提交 60626327 编写于 作者: B Benguang Zhao

enh: turn commit-cb logging msg to debug level in vnodeSyncCommitMsg

上级 3e13cd82
......@@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ static void vnodeSyncCommitMsg(SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SFsmCbMeta c
rpcMsg.info.conn.applyIndex = cbMeta.index;
rpcMsg.info.conn.applyTerm = cbMeta.term;
vInfo("vgId:%d, commit-cb is excuted, fsm:%p, index:%" PRId64 ", term:%" PRIu64 ", msg-index:%" PRId64
", weak:%d, code:%d, state:%d %s, type:%s",
syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync), pFsm, cbMeta.index, cbMeta.term, rpcMsg.info.conn.applyIndex, cbMeta.isWeak,
cbMeta.code, cbMeta.state, syncUtilState2String(cbMeta.state), TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
vDebug("vgId:%d, commit-cb is excuted, fsm:%p, index:%" PRId64 ", term:%" PRIu64 ", msg-index:%" PRId64
", weak:%d, code:%d, state:%d %s, type:%s",
syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync), pFsm, cbMeta.index, cbMeta.term, rpcMsg.info.conn.applyIndex, cbMeta.isWeak,
cbMeta.code, cbMeta.state, syncUtilState2String(cbMeta.state), TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
tmsgPutToQueue(&pVnode->msgCb, APPLY_QUEUE, &rpcMsg);
} else {
......@@ -618,10 +618,12 @@ int32_t syncLogBufferValidate(SSyncLogBuffer* pBuf) {
ASSERT(pBuf->commitIndex <= pBuf->matchIndex);
ASSERT(pBuf->matchIndex < pBuf->endIndex);
ASSERT(pBuf->endIndex - pBuf->startIndex <= pBuf->size);
#if 0
for (SyncIndex index = pBuf->startIndex; index <= pBuf->matchIndex; index++) {
SSyncRaftEntry* pEntry = pBuf->entries[(index + pBuf->size) % pBuf->size].pItem;
ASSERT(pEntry != NULL);
return 0;
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