提交 6144cad0 编写于 作者: G gccgdb1234

docs: remove arithmetic from functions.md

上级 5a9774b5
......@@ -1537,37 +1537,6 @@ SELECT SUBSTR(str,pos[,len]) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
- Parameter `pos` can be an positive or negative integer; If it's positive, the starting position will be counted from the beginning of the string; if it's negative, the starting position will be counted from the end of the string.
- If `len` is not specified, it means from `pos` to the end.
### Arithmetic Operations
SELECT field_name [+|-|*|/|%][Value|field_name] FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
**Description**: The sum, difference, product, quotient, or remainder between one or more columns
**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
**Applicable table types**: table, STable
**More explanations**:
- Arithmetic operations can be performed on two or more columns, Parentheses `()` can be used to control the order of precedence.
- NULL doesn't participate in the operation i.e. if one of the operands is NULL then result is NULL.
taos> SELECT current + voltage * phase FROM d1001;
(current+(voltage*phase)) |
78.190000713 |
84.540003240 |
80.810000718 |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001046s)
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