提交 60ba3849 编写于 作者: haoranc's avatar haoranc

[TD-4290]<test>: add testcase that compact wal file

上级 68aeccbe
"filetype": "insert",
"cfgdir": "/etc/taos",
"host": "",
"port": 6030,
"user": "root",
"password": "taosdata",
"thread_count": 4,
"thread_count_create_tbl": 4,
"result_file": "./insert_res.txt",
"confirm_parameter_prompt": "no",
"insert_interval": 0,
"interlace_rows": 10,
"num_of_records_per_req": 1000,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"databases": [{
"dbinfo": {
"name": "db1",
"drop": "yes",
"replica": 1,
"days": 10,
"cache": 50,
"blocks": 8,
"precision": "ms",
"keep": 365,
"minRows": 100,
"maxRows": 4096,
"update": 0
"super_tables": [{
"name": "stb0",
"childtable_count": 1000,
"childtable_prefix": "stb00_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 100,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 100,
"childtable_limit": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-10-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 32, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
"name": "stb1",
"childtable_count": 1000,
"childtable_prefix": "stb01_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 10,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 200,
"childtable_limit": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-10-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 32, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
"filetype": "insert",
"cfgdir": "/etc/taos",
"host": "",
"port": 6030,
"user": "root",
"password": "taosdata",
"thread_count": 4,
"thread_count_create_tbl": 4,
"result_file": "./insert_res.txt",
"confirm_parameter_prompt": "no",
"insert_interval": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"num_of_records_per_req": 3000,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"databases": [{
"dbinfo": {
"name": "db2",
"drop": "yes",
"replica": 1,
"days": 10,
"cache": 50,
"blocks": 8,
"precision": "ms",
"keep": 365,
"minRows": 100,
"maxRows": 4096,
"update": 0
"super_tables": [{
"name": "stb0",
"childtable_count": 2000,
"childtable_prefix": "stb0_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 100,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 2000,
"childtable_limit": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-10-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 32, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
"name": "stb1",
"childtable_count": 2,
"childtable_prefix": "stb1_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 10,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 5,
"childtable_limit": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-10-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 32, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
"filetype": "insert",
"cfgdir": "/etc/taos",
"host": "",
"port": 6030,
"user": "root",
"password": "taosdata",
"thread_count": 4,
"thread_count_create_tbl": 4,
"result_file": "./insert_res.txt",
"confirm_parameter_prompt": "no",
"insert_interval": 0,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"num_of_records_per_req": 3000,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"databases": [{
"dbinfo": {
"name": "db2",
"drop": "no",
"replica": 1,
"days": 10,
"cache": 50,
"blocks": 8,
"precision": "ms",
"keep": 365,
"minRows": 100,
"maxRows": 4096,
"update": 0
"super_tables": [{
"name": "stb0",
"childtable_count": 1,
"childtable_prefix": "stb0_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 100,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 0,
"childtable_limit": -1,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-10-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 32, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
"name": "stb1",
"childtable_count": 1,
"childtable_prefix": "stb01_",
"auto_create_table": "no",
"batch_create_tbl_num": 10,
"data_source": "rand",
"insert_mode": "taosc",
"insert_rows": 10,
"childtable_limit": -1,
"interlace_rows": 0,
"max_sql_len": 1024000,
"disorder_ratio": 0,
"disorder_range": 1000,
"timestamp_step": 1,
"start_timestamp": "2020-11-01 00:00:00.000",
"sample_format": "csv",
"sample_file": "./sample.csv",
"tags_file": "",
"columns": [{"type": "INT"}, {"type": "DOUBLE", "count":1}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}],
"tags": [{"type": "TINYINT", "count":2}, {"type": "BINARY", "len": 16, "count":1}]
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import taos
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if ("community" in selfPath):
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")]
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath):
if ("taosd" in files):
rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root))
if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath):
buildPath = root[:len(root)-len("/build/bin")]
return buildPath
def run(self):
buildPath = self.getBuildPath()
if (buildPath == ""):
tdLog.exit("taosd not found!")
tdLog.info("taosd found in %s" % buildPath)
binPath = buildPath+ "/build/bin/"
#new db and insert data
os.system("rm -rf /home/chr/TDengine/sim/dnode1/data/mnode_tmp/")
os.system("rm -rf /home/chr/TDengine/sim/dnode1/data/mnode_bak/")
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db2")
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb1.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db1")
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb2.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("drop table if exists db2.stb0")
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb2Newstab.json -y " % binPath)
query_pid1 = int(subprocess.getstatusoutput('ps aux|grep taosd |grep -v "grep"|awk \'{print $2}\'')[1])
tdSql.execute("use db2")
tdSql.execute("drop table if exists stb1_0")
tdSql.execute("drop table if exists stb1_1")
tdSql.execute("insert into stb0_0 values(1614218412000,8637,78.861045,'R','bf3')(1614218422000,8637,98.861045,'R','bf3')")
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 add column col4 int")
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 drop column col2")
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 add tag t3 int;")
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 drop tag t1")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb2_0 (ts timestamp, col0 int, col1 float) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into stb2_0 values(1614218412000,8637,78.861045)")
tdSql.execute("alter table stb2_0 add column col2 binary(4)")
tdSql.execute("alter table stb2_0 drop column col1")
tdSql.execute("insert into stb2_0 values(1614218422000,8638,'R')")
# stop taosd and compact wal file
os.system("ps -ef |grep taosd |grep -v 'grep' |awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9")
# os.system("nohup taosd --compact-mnode-wal -c /home/chr/TDengine/sim/dnode1/cfg/ & ")
os.system("nohup /home/chr/TDengine/debug/build/bin/taosd -c /home/chr/TDengine/sim/dnode1/cfg > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
tdSql.execute("reset query cache")
query_pid2 = int(subprocess.getstatusoutput('ps aux|grep taosd |grep -v "grep"|awk \'{print $2}\'')[1])
# use new wal file to start up tasod
# conn1 = taos.connect(host="chenhaoran02", user="root", password="taosdata", config="/home/chr/TDengine/sim/dnode1/cfg/" )
# cur1 = conn1.cursor()
# tdSql.init(cur1, True)
tdSql.execute("use db2")
tdSql.query("select count (tbname) from stb0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 1)
tdSql.query("select count (tbname) from stb1")
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb0_0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb2_0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
os.system("rm -rf ./insert_res.txt")
os.system("rm -rf wal/sdbComp.py.sql")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
import taos
import threading
class TwoClients:
def initConnection(self):
self.host = "chenhaoran01"
self.user = "root"
self.password = "taosdata"
self.config = "/etc/taos/"
self.port =6030
self.rowNum = 10
self.ts = 1537146000000
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if ("community" in selfPath):
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")]
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath):
if ("taosd" in files):
rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root))
if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath):
buildPath = root[:len(root)-len("/build/bin")]
return buildPath
def run(self):
buildPath = self.getBuildPath()
if (buildPath == ""):
tdLog.exit("taosd not found!")
tdLog.info("taosd found in %s" % buildPath)
binPath = buildPath+ "/build/bin/"
# query data from cluster'db
conn1 = taos.connect(host=self.host, user=self.user, password=self.password, config=self.config )
cur1 = conn1.cursor()
tdSql.init(cur1, True)
# tdSql.init(cur2, True)
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb1.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db1")
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb2.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("drop table if exists db2.stb0")
os.system("%staosdemo -f wal/insertDataDb2Newstab.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 add column col4 int")
tdSql.execute("alter table db2.stb0 drop column col2")
os.system("ps -ef |grep taosd |grep -v 'grep' |awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9")
os.system("nohup taosd --compact-mnode-wal & ")
os.system("nohup /usr/bin/taosd > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
conn2 = taos.connect(host=self.host, user=self.user, password=self.password, config=self.config )
cur2 = conn2.cursor()
tdSql.init(cur2, True)
tdSql.execute("use db2")
tdSql.query("select count (tbname) from stb0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 1)
tdSql.query("select count (tbname) from stb1")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb00_0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 1)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb0")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 1)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb1")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 20)
clients = TwoClients()
# clients.getBuildPath()
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