提交 77b8bdd5 编写于 作者: X Xiaoyu Wang

TD-11819 Parsing insert statement and assembling binary objects.

上级 0f5dc110
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ void tdDestroyKVRowBuilder(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder);
void tdResetKVRowBuilder(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder);
SKVRow tdGetKVRowFromBuilder(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder);
static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId, int8_t type, void *value) {
static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId, int8_t type, const void *value) {
if (pBuilder->nCols >= pBuilder->tCols) {
pBuilder->tCols *= 2;
SColIdx* pColIdx = (SColIdx *)realloc((void *)(pBuilder->pColIdx), sizeof(SColIdx) * pBuilder->tCols);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ typedef enum ERowCompareStat {
typedef struct SBoundColumn {
int32_t offset; // all column offset value
int32_t toffset; // first part offset for SDataRow TODO: get offset from STSchema on future
uint8_t valStat; // denote if current column bound or not(0 means has val, 1 means no val)
uint8_t valStat; // EValStat. denote if current column bound or not(0 means has val, 1 means no val)
} SBoundColumn;
typedef struct {
......@@ -63,15 +63,7 @@ typedef struct SParsedDataColInfo {
int8_t orderStatus; // bound columns
} SParsedDataColInfo;
typedef struct SParamInfo {
int32_t idx;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t timePrec;
int16_t bytes;
uint32_t offset;
} SParamInfo;
typedef struct {
typedef struct SMemRowInfo {
int32_t dataLen; // len of SDataRow
int32_t kvLen; // len of SKVRow
} SMemRowInfo;
......@@ -83,15 +75,13 @@ typedef struct {
SMemRowInfo *rowInfo;
} SMemRowBuilder;
typedef struct SBlockKeyTuple {
TSKEY skey;
void* payloadAddr;
} SBlockKeyTuple;
typedef struct SBlockKeyInfo {
int32_t maxBytesAlloc;
SBlockKeyTuple* pKeyTuple;
} SBlockKeyInfo;
typedef struct SParamInfo {
int32_t idx;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t timePrec;
int16_t bytes;
uint32_t offset;
} SParamInfo;
typedef struct STableDataBlocks {
SName tableName;
......@@ -147,7 +137,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void appendMemRowColValEx(SMemRow row, const void *value, bo
static FORCE_INLINE void getMemRowAppendInfo(SSchema *pSchema, uint8_t memRowType, SParsedDataColInfo *spd,
int32_t idx, int32_t *toffset, int16_t *colId) {
int32_t idx, int32_t *toffset) {
int32_t schemaIdx = 0;
schemaIdx = spd->boundedColumns[idx];
......@@ -165,10 +155,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void getMemRowAppendInfo(SSchema *pSchema, uint8_t memRowTyp
*toffset = ((spd->colIdxInfo + idx)->finalIdx) * sizeof(SColIdx);
*colId = pSchema[schemaIdx].colId;
static FORCE_INLINE void checkAndConvertMemRow(SMemRow row, int32_t dataLen, int32_t kvLen) {
static FORCE_INLINE void convertMemRow(SMemRow row, int32_t dataLen, int32_t kvLen) {
if (isDataRow(row)) {
if (kvLen < (dataLen * KVRatioConvert)) {
......@@ -15,20 +15,24 @@
#include "dataBlockMgt.h"
// #include "astGenerator.h"
// #include "parserInt.h"
#include "catalog.h"
#include "parserUtil.h"
#include "queryInfoUtil.h"
// #include "ttoken.h"
// #include "function.h"
// #include "ttime.h"
// #include "tglobal.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#define IS_RAW_PAYLOAD(t) \
(((int)(t)) == PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW) // 0: K-V payload for non-prepare insert, 1: rawPayload for prepare insert
typedef struct SBlockKeyTuple {
TSKEY skey;
void* payloadAddr;
} SBlockKeyTuple;
typedef struct SBlockKeyInfo {
int32_t maxBytesAlloc;
SBlockKeyTuple* pKeyTuple;
} SBlockKeyInfo;
static int32_t rowDataCompar(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) {
TSKEY left = *(TSKEY *)lhs;
TSKEY right = *(TSKEY *)rhs;
......@@ -189,8 +193,7 @@ static int32_t getRowExpandSize(STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
* TODO: Move to tdataformat.h and refactor when STSchema available.
* - fetch flen and toffset from STSChema and remove param spd
static FORCE_INLINE void convertToSDataRow(SMemRow dest, SMemRow src, SSchema *pSchema, int nCols,
SParsedDataColInfo *spd) {
static FORCE_INLINE void convertToSDataRow(SMemRow dest, SMemRow src, SSchema *pSchema, int nCols, SParsedDataColInfo *spd) {
SKVRow kvRow = memRowKvBody(src);
SDataRow dataRow = memRowDataBody(dest);
......@@ -209,8 +212,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void convertToSDataRow(SMemRow dest, SMemRow src, SSchema *p
// TODO: Move to tdataformat.h and refactor when STSchema available.
static FORCE_INLINE void convertToSKVRow(SMemRow dest, SMemRow src, SSchema *pSchema, int nCols, int nBoundCols,
SParsedDataColInfo *spd) {
static FORCE_INLINE void convertToSKVRow(SMemRow dest, SMemRow src, SSchema *pSchema, int nCols, int nBoundCols, SParsedDataColInfo *spd) {
SDataRow dataRow = memRowDataBody(src);
......@@ -485,22 +487,7 @@ static int trimDataBlock(void* pDataBlock, STableDataBlocks* pTableDataBlock, SB
static void extractTableNameList(SHashObj* pHashObj, bool freeBlockMap) {
// pInsertParam->numOfTables = (int32_t) taosHashGetSize(pInsertParam->pTableBlockHashList);
// if (pInsertParam->pTableNameList == NULL) {
// pInsertParam->pTableNameList = malloc(pInsertParam->numOfTables * POINTER_BYTES);
// }
// STableDataBlocks **p1 = taosHashIterate(pInsertParam->pTableBlockHashList, NULL);
// int32_t i = 0;
// while(p1) {
// STableDataBlocks* pBlocks = *p1;
// pInsertParam->pTableNameList[i++] = tNameDup(&pBlocks->tableName);
// p1 = taosHashIterate(pInsertParam->pTableBlockHashList, p1);
// }
// if (freeBlockMap) {
// pInsertParam->pTableBlockHashList = tscDestroyBlockHashTable(pInsertParam->pTableBlockHashList, false);
// }
// todo
int32_t mergeTableDataBlocks(SHashObj* pHashObj, int8_t schemaAttached, uint8_t payloadType, bool freeBlockMap) {
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