提交 5f4cb41e 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

fix(tmq): set correct start offset value.

上级 c8ad465a
......@@ -535,10 +535,14 @@ static int32_t doSendCommitMsg(tmq_t* tmq, SMqClientVg* pVg, const char* pTopicN
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pParamSet->totalRspNum, 1);
SEp* pEp = GET_ACTIVE_EP(&pVg->epSet);
tscDebug("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " topic:%s on vgId:%d send offset:%" PRId64 " prev:%" PRId64
", ep:%s:%d, ordinal:%d/%d, req:0x%" PRIx64,
tmq->consumerId, pOffset->subKey, pVg->vgId, pOffset->val.version, pVg->committedOffset.version, pEp->fqdn,
pEp->port, index + 1, totalVgroups, pMsgSendInfo->requestId);
char offsetBuf[80] = {0};
tFormatOffset(offsetBuf, tListLen(offsetBuf), &pOffset->val);
char commitBuf[80] = {0};
tFormatOffset(commitBuf, tListLen(commitBuf), &pVg->committedOffset);
tscDebug("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " topic:%s on vgId:%d send offset:%s prev:%s, ep:%s:%d, ordinal:%d/%d, req:0x%" PRIx64,
tmq->consumerId, pOffset->subKey, pVg->vgId, offsetBuf, commitBuf, pEp->fqdn, pEp->port, index + 1,
totalVgroups, pMsgSendInfo->requestId);
int64_t transporterId = 0;
asyncSendMsgToServer(tmq->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, &pVg->epSet, &transporterId, pMsgSendInfo);
......@@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ static int32_t extractResetOffsetVal(STqOffsetVal* pOffsetVal, STQ* pTq, STqHand
char formatBuf[80];
tFormatOffset(formatBuf, 80, pOffsetVal);
tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 ", subkey %s, vgId:%d, existed offset found, offset reset to %s and continue.",
consumerId, pHandle->subKey, vgId, formatBuf);
tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 ", subkey %s, vgId:%d, existed offset found, offset reset to %s and continue. reqId:0x%"PRIx64,
consumerId, pHandle->subKey, vgId, formatBuf, pRequest->reqId);
return 0;
} else {
// no poll occurs in this vnode for this topic, let's seek to the right offset value.
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffs
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = NULL;
uint64_t ts = 0;
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tmq task start to execute, consumer:0x%" PRIx64, vgId, pHandle->consumerId);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tmq task start to execute, consumer:0x%"PRIx64, vgId, pHandle->consumerId);
code = qExecTask(task, &pDataBlock, &ts);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1156,6 +1156,11 @@ int32_t qStreamPrepareScan(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, STqOffsetVal* pOffset, int8_t subT
STableKeyInfo keyInfo = {.uid = uid};
int64_t oldSkey = pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey;
// let's start from the next ts that returned to consumer.
pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey = ts + 1;
if (pScanBaseInfo->dataReader == NULL) {
int32_t code = tsdbReaderOpen(pScanBaseInfo->readHandle.vnode, &pScanBaseInfo->cond, &keyInfo, 1,
pScanInfo->pResBlock, &pScanBaseInfo->dataReader, NULL);
......@@ -1164,21 +1169,20 @@ int32_t qStreamPrepareScan(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, STqOffsetVal* pOffset, int8_t subT
terrno = code;
return -1;
qDebug("tsdb reader created with offset(snapshot) uid:%" PRId64 " ts %" PRId64 " table index:%d, total:%d, %s",
uid, ts, pScanInfo->currentTable, numOfTables, id);
} else {
tsdbSetTableList(pScanBaseInfo->dataReader, &keyInfo, 1);
int64_t oldSkey = pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey;
// let's start from the next ts that returned to consumer.
pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey = ts + 1;
tsdbReaderReset(pScanBaseInfo->dataReader, &pScanBaseInfo->cond);
// restore the key value
pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey = oldSkey;
pScanInfo->scanTimes = 0;
qDebug("tsdb reader offset seek snapshot to uid:%" PRId64 " ts %" PRId64 " table index:%d numOfTable:%d, %s",
uid, ts, pScanInfo->currentTable, numOfTables, id);
// restore the key value
pScanBaseInfo->cond.twindows.skey = oldSkey;
} else {
qError("invalid pOffset->type:%d, %s", pOffset->type, id);
return -1;
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