未验证 提交 7608dab8 编写于 作者: sangshuduo's avatar sangshuduo 提交者: GitHub

[TD-4605]<fix>: early version visual studio compile. (#6399)

上级 2f098961
......@@ -625,6 +625,10 @@ static int64_t g_totalChildTables = 0;
static SQueryMetaInfo g_queryInfo;
static FILE * g_fpOfInsertResult = NULL;
#if _MSC_VER <= 1900
#define __func__ __FUNCTION__
#define debugPrint(fmt, ...) \
do { if (g_args.debug_print || g_args.verbose_print) \
fprintf(stderr, "DEBG: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
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