提交 69e9f697 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

other: add some missing modification files to git.

上级 4eaf1f5b
......@@ -64,21 +64,7 @@ static void doExprTreeDestroy(tExprNode **pExpr, void (*fp)(void *)) {
int32_t type = (*pExpr)->nodeType;
doExprTreeDestroy(&(*pExpr)->_node.pLeft, fp);
doExprTreeDestroy(&(*pExpr)->_node.pRight, fp);
if (fp != NULL) {
} else if (type == TEXPR_UNARYEXPR_NODE) {
doExprTreeDestroy(&(*pExpr)->_node.pLeft, fp);
if (fp != NULL) {
assert((*pExpr)->_node.pRight == NULL);
} else if (type == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) {
if (type == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) {
} else if (type == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
......@@ -90,9 +76,7 @@ static void doExprTreeDestroy(tExprNode **pExpr, void (*fp)(void *)) {
bool exprTreeApplyFilter(tExprNode *pExpr, const void *pItem, SExprTraverseSupp *param) {
tExprNode *pLeft = pExpr->_node.pLeft;
tExprNode *pRight = pExpr->_node.pRight;
#if 0
//non-leaf nodes, recursively traverse the expression tree in the post-root order
if (pLeft->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE && pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE) {
if (pExpr->_node.optr == LOGIC_COND_TYPE_OR) { // or
......@@ -114,6 +98,9 @@ bool exprTreeApplyFilter(tExprNode *pExpr, const void *pItem, SExprTraverseSupp
// handle the leaf node
param->setupInfoFn(pExpr, param->pExtInfo);
return param->nodeFilterFn(pItem, pExpr->_node.info);
return 0;
// TODO: these three functions should be made global
......@@ -141,59 +128,6 @@ static UNUSED_FUNC char* exception_strdup(const char* str) {
return p;
static tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(SBufferReader* br) {
int32_t anchor = CLEANUP_GET_ANCHOR();
return NULL;
tExprNode* pExpr = exception_calloc(1, sizeof(tExprNode));
CLEANUP_PUSH_VOID_PTR_PTR(true, tExprTreeDestroy, pExpr, NULL);
pExpr->nodeType = tbufReadUint8(br);
if (pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) {
SVariant* pVal = exception_calloc(1, sizeof(SVariant));
pExpr->pVal = pVal;
pVal->nType = tbufReadUint32(br);
if (pVal->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
tbufReadToBuffer(br, &pVal->nLen, sizeof(pVal->nLen));
pVal->pz = taosMemoryCalloc(1, pVal->nLen + 1);
tbufReadToBuffer(br, pVal->pz, pVal->nLen);
} else {
pVal->i = tbufReadInt64(br);
} else if (pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
SSchema* pSchema = exception_calloc(1, sizeof(SSchema));
pExpr->pSchema = pSchema;
pSchema->colId = tbufReadInt16(br);
pSchema->bytes = tbufReadInt16(br);
pSchema->type = tbufReadUint8(br);
tbufReadToString(br, pSchema->name, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN);
} else if (pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE) {
pExpr->_node.optr = tbufReadUint8(br);
pExpr->_node.pLeft = exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(br);
pExpr->_node.pRight = exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(br);
assert(pExpr->_node.pLeft != NULL && pExpr->_node.pRight != NULL);
CLEANUP_EXECUTE_TO(anchor, false);
return pExpr;
tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinary(const void* data, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) {
return NULL;
SBufferReader br = tbufInitReader(data, size, false);
return exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(&br);
void buildFilterSetFromBinary(void **q, const char *buf, int32_t len) {
SBufferReader br = tbufInitReader(buf, len, false);
uint32_t type = tbufReadUint32(&br);
......@@ -405,38 +339,3 @@ err_ret:
tExprNode* exprdup(tExprNode* pNode) {
if (pNode == NULL) {
return NULL;
tExprNode* pCloned = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(tExprNode));
if (pNode->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE) {
tExprNode* pLeft = exprdup(pNode->_node.pLeft);
tExprNode* pRight = exprdup(pNode->_node.pRight);
pCloned->_node.pLeft = pLeft;
pCloned->_node.pRight = pRight;
pCloned->_node.optr = pNode->_node.optr;
} else if (pNode->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) {
pCloned->pVal = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVariant));
taosVariantAssign(pCloned->pVal, pNode->pVal);
} else if (pNode->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
pCloned->pSchema = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSchema));
*pCloned->pSchema = *pNode->pSchema;
} else if (pNode->nodeType == TEXPR_FUNCTION_NODE) {
strcpy(pCloned->_function.functionName, pNode->_function.functionName);
int32_t num = pNode->_function.num;
pCloned->_function.num = num;
pCloned->_function.pChild = taosMemoryCalloc(num, POINTER_BYTES);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
pCloned->_function.pChild[i] = exprdup(pNode->_function.pChild[i]);
pCloned->nodeType = pNode->nodeType;
return pCloned;
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