未验证 提交 76b8a76c 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #9544 from taosdata/feature/index_cache

fix fst bug
......@@ -108,8 +108,17 @@ void iterateValueDestroy(IterateValue* iv, bool destroy);
extern void* indexQhandle;
typedef struct TFileCacheKey {
uint64_t suid;
uint8_t colType;
char* colName;
int32_t nColName;
} ICacheKey;
int indexFlushCacheTFile(SIndex* sIdx, void*);
int32_t indexSerialCacheKey(ICacheKey* key, char* buf);
#define indexFatal(...) \
do { \
if (sDebugFlag & DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPrintLog("index FATAL ", 255, __VA_ARGS__); } \
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ typedef struct IndexCache {
int32_t version;
int32_t nTerm;
int8_t type;
uint64_t suid;
pthread_mutex_t mtx;
} IndexCache;
......@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ typedef struct CacheTerm {
} CacheTerm;
IndexCache* indexCacheCreate(SIndex* idx, const char* colName, int8_t type);
IndexCache* indexCacheCreate(SIndex* idx, uint64_t suid, const char* colName, int8_t type);
void indexCacheDestroy(void* cache);
......@@ -49,13 +49,6 @@ typedef struct TFileValue {
int32_t offset;
} TFileValue;
typedef struct TFileCacheKey {
uint64_t suid;
uint8_t colType;
char* colName;
int32_t nColName;
} TFileCacheKey;
// table cache
// refactor to LRU cache later
typedef struct TFileCache {
......@@ -103,10 +96,10 @@ typedef struct TFileReaderOpt {
// tfile cache, manage tindex reader
TFileCache* tfileCacheCreate(const char* path);
void tfileCacheDestroy(TFileCache* tcache);
TFileReader* tfileCacheGet(TFileCache* tcache, TFileCacheKey* key);
void tfileCachePut(TFileCache* tcache, TFileCacheKey* key, TFileReader* reader);
TFileReader* tfileCacheGet(TFileCache* tcache, ICacheKey* key);
void tfileCachePut(TFileCache* tcache, ICacheKey* key, TFileReader* reader);
TFileReader* tfileGetReaderByCol(IndexTFile* tf, char* colName);
TFileReader* tfileGetReaderByCol(IndexTFile* tf, uint64_t suid, char* colName);
TFileReader* tfileReaderOpen(char* path, uint64_t suid, int32_t version, const char* colName);
TFileReader* tfileReaderCreate(WriterCtx* ctx);
......@@ -124,6 +117,7 @@ int tfileWriterFinish(TFileWriter* tw);
IndexTFile* indexTFileCreate(const char* path);
void indexTFileDestroy(IndexTFile* tfile);
int indexTFilePut(void* tfile, SIndexTerm* term, uint64_t uid);
int indexTFileSearch(void* tfile, SIndexTermQuery* query, SArray* result);
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define SERIALIZE_VAR_TO_BUF(buf, var, type) \
do { \
type c = var; \
assert(sizeof(var) == sizeof(type)); \
assert(sizeof(type) == sizeof(c)); \
memcpy((void*)buf, (void*)&c, sizeof(c)); \
buf += sizeof(c); \
} while (0)
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "indexInt.h"
#include "index_cache.h"
#include "index_tfile.h"
#include "index_util.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#include "tsched.h"
......@@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ void indexClose(SIndex* sIdx) {
......@@ -130,18 +132,28 @@ int indexPut(SIndex* index, SIndexMultiTerm* fVals, uint64_t uid) {
// TODO(yihao): reduce the lock range
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(fVals); i++) {
SIndexTerm* p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
IndexCache** cache = taosHashGet(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName);
SIndexTerm* p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
char buf[128] = {0};
ICacheKey key = {.suid = p->suid, .colName = p->colName};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
IndexCache** cache = taosHashGet(index->colObj, buf, sz);
if (cache == NULL) {
IndexCache* pCache = indexCacheCreate(index, p->colName, p->colType);
taosHashPut(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName, &pCache, sizeof(void*));
IndexCache* pCache = indexCacheCreate(index, p->suid, p->colName, p->colType);
taosHashPut(index->colObj, buf, sz, &pCache, sizeof(void*));
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(fVals); i++) {
SIndexTerm* p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
IndexCache** cache = taosHashGet(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName);
SIndexTerm* p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
char buf[128] = {0};
ICacheKey key = {.suid = p->suid, .colName = p->colName};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
IndexCache** cache = taosHashGet(index->colObj, buf, sz);
assert(*cache != NULL);
int ret = indexCachePut(*cache, p, uid);
if (ret != 0) { return ret; }
......@@ -296,7 +308,12 @@ static int indexTermSearch(SIndex* sIdx, SIndexTermQuery* query, SArray** result
// Get col info
IndexCache* cache = NULL;
IndexCache** pCache = taosHashGet(sIdx->colObj, colName, nColName);
char buf[128] = {0};
ICacheKey key = {.suid = term->suid, .colName = term->colName};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
IndexCache** pCache = taosHashGet(sIdx->colObj, buf, sz);
if (pCache == NULL) {
return -1;
......@@ -360,6 +377,7 @@ static void indexMergeSameKey(SArray* result, TFileValue* tv) {
if (sz > 0) {
// TODO(yihao): remove duplicate tableid
TFileValue* lv = taosArrayGetP(result, sz - 1);
// indexError("merge colVal: %s", lv->colVal);
if (strcmp(lv->colVal, tv->colVal) == 0) {
taosArrayAddAll(lv->tableId, tv->tableId);
......@@ -368,6 +386,7 @@ static void indexMergeSameKey(SArray* result, TFileValue* tv) {
} else {
taosArrayPush(result, &tv);
// indexError("merge colVal: %s", tv->colVal);
static void indexDestroyTempResult(SArray* result) {
......@@ -383,10 +402,12 @@ int indexFlushCacheTFile(SIndex* sIdx, void* cache) {
indexWarn("suid %" PRIu64 " merge cache into tindex", sIdx->suid);
IndexCache* pCache = (IndexCache*)cache;
TFileReader* pReader = tfileGetReaderByCol(sIdx->tindex, pCache->colName);
TFileReader* pReader = tfileGetReaderByCol(sIdx->tindex, pCache->suid, pCache->colName);
if (pReader == NULL) { indexWarn("empty pReader found"); }
// handle flush
Iterate* cacheIter = indexCacheIteratorCreate(pCache);
Iterate* tfileIter = tfileIteratorCreate(pReader);
if (tfileIter == NULL) { indexWarn("empty tfile reader iterator"); }
SArray* result = taosArrayInit(1024, sizeof(void*));
......@@ -459,14 +480,14 @@ void iterateValueDestroy(IterateValue* value, bool destroy) {
} else {
if (value->val != NULL) { taosArrayClear(value->val); }
// free(value->colVal);
value->colVal = NULL;
static int indexGenTFile(SIndex* sIdx, IndexCache* cache, SArray* batch) {
int32_t version = CACHE_VERSION(cache);
uint8_t colType = cache->type;
TFileWriter* tw = tfileWriterOpen(sIdx->path, sIdx->suid, version, cache->colName, colType);
TFileWriter* tw = tfileWriterOpen(sIdx->path, cache->suid, version, cache->colName, colType);
if (tw == NULL) {
indexError("failed to open file to write");
return -1;
......@@ -479,14 +500,13 @@ static int indexGenTFile(SIndex* sIdx, IndexCache* cache, SArray* batch) {
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderOpen(sIdx->path, sIdx->suid, version, cache->colName);
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderOpen(sIdx->path, cache->suid, version, cache->colName);
char buf[128] = {0};
TFileHeader* header = &reader->header;
ICacheKey key = {
.suid = cache->suid, .colName = header->colName, .nColName = strlen(header->colName), .colType = header->colType};
char buf[128] = {0};
TFileHeader* header = &reader->header;
TFileCacheKey key = {.suid = header->suid,
.colName = header->colName,
.nColName = strlen(header->colName),
.colType = header->colType};
IndexTFile* ifile = (IndexTFile*)sIdx->tindex;
......@@ -497,3 +517,13 @@ static int indexGenTFile(SIndex* sIdx, IndexCache* cache, SArray* batch) {
int32_t indexSerialCacheKey(ICacheKey* key, char* buf) {
char* p = buf;
SERIALIZE_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, suid);
SERIALIZE_VAR_TO_BUF(buf, '_', char);
// SERIALIZE_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, colType);
// SERIALIZE_VAR_TO_BUF(buf, '_', char);
SERIALIZE_STR_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, colName, key->nColName);
return buf - p;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#define MAX_INDEX_KEY_LEN 256 // test only, change later
#define MEM_TERM_LIMIT 10000 * 10
#define MEM_TERM_LIMIT 10 * 10000
// ref index_cache.h:22
//#define CACHE_KEY_LEN(p) \
// (sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(p->colType) + sizeof(p->nColVal) + p->nColVal + sizeof(uint64_t) +
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static bool indexCacheIteratorNext(Iterate* itera);
static IterateValue* indexCacheIteratorGetValue(Iterate* iter);
IndexCache* indexCacheCreate(SIndex* idx, const char* colName, int8_t type) {
IndexCache* indexCacheCreate(SIndex* idx, uint64_t suid, const char* colName, int8_t type) {
IndexCache* cache = calloc(1, sizeof(IndexCache));
if (cache == NULL) {
indexError("failed to create index cache");
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ IndexCache* indexCacheCreate(SIndex* idx, const char* colName, int8_t type) {
cache->type = type;
cache->index = idx;
cache->version = 0;
cache->suid = suid;
pthread_mutex_init(&cache->mtx, NULL);
return cache;
......@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ Iterate* indexCacheIteratorCreate(IndexCache* cache) {
MemTable* tbl = cache->imm;
iiter->val.val = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t));
iiter->val.colVal = NULL;
iiter->iter = tbl != NULL ? tSkipListCreateIter(tbl->mem) : NULL;
iiter->next = indexCacheIteratorNext;
iiter->getValue = indexCacheIteratorGetValue;
......@@ -353,6 +354,9 @@ static bool indexCacheIteratorNext(Iterate* itera) {
SSkipListIterator* iter = itera->iter;
if (iter == NULL) { return false; }
IterateValue* iv = &itera->val;
if (iv->colVal != NULL && iv->val != NULL) {
// indexError("value in cache: colVal: %s, size: %d", iv->colVal, (int)taosArrayGetSize(iv->val));
iterateValueDestroy(iv, false);
bool next = tSkipListIterNext(iter);
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ void fstStateSetCommInput(FstState* s, uint8_t inp) {
assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans);
uint8_t val;
COMMON_INDEX(inp, 0x111111, val);
COMMON_INDEX(inp, 0b111111, val);
s->val = (s->val & fstStateDict[s->state].val) | val;
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ uint8_t fstStateInput(FstState* s, FstNode* node) {
bool null = false;
uint8_t inp = fstStateCommInput(s, &null);
uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL);
return null == false ? inp : data[-1];
return null == false ? inp : data[node->start - 1];
uint8_t fstStateInputForAnyTrans(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint64_t i) {
assert(s->state == AnyTrans);
......@@ -1062,6 +1062,7 @@ Output fstEmptyFinalOutput(Fst* fst, bool* null) {
} else {
*null = true;
return res;
......@@ -1286,6 +1287,7 @@ StreamWithStateResult* streamWithStateNextWith(StreamWithState* sws, StreamCallb
StreamWithStateResult* result = swsResultCreate(&slice, fOutput, tState);
return result;
......@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ static void tfileDestroyFileName(void* elem);
static int tfileCompare(const void* a, const void* b);
static int tfileParseFileName(const char* filename, uint64_t* suid, int* colId, int* version);
static void tfileGenFileName(char* filename, uint64_t suid, int colId, int version);
static void tfileSerialCacheKey(TFileCacheKey* key, char* buf);
TFileCache* tfileCacheCreate(const char* path) {
TFileCache* tcache = calloc(1, sizeof(TFileCache));
......@@ -80,18 +79,18 @@ TFileCache* tfileCacheCreate(const char* path) {
goto End;
char buf[128] = {0};
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderCreate(wc);
TFileHeader* header = &reader->header;
TFileCacheKey key = {.suid = header->suid,
.colName = header->colName,
.nColName = strlen(header->colName),
.colType = header->colType};
tfileSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
char buf[128] = {0};
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderCreate(wc);
TFileHeader* header = &reader->header;
ICacheKey key = {.suid = header->suid,
.colName = header->colName,
.nColName = strlen(header->colName),
.colType = header->colType};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
assert(sz < sizeof(buf));
taosHashPut(tcache->tableCache, buf, sz, &reader, sizeof(void*));
// indexTable
taosHashPut(tcache->tableCache, buf, strlen(buf), &reader, sizeof(void*));
taosArrayDestroyEx(files, tfileDestroyFileName);
return tcache;
......@@ -117,30 +116,30 @@ void tfileCacheDestroy(TFileCache* tcache) {
TFileReader* tfileCacheGet(TFileCache* tcache, TFileCacheKey* key) {
char buf[128] = {0};
tfileSerialCacheKey(key, buf);
TFileReader** reader = taosHashGet(tcache->tableCache, buf, strlen(buf));
TFileReader* tfileCacheGet(TFileCache* tcache, ICacheKey* key) {
char buf[128] = {0};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(key, buf);
assert(sz < sizeof(buf));
TFileReader** reader = taosHashGet(tcache->tableCache, buf, sz);
if (reader == NULL) { return NULL; }
return *reader;
void tfileCachePut(TFileCache* tcache, TFileCacheKey* key, TFileReader* reader) {
char buf[128] = {0};
tfileSerialCacheKey(key, buf);
void tfileCachePut(TFileCache* tcache, ICacheKey* key, TFileReader* reader) {
char buf[128] = {0};
int32_t sz = indexSerialCacheKey(key, buf);
// remove last version index reader
TFileReader** p = taosHashGet(tcache->tableCache, buf, strlen(buf));
TFileReader** p = taosHashGet(tcache->tableCache, buf, sz);
if (p != NULL) {
TFileReader* oldReader = *p;
taosHashRemove(tcache->tableCache, buf, strlen(buf));
taosHashRemove(tcache->tableCache, buf, sz);
oldReader->remove = true;
taosHashPut(tcache->tableCache, buf, sz, &reader, sizeof(void*));
taosHashPut(tcache->tableCache, buf, strlen(buf), &reader, sizeof(void*));
TFileReader* tfileReaderCreate(WriterCtx* ctx) {
......@@ -230,8 +229,6 @@ TFileReader* tfileReaderOpen(char* path, uint64_t suid, int32_t version, const c
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderCreate(wc);
return reader;
// tfileSerialCacheKey(&key, buf);
TFileWriter* tfileWriterCreate(WriterCtx* ctx, TFileHeader* header) {
// char pathBuf[128] = {0};
......@@ -325,15 +322,19 @@ int tfileWriterPut(TFileWriter* tw, void* data, bool order) {
return -1;
// write fst
// write data
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
// TODO, fst batch write later
TFileValue* v = taosArrayGetP((SArray*)data, i);
if (tfileWriteData(tw, v) == 0) {
if (tfileWriteData(tw, v) != 0) {
indexError("failed to write data: %s, offset: %d len: %d", v->colVal, v->offset,
} else {
indexInfo("success to write data: %s, offset: %d len: %d", v->colVal, v->offset,
indexError("data: %s, offset: %d len: %d", v->colVal, v->offset, (int)taosArrayGetSize(v->tableId));
......@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ IndexTFile* indexTFileCreate(const char* path) {
tfile->cache = tfileCacheCreate(path);
return tfile;
void IndexTFileDestroy(IndexTFile* tfile) {
void indexTFileDestroy(IndexTFile* tfile) {
......@@ -369,9 +370,8 @@ int indexTFileSearch(void* tfile, SIndexTermQuery* query, SArray* result) {
if (tfile == NULL) { return ret; }
IndexTFile* pTfile = (IndexTFile*)tfile;
SIndexTerm* term = query->term;
TFileCacheKey key = {
.suid = term->suid, .colType = term->colType, .colName = term->colName, .nColName = term->nColName};
SIndexTerm* term = query->term;
ICacheKey key = {.suid = term->suid, .colType = term->colType, .colName = term->colName, .nColName = term->nColName};
TFileReader* reader = tfileCacheGet(pTfile->cache, &key);
if (reader == NULL) { return 0; }
......@@ -385,8 +385,10 @@ int indexTFilePut(void* tfile, SIndexTerm* term, uint64_t uid) {
static bool tfileIteratorNext(Iterate* iiter) {
IterateValue* iv = &iiter->val;
if (iv->colVal != NULL && iv->val != NULL) {
// indexError("value in fst: colVal: %s, size: %d", iv->colVal, (int)taosArrayGetSize(iv->val));
iterateValueDestroy(iv, false);
// SArray* tblIds = iv->val;
char* colVal = NULL;
uint64_t offset = 0;
......@@ -406,14 +408,14 @@ static bool tfileIteratorNext(Iterate* iiter) {
if (tfileReaderLoadTableIds(tIter->rdr, offset, iv->val) != 0) { return false; }
iv->colVal = colVal;
return true;
// std::string key(ch, sz);
static IterateValue* tifileIterateGetValue(Iterate* iter) { return &iter->val; }
static TFileFstIter* tfileFstIteratorCreate(TFileReader* reader) {
TFileFstIter* tIter = calloc(1, sizeof(Iterate));
TFileFstIter* tIter = calloc(1, sizeof(TFileFstIter));
if (tIter == NULL) { return NULL; }
tIter->ctx = automCtxCreate(NULL, AUTOMATION_ALWAYS);
......@@ -435,6 +437,7 @@ Iterate* tfileIteratorCreate(TFileReader* reader) {
iter->next = tfileIteratorNext;
iter->getValue = tifileIterateGetValue;
iter->val.val = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t));
iter->val.colVal = NULL;
return iter;
void tfileIteratorDestroy(Iterate* iter) {
......@@ -447,13 +450,14 @@ void tfileIteratorDestroy(Iterate* iter) {
TFileReader* tfileGetReaderByCol(IndexTFile* tf, char* colName) {
TFileReader* tfileGetReaderByCol(IndexTFile* tf, uint64_t suid, char* colName) {
if (tf == NULL) { return NULL; }
TFileCacheKey key = {.suid = 0, .colType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, .colName = colName, .nColName = strlen(colName)};
ICacheKey key = {.suid = suid, .colType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, .colName = colName, .nColName = strlen(colName)};
return tfileCacheGet(tf->cache, &key);
......@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ static int tfileValueCompare(const void* a, const void* b, const void* param) {
TFileValue* tfileValueCreate(char* val) {
TFileValue* tf = calloc(1, sizeof(TFileValue));
if (tf == NULL) { return NULL; }
tf->colVal = val;
tf->colVal = tstrdup(val);
tf->tableId = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(uint64_t));
return tf;
......@@ -491,6 +495,7 @@ int tfileValuePush(TFileValue* tf, uint64_t val) {
void tfileValueDestroy(TFileValue* tf) {
static void tfileSerialTableIdsToBuf(char* buf, SArray* ids) {
......@@ -648,10 +653,3 @@ static int tfileParseFileName(const char* filename, uint64_t* suid, int* colId,
return -1;
static void tfileSerialCacheKey(TFileCacheKey* key, char* buf) {
// SERIALIZE_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, suid);
// SERIALIZE_VAR_TO_BUF(buf, '_', char);
// SERIALIZE_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, colType);
// SERIALIZE_VAR_TO_BUF(buf, '_', char);
SERIALIZE_STR_MEM_TO_BUF(buf, key, colName, key->nColName);
......@@ -24,8 +24,13 @@ class FstWriter {
_b = fstBuilderCreate(_wc, 0);
bool Put(const std::string& key, uint64_t val) {
// char buf[128] = {0};
// int len = 0;
// taosMbsToUcs4(key.c_str(), key.size(), buf, 128, &len);
// FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)buf, len);
FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.size());
bool ok = fstBuilderInsert(_b, skey, val);
return ok;
......@@ -61,6 +66,11 @@ class FstReadMemory {
return _fst != NULL;
bool Get(const std::string& key, uint64_t* val) {
// char buf[128] = {0};
// int len = 0;
// taosMbsToUcs4(key.c_str(), key.size(), buf, 128, &len);
// FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)buf, len);
FstSlice skey = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)key.c_str(), key.size());
bool ok = fstGet(_fst, &skey, val);
......@@ -135,15 +145,109 @@ int Performance_fstWriteRecords(FstWriter* b) {
return L * M * N;
void Performance_fstReadRecords(FstReadMemory* m) {
std::string str("aa");
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
str[0] = 'a' + i;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
str[1] = 'a' + j;
for (int k = 0; k < L; k++) {
uint64_t val, cost;
if (m->GetWithTimeCostUs(str, &val, &cost)) {
printf("succes to get kv(%s, %" PRId64 "), cost: %" PRId64 "\n", str.c_str(), val, cost);
} else {
printf("failed to get key: %s\n", str.c_str());
void checkMillonWriteAndReadOfFst() {
FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter;
delete fw;
FstReadMemory* fr = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64 * 1024);
if (fr->init()) { printf("success to init fst read"); }
delete fr;
void checkFstLongTerm() {
FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter;
// Performance_fstWriteRecords(fw);
fw->Put("A B", 1);
fw->Put("C", 2);
fw->Put("a", 3);
delete fw;
FstReadMemory* m = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64);
if (m->init() == false) {
std::cout << "init readMemory failed" << std::endl;
delete m;
uint64_t val = 0;
if (m->Get("A B", &val)) {
std::cout << "success to Get: " << val << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "failed to Get:" << val << std::endl;
uint64_t val = 0;
if (m->Get("C", &val)) {
std::cout << "success to Get: " << val << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "failed to Get:" << val << std::endl;
uint64_t val = 0;
if (m->Get("a", &val)) {
std::cout << "success to Get: " << val << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "failed to Get:" << val << std::endl;
// prefix search
// std::vector<uint64_t> result;
// AutomationCtx* ctx = automCtxCreate((void*)"ab", AUTOMATION_ALWAYS);
// m->Search(ctx, result);
// std::cout << "size: " << result.size() << std::endl;
// assert(result.size() == count);
// for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
// assert(result[i] == i); // check result
// free(ctx);
// delete m;
void checkFstCheckIterator() {
FstWriter* fw = new FstWriter;
int64_t s = taosGetTimestampUs();
int count = 2;
// Performance_fstWriteRecords(fw);
int64_t e = taosGetTimestampUs();
std::cout << "insert data count : " << count << "elapas time: " << e - s << std::endl;
fw->Put("Hello world", 1);
fw->Put("hello world", 2);
fw->Put("hello worle", 3);
fw->Put("hello worlf", 4);
delete fw;
FstReadMemory* m = new FstReadMemory(1024 * 64);
......@@ -171,7 +275,7 @@ void checkFstCheckIterator() {
void fst_get(Fst* fst) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
std::string term = "Hello";
std::string term = "Hello World";
FstSlice key = fstSliceCreate((uint8_t*)term.c_str(), term.size());
uint64_t offset = 0;
bool ret = fstGet(fst, &key, &offset);
......@@ -189,7 +293,7 @@ void validateTFile(char* arg) {
std::thread threads[NUM_OF_THREAD];
// std::vector<std::thread> threads;
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderOpen(arg, 0, 295868, "tag1");
TFileReader* reader = tfileReaderOpen(arg, 0, 999992, "tag1");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_THREAD; i++) {
threads[i] = std::thread(fst_get, reader->fst);
......@@ -203,9 +307,12 @@ void validateTFile(char* arg) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc > 1) { validateTFile(argv[1]); }
// tool to check all kind of fst test
// if (argc > 1) { validateTFile(argv[1]); }
// checkFstCheckIterator();
// checkFstLongTerm();
// checkFstPrefixSearch();
return 1;
......@@ -457,7 +457,10 @@ TEST_F(IndexTFileEnv, test_tfile_write) {
// taosArrayPush(data, &v4);
for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(data); i++) { destroyTFileValue(taosArrayGetP(data, i)); }
for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(data); i++) {
// data
destroyTFileValue(taosArrayGetP(data, i));
std::string colName("voltage");
......@@ -470,6 +473,7 @@ TEST_F(IndexTFileEnv, test_tfile_write) {
fObj->Get(&query, result);
assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == 200);
// tfileWriterDestroy(twrite);
......@@ -477,7 +481,7 @@ class CacheObj {
CacheObj() {
cache = indexCacheCreate(NULL, "voltage", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
cache = indexCacheCreate(NULL, 0, "voltage", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
int Put(SIndexTerm* term, int16_t colId, int32_t version, uint64_t uid) {
int ret = indexCachePut(cache, term, uid);
......@@ -534,6 +538,7 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
// indexTermDestry(term);
......@@ -541,24 +546,28 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
std::string colVal("v2");
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
std::string colVal("v3");
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
std::string colVal("v3");
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
std::cout << "--------first----------" << std::endl;
......@@ -567,12 +576,14 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, othColId, version++, suid++);
std::string colVal("v4");
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, othColId, version++, suid++);
std::cout << "--------second----------" << std::endl;
......@@ -583,6 +594,7 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
coj->Put(term, colId, version++, suid++);
......@@ -598,6 +610,9 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
coj->Get(&query, colId, 10000, ret, &valType);
std::cout << "size : " << taosArrayGetSize(ret) << std::endl;
assert(taosArrayGetSize(ret) == 4);
std::string colVal("v2");
......@@ -609,6 +624,9 @@ TEST_F(IndexCacheEnv, cache_test) {
coj->Get(&query, colId, 10000, ret, &valType);
assert(taosArrayGetSize(ret) == 1);
class IndexObj {
......@@ -678,13 +696,16 @@ class IndexObj {
SArray* result = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(uint64_t));
if (Search(mq, result) == 0) { std::cout << "search one successfully" << std::endl; }
return taosArrayGetSize(result);
int sz = taosArrayGetSize(result);
return sz;
// assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == targetSize);
void PutOne(const std::string& colName, const std::string& colVal) {
SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate();
SIndexTerm* term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(),
colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
SIndexMultiTerm* terms = indexMultiTermCreate();
indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term);
Put(terms, 10);
......@@ -783,18 +804,21 @@ TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndexOpen) {
index->Search(mq, result);
std::cout << "target size: " << taosArrayGetSize(result) << std::endl;
assert(taosArrayGetSize(result) == 400);
TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_TrigeFlush) {
std::string path = "/tmp/test";
std::string path = "/tmp/test1";
if (index->Init(path) != 0) {
// r
std::cout << "failed to init" << std::endl;
int numOfTable = 100 * 10000;
index->WriteMillonData("tag1", "Hello", numOfTable);
int target = index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello");
index->WriteMillonData("tag1", "Hello Wolrd", numOfTable);
int target = index->SearchOne("tag1", "Hello Wolrd");
std::cout << "Get Index: " << target << std::endl;
assert(numOfTable == target);
......@@ -821,14 +845,6 @@ TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_serarch_cache_and_tfile) {
TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_multi_thread_write) {
std::string path = "/tmp";
if (index->Init(path) != 0) {}
TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_multi_thread_read) {
std::string path = "/tmp";
if (index->Init(path) != 0) {}
TEST_F(IndexEnv2, testIndex_restart) {
std::string path = "/tmp";
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