未验证 提交 6af99d75 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #19518 from taosdata/FIX/TD-21662-main

enh: fsync each WAL log after appending when wal_level=2 and wal_fsync_period=0
......@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ SyncTerm raftLogLastTerm(struct SSyncLogStore* pLogStore) {
static inline bool raftLogForceSync(SSyncRaftEntry* pEntry) { return (pEntry->originalRpcType == TDMT_VND_COMMIT); }
static int32_t raftLogAppendEntry(struct SSyncLogStore* pLogStore, SSyncRaftEntry* pEntry) {
SSyncLogStoreData* pData = pLogStore->data;
SWal* pWal = pData->pWal;
......@@ -219,9 +221,8 @@ static int32_t raftLogAppendEntry(struct SSyncLogStore* pLogStore, SSyncRaftEntr
ASSERT(pEntry->index == index);
if (pEntry->originalRpcType == TDMT_VND_COMMIT) {
walFsync(pWal, true);
bool forceSync = raftLogForceSync(pEntry);
walFsync(pWal, forceSync);
sNTrace(pData->pSyncNode, "write index:%" PRId64 ", type:%s, origin type:%s, elapsed:%" PRId64, pEntry->index,
TMSG_INFO(pEntry->msgType), TMSG_INFO(pEntry->originalRpcType), tsElapsed);
......@@ -637,11 +637,6 @@ int32_t walWrite(SWal *pWal, int64_t index, tmsg_t msgType, const void *body, in
void walFsync(SWal *pWal, bool forceFsync) {
if (forceFsync || (pWal->cfg.level == TAOS_WAL_FSYNC && pWal->cfg.fsyncPeriod == 0)) {
wTrace("vgId:%d, fileId:%" PRId64 ".idx, do fsync", pWal->cfg.vgId, walGetCurFileFirstVer(pWal));
if (taosFsyncFile(pWal->pIdxFile) < 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, file:%" PRId64 ".idx, fsync failed since %s", pWal->cfg.vgId, walGetCurFileFirstVer(pWal),
wTrace("vgId:%d, fileId:%" PRId64 ".log, do fsync", pWal->cfg.vgId, walGetCurFileFirstVer(pWal));
if (taosFsyncFile(pWal->pLogFile) < 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, file:%" PRId64 ".log, fsync failed since %s", pWal->cfg.vgId, walGetCurFileFirstVer(pWal),
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