未验证 提交 776b32ae 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #22424 from taosdata/fix/liaohj

refactor: exec directly not asynchnoized.
......@@ -593,7 +593,6 @@ int32_t streamTaskOutputResultBlock(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDataBlock* pBlock
bool streamTaskShouldStop(const SStreamStatus* pStatus);
bool streamTaskShouldPause(const SStreamStatus* pStatus);
bool streamTaskIsIdle(const SStreamTask* pTask);
int32_t streamTaskEndScanWAL(SStreamTask* pTask);
SStreamChildEpInfo* streamTaskGetUpstreamTaskEpInfo(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t taskId);
int32_t streamScanExec(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t batchSize);
......@@ -1274,6 +1274,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
pTask->tsInfo.step2Start = taosGetTimestampMs();
qDebug("s-task:%s scan-history from WAL stage(step 2) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", id, 0.0);
streamTryExec(pTask); // exec directly
} else {
STimeWindow* pWindow = &pTask->dataRange.window;
tqDebug("s-task:%s level:%d verRange:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 " window:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64
......@@ -1525,7 +1526,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskDispatchRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
if (pTask) {
streamProcessDispatchRsp(pTask, pRsp, pMsg->code);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask);
return 0;
} else {
tqDebug("vgId:%d failed to handle the dispatch rsp, since find task:0x%x failed", vgId, taskId);
......@@ -339,8 +339,12 @@ int32_t extractMsgFromWal(SWalReader* pReader, void** pItem, int64_t maxVer, con
void* pBody = POINTER_SHIFT(pReader->pHead->head.body, sizeof(SMsgHead));
int32_t len = pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
extractDelDataBlock(pBody, len, ver, (SStreamRefDataBlock**)pItem);
tqDebug("s-task:%s delete msg extract from WAL, len:%d, ver:%"PRId64, id, len, ver);
code = extractDelDataBlock(pBody, len, ver, (SStreamRefDataBlock**)pItem);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tqError("s-task:%s extract delete msg from WAL failed, code:%s", id, tstrerror(code));
} else {
tqDebug("s-task:%s delete msg extract from WAL, len:%d, ver:%"PRId64, id, len, ver);
} else {
......@@ -211,12 +211,13 @@ int32_t doSetOffsetForWalReader(SStreamTask *pTask, int32_t vgId) {
static void checkForFillHistoryVerRange(SStreamTask* pTask, int64_t ver) {
const char* id = pTask->id.idStr;
int64_t maxVer = pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer;
if ((pTask->info.fillHistory == 1) && ver > pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer) {
if (!pTask->status.appendTranstateBlock) {
qWarn("s-task:%s fill-history scan WAL, currentVer:%" PRId64 " reach the maximum ver:%" PRId64
", not scan wal anymore, add transfer-state block into inputQ",
id, ver, pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer);
id, ver, maxVer);
double el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - pTask->tsInfo.step2Start) / 1000.0;
qDebug("s-task:%s scan-history from WAL stage(step 2) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", id, el);
......@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ static void checkForFillHistoryVerRange(SStreamTask* pTask, int64_t ver) {
/*int32_t code = */streamSchedExec(pTask);
} else {
qWarn("s-task:%s fill-history scan WAL, currentVer:%" PRId64 " reach the maximum ver:%" PRId64 ", not scan wal",
id, ver, pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer);
id, ver, maxVer);
......@@ -757,11 +757,11 @@ int32_t streamProcessDispatchRsp(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp, i
qDebug("s-task:%s dispatch transtate msg to downstream successfully, start to transfer state", id);
ASSERT(pTask->info.fillHistory == 1);
code = streamTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
return code;
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // todo: do nothing if error happens
pTask->msgInfo.retryCount = 0;
......@@ -292,9 +292,20 @@ int32_t streamDoTransferStateToStreamTask(SStreamTask* pTask) {
SStreamTask* pStreamTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pMeta, pTask->streamTaskId.streamId, pTask->streamTaskId.taskId);
if (pStreamTask == NULL) {
// todo: destroy the fill-history task here
qError("s-task:%s failed to find related stream task:0x%x, it may have been destroyed or closed", pTask->id.idStr,
"s-task:%s failed to find related stream task:0x%x, it may have been destroyed or closed, destroy the related "
"fill-history task",
pTask->id.idStr, pTask->streamTaskId.taskId);
// 1. free it and remove fill-history task from disk meta-store
streamMetaUnregisterTask(pMeta, pTask->id.streamId, pTask->id.taskId);
// 2. save to disk
if (streamMetaCommit(pMeta) < 0) {
// persist to disk
} else {
qDebug("s-task:%s fill-history task end, update related stream task:%s info, transfer exec state", pTask->id.idStr,
......@@ -334,9 +345,6 @@ int32_t streamDoTransferStateToStreamTask(SStreamTask* pTask) {
qDebug("s-task:%s no need to update time window for non-source task", pStreamTask->id.idStr);
// todo check the output queue for fill-history task, and wait for it complete
// 1. expand the query time window for stream task of WAL scanner
pTimeWindow->skey = INT64_MIN;
......@@ -390,15 +398,10 @@ int32_t streamTransferStateToStreamTask(SStreamTask* pTask) {
int32_t level = pTask->info.taskLevel;
if (level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) {
if (level == TASK_LEVEL__AGG || level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) { // do transfer task operator states.
code = streamDoTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // todo handle this
return code;
} else if (level == TASK_LEVEL__AGG) { // do transfer task operator states.
code = streamDoTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // todo handle this
return code;
return code;
......@@ -522,6 +525,7 @@ int32_t streamProcessTranstateBlock(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDataBlock* pBlock
ASSERT(pTask->streamTaskId.taskId != 0 && pTask->info.fillHistory == 1);
// agg task should dispatch trans-state msg to sink task, to flush all data to sink task.
if (level == TASK_LEVEL__AGG || level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) {
pBlock->srcVgId = pTask->pMeta->vgId;
code = taosWriteQitem(pTask->outputInfo.queue->queue, pBlock);
......@@ -530,16 +534,21 @@ int32_t streamProcessTranstateBlock(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDataBlock* pBlock
} else {
} else { // level == TASK_LEVEL__SINK
} else { // non-dispatch task, do task state transfer directly
qDebug("s-task:%s non-dispatch task, start to transfer state directly", id);
ASSERT(pTask->info.fillHistory == 1);
code = streamTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
if (level != TASK_LEVEL__SINK) {
qDebug("s-task:%s non-dispatch task, start to transfer state directly", id);
ASSERT(pTask->info.fillHistory == 1);
code = streamTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
} else {
qDebug("s-task:%s sink task does not transfer state", id);
......@@ -642,16 +651,6 @@ bool streamTaskIsIdle(const SStreamTask* pTask) {
pTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__DROPPING);
int32_t streamTaskEndScanWAL(SStreamTask* pTask) {
const char* id = pTask->id.idStr;
double el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - pTask->tsInfo.step2Start) / 1000.0;
qDebug("s-task:%s scan-history from WAL stage(step 2) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", id, el);
// 1. notify all downstream tasks to transfer executor state after handle all history blocks.
int32_t streamTryExec(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// this function may be executed by multi-threads, so status check is required.
int8_t schedStatus =
......@@ -667,36 +666,14 @@ int32_t streamTryExec(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// todo the task should be commit here
// if (taosQueueEmpty(pTask->inputQueue->queue)) {
// fill-history WAL scan has completed
// if (pTask->status.transferState) {
// code = streamTransferStateToStreamTask(pTask);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
// return code;
// }
// the schedStatus == TASK_SCHED_STATUS__ACTIVE, streamSchedExec cannot be executed, so execute once again by
// call this function (streamExecForAll) directly.
// code = streamExecForAll(pTask);
// if (code < 0) {
// do nothing
// }
// }
// atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
// qDebug("s-task:%s exec completed, status:%s, sched-status:%d", id,
// streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus), pTask->status.schedStatus);
// } else {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
qDebug("s-task:%s exec completed, status:%s, sched-status:%d", id, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus),
if (!(taosQueueEmpty(pTask->inputQueue->queue) || streamTaskShouldStop(&pTask->status) ||
streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status))) {
// }
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
qDebug("s-task:%s exec completed, status:%s, sched-status:%d", id, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus),
if (!(taosQueueEmpty(pTask->inputQueue->queue) || streamTaskShouldStop(&pTask->status) ||
streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status))) {
} else {
qDebug("s-task:%s already started to exec by other thread, status:%s, sched-status:%d", id,
streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus), pTask->status.schedStatus);
......@@ -400,11 +400,6 @@ int32_t appendTranstateIntoInputQ(SStreamTask* pTask) {
pTask->status.appendTranstateBlock = true;
qDebug("s-task:%s set sched-status:%d, prev:%d", pTask->id.idStr, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE, pTask->status.schedStatus);
pTask->status.schedStatus = TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE;
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