.ntype > NODE_MAX) {
printf("'-n' range is [1-5], default is 0\n");
return -1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-C") == 0) {
global.dumpConfig = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-V") == 0) {
......@@ -166,14 +166,16 @@ static int32_t dndRunInParentProcess(SDnode *pDnode) {
.childMallocBodyFp = (ProcMallocFp)rpcMallocCont,
.childFreeBodyFp = (ProcFreeFp)rpcFreeCont,
.parentConsumeFp = (ProcConsumeFp)dndConsumeParentQueue,
.parentdMallocHeadFp = (ProcMallocFp)taosMemoryMalloc,
.parentMallocHeadFp = (ProcMallocFp)taosMemoryMalloc,
.parentFreeHeadFp = (ProcFreeFp)taosMemoryFree,
.parentMallocBodyFp = (ProcMallocFp)rpcMallocCont,
.parentFreeBodyFp = (ProcFreeFp)rpcFreeCont,
.shm = pWrapper->shm,
.pParent = pWrapper,
.isChild = false,
.name = pWrapper->name};
pWrapper->procType = PROC_PARENT;
pWrapper->pProc = taosProcInit(&cfg);
if (pWrapper->pProc == NULL) {
dError("node:%s, failed to create proc since %s", pWrapper->name, terrstr());
......@@ -193,7 +195,6 @@ static int32_t dndRunInParentProcess(SDnode *pDnode) {
dInfo("node:%s, will not start in parent process", pWrapper->name);
// exec new node
pWrapper->procType = PROC_PARENT;
if (taosProcRun(pWrapper->pProc) != 0) {
dError("node:%s, failed to run proc since %s", pWrapper->name, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -226,21 +227,22 @@ static int32_t dndRunInChildProcess(SDnode *pDnode) {
.childMallocBodyFp = (ProcMallocFp)rpcMallocCont,
.childFreeBodyFp = (ProcFreeFp)rpcFreeCont,
.parentConsumeFp = (ProcConsumeFp)dndConsumeParentQueue,
.parentdMallocHeadFp = (ProcMallocFp)taosMemoryMalloc,
.parentMallocHeadFp = (ProcMallocFp)taosMemoryMalloc,
.parentFreeHeadFp = (ProcFreeFp)taosMemoryFree,
.parentMallocBodyFp = (ProcMallocFp)rpcMallocCont,
.parentFreeBodyFp = (ProcFreeFp)rpcFreeCont,
.shm = pWrapper->shm,
.pParent = pWrapper,
.isChild = true,
.name = pWrapper->name};
pWrapper->procType = PROC_CHILD;
pWrapper->pProc = taosProcInit(&cfg);
if (pWrapper->pProc == NULL) {
dError("node:%s, failed to create proc since %s", pWrapper->name, terrstr());
return -1;
pWrapper->procType = PROC_CHILD;
if (taosProcRun(pWrapper->pProc) != 0) {
dError("node:%s, failed to run proc since %s", pWrapper->name, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -167,23 +167,23 @@ int32_t dndReadShmFile(SDnode *pDnode) {
for (ENodeType ntype = DNODE + 1; ntype < NODE_MAX; ++ntype) {
snprintf(itemName, sizeof(itemName), "%s_shmid", dndNodeProcStr(ntype));
cJSON *shmid = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, itemName);
if (shmid && shmid->type == cJSON_String) {
pDnode->wrappers[ntype].shm.id = atoi(shmid->valuestring);
if (shmid && shmid->type == cJSON_Number) {
pDnode->wrappers[ntype].shm.id = shmid->valueint;
snprintf(itemName, sizeof(itemName), "%s_shmsize", dndNodeProcStr(ntype));
cJSON *shmsize = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, itemName);
if (shmsize && shmsize->type == cJSON_String) {
pDnode->wrappers[ntype].shm.size = atoll(shmsize->valuestring);
if (shmsize && shmsize->type == cJSON_Number) {
pDnode->wrappers[ntype].shm.size = shmsize->valueint;
if (tsMultiProcess || pDnode->ntype == DNODE) {
if (!tsMultiProcess || pDnode->ntype == DNODE) {
for (ENodeType ntype = DNODE; ntype < NODE_MAX; ++ntype) {
SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper = &pDnode->wrappers[pDnode->ntype];
if (pWrapper->shm.id > 0) {
dDebug("shmid:%d, is closed, size:%" PRId64, pWrapper->shm.id, pWrapper->shm.size);
SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper = &pDnode->wrappers[ntype];
if (pWrapper->shm.id >= 0) {
dDebug("shmid:%d, is closed, size:%d", pWrapper->shm.id, pWrapper->shm.size);
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ int32_t dndReadShmFile(SDnode *pDnode) {
dError("shmid:%d, failed to attach since %s", pWrapper->shm.id, terrstr());
goto _OVER;
dDebug("shmid:%d, is attached, size:%" PRId64, pWrapper->shm.id, pWrapper->shm.size);
dDebug("shmid:%d, is attached, size:%d", pWrapper->shm.id, pWrapper->shm.size);
dDebug("successed to open %s", file);
......@@ -227,14 +227,12 @@ int32_t dndWriteShmFile(SDnode *pDnode) {
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, "{\n");
for (ENodeType ntype = DNODE + 1; ntype < NODE_MAX; ++ntype) {
SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper = &pDnode->wrappers[pDnode->ntype];
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmid\": \"%d\",\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype), pWrapper->shm.id);
SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper = &pDnode->wrappers[ntype];
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmid\":%d,\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype), pWrapper->shm.id);
if (ntype == NODE_MAX - 1) {
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmsize\": \"%" PRId64 "\"\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype),
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmsize\":%d\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype), pWrapper->shm.size);
} else {
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmsize\": \"%" PRId64 "\",\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype),
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, " \"%s_shmsize\":%d,\n", dndNodeProcStr(ntype), pWrapper->shm.size);
len += snprintf(content + len, MAXLEN - len, "}\n");
......@@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ int32_t dndWriteShmFile(SDnode *pDnode) {
return -1;
dDebug("successed to write %s", realfile);
dInfo("successed to write %s", realfile);
code = 0;
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ SDnode *dndCreate(const SDnodeOpt *pOption) {
SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper = &pDnode->wrappers[n];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s%s", pDnode->dataDir, TD_DIRSEP, pWrapper->name);
pWrapper->path = strdup(path);
pWrapper->shm.id = -1;
pWrapper->pDnode = pDnode;
if (pWrapper->path == NULL) {
......@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
#include "os.h"
int32_t taosCreateShm(SShm* pShm, int64_t shmsize) {
int32_t shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (size_t)shmsize, IPC_CREAT | 0600);
int32_t taosCreateShm(SShm* pShm, int32_t shmsize) {
pShm->id = -1;
int32_t shmid = shmget(0X95279527, shmsize, IPC_CREAT | 0600);
if (shmid < 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -35,19 +37,19 @@ int32_t taosCreateShm(SShm* pShm, int64_t shmsize) {
void taosDropShm(SShm* pShm) {
if (pShm->id > 0) {
if (pShm->id >= 0) {
if (pShm->ptr != NULL) {
shmctl(pShm->id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
pShm->id = 0;
pShm->id = -1;
pShm->size = 0;
pShm->ptr = NULL;
int32_t taosAttachShm(SShm* pShm) {
if (pShm->id > 0 && pShm->size > 0) {
if (pShm->id >= 0) {
pShm->ptr = shmat(pShm->id, NULL, 0);
if (pShm->ptr != NULL) {
return 0;
......@@ -56,16 +58,3 @@ int32_t taosAttachShm(SShm* pShm) {
return -1;
void taosDetachShm(SShm* pShm) {
if (pShm->id > 0) {
if (pShm->ptr != NULL) {
pShm->ptr = NULL;
pShm->id = 0;
pShm->size = 0;
pShm->ptr = NULL;
......@@ -23,34 +23,36 @@
typedef void *(*ProcThreadFp)(void *param);
typedef struct SProcQueue {
int32_t head;
int32_t tail;
int32_t total;
int32_t avail;
int32_t items;
char *pBuffer;
ProcMallocFp mallocHeadFp;
ProcFreeFp freeHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp mallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp freeBodyFp;
ProcConsumeFp consumeFp;
void *pParent;
tsem_t sem;
TdThreadMutex *mutex;
int32_t mutexShmid;
int32_t bufferShmid;
const char *name;
int32_t head;
int32_t tail;
int32_t total;
int32_t avail;
int32_t items;
char name[8];
TdThreadMutex mutex;
tsem_t sem;
char pBuffer[];
} SProcQueue;
typedef struct SProcObj {
TdThread childThread;
SProcQueue *pChildQueue;
TdThread parentThread;
SProcQueue *pParentQueue;
const char *name;
int32_t pid;
bool isChild;
bool stopFlag;
TdThread thread;
SProcQueue *pChildQueue;
SProcQueue *pParentQueue;
ProcConsumeFp childConsumeFp;
ProcMallocFp childMallocHeadFp;
ProcFreeFp childFreeHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp childMallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp childFreeBodyFp;
ProcConsumeFp parentConsumeFp;
ProcMallocFp parentMallocHeadFp;
ProcFreeFp parentFreeHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp parentMallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp parentFreeBodyFp;
void *pParent;
const char *name;
int32_t pid;
bool isChild;
bool stopFlag;
} SProcObj;
static inline int32_t CEIL8(int32_t v) {
......@@ -58,150 +60,95 @@ static inline int32_t CEIL8(int32_t v) {
return c < 8 ? 8 : c;
static int32_t taosProcInitMutex(TdThreadMutex **ppMutex, int32_t *pShmid) {
TdThreadMutex *pMutex = NULL;
static int32_t taosProcInitMutex(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
TdThreadMutexAttr mattr = {0};
int32_t shmid = -1;
int32_t code = -1;
if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&mattr) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init mutex while init attr since %s", terrstr());
goto _OVER;
return -1;
if (pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init mutex while set shared since %s", terrstr());
goto _OVER;
shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(TdThreadMutex), IPC_CREAT | 0600);
if (shmid <= 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init mutex while shmget since %s", terrstr());
goto _OVER;
pMutex = (TdThreadMutex *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
if (pMutex == NULL) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init mutex while shmat since %s", terrstr());
goto _OVER;
return -1;
if (taosThreadMutexInit(pMutex, &mattr) != 0) {
if (taosThreadMutexInit(&pQueue->mutex, &mattr) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init mutex since %s", terrstr());
goto _OVER;
code = 0;
if (code != 0) {
if (pMutex != NULL) {
if (shmid >= 0) {
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
} else {
*ppMutex = pMutex;
*pShmid = shmid;
return -1;
return code;
static void taosProcDestroyMutex(TdThreadMutex *pMutex, int32_t shmid) {
if (pMutex != NULL) {
if (shmid >= 0) {
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
return 0;
static int32_t taosProcInitBuffer(void **ppBuffer, int32_t size) {
int32_t shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, size, IPC_CREAT | 0600);
if (shmid <= 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init buffer while shmget since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
void *shmptr = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
if (shmptr == NULL) {
static int32_t taosProcInitSem(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
if (tsem_init(&pQueue->sem, 1, 0) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to init buffer while shmat since %s", terrstr());
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
uError("failed to init sem");
return -1;
*ppBuffer = shmptr;
return shmid;
return 0;
static void taosProcDestroyBuffer(void *pBuffer, int32_t shmid) {
if (shmid > 0) {
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
static SProcQueue *taosProcInitQueue(const char *name, bool isChild, char *ptr, int32_t size) {
int32_t bufSize = size - CEIL8(sizeof(SProcQueue));
if (bufSize <= 1024) {
return NULL;
static SProcQueue *taosProcInitQueue(int32_t size) {
if (size <= 0) size = SHM_DEFAULT_SIZE;
SProcQueue *pQueue = (SProcQueue *)(ptr);
int32_t bufSize = CEIL8(size);
int32_t headSize = CEIL8(sizeof(SProcQueue));
if (!isChild) {
if (taosProcInitMutex(pQueue) != 0) {
return NULL;
SProcQueue *pQueue = NULL;
int32_t shmId = taosProcInitBuffer((void **)&pQueue, bufSize + headSize);
if (shmId < 0) {
return NULL;
pQueue->bufferShmid = shmId;
if (taosProcInitSem(pQueue) != 0) {
return NULL;
if (taosProcInitMutex(&pQueue->mutex, &pQueue->mutexShmid) != 0) {
taosProcDestroyBuffer(pQueue, pQueue->bufferShmid);
return NULL;
tstrncpy(pQueue->name, name, sizeof(pQueue->name));
pQueue->head = 0;
pQueue->tail = 0;
pQueue->total = bufSize;
pQueue->avail = bufSize;
pQueue->items = 0;
if (tsem_init(&pQueue->sem, 1, 0) != 0) {
taosProcDestroyMutex(pQueue->mutex, pQueue->mutexShmid);
taosProcDestroyBuffer(pQueue, pQueue->bufferShmid);
return NULL;
return pQueue;
#if 0
static void taosProcDestroyMutex(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
if (pQueue->mutex != NULL) {
pQueue->mutex = NULL;
if (taosProcInitMutex(&pQueue->mutex, &pQueue->mutexShmid) != 0) {
taosProcDestroyMutex(pQueue->mutex, pQueue->mutexShmid);
taosProcDestroyBuffer(pQueue, pQueue->bufferShmid);
return NULL;
static void taosProcDestroySem(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
if (pQueue->sem != NULL) {
pQueue->sem = NULL;
pQueue->head = 0;
pQueue->tail = 0;
pQueue->total = bufSize;
pQueue->avail = bufSize;
pQueue->items = 0;
pQueue->pBuffer = (char *)pQueue + headSize;
return pQueue;
static void taosProcCleanupQueue(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
if (pQueue != NULL) {
uDebug("proc:%s, queue:%p clean up", pQueue->name, pQueue);
taosProcDestroyMutex(pQueue->mutex, pQueue->mutexShmid);
taosProcDestroyBuffer(pQueue, pQueue->bufferShmid);
static int32_t taosProcQueuePush(SProcQueue *pQueue, const char *pHead, int16_t rawHeadLen, const char *pBody,
int32_t rawBodyLen, ProcFuncType ftype) {
......@@ -209,9 +156,9 @@ static int32_t taosProcQueuePush(SProcQueue *pQueue, const char *pHead, int16_t
const int32_t bodyLen = CEIL8(rawBodyLen);
const int32_t fullLen = headLen + bodyLen + 8;
if (fullLen > pQueue->avail) {
return -1;
......@@ -260,7 +207,7 @@ static int32_t taosProcQueuePush(SProcQueue *pQueue, const char *pHead, int16_t
pQueue->avail -= fullLen;
uTrace("proc:%s, push msg at pos:%d ftype:%d remain:%d, head:%d %p body:%d %p", pQueue->name, pos, ftype,
......@@ -268,13 +215,14 @@ static int32_t taosProcQueuePush(SProcQueue *pQueue, const char *pHead, int16_t
return 0;
static int32_t taosProcQueuePop(SProcQueue *pQueue, void **ppHead, int16_t *pHeadLen, void **ppBody,
int32_t *pBodyLen, ProcFuncType *pFuncType) {
static int32_t taosProcQueuePop(SProcQueue *pQueue, void **ppHead, int16_t *pHeadLen, void **ppBody, int32_t *pBodyLen,
ProcFuncType *pFuncType, ProcMallocFp mallocHeadFp, ProcFreeFp freeHeadFp,
ProcMallocFp mallocBodyFp, ProcFreeFp freeBodyFp) {
if (pQueue->total - pQueue->avail <= 0) {
return 0;
......@@ -293,13 +241,13 @@ static int32_t taosProcQueuePop(SProcQueue *pQueue, void **ppHead, int16_t *pHea
bodyLen = *(int32_t *)(pQueue->pBuffer + 4);
void *pHead = (*pQueue->mallocHeadFp)(headLen);
void *pBody = (*pQueue->mallocBodyFp)(bodyLen);
void *pHead = (*mallocHeadFp)(headLen);
void *pBody = (*mallocBodyFp)(bodyLen);
if (pHead == NULL || pBody == NULL) {
return -1;
......@@ -338,7 +286,7 @@ static int32_t taosProcQueuePop(SProcQueue *pQueue, void **ppHead, int16_t *pHea
pQueue->avail = pQueue->avail + headLen + bodyLen + 8;
*ppHead = pHead;
*ppBody = pBody;
......@@ -358,65 +306,85 @@ SProcObj *taosProcInit(const SProcCfg *pCfg) {
return NULL;
int32_t cstart = 0;
int32_t csize = CEIL8(pCfg->shm.size / 2);
int32_t pstart = csize;
int32_t psize = CEIL8(pCfg->shm.size - pstart);
if (pstart + psize > pCfg->shm.size) {
psize -= 8;
pProc->name = pCfg->name;
pProc->pChildQueue = taosProcInitQueue(pCfg->shm.size / 2);
pProc->pParentQueue = taosProcInitQueue(pCfg->shm.size / 2);
pProc->pChildQueue = taosProcInitQueue(pCfg->name, pCfg->isChild, (char *)pCfg->shm.ptr + cstart, csize);
pProc->pParentQueue = taosProcInitQueue(pCfg->name, pCfg->isChild, (char *)pCfg->shm.ptr + pstart, psize);
if (pProc->pChildQueue == NULL || pProc->pParentQueue == NULL) {
return NULL;
pProc->pChildQueue->name = pCfg->name;
pProc->pChildQueue->pParent = pCfg->pParent;
pProc->pChildQueue->mallocHeadFp = pCfg->childMallocHeadFp;
pProc->pChildQueue->freeHeadFp = pCfg->childFreeHeadFp;
pProc->pChildQueue->mallocBodyFp = pCfg->childMallocBodyFp;
pProc->pChildQueue->freeBodyFp = pCfg->childFreeBodyFp;
pProc->pChildQueue->consumeFp = pCfg->childConsumeFp;
pProc->pParentQueue->name = pCfg->name;
pProc->pParentQueue->pParent = pCfg->pParent;
pProc->pParentQueue->mallocHeadFp = pCfg->parentdMallocHeadFp;
pProc->pParentQueue->freeHeadFp = pCfg->parentFreeHeadFp;
pProc->pParentQueue->mallocBodyFp = pCfg->parentMallocBodyFp;
pProc->pParentQueue->freeBodyFp = pCfg->parentFreeBodyFp;
pProc->pParentQueue->consumeFp = pCfg->parentConsumeFp;
uDebug("proc:%s, is initialized, child queue:%p parent queue:%p", pProc->name, pProc->pChildQueue, pProc->pParentQueue);
pProc->pid = fork();
if (pProc->pid == 0) {
pProc->isChild = 1;
prctl(PR_SET_NAME, pProc->name, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} else {
pProc->isChild = 0;
uInfo("this is parent process, child pid:%d", pProc->pid);
pProc->name = pCfg->name;
pProc->pParent = pCfg->pParent;
pProc->childMallocHeadFp = pCfg->childMallocHeadFp;
pProc->childFreeHeadFp = pCfg->childFreeHeadFp;
pProc->childMallocBodyFp = pCfg->childMallocBodyFp;
pProc->childFreeBodyFp = pCfg->childFreeBodyFp;
pProc->childConsumeFp = pCfg->childConsumeFp;
pProc->parentMallocHeadFp = pCfg->parentMallocHeadFp;
pProc->parentFreeHeadFp = pCfg->parentFreeHeadFp;
pProc->parentMallocBodyFp = pCfg->parentMallocBodyFp;
pProc->parentFreeBodyFp = pCfg->parentFreeBodyFp;
pProc->parentConsumeFp = pCfg->parentConsumeFp;
pProc->isChild = pCfg->isChild;
uDebug("proc:%s, is initialized, child:%d child queue:%p parent queue:%p", pProc->name, pProc->isChild,
pProc->pChildQueue, pProc->pParentQueue);
return pProc;
static void taosProcThreadLoop(SProcQueue *pQueue) {
ProcConsumeFp consumeFp = pQueue->consumeFp;
void *pParent = pQueue->pParent;
static void taosProcThreadLoop(SProcObj *pProc) {
void *pHead, *pBody;
int16_t headLen;
ProcFuncType ftype;
int32_t bodyLen;
SProcQueue *pQueue;
ProcConsumeFp consumeFp;
ProcMallocFp mallocHeadFp;
ProcFreeFp freeHeadFp;
ProcMallocFp mallocBodyFp;
ProcFreeFp freeBodyFp;
uDebug("proc:%s, start to get msg from queue:%p", pQueue->name, pQueue);
if (pProc->isChild) {
pQueue = pProc->pChildQueue;
consumeFp = pProc->childConsumeFp;
mallocHeadFp = pProc->childMallocHeadFp;
freeHeadFp = pProc->childFreeHeadFp;
mallocBodyFp = pProc->childMallocBodyFp;
freeBodyFp = pProc->childFreeBodyFp;
} else {
pQueue = pProc->pParentQueue;
consumeFp = pProc->parentConsumeFp;
mallocHeadFp = pProc->parentMallocHeadFp;
freeHeadFp = pProc->parentFreeHeadFp;
mallocBodyFp = pProc->parentMallocBodyFp;
freeBodyFp = pProc->parentFreeBodyFp;
uDebug("proc:%s, start to get msg from queue:%p", pProc->name, pQueue);
while (1) {
int32_t numOfMsgs = taosProcQueuePop(pQueue, &pHead, &headLen, &pBody, &bodyLen, &ftype);
int32_t numOfMsgs = taosProcQueuePop(pQueue, &pHead, &headLen, &pBody, &bodyLen, &ftype, mallocHeadFp, freeHeadFp,
mallocBodyFp, freeBodyFp);
if (numOfMsgs == 0) {
uDebug("proc:%s, get no msg from queue:%p and exit the proc thread", pQueue->name, pQueue);
uInfo("proc:%s, get no msg from queue:%p and exit the proc thread", pProc->name, pQueue);
} else if (numOfMsgs < 0) {
uTrace("proc:%s, get no msg from queue:%p since %s", pQueue->name, pQueue, terrstr());
uTrace("proc:%s, get no msg from queue:%p since %s", pProc->name, pQueue, terrstr());
} else {
(*consumeFp)(pParent, pHead, headLen, pBody, bodyLen, ftype);
(*consumeFp)(pProc->pParent, pHead, headLen, pBody, bodyLen, ftype);
......@@ -426,33 +394,29 @@ int32_t taosProcRun(SProcObj *pProc) {
taosThreadAttrSetDetachState(&thAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
if (pProc->isChild) {
if (taosThreadCreate(&pProc->childThread, &thAttr, (ProcThreadFp)taosProcThreadLoop, pProc->pChildQueue) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to create thread since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
uDebug("proc:%s, child start to consume queue:%p", pProc->name, pProc->pChildQueue);
} else {
if (taosThreadCreate(&pProc->parentThread, &thAttr, (ProcThreadFp)taosProcThreadLoop, pProc->pParentQueue) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to create thread since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
uDebug("proc:%s, parent start to consume queue:%p", pProc->name, pProc->pParentQueue);
if (taosThreadCreate(&pProc->thread, &thAttr, (ProcThreadFp)taosProcThreadLoop, pProc) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to create thread since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
uDebug("proc:%s, start to consume queue:%p", pProc->name, pProc->pChildQueue);
return 0;
void taosProcStop(SProcObj *pProc) {
pProc->stopFlag = true;
// todo join
bool taosProcIsChild(SProcObj *pProc) { return pProc->isChild; }
static void taosProcStop(SProcObj *pProc) {
if (!taosCheckPthreadValid(pProc->thread)) return;
int32_t taosProcChildId(SProcObj *pProc) { return pProc->pid; }
uDebug("proc:%s, start to join thread", pProc->name);
SProcQueue *pQueue;
if (pProc->isChild) {
pQueue = pProc->pParentQueue;
} else {
pQueue = pProc->pChildQueue;
taosThreadJoin(pProc->thread, NULL);
void taosProcCleanup(SProcObj *pProc) {
if (pProc != NULL) {
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