提交 6609882f 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

fix(tsdb): add stt statistics block buffer, and do some internal refactor.

上级 71c3c710
......@@ -708,14 +708,21 @@ typedef struct {
} SRowInfo;
typedef struct SSttBlockLoadCostInfo {
int64_t loadBlocks;
int64_t loadStatisBlocks;
double blockElapsedTime;
double statisElapsedTime;
} SSttBlockLoadCostInfo;
typedef struct SSttBlockLoadInfo {
SBlockData blockData[2];
SBlockData blockData[2]; // buffered block data
int32_t statisBlockIndex; // buffered statistics block index
void *statisBlock; // buffered statistics block data
void *pSttStatisBlkArray;
SArray *aSttBlk;
int32_t blockIndex[2]; // to denote the loaded block in the corresponding position.
int32_t currentLoadBlockIndex;
int32_t loadBlocks;
double elapsedTime;
STSchema *pSchema;
int16_t *colIds;
int32_t numOfCols;
......@@ -723,6 +730,8 @@ typedef struct SSttBlockLoadInfo {
bool isLast;
bool sttBlockLoaded;
SSttBlockLoadCostInfo cost;
// keep the last access position, this position may be used to reduce the binary times for
// starting last block data for a new table
struct {
......@@ -831,9 +840,9 @@ void tMergeTreeClose(SMergeTree *pMTree);
SSttBlockLoadInfo *tCreateLastBlockLoadInfo(STSchema *pSchema, int16_t *colList, int32_t numOfCols, int32_t numOfStt);
SSttBlockLoadInfo *tCreateOneLastBlockLoadInfo(STSchema *pSchema, int16_t *colList, int32_t numOfCols);
void resetLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo);
void getLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo, int64_t *blocks, double *el);
void getSttBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo, SSttBlockLoadCostInfo *pLoadCost);
void *destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo);
void *destroySttBlockReader(SArray *pLDataIterArray, int64_t *blocks, double *el);
void *destroySttBlockReader(SArray *pLDataIterArray, SSttBlockLoadCostInfo *pLoadCost);
// tsdbCache ==============================================================================================
typedef enum {
......@@ -1760,10 +1760,7 @@ typedef struct {
static int32_t lastIterOpen(SFSLastIter *iter, STFileSet *pFileSet, STsdb *pTsdb, STSchema *pTSchema, tb_uid_t suid,
tb_uid_t uid, SCacheRowsReader *pr, int64_t lastTs, int16_t *aCols, int nCols) {
int32_t code = 0;
int64_t loadBlocks = 0;
double elapse = 0;
pr->pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pr->pLDataIterArray, &loadBlocks, &elapse);
pr->pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pr->pLDataIterArray, NULL);
pr->pLDataIterArray = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
SMergeTreeConf conf = {
......@@ -125,10 +125,7 @@ int32_t tsdbReuseCacherowsReader(void* reader, void* pTableIdList, int32_t numOf
pReader->pTableList = pTableIdList;
pReader->numOfTables = numOfTables;
pReader->lastTs = INT64_MIN;
int64_t blocks;
double elapse;
pReader->pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pReader->pLDataIterArray, &blocks, &elapse);
pReader->pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pReader->pLDataIterArray, NULL);
pReader->pLDataIterArray = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -208,9 +205,7 @@ void* tsdbCacherowsReaderClose(void* pReader) {
if (p->pLDataIterArray) {
int64_t loadBlocks = 0;
double elapse = 0;
destroySttBlockReader(p->pLDataIterArray, &loadBlocks, &elapse);
destroySttBlockReader(p->pLDataIterArray, NULL);
if (p->pFileReader) {
......@@ -91,25 +91,26 @@ void resetLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo) {
pLoadInfo[i].elapsedTime = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].loadBlocks = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].cost.loadBlocks = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].cost.blockElapsedTime = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].cost.statisElapsedTime = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].cost.loadStatisBlocks = 0;
pLoadInfo[i].statisBlockIndex = -1;
pLoadInfo[i].sttBlockLoaded = false;
void getLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo, int64_t *blocks, double *el) {
void getSttBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo, SSttBlockLoadCostInfo* pLoadCost) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
*el += pLoadInfo[i].elapsedTime;
*blocks += pLoadInfo[i].loadBlocks;
pLoadCost->blockElapsedTime += pLoadInfo[i].cost.blockElapsedTime;
pLoadCost->loadBlocks += pLoadInfo[i].cost.loadBlocks;
pLoadCost->loadStatisBlocks += pLoadInfo[i].cost.loadStatisBlocks;
pLoadCost->statisElapsedTime += pLoadInfo[i].cost.statisElapsedTime;
static void freeTombBlock(void *param) {
STombBlock **pTombBlock = (STombBlock **)param;
void *destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo) {
if (pLoadInfo == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ static void destroyLDataIter(SLDataIter *pIter) {
void *destroySttBlockReader(SArray *pLDataIterArray, int64_t *blocks, double *el) {
void *destroySttBlockReader(SArray *pLDataIterArray, SSttBlockLoadCostInfo* pLoadCost) {
if (pLDataIterArray == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -146,8 +147,13 @@ void *destroySttBlockReader(SArray *pLDataIterArray, int64_t *blocks, double *el
SArray *pList = taosArrayGetP(pLDataIterArray, i);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < taosArrayGetSize(pList); ++j) {
SLDataIter *pIter = taosArrayGetP(pList, j);
*el += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->elapsedTime;
*blocks += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->loadBlocks;
if (pLoadCost != NULL) {
pLoadCost->loadBlocks += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->cost.loadBlocks;
pLoadCost->loadStatisBlocks += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->cost.loadStatisBlocks;
pLoadCost->blockElapsedTime += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->cost.blockElapsedTime;
pLoadCost->statisElapsedTime += pIter->pBlockLoadInfo->cost.statisElapsedTime;
......@@ -195,12 +201,12 @@ static SBlockData *loadLastBlock(SLDataIter *pIter, const char *idStr) {
double el = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
pInfo->elapsedTime += el;
pInfo->loadBlocks += 1;
pInfo->cost.blockElapsedTime += el;
pInfo->cost.loadBlocks += 1;
tsdbDebug("read last block, total load:%d, trigger by uid:%" PRIu64
tsdbDebug("read last block, total load:%"PRId64", trigger by uid:%" PRIu64
", last file index:%d, last block index:%d, entry:%d, rows:%d, %p, elapsed time:%.2f ms, %s",
pInfo->loadBlocks, pIter->uid, pIter->iStt, pIter->iSttBlk, pInfo->currentLoadBlockIndex, pBlock->nRow,
pInfo->cost.loadBlocks, pIter->uid, pIter->iStt, pIter->iSttBlk, pInfo->currentLoadBlockIndex, pBlock->nRow,
pBlock, el, idStr);
pInfo->blockIndex[pInfo->currentLoadBlockIndex] = pIter->iSttBlk;
......@@ -363,8 +369,9 @@ static int32_t suidComparFn(const void *target, const void *p2) {
static bool existsFromSttBlkStatis(const TStatisBlkArray *pStatisBlkArray, uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid,
static bool existsFromSttBlkStatis(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pBlockLoadInfo, uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid,
SSttFileReader *pReader) {
const TStatisBlkArray *pStatisBlkArray = pBlockLoadInfo->pSttStatisBlkArray;
if (TARRAY2_SIZE(pStatisBlkArray) <= 0) {
return true;
......@@ -387,23 +394,30 @@ static bool existsFromSttBlkStatis(const TStatisBlkArray *pStatisBlkArray, uint6
return false;
STbStatisBlock block = {0};
tsdbSttFileReadStatisBlock(pReader, p, &block);
if (pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlock == NULL) {
pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlock = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STbStatisBlock));
tsdbSttFileReadStatisBlock(pReader, p, pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlock);
pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlockIndex = i;
pBlockLoadInfo->cost.loadStatisBlocks += 1;
} else if (pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlockIndex != i) {
tsdbSttFileReadStatisBlock(pReader, p, pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlock);
pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlockIndex = i;
pBlockLoadInfo->cost.loadStatisBlocks += 1;
int32_t index = tarray2SearchIdx(block.suid, &suid, sizeof(int64_t), suidComparFn, TD_EQ);
STbStatisBlock* pBlock = pBlockLoadInfo->statisBlock;
int32_t index = tarray2SearchIdx(pBlock->suid, &suid, sizeof(int64_t), suidComparFn, TD_EQ);
if (index == -1) {
return false;
int32_t j = index;
if (block.uid->data[j] == uid) {
if (pBlock->uid->data[j] == uid) {
return true;
} else if (block.uid->data[j] > uid) {
while (j >= 0 && block.suid->data[j] == suid) {
if (block.uid->data[j] == uid) {
} else if (pBlock->uid->data[j] > uid) {
while (j >= 0 && pBlock->suid->data[j] == suid) {
if (pBlock->uid->data[j] == uid) {
return true;
} else {
j -= 1;
......@@ -411,9 +425,8 @@ static bool existsFromSttBlkStatis(const TStatisBlkArray *pStatisBlkArray, uint6
} else {
j = index + 1;
while (j < block.suid->size && block.suid->data[j] == suid) {
if (block.uid->data[j] == uid) {
while (j < pBlock->suid->size && pBlock->suid->data[j] == suid) {
if (pBlock->uid->data[j] == uid) {
return true;
} else {
j += 1;
......@@ -421,14 +434,47 @@ static bool existsFromSttBlkStatis(const TStatisBlkArray *pStatisBlkArray, uint6
i += 1;
return false;
int32_t tLDataIterOpen2(struct SLDataIter *pIter, SSttFileReader *pSttFileReader, int32_t iStt, int8_t backward,
static int32_t doLoadSttFilesBlk(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pBlockLoadInfo, SLDataIter *pIter, int64_t suid,
_load_tomb_fn loadTombFn, void *pReader1, const char *idStr) {
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
const TSttBlkArray *pSttBlkArray = NULL;
pBlockLoadInfo->sttBlockLoaded = true;
// load the stt block info for each stt-block
int32_t code = tsdbSttFileReadSttBlk(pIter->pReader, &pSttBlkArray);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("load stt blk failed, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
code = extractSttBlockInfo(pIter, pSttBlkArray, pBlockLoadInfo, suid);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("load stt block info failed, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
// load stt blocks statis for all stt-blocks, to decide if the data of queried table exists in current stt file
code = tsdbSttFileReadStatisBlk(pIter->pReader, (const TStatisBlkArray **)&pBlockLoadInfo->pSttStatisBlkArray);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("failed to load stt block statistics, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
code = loadTombFn(pReader1, pIter->pReader, pIter->pBlockLoadInfo);
double el = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
tsdbDebug("load the stt file info completed, elapsed time:%.2fms, %s", el, idStr);
return code;
int32_t tLDataIterOpen2(SLDataIter *pIter, SSttFileReader *pSttFileReader, int32_t iStt, int8_t backward,
uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid, STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pRange,
SSttBlockLoadInfo *pBlockLoadInfo, const char *idStr, bool strictTimeRange,
_load_tomb_fn loadTombFn, void *pReader1) {
......@@ -444,6 +490,7 @@ int32_t tLDataIterOpen2(struct SLDataIter *pIter, SSttFileReader *pSttFileReader
pIter->pReader = pSttFileReader;
pIter->pBlockLoadInfo = pBlockLoadInfo;
// open stt file failed, ignore and continue
if (pIter->pReader == NULL) {
tsdbError("stt file reader is null, %s", idStr);
pIter->pSttBlk = NULL;
......@@ -452,43 +499,18 @@ int32_t tLDataIterOpen2(struct SLDataIter *pIter, SSttFileReader *pSttFileReader
if (!pBlockLoadInfo->sttBlockLoaded) {
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
const TSttBlkArray *pSttBlkArray = NULL;
pBlockLoadInfo->sttBlockLoaded = true;
// load the stt block info for each stt-block
code = tsdbSttFileReadSttBlk(pIter->pReader, &pSttBlkArray);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("load stt blk failed, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
code = extractSttBlockInfo(pIter, pSttBlkArray, pBlockLoadInfo, suid);
code = doLoadSttFilesBlk(pBlockLoadInfo, pIter, suid, loadTombFn, pReader1, idStr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("load stt block info failed, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
// load stt blocks statis for all stt-blocks, to decide if the data of queried table exists in current stt file
code = tsdbSttFileReadStatisBlk(pIter->pReader, (const TStatisBlkArray **)&pBlockLoadInfo->pSttStatisBlkArray);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("failed to load stt block statistics, code:%s, %s", tstrerror(code), idStr);
return code;
code = loadTombFn(pReader1, pIter->pReader, pIter->pBlockLoadInfo);
double el = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
tsdbDebug("load the stt file info completed, elapsed time:%.2fms, %s", el, idStr);
// bool exists = existsFromSttBlkStatis(pBlockLoadInfo->pSttStatisBlkArray, suid, uid, pIter->pReader);
// if (!exists) {
// pIter->iSttBlk = -1;
// pIter->pSttBlk = NULL;
// }
bool exists = existsFromSttBlkStatis(pBlockLoadInfo, suid, uid, pIter->pReader);
if (!exists) {
pIter->iSttBlk = -1;
pIter->pSttBlk = NULL;
// find the start block, actually we could load the position to avoid repeatly searching for the start position when
// the skey is updated.
......@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ typedef struct SIOCostSummary {
double headFileLoadTime;
int64_t smaDataLoad;
double smaLoadTime;
int64_t lastBlockLoad;
double lastBlockLoadTime;
int64_t sttStatisBlockLoad;
int64_t sttBlockLoad;
double sttBlockLoadTime;
int64_t composedBlocks;
double buildComposedBlockTime;
double createScanInfoList;
// double getTbFromMemTime;
// double getTbFromIMemTime;
SSttBlockLoadCostInfo sttCost;
double initDelSkylineIterTime;
} SIOCostSummary;
......@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ static int32_t filesetIteratorNext(SFilesetIter* pIter, STsdbReader* pReader, bo
SIOCostSummary* pSum = &pReader->cost;
getLastBlockLoadInfo(pIter->pLastBlockReader->pInfo, &pSum->lastBlockLoad, &pReader->cost.lastBlockLoadTime);
SIOCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
getSttBlockLoadInfo(pIter->pLastBlockReader->pInfo, &pCost->sttCost);
pIter->pLastBlockReader->uid = 0;
......@@ -4697,7 +4697,7 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SLastBlockReader* pLReader = pFilesetIter->pLastBlockReader;
getLastBlockLoadInfo(pLReader->pInfo, &pCost->lastBlockLoad, &pCost->lastBlockLoadTime);
getSttBlockLoadInfo(pLReader->pInfo, &pCost->sttCost);
pLReader->pInfo = destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(pLReader->pInfo);
......@@ -4711,7 +4711,7 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
", composed-blocks-time:%.2fms, STableBlockScanInfo size:%.2f Kb, createTime:%.2f ms,initDelSkylineIterTime:%.2f "
"ms, %s",
pReader, pCost->headFileLoad, pCost->headFileLoadTime, pCost->smaDataLoad, pCost->smaLoadTime, pCost->numOfBlocks,
pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->lastBlockLoad, pCost->lastBlockLoadTime, pCost->composedBlocks,
pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->sttBlockLoad, pCost->sttBlockLoadTime, pCost->composedBlocks,
pCost->buildComposedBlockTime, numOfTables * sizeof(STableBlockScanInfo) / 1000.0, pCost->createScanInfoList,
pCost->initDelSkylineIterTime, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -168,13 +168,11 @@ static int32_t filesetIteratorNext(SFilesetIter* pIter, STsdbReader* pReader, bo
SCostSummary* pSum = &pReader->cost;
SCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
pIter->pLastBlockReader->uid = 0;
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray =
destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &pSum->lastBlockLoad, &pSum->lastBlockLoadTime);
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &pCost->sttCost);
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
// check file the time range of coverage
......@@ -4067,18 +4065,20 @@ void tsdbReaderClose2(STsdbReader* pReader) {
destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &pCost->lastBlockLoad, &pCost->lastBlockLoadTime);
destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &pCost->sttCost);
"%p :io-cost summary: head-file:%" PRIu64 ", head-file time:%.2f ms, SMA:%" PRId64
" SMA-time:%.2f ms, fileBlocks:%" PRId64
", fileBlocks-load-time:%.2f ms, "
"build in-memory-block-time:%.2f ms, lastBlocks:%" PRId64 ", lastBlocks-time:%.2f ms, composed-blocks:%" PRId64
"build in-memory-block-time:%.2f ms, sttBlocks:%" PRId64 ", sttStatisBlock:%" PRId64
", sttBlocks-time:%.2f ms, stt-statis-Block-time:%.2f ms, composed-blocks:%" PRId64
", composed-blocks-time:%.2fms, STableBlockScanInfo size:%.2f Kb, createTime:%.2f ms,createSkylineIterTime:%.2f "
"ms, initLastBlockReader:%.2fms, %s",
pReader, pCost->headFileLoad, pCost->headFileLoadTime, pCost->smaDataLoad, pCost->smaLoadTime, pCost->numOfBlocks,
pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->lastBlockLoad, pCost->lastBlockLoadTime, pCost->composedBlocks,
pCost->blockLoadTime, pCost->buildmemBlock, pCost->sttCost.loadBlocks, pCost->sttCost.loadStatisBlocks,
pCost->sttCost.blockElapsedTime, pCost->sttCost.statisElapsedTime, pCost->composedBlocks,
pCost->buildComposedBlockTime, numOfTables * sizeof(STableBlockScanInfo) / 1000.0, pCost->createScanInfoList,
pCost->createSkylineIterTime, pCost->initLastBlockReader, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -4092,9 +4092,8 @@ void tsdbReaderClose2(STsdbReader* pReader) {
int32_t tsdbReaderSuspend2(STsdbReader* pReader) {
int32_t code = 0;
// save reader's base state & reset top state to be reconstructed from base state
int32_t code = 0;
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo = NULL;
......@@ -4110,9 +4109,9 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderSuspend2(STsdbReader* pReader) {
int64_t loadBlocks = 0;
double elapse = 0;
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &loadBlocks, &elapse);
SCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray = destroySttBlockReader(pReader->status.pLDataIterArray, &pCost->sttCost);
pReader->status.pLDataIterArray = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
// resetDataBlockScanInfo excluding lastKey
STableBlockScanInfo** p = NULL;
......@@ -4209,7 +4208,6 @@ static int32_t tsdbSetQueryReseek(void* pQHandle) {
return code;
......@@ -4222,8 +4220,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbSetQueryReseek(void* pQHandle) {
int32_t tsdbReaderResume2(STsdbReader* pReader) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t code = 0;
STableBlockScanInfo** pBlockScanInfo = pReader->status.pTableIter;
// restore reader's state
......@@ -4290,7 +4287,6 @@ static bool tsdbReadRowsCountOnly(STsdbReader* pReader) {
pBlock->info.rows = pReader->rowsNum;
pBlock->info.id.uid = 0;
pBlock->info.dataLoad = 0;
pReader->rowsNum = 0;
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
......@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ typedef struct SCostSummary {
double headFileLoadTime;
int64_t smaDataLoad;
double smaLoadTime;
int64_t lastBlockLoad;
double lastBlockLoadTime;
SSttBlockLoadCostInfo sttCost;
int64_t composedBlocks;
double buildComposedBlockTime;
double createScanInfoList;
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