未验证 提交 78abfdd2 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #16737 from taosdata/feature/3_liaohj

refactor(query): add some logs.
......@@ -648,6 +648,8 @@ typedef struct SSttBlockLoadInfo {
SArray *aSttBlk;
int32_t blockIndex[2]; // to denote the loaded block in the corresponding position.
int32_t currentLoadBlockIndex;
int32_t loadBlocks;
double elapsedTime;
} SSttBlockLoadInfo;
typedef struct SMergeTree {
......@@ -657,10 +659,11 @@ typedef struct SMergeTree {
SLDataIter *pIter;
bool destroyLoadInfo;
SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo;
const char *idStr;
} SMergeTree;
int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFReader, uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid,
STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pVerRange, void* pLoadInfo);
STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pVerRange, void* pLoadInfo, const char* idStr);
void tMergeTreeAddIter(SMergeTree *pMTree, SLDataIter *pIter);
bool tMergeTreeNext(SMergeTree *pMTree);
TSDBROW tMergeTreeGetRow(SMergeTree *pMTree);
......@@ -668,6 +671,7 @@ void tMergeTreeClose(SMergeTree *pMTree);
SSttBlockLoadInfo* tCreateLastBlockLoadInfo();
void resetLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo);
void getLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo, int64_t* blocks, double* el);
void* destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo);
// ========== inline functions ==========
......@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ static int32_t getNextRowFromFSLast(void *iter, TSDBROW **ppRow) {
tMergeTreeOpen(&state->mergeTree, 1, state->pDataFReader, state->suid, state->uid,
&(STimeWindow){.skey = TSKEY_MIN, .ekey = TSKEY_MAX},
&(SVersionRange){.minVer = 0, .maxVer = UINT64_MAX}, NULL);
&(SVersionRange){.minVer = 0, .maxVer = UINT64_MAX}, NULL, NULL);
bool hasVal = tMergeTreeNext(&state->mergeTree);
if (!hasVal) {
......@@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ void resetLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo) {
pLoadInfo[i].blockIndex[1] = -1;
pLoadInfo[i].elapsedTime = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].loadBlocks = 0;
void getLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo, int64_t* blocks, double* el) {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < TSDB_DEFAULT_STT_FILE; ++i) {
*el += pLoadInfo[i].elapsedTime;
*blocks += pLoadInfo[i].loadBlocks;
......@@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ void* destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo) {
return NULL;
static SBlockData* loadBlockIfMissing(SLDataIter *pIter) {
static SBlockData* loadLastBlock(SLDataIter *pIter, const char* idStr) {
int32_t code = 0;
SSttBlockLoadInfo* pInfo = pIter->pBlockLoadInfo;
......@@ -100,8 +110,13 @@ static SBlockData* loadBlockIfMissing(SLDataIter *pIter) {
pInfo->currentLoadBlockIndex ^= 1;
if (pIter->pSttBlk != NULL) { // current block not loaded yet
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
code = tsdbReadSttBlock(pIter->pReader, pIter->iStt, pIter->pSttBlk, &pInfo->blockData[pInfo->currentLoadBlockIndex]);
tsdbDebug("read last block, index:%d, last file index:%d", pIter->iSttBlk, pIter->iStt);
double el = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st)/ 1000.0;
pInfo->elapsedTime += el;
pInfo->loadBlocks += 1;
tsdbDebug("read last block, index:%d, last file index:%d, elapsed time:%.2f ms, %s", pIter->iSttBlk, pIter->iStt, el, idStr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _exit;
......@@ -245,9 +260,8 @@ int32_t tLDataIterOpen(struct SLDataIter **pIter, SDataFReader *pReader, int32_t
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk);
// find the start block
int32_t index = binarySearchForStartBlock(pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk->pData, size, uid, backward);
(*pIter)->iSttBlk = index;
if (index != -1) {
(*pIter)->iSttBlk = binarySearchForStartBlock(pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk->pData, size, uid, backward);
if ((*pIter)->iSttBlk != -1) {
(*pIter)->pSttBlk = taosArrayGet(pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk, (*pIter)->iSttBlk);
(*pIter)->iRow = ((*pIter)->backward) ? (*pIter)->pSttBlk->nRow : -1;
......@@ -265,7 +279,7 @@ void tLDataIterNextBlock(SLDataIter *pIter) {
pIter->iSttBlk += step;
int32_t index = -1;
size_t size = pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk->size;//taosArrayGetSize(pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk);
size_t size = pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk->size;
for (int32_t i = pIter->iSttBlk; i < size && i >= 0; i += step) {
SSttBlk *p = taosArrayGet(pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->aSttBlk, i);
if ((!pIter->backward) && p->minUid > pIter->uid) {
......@@ -310,13 +324,13 @@ void tLDataIterNextBlock(SLDataIter *pIter) {
static void findNextValidRow(SLDataIter *pIter) {
static void findNextValidRow(SLDataIter *pIter, const char* idStr) {
int32_t step = pIter->backward ? -1 : 1;
bool hasVal = false;
int32_t i = pIter->iRow;
SBlockData *pBlockData = loadBlockIfMissing(pIter);
SBlockData *pBlockData = loadLastBlock(pIter, idStr);
// mostly we only need to find the start position for a given table
if ((((i == 0) && (!pIter->backward)) || (i == pBlockData->nRow - 1 && pIter->backward)) && pBlockData->aUid != NULL) {
......@@ -376,7 +390,7 @@ static void findNextValidRow(SLDataIter *pIter) {
pIter->iRow = (hasVal) ? i : -1;
bool tLDataIterNextRow(SLDataIter *pIter) {
bool tLDataIterNextRow(SLDataIter *pIter, const char* idStr) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t step = pIter->backward ? -1 : 1;
......@@ -386,11 +400,11 @@ bool tLDataIterNextRow(SLDataIter *pIter) {
int32_t iBlockL = pIter->iSttBlk;
SBlockData *pBlockData = loadBlockIfMissing(pIter);
SBlockData *pBlockData = loadLastBlock(pIter, idStr);
pIter->iRow += step;
while (1) {
findNextValidRow(pIter, idStr);
if (pIter->iRow >= pBlockData->nRow || pIter->iRow < 0) {
......@@ -402,7 +416,7 @@ bool tLDataIterNextRow(SLDataIter *pIter) {
if (iBlockL != pIter->iSttBlk) {
pBlockData = loadBlockIfMissing(pIter);
pBlockData = loadLastBlock(pIter, idStr);
pIter->iRow += step;
......@@ -445,7 +459,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tLDataIterCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFReader, uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid,
STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pVerRange, void* pBlockLoadInfo) {
STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pVerRange, void* pBlockLoadInfo, const char* idStr) {
pMTree->backward = backward;
pMTree->pIter = NULL;
pMTree->pIterList = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -453,6 +467,8 @@ int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFRead
pMTree->idStr = idStr;
tRBTreeCreate(&pMTree->rbt, tLDataIterCmprFn);
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
......@@ -475,7 +491,7 @@ int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFRead
goto _end;
bool hasVal = tLDataIterNextRow(pIter);
bool hasVal = tLDataIterNextRow(pIter, pMTree->idStr);
if (hasVal) {
taosArrayPush(pMTree->pIterList, &pIter);
tMergeTreeAddIter(pMTree, pIter);
......@@ -498,7 +514,7 @@ bool tMergeTreeNext(SMergeTree *pMTree) {
if (pMTree->pIter) {
SLDataIter *pIter = pMTree->pIter;
bool hasVal = tLDataIterNextRow(pIter);
bool hasVal = tLDataIterNextRow(pIter, pMTree->idStr);
if (!hasVal) {
pMTree->pIter = NULL;
......@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ typedef struct SIOCostSummary {
double smaLoadTime;
int64_t lastBlockLoad;
double lastBlockLoadTime;
int64_t composedBlocks;
double buildComposedBlockTime;
} SIOCostSummary;
typedef struct SBlockLoadSuppInfo {
......@@ -365,6 +367,9 @@ static bool filesetIteratorNext(SFilesetIter* pIter, STsdbReader* pReader) {
return false;
SIOCostSummary* pSum = &pReader->cost;
getLastBlockLoadInfo(pIter->pLastBlockReader->pInfo, &pSum->lastBlockLoad, &pReader->cost.lastBlockLoadTime);
pIter->pLastBlockReader->uid = 0;
......@@ -1434,11 +1439,6 @@ static int32_t doMergeFileBlockAndLastBlock(SLastBlockReader* pLastBlockReader,
tRowMerge(&merge, &fRow1);
doMergeRowsInLastBlock(pLastBlockReader, pBlockScanInfo, tsLastBlock, &merge);
// merge with block data if ts == key
if (mergeBlockData && (tsLastBlock == pBlockData->aTSKEY[pDumpInfo->rowIndex])) {
doMergeRowsInFileBlocks(pBlockData, pBlockScanInfo, pReader, &merge);
int32_t code = tRowMergerGetRow(&merge, &pTSRow);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1452,9 +1452,10 @@ static int32_t doMergeFileBlockAndLastBlock(SLastBlockReader* pLastBlockReader,
} else { // not merge block data
tRowMergerInit(&merge, &fRow, pReader->pSchema);
doMergeRowsInLastBlock(pLastBlockReader, pBlockScanInfo, tsLastBlock, &merge);
// merge with block data if ts == key
if (mergeBlockData && (tsLastBlock == pBlockData->aTSKEY[pDumpInfo->rowIndex])) {
if (tsLastBlock == pBlockData->aTSKEY[pDumpInfo->rowIndex]) {
doMergeRowsInFileBlocks(pBlockData, pBlockScanInfo, pReader, &merge);
......@@ -1942,7 +1943,7 @@ static bool initLastBlockReader(SLastBlockReader* pLBlockReader, STableBlockScan
int32_t code =
tMergeTreeOpen(&pLBlockReader->mergeTree, (pLBlockReader->order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC), pReader->pFileReader,
pReader->suid, pScanInfo->uid, &w, &pLBlockReader->verRange, pLBlockReader->pInfo);
pReader->suid, pScanInfo->uid, &w, &pLBlockReader->verRange, pLBlockReader->pInfo, pReader->idStr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
......@@ -1982,8 +1983,6 @@ int32_t mergeRowsInFileBlocks(SBlockData* pBlockData, STableBlockScanInfo* pBloc
static int32_t buildComposedDataBlockImpl(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo,
......@@ -2076,13 +2075,16 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
blockDataUpdateTsWindow(pResBlock, 0);
setComposedBlockFlag(pReader, true);
int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
double el = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st)/1000.0;
pReader->cost.composedBlocks += 1;
pReader->cost.buildComposedBlockTime += el;
if (pResBlock->info.rows > 0) {
tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 ", composed data block created, brange:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64
" rows:%d, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s",
pReader, pBlockScanInfo->uid, pResBlock->info.window.skey, pResBlock->info.window.ekey,
pResBlock->info.rows, (et - st) / 1000.0, pReader->idStr);
pResBlock->info.rows, el, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -3364,24 +3366,27 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
tsdbUntakeReadSnap(pReader->pTsdb, pReader->pReadSnap);
SIOCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
SFilesetIter* pFilesetIter = &pReader->status.fileIter;
if (pFilesetIter->pLastBlockReader != NULL) {
pFilesetIter->pLastBlockReader->pInfo = destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(pFilesetIter->pLastBlockReader->pInfo);
SLastBlockReader* pLReader = pFilesetIter->pLastBlockReader;
SIOCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
getLastBlockLoadInfo(pLReader->pInfo, &pCost->lastBlockLoad, &pCost->lastBlockLoadTime);
tsdbDebug("%p :io-cost summary: head-file:%" PRIu64 ", head-file time:%.2f ms, SMA:%" PRId64
" SMA-time:%.2f ms, fileBlocks:%" PRId64
", fileBlocks-time:%.2f ms, "
"build in-memory-block-time:%.2f ms, lastBlocks:%" PRId64
", lastBlocks-time:%.2f ms, STableBlockScanInfo size:%.2f Kb %s",
pReader, pCost->headFileLoad, pCost->headFileLoadTime, pCost->smaDataLoad, pCost->smaLoadTime,
pCost->numOfBlocks, pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->lastBlockLoad,
pCost->lastBlockLoadTime, numOfTables * sizeof(STableBlockScanInfo) / 1000.0, pReader->idStr);
pLReader->pInfo = destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(pLReader->pInfo);
"%p :io-cost summary: head-file:%" PRIu64 ", head-file time:%.2f ms, SMA:%" PRId64
" SMA-time:%.2f ms, fileBlocks:%" PRId64 ", fileBlocks-load-time:%.2f ms, "
"build in-memory-block-time:%.2f ms, lastBlocks:%" PRId64 ", lastBlocks-time:%.2f ms, composed-blocks:%" PRId64
", composed-blocks-time:%.2fms, STableBlockScanInfo size:%.2f Kb %s",
pReader, pCost->headFileLoad, pCost->headFileLoadTime, pCost->smaDataLoad, pCost->smaLoadTime, pCost->numOfBlocks,
pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->lastBlockLoad, pCost->lastBlockLoadTime, pCost->composedBlocks,
pCost->buildComposedBlockTime, numOfTables * sizeof(STableBlockScanInfo) / 1000.0, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
print expect 4.500000000, actual: $data02
return -1
if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
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