提交 6768ae81 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Now each WorkerThread provides its own SQL execution, but still using a shared db connection

上级 884e7fe6
from .cinterface import CTaosInterface
from .error import *
querySeqNum = 0
class TDengineCursor(object):
"""Database cursor which is used to manage the context of a fetch operation.
......@@ -109,7 +111,14 @@ class TDengineCursor(object):
if params is not None:
# global querySeqNum
# querySeqNum += 1
# localSeqNum = querySeqNum # avoid raice condition
# print(" >> Exec Query ({}): {}".format(localSeqNum, str(stmt)))
res = CTaosInterface.query(self._connection._conn, stmt)
# print(" << Query ({}) Exec Done".format(localSeqNum))
if res == 0:
if CTaosInterface.fieldsCount(self._connection._conn) == 0:
self._affected_rows += CTaosInterface.affectedRows(self._connection._conn)
......@@ -62,26 +62,35 @@ def runThread(workerThread):
class WorkerThread:
def __init__(self, pool, tid): # note: main thread context!
def __init__(self, pool, tid, dbState): # note: main thread context!
self.curStep = -1
self.pool = pool
self.tid = tid
self.dbState = dbState
# self.threadIdent = threading.get_ident()
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,))
self.stepGate = threading.Event()
# Let us have a DB connection of our own
self._dbConn = DbConn()
def start(self):
self.thread.start() # AFTER the thread is recorded
def run(self):
# initialization after thread starts, in the thread context
# self.isSleeping = False
while self.curStep < self.pool.maxSteps:
# stepNo = self.pool.waitForStep() # Step to run
self.crossStepGate() # self.curStep will get incremented
# clean up
def verifyThreadSelf(self): # ensure we are called by this own thread
if ( threading.get_ident() != self.thread.ident ):
raise RuntimeError("Unexpectly called from other threads")
......@@ -136,7 +145,10 @@ class WorkerThread:
def doWork(self):
logger.info(" Step {}, thread {}: ".format(self.curStep, self.tid))
def execSql(self, sql):
return self.dbState.execSql(sql)
# We define a class to run a number of threads in locking steps.
......@@ -158,10 +170,9 @@ class SteppingThreadPool:
# self.mainGate = threading.Condition()
# starting to run all the threads, in locking steps
def run(self):
# Create the threads
for tid in range(0, self.numThreads):
workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid)
def run(self):
for tid in range(0, self.numThreads): # Create the threads
workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, dbState)
workerThread.start() # start, but should block immediately before step 0
......@@ -169,15 +180,10 @@ class SteppingThreadPool:
self.curStep = -1 # not started yet
while(self.curStep < self.maxSteps):
logger.debug("Main thread going to sleep")
# self.mainGate.acquire()
# self.mainGate.wait() # start snoozing
# self.mainGate.release
self.barrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate"
self.barrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate"
logger.debug("Main thread waking up, tapping worker threads".format(self.curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# time.sleep(0.01) # This is like forever
# The threads will run through many steps
......@@ -192,49 +198,8 @@ class SteppingThreadPool:
self.curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here!
logger.debug(" ") # line break
logger.debug("--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self.curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# allThreadWaiting = False
# with self.lock:
# self.numWaitingThreads += 1
# if ( self.numWaitingThreads == self.numThreads ):
# allThreadWaiting = True
# if (allThreadWaiting): # aha, pass the baton to the main thread
# logger.debug("All threads are now waiting")
# self.numWaitingThreads = 0 # do this 1st to avoid race condition
# # time.sleep(0.001) # thread yield, so main thread can be ready
# self.mainGate.acquire()
# self.mainGate.notify() # main thread would now start to run
# self.mainGate.release()
# time.sleep(0) # yield, maybe main thread can run for just a bit
# def waitForStep(self):
# shouldWait = True;
# with self.lock:
# # if ( self.numWaitingThreads == 0 ): # first one here
# # self.stepGate.acquire() # acquire the underlying lock
# self.numWaitingThreads += 1
# # if ( self.numWaitingThreads < self.numThreads ):
# # do nothing, we should wait
# if ( self.numWaitingThreads == self.numThreads ):
# shouldWait = False # we should now wake up
# elif ( self.numWaitingThreads > self.numThreads ):
# raise RuntimeError("Corrupt state")
# self.stepGate.acquire()
# if (shouldWait):
# self.stepGate.wait()
# else:
# self.numWaitingThreads = 0 # fresh start
# self.curStep += 1 # do this before letting all threads loose
# print("--> Starting step {}".format(self.curStep), end="\r\n") # before notify_all
# # self.stepGate.notify_all()
# self.wakeUpAll()
# self.stepGate.release()
# return self.curStep
def tapAllThreads(self): # in a deterministic manner
wakeSeq = []
......@@ -254,23 +219,32 @@ class LinearQueue():
def __init__(self):
self.firstIndex = 1 # 1st ever element
self.lastIndex = 0
self.lock = threading.RLock() # our functions may call each other
self._lock = threading.RLock() # our functions may call each other
self.inUse = set() # the indexes that are in use right now
def push(self): # Push to the tail (largest)
with self.lock:
if ( self.firstIndex > self.lastIndex ): # impossible, meaning it's empty
self.lastIndex = self.firstIndex
return self.firstIndex
def toText(self):
return "[{}..{}], in use: {}".format(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex, self.inUse)
# Push (add new element, largest) to the tail, and mark it in use
def push(self):
with self._lock:
# if ( self.isEmpty() ):
# self.lastIndex = self.firstIndex
# return self.firstIndex
# Otherwise we have something
self.lastIndex += 1
# self.inUse.add(self.lastIndex) # mark it in use immediately
return self.lastIndex
def pop(self):
with self.lock:
with self._lock:
if ( self.isEmpty() ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot pop an empty queue")
index = self.firstIndex
if ( index in self.inUse ):
self.inUse.remove(index) # TODO: what about discard?
self.firstIndex += 1
return index
......@@ -278,113 +252,155 @@ class LinearQueue():
return self.firstIndex > self.lastIndex
def popIfNotEmpty(self):
with self.lock:
with self._lock:
if (self.isEmpty()):
return 0
return self.pop()
def allocate(self, i):
with self.lock:
with self._lock:
if ( i in self.inUse ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-use same index in queue: {}".format(i))
def release(self, i):
with self.lock:
with self._lock:
self.inUse.remove(i) # KeyError possible
def size(self):
return self.lastIndex + 1 - self.firstIndex
def pickAndAllocate(self):
with self.lock:
if ( self.isEmpty() ):
return None
with self._lock:
cnt = 0 # counting the interations
while True:
cnt += 1
if ( cnt > self.size()*10 ): # 10x iteration already
raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate LinearQueue element")
# raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate LinearQueue element")
return None
ret = Dice.throwRange(self.firstIndex, self.lastIndex+1)
if ( not ret in self.inUse ):
return self.allocate(ret)
return ret
class DbConn:
def __init__(self):
self.isOpen = False
def open(self): # Open connection
if ( self.isOpen ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-open an existing DB connection")
cfgPath = "../../build/test/cfg"
conn = taos.connect(host="", config=cfgPath) # TODO: make configurable
self._tdSql = TDSql()
self.isOpen = True
def resetDb(self): # reset the whole database, etc.
if ( not self.isOpen ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot reset database until connection is open")
self._tdSql.prepare() # Recreate database, etc.
# tdSql.execute('show databases')
def close(self):
if ( not self.isOpen ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot clean up database until connection is open")
self.isOpen = False
def execSql(self, sql):
return self._tdSql.execute(sql)
# State of the database as we believe it to be
class DbState():
def __init__(self):
self.tableNumQueue = LinearQueue()
self.tick = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # initial date time tick
self.int = 0 # initial integer
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self._lastTick = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # initial date time tick
self._lastInt = 0 # next one is initial integer
self._lock = threading.RLock()
# self.openDbServerConnection()
self._dbConn = DbConn()
self._dbConn.resetDb() # drop and recreate DB
def pickAndAllocateTable(self): # pick any table, and "use" it
return self.tableNumQueue.pickAndAllocate()
def addTable(self):
with self._lock:
tIndex = self.tableNumQueue.push()
return tIndex
def releaseTable(self, i): # return the table back, so others can use it
def getNextTick(self):
with self.lock: # prevent duplicate tick
self.tick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # add one second to it
return self.tick
with self._lock: # prevent duplicate tick
self._lastTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # add one second to it
return self._lastTick
def getNextInt(self):
with self.lock:
self.int += 1
return self.int
def openDbServerConnection(self):
cfgPath = "../../build/test/cfg" # was: tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()
conn = taos.connect(host="", config=cfgPath) # TODO: make configurable
tdSql.prepare() # Recreate database, etc.
# tdSql.execute('show databases')
def closeDbServerConnection(self):
tdLog.info("Disconnecting from database server")
def getTableNameToCreate(self):
tblNum = self.tableNumQueue.push()
return "table_{}".format(tblNum)
with self._lock:
self._lastInt += 1
return self._lastInt
def getTableNameToDelete(self):
if self.tableNumQueue.isEmpty():
return False
tblNum = self.tableNumQueue.pop() # TODO: race condition!
return "table_{}".format(tblNum)
def execSql(self, sql): # using the main DB connection
return self._dbConn.execSql(sql)
def cleanUp(self):
class Task():
def __init__(self, dbState):
self.dbState = dbState
def execute(self):
def execute(self, workerThread):
raise RuntimeError("Must be overriden by child class")
def execSql(self, sql):
return self.dbState.execute(sql)
class CreateTableTask(Task):
def execute(self):
tableName = dbState.getTableNameToCreate()
logger.info(" Creating a table {} ...".format(tableName))
tdSql.execute("create table {} (ts timestamp, speed int)".format(tableName))
def execute(self, wt):
tIndex = dbState.addTable()
logger.debug(" Creating a table {} ...".format(tIndex))
wt.execSql("create table table_{} (ts timestamp, speed int)".format(tIndex))
logger.debug(" Table {} created.".format(tIndex))
class DropTableTask(Task):
def execute(self):
def execute(self, wt):
tableName = dbState.getTableNameToDelete()
if ( not tableName ): # May be "False"
logger.info("Cannot generate a table to delete, skipping...")
logger.info(" Cannot generate a table to delete, skipping...")
logger.info(" Dropping a table {} ...".format(tableName))
tdSql.execute("drop table {}".format(tableName))
wt.execSql("drop table {}".format(tableName))
class AddDataTask(Task):
def execute(self):
logger.info(" Adding some data...")
def execute(self, wt):
ds = self.dbState
tIndex = ds.pickTable()
tdSql.execute("insert into table_{} values ('{}', {});".format(tIndex, ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt()))
logger.info(" Adding some data... numQueue={}".format(ds.tableNumQueue.toText()))
tIndex = ds.pickAndAllocateTable()
if ( tIndex == None ):
logger.info(" No table found to add data, skipping...")
sql = "insert into table_{} values ('{}', {});".format(tIndex, ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt())
logger.debug(" Executing SQL: {}".format(sql))
logger.debug(" Finished adding data")
# Deterministic random number generator
class Dice():
......@@ -430,12 +446,15 @@ class WorkDispatcher():
def throwDice(self):
return random.randint(0, len(self.tasks) - 1)
max = len(self.tasks) - 1
dRes = random.randint(0, max)
# logger.debug("Threw the dice in range [{},{}], and got: {}".format(0,max,dRes))
return dRes
def doWork(self):
def doWork(self, workerThread):
dice = self.throwDice()
task = self.tasks[dice]
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger = logging.getLogger('myApp')
......@@ -445,8 +464,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice
dbState = DbState()
threadPool = SteppingThreadPool(dbState, 1, 5, 0)
threadPool = SteppingThreadPool(dbState, 3, 5, 0)
logger.info("Finished running thread pool")
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